Gambar halaman

Gerard Bancker, Richard Varick and John Watts, or the major part of them, fuch fum as may be neceflary for the purposes aforefaid; not exceeding in the whole, the fum of eight thousand pounds, out of any monies in the treasury not other wife appropriated, to be by them applied to the purposes aforefaid: And it is hereby declared, that the faid fum of eight thousand pounds, is the whole fum intended to be appropriated to the purpofes aforefaid.

V. And be it further enacted by the authority aferefaid, That it fhall and may be lawful for the commiffioners of the land-office, to agree or contract with fuch perfon or perfons as they fhall judge proper, for exploring, laying out and opening a road, to begin on any part of the public road that leads from Kingston to Peen Peck, and to extend weftward so far and in fuch direction as the faid commiffioners shall judge most conducive to the interest of the flate.

VI. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, That it fhall and may be lawful for the faid commiffioners from time to time, to draw from the treafury, by warrant from his excellency the governor, for the purpofe of defraying the expences of exploring, laying out and opening the 1. ia road, fuch fums of money as they fhall judge neceflary, not exceeding in the whole the fum of fifteen hundred pounds,

VII. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful for the commiffioners of the land-office, to agree or contract with fuch perfon or perfons as they fhall judge proper for exploring, laying out and opening a road from the fouth end of lake Otfego, to the Mohawk river, and in fuch direction as the faid commiffioners fhall judge moft conducive to the intereft of this ftate: And that it shall and may be lawful for the faid commiflioners, from time to time, to draw from the treasury, by warrant from his excellency the governor, for the purpose aforesaid, fuch fums of money as they fhall judge neceffary, not exceeding in the whole the fum of four hundred pounds.


An ACT to incorporate the Stockholders of the New-York Manufacturing
Paffed 16th March, 1790.

WHEREAS James Nicholson, and others, affociated as a company under the style of the New-York manufacturing fociety, for the laud able purposes of eftablishing manufactories, and furnishing employment for the honeft induftrious poor, by their petition prefented to this legiflature, have prayed to be incorporated, to enable them more extenfively to carry into effect their patriotic intentions; Therefore,

1. Be it enacted by the people of the fate of New-York,reprefented in fenate and affembly, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the fame, That all fuch perfons, who now are and hereafter fhall be ftockholders of the faid fociety, fhall be and hereby are ordained, conflituted and declared to be one body corporate and politic, in fact and in name, by the name of "The New-York manufacturing fociety," and that by that name, they and their fucceffors, for twenty-five years hereafter, fhall and may have fucceffion; and fhall be perfons in law capable of fuing and being fued, pleading and of being impleaded, answering and heing anfwered unto, defending and being defended, in all courts and places whatfoever, in all manner of adions, fuits, complaints, matters and caufes whatsoever; and that they and their fuc


ceffors, may have a common feal, and may change and alter the fame at their pleasure; and also that they and their fuccefiors, by the name of the New-York manufacturing fociety, fhall be in law capable of purchasing, holding and conveying any eftate, real or perfonal, for the public ufe of the faid corporation. Provided, That the whole of the stock Stock not to exceed and real estate of the faid corporation, fhall never exceed fixty thousand pounds, current money of New-York. II. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, That the flock, property, affairs and concerns of the faid corporation, fhall be managed and conducted by twelve directors, who fhall be stockholders; and fhall toge ther with a treasurer be annually chofen and elected, on the third Wednesday in March, in every year, at fuch time of the day, and at fuch place in the city of New-York as the directors for the time being, fhall ten days at leaft prior to the day of election appoint, by notice thereof in two of the public. news-papers of this ftate, that all elections for the treafurer and directors, fhall be by ballot, and fuch perfon who fhall at any election have the greateft number of votes given at fuch election, as treasurer, fhall be the treasurer, and in like manner fuch twelve perfons who fhall have the greatest number of votes at fuch election, fhall be the directors, and fhall hold their offices for one year. That if any vacancies fhall happen among the directors, by death, refignation or removal, fuch vacancies fhall be filled for the remainder of the year in which they may happen in the fame manner as the annual elections are made, at fuch times and places as the remainder of the directors, for the time being, fhall appoint. That the first directors fhall be James Nicholfon, James Renwick, Henry Tenbrook, William W. Gilbert, John Lawrence, John Murray, junior, White Matlack, Jacob Hallet, William Maxwell, James Watfon, Nicholas Cruger and Matthew Clarkfon; and the first treasurer, Alexander Robertfon, who fhall hold their offices until the third Wednesday in March next, and until others fhall be chofen in their places. III. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, Each fhare of flock That each fhare of the ftock of the faid corporation shall ftockholders to vote be ten pounds, current lawful money of this flate; and that each flockholder be entitled to a number of votes, proportioned to the number of fhares which he or she shall have or hold in his or her name, according to the following ratios, that is to fay, every owner of one or more fhares, to the number of four, fhall have one vote; of five fhares and lefs than ten, three votes; often shares, and less than twenty, five votes; of twenty shares, eight votes; and one vote for every ren fhares above twenty.

to be ten pounds, and

in proportion to their number of shares.

