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in tho 'ighways an' 'edges to compel 'em to com' in. We be gwain to tak' tho Gozpel to thar wums; an' we want Thy blezzin'. We be vary veeble in an' ov ourzelvs; but Thou biz our ztrength, an' canz mek parvect Thy ztrength in our wakenezz. We be vary thankvul to Thee vor putin' it into our minizter's 'eart to ztart thiz zperetal enterprize; an' now, Thou That canz zee tho 'tentions ov avery one prezent, prozper thiz undertakin', an' bring into Thy kin'dom ov graze many pracious zouls.


'My friends,' said Mr. Strong, 'I am pleased to see such a large number of persons with us this evening; it speaks well for the success of the contemplated movement, which, I trust, with your permission and co-operation, we shall be able to inaugurate this evening. I am glad to see the old members of the Society with us. I expected the young folks would muster strong, and I am not far out in my calculation. Do you think the Mission Band, if organized, will work well in Hathercott? I should like to have the opinions of the leaders and local preachers on the matter.'

'Virz clazz ide' ov yo'rs, zir; the Lord be in it, I do thenk; an' tho young vrien's 'ool 'av' zummat to 'ploy themzelvs in,' said Jimmy.

'What is your opinion, Mr. Garfield?' asked the minister.

'That it will be a step in the right direction, and our young people, under the guidance of their leaders and the office-bearers of this Church, and especially the guidance of our Heavenly Father, will be the means of doing a great and good work in our neighbourhood,' said Charles.

'I have had some very grave doubts respecting

what you propose doing,' said Nabal Churl. I am afraid the young persons present will become giddy with pride; they are running much faster than a great many of us already. I have not been able to pray in many of our meetings since your revival, Mr. Strong.'

'Muzt run vazter, an' get tho vire up a bit, Nabby,' said friend Templer. We do want to zee 'e a bit zmarter. Come a little moor to tho vront, Nabby.'

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All who are in favour of organizing a Mission Band for Hathercott will please signify it in the usual way,' said Mr. Strong. All hands were up immediately, except Nabal's, of whom we shall have a little to say further on. It is unanimously decided that a Mission Band be formed in connection with this Society-unanimously, with the exception of Mr. Nabal Churl's vote,' said the minister. We shall want a president or leader, and a secretary and treasurer. I think you will all agree with me that Mr. Garfield is the most suitable person to take the position of leader of the band. Your influence over the young, my brother, and your disinterested labours in the welfare of your neighbours, with other qualifications, point you out as the right man for this post."

"E 'ool mek a good un, zir,' said Jimmy.

'Any objection? None. My esteemed friend Mr. Kemp has kindly consented to become treasurer: and now can any one suggest a secretary? I am at a loss how to act with respect to this appointment. We must have the person best adapted for the work that the Society can furnish. Under God, the success of the movement will, to a very considerable degree, depend on the secretary. I know of no

one more capable of filling the office than Miss Kemp.'

Clap after clap testified that the meeting was one with the minister in his opinion.

'Will you, my young friend, undertake this work for your Lord and Master's sake?' asked Mr. Strong. Yes, for the Master's sake, Farmer Kemp's daughter Rachel would undertake to discharge the duties of secretary for the Wesleyan Mission Band for Hather


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'Before we separate, let me tell you how we worked the Mission in my last circuit, in the small town of Wenthead. As many of the members of the Mission Band as possibly could usually met in the schoolroom at five o'clock on Sunday evening, when a short prayer-meeting was held; after which the members divided into three or four companies. Each company selected its leader for the singing, praying, and speaking. They then went to different parts of the town, carrying the good news to persons who never went to the house of God, returning to the chapel in time for service. Many a poor wanderer came back with them, attracted by the singing or wounded by the Spirit, while one of the brothers or sisters was speaking or praying. I owe more, under the Lord Jesus, to the labours of the members of my "Mission Band" for the spiritual prosperity of the town of Wenthead than to any other means. You number one hundred and thirty members in Society, so that you may fairly expect, Miss Secretary, to enrol over sixty members.

'In addition to the work on the Lord's day, you will, under the guidance of your leader, make arrangements for visiting the sick and holding cottage prayer-meetings. Do your work faithfully,

prayerfully, depending on the Holy Spirit for success,' said Mr. Strong, and you have a bright future for this Church. May you have added to your Society daily such as shall be saved. Amen.'

'Now let Thy chosen ones appear,

And valiantly the truth maintain !
Dispread Thy gracious kingdom here,
Fly on the rebel sons of men,
Seize them with faith Divinely bold,
And force the world into Thy fold.'

[graphic][merged small][merged small]

UR Church members entered into the work

Ο heartily. During the week the principal

topic of conversation among them was the possibility of reaching some in the village who seemed beyond the pale of ordinary Gospel influences.

At the morning service on the following Sunday a short notice was read from the pulpit, signed by the president and secretary of the Band, to this effect: All who wish to become members of the Mission Band will please meet in the vestry at a quarter to five o'clock, to have their names entered. on the book, and to commence operations.' More than sixty persons of both sexes attended, each one longing to do something for the Master.

I was chosen to go with the Secretary, Harry, and nine others, to one of the worst places in Hathercott. My work was to start the tunes. I felt glad Harry was one of our band. We were going where we should find men, women, and children unwashed, and lost to everything good apparently. Our leader

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