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weights and measures, as at present fixed by the laws of Pennsylvania, and that it shall be his duty once in every three months, or oftener if he shall be thereto required, to try the weights and measures of all inhabitants of the said borough, who buy or sell by weight or mea sure, and all and every weight or measure used in the said borough either for buying or selling, which shall be found either greater or less than the standard weight or measure, shall be taken into the custody of the said clerk, whose duty it shall be under the direction of the burgesses or either of them to reduce or to increase the same to the true standard, and the expense of doing the same shall be paid by the person owning or occupying the said weights or measures, and if any person or persons within the said borough shall knowingly sell any article by weight or measure under the just standard so to be kept, or shall buy by any weight or measure above such standard, he she or they on being thereof duly convicted, for every such offence shall forfeit and pay for the use of the corporation the sum of ten dollars, and shall also forfeit the said weights or measures. And if any inhabi tant within the said borough, using any weights or measures for the purpose of buying or selling, shall refuse on demand being made in the day time by the said clerk of the market, to produce or deliver the said weights or measures by which he either buys or sells, to the said clerk, for the purpose of being tested by the said standard weights and measures, and being thereof legally convicted shall for every such offence forfeit and pay to the use of the said corporation the sum of twenty dollars. And it shall be the duty of the clerk of the market to attend every market morning at the market house, where the said standard weights and measures shall be kept, in the house provided for keeping the same, and all articles offered for sale (other than butter, put up in precise quantity) the price of which shall depend upon weight or measure, shall if brought to the said house, be by him justly weighed and measured, and he shall be paid by the seller for weighing each draft not exceeding ten pounds, one cent; and if over ten and not exceeding twenty pounds, two cents; and if exceeding twenty and not exceeding fifty pounds, three cents; and if more than fifty and not exceeding one hundred pounds, four cents; and if more than one hundred pounds, six cents; and for measuring all kinds of articles sold by the bushel, or less quantity, he shall receive if under half a bushel, one cent for each measure; if above half a bushel and not more than one bushel, two cents; and two cents for every bushel he shall have so measured in addition. And if the said clerk shall be called upon by any person or persons buying or selling any articles by weight or measure, to weigh or measure the same at

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any other time than on the morning of the prescribed market days, and within market hours, the seller shall pay to the said clerk double the rates above mentioned. (And the said clerk of the market shall be paid out of the borough stock, fifty cents for each market day that he shall duly and faithfully attend the said market and perform the duties herein prescribed, besides the fees allowed by this act for weighing and measuring. And the said clerk shall be allowed out of the fines and forfeitures incurred under the provisions of this act, the further sum of twenty dollars per annum, as a full compensation for testing all weights and measures, as herein prescribed. And it shall be the duty of the clerk of the market to cause the market house to be swept clean on the day preceding each market day, for which he shall be allowed the sum of fifteen dollars per annum.)*

SECT. 8. And be it further ordained, That no butchers blocks or benches shall be suffered to remain in the market house except in market hours, unless the same shall be so fixed under the stalls of the market, that no filth or uncleanness can be attached to them-And no person shall bring within the market house, or within the lines of the posts or foot pavements set round the same, any carts, drays, cars, or other carriages, and every person offending in the premises, shall on information being made to the clerk of the market or on the view of the said clerk, forfeit and pay the sum of two dollars. And all wheel-barrows shall as soon as the burthen carried on them into the market shall be discharged, shall be removed to some place without the said lines of posts and foot pavements, under the penalty of one dollar. And if any person or persons shall bring into and leave within the said market place or the public square, any head, feet or other offal of any animal, he or she, so offending, shall forfeit and pay for

each offence the sum of five dollars.

SECT. 9. And be it further ordained, That no huckster or seller of cakes, shall be permitted to occupy any stall, or sit within the said line of posts and foot pavements put round the market house, with intention to sell during the market hours under the penalty of one dollar, to be paid forthwith to the clerk of the market.

Enacted and ordained in Town Council-April 8th 1815.