IV. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, That the directors for the time being, fhall regularly meet on the fourth Wednesday of March, June, September and December, in every year, and at fuch other times as they may judge expedient; and the faid directors, for the time being, or a major part of them, fhall have the difpofition of the funds of the faid corporation; and fhall annually on the third Wednesday in March, lay before the ftockholders of the faid corporation, a general ftatement of their accounts and proceedings; which fame ftatement of accounts and proceedings, it fhall be the duty of the directors to lodge with the treasurer, at least ten days previous to fuch annual meetings, for the infpection and examination ofthe ftockholders. And the directors for the time being, or the major part of them, fhall have power to make and prefcribe fuch bye-laws, rules and regulations, as to them fhall appear needful and proper, touching the ma

nagement and difpofition of the flock, property, eftate and effects of the faid corporation, and touching the duties and conduct of their fecretary, clerks, agents and fervants, employed therein; and touching all fuch matters as appertain to the faid corporation, with powers to appoint fuch and fo many officers, clerks and fervants, for carrying on the faid business, and with fuch allowances and falaries, as fhall to them feem meet. Provided, That such bye-laws, rules and regulations, be not repugnant to the conftitutions and laws of the United States, or of this state.

V. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, That this act be, and is hereby declared to be a public act; and fhall be conftrued benignly and favorably for every beneficial purpose herein intended.

VI. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, That the flockholders entitled to vote agreeable to this act, may give their respective votes, either by themselves, or their agents thereunto fpecially appointed.

VII. And be it further enalled by the authority aforefaid, That the treafur. er of this ftate be, and he is hereby authorised and required, in his own name to fubfcribe, and out of any unappropriated monies in the treafury to pay for one hundred shares in the flock of the faid corporation, and to hold and manage the fame for the use of the people of this flate.


An ACT to prolong the Terms of the Courts of Common Pleas and General. Seffions of the Peace, in and for the County of Columbia, and for altering. the Terms of the Courts of Common Pleas and General Seffions of the Peace, in and for Queen's and Westchester Counties.

Paffed 22d March, 1790. 1. E it enacted by the people of the fate of New-York, reprefented in fenate and affembly, and it is hereby enabled by the authority of the fame, That the terms or fittings of the courts of common pleas and general feffions of the peace in and for the faid county of Columbia, thereafter to be held in the faid county, fhall be held and continued from the times of their respective commencement by law, every day (except Sunday) until Thurfday in the next enfuing week inclufive, unless the bufiefs of the faid courts will fooner admit of an adjournment; any law to the contrary notwithflanding.

II. And be it further cnadled by the authority aforefaid, That the February term of the court of common pleas and general feffions of the peace in and for Queen's county, fhall be and hereby is abolished. And that at the end of the term of the court of common pleas and general feffions of the peace to be held in and for Queen's county, on the fecond Monday in November, in every year hereafter, or as foon as the due adminiftration of justice will admit, in each November term, the faid courts fhall be adjourned to the filt Monday in June then next.

III. And be it further enacled by the authority aforefaid, That the September and January terms of the courts of common pleas and general feflions of the peace in and for the county of Westchester, fhall be and hereby are abolifhed. And that in future the courts of common pleas and general feffions. of the peace in and for the faid county, fhall be lid on the fourth Mondays in May and October in every year; and fhall be held alternately at the court-house, at the White-Plains, and at the court-house in Bedford; and may continue and be held until the feveral Saturdays next following inclufive, unless the business of the faid courts will fooner admit of an adjournment.


* feff. ch. 40. An ACT to amend the Alientuled, An Al concerning



Passed 22d March, 1790. HEREAS many inconveniences have arifen from the probibiting the exporting of flaves from this flate; Therefore

I. Be it enacted by the people of the fate of New-York, represented in fenate and affembly, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the fame, That where any flave fhall hereafter be convicted of a crime under the degree of a capital offence, in the fupreme court, or the court of oyer and terminer, and general goal delivery, or a court of general feffions of the peace within this flate, it fall and may be lawful to and for the mafter or mistress to cause fuch flave to be tranfported out of this ftate. Provided always, That the court before which the conviction may take place, fhall previously certify, that the crime whereof such flave shall be convicted, is of fuch a nature, that transportation would be a proper punishment: Provided alfo, That this act fhall not be conftrued to reftrain any fuch court from inflicting fuch other pu nifhent on a flave fo to be convicted, as from the nature of the offence, and the courfe of the law they may judge proper.

II. And be it further enacted by the authority aforefaid, That whenever a mafter or mistress fhall be difpofed to manumit his or her flave, according to the direction of an act, entitled, An act concerning flaves, paffed the 22d day of February, 1788, and the overfeers of the poor of any city, town or place where fuch mafter or miftrefs fhall refide, or the major part of them, on application made by fuch mafter or miftrefs, fhall refufe to give the certificate by that act prescribed, and the mafter or miftrefs fhall conceive himself or herself aggrieved thereby, it fhall and may be lawful for fuch master or miftrefs to appeal to the general feffions of the peace, for the county, who fhall in fuch cafe examine the flave propofed to be manumitted; and if it fhall appear to the court, that he or fhe is under fifty years of age, and of sufficient ability to provide for himself or herself, it fhall be the duty of the court to give a certificate to that purpose, and fuch certificate fhall be as effectual to all intents and purposes, as a certificate figned by the overfeers of the poor of the city, town or place, or the major part of them, and of two juftices of the peace of the county where the owner may refide, would have been according to the true intent and meaning of the faid act.

ther Town and Stock

Cridge Indians, 14th felf. ch. 13.


on a bond, note, &c.


Extended to Bro. An ACT more effectually to protect certain Tribes of Indi ans refiding within this State from Frauds, Paffed 22d March, 1790. E it enacted by the people of the state of New-York, reprefented in fenate and affembly, and it is hereby enacled by the authority of the fame, That no perfon fhall fue, profecute, or maintain an action No action arifing arifing on a bond, bill, note, promife or other contract against certain Indi- Whatsoever, hereafter to be executed or made against any under a penalty of Indian refiding on the lands referved to the Oneidas, Onondagas or Cayugas; and every perfon who fhall fue or profecute any fuch Indian contrary to this act, shall be subject to pay treble cofts to the party aggrieved. And this act is hereby declared to be a public act. Provided, That this act shall not affect any contracts to be made before the fuft day of July next.

ans, to be maintained

treble cofts.


An ACT to amend an Act refpelling the South-Beach, in the County of



Paffed 22d March, 1790.

HEREAS it has been reprefented to the legiflature by Humphry Avery, and others, proprietors of that part of the South-Beach, in Suffolk county, lying between a place called and known by the name of Long Cove, and a certain gut or inlet called and known by the name of Huntington Weft Gut, that they are prevented from ufing or improving the faid beach to any advantage by the act entitled, ‡ An 7th feff. ch. 42. act to reftrain the feeding and burning the grafs, and cutting the timber on certain beaches and islands therein mentioned, paffed the 24th day of April, one thousand seven hundred and eighty-four; Therefore,

Be u enacted by the people of the state of New-York, reprefented in fenate and affembly, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the fame, That it fhall and may be lawful to and for the proprietors of the faid beach above defcribed, to pafture and otherwife ufe and improve the fame in fuch manner, and to fuch purposes, as they might have done had the above mentioned act never been paffed. Provided always, That nothing in this act contained shall be conftrued to prevent or defeat the operation of the above mentioned act in any other part of the beaches or iflands therein defcribed.


An ACT to amend the feveral Inspection Laws therein mentioned.
Paffed 29th March, 1790.

WHEREAS it is reprefented to the legiflature, that the act to regulate

the re-packing of beef and pork for exportation, paffed the feventh day of March, one thoufand feven hundred and eighty-eight; and the act to regulate the exportation of flax-feed and lumber, pafied the first day of March, one thoufand feven hundred and eighty-eight; and the act to afcertain the quality of pot and pearl afhes, pafled the twenty-third day of April, one thousand feven hundred and eighty-four, may be fo amended as to render the commodities in thofe feveral acts mentioned, more valuable in foreign markets; Therefore,

Re-packers of beef

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1. Be it enacted by the people of the fate of New-York, reprefented in fenate and afferably, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the jame, That from and after the first day of October next, the re-packers and pork, how to ex- of beef and pork fhall examine, fort and divide all beef to be vide all beef and pork by them re-packed into barrels in the following manner; by them re-packed, that is to fay, fuch beef as is large and fat, without either brand the cafks in hocks, fhins or neck pieces fhall be forted by itself,and on one which it is re-packed. of the heads of all barrels containing beef of this quality fhall be branded the words, mefs beef, and fuch beef as in the first above recited act is denominated first quality, fhall be forted by itself, and on one of the heads of all barrels containing beef of that kind fhall be branded the words, prime beef, and fuch beef as in the faid act is denominated fecond quality fhall be forted by itself, and on one of the heads of all barrels containing beef of this kind, fhall be branded the words, cargo beef; and further, that every barrel in which any kind of beef fhall fo be re-packed as aforefaid, hall contain two hundred pounds weight of fuch beef, and fhall be of fuch fize Vol. II.


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