President of Town Council

* Repealed See the Ordinance passed 12th day of June 1824.



To an Ordinance to regulate the markets.

SEC. 1. Be it ordained and enacted by the town council of the borough of Carlisle, and it is hereby enacted, and ordained by the authority of the same: That from and after the legal publication of this ordinance no Butcher or victualler, or other person now occupying, or who shall hereafter occupy a stall or stalls, in the Market House of said borough, shall be at liberty to extend any hooks, or other device for any purpose whatsoever round the pillars, between which the said stalls are placed, but the passages between the said pillars, and also, the passage on the pavement at the end of the market house, shall remain free and unobstructed for the use of all persons attending the market ; And if any person or persons shall hereafter, set up maintain, or oc cupy any device whatever, contrary to the true intent and meaning of this ordinance: he, she or they, so offending shall forfeit and pay, the sum of Two Dollars, for each and every market day, such de vice shall be so kept up, maintained, or occupied.

SECT 2. And be it further ordained, &c. That no butcher, victualler or other person, shall hereafter extend any beam or other device, into the area of the market house, for any purpose whatever, further than eighteen inches from the inside of the pillar supporting their stalls, and if any person, or persons shall hereafter set up maintain or occupy any beam, or other device, which shall extend further than eighteen inches within the area aforesaid; he, she or they, shall for feit and pay two dollars for each and every market day such beam, or device shall be set up, maintained, or occupied; and all beams and devices, hooks or other constructions, now existing contrary to the provison of this ordinance, shall be removed by the person, or persons occupying the same, before the time that this ordinance shall legally be in force, otherwise the person, or persons who have heretofore set up, maintained, or occupied the same; or who shall hereafter maintain or occupy the same, shall be liable to the penalty or penal、 ties provided by this act.

Passed in Town Council, 12th October, 1816.

Attest-GEORGE KLINE, jr. Clerk.



President of Town Council.

supplementary to "an Ordinance and Law to regulate the Markets.” * Passed the 11th day of August, 1821.

*Repealed by Ordinance of 22d May 1824.


To reduce the price of "Retailers Licenses."

SECT. 1. And be it ordained, &c. That from and after the first day of October next, the sum to be charged to a retailer of provisions, &c. agreeably to the first section of the Ordinance and law to regulate the markets; shall be two dollars per annum and no more, and that no such license shall be granted to any person, until such person shall have paid all arrears, due by such person to the Corporation. Ordained and enacted in Town Council, the 8th day of September, A. D. 1821,


President of Town Council.

Attest-GEORGE A. GRAYSON, Town Clerk.


To regulate the payment of Stall Rents, and Licenses for the retailing of provisions, and to preserve the Records, and property of the Corporation from loss or injury.

SECT. 1. Be it enacted and ordained by the Town Council of the borough of Carlisle, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same. That from and after the legal publication of this act, it shall be the duty of the clerk to the council, to fill up and deliver to the chief burgess, a sufficient number of blank licenses, under the seal of the corporation, for such persons as they may be required by the pro- ́ visions of this act; for which fifty cents fee to the clerk shall be taxed on each. And the retailer of meat, or victualler, or retailer of provisions, shall on payment in advance to the treasurer of the stall rent, and amount of licenses for retailing provisions, as are already provided by the ordinances of this borough, and production of his receipt to the Chief Burgess, and payment of Clerks fee, be entitled to receive a licence for such time as he or she has paid, no period being less than three months; and it shall be the duty of the Clerk of the market to call on each and every person or persons occupying a stall or stalls, when he or they first take possession of the same, and every three months thereafter, to produce his or their license; and if such person or persons shall neglect or refuse to do so, he or they shall be liable to a fine of five dollars; and the Clerk of the market shall forthwith report in writing, such person or persons to the Chief Burgess, (for which service the said Clerk shall receive fifty cents ;) and the Chief Burgess upon such report being made, shall immediately issue or cause to be issued, process for penalty; and if the Clerk of the

market shall neglect this duty, he shall be liable for the amount of such license. Provided, That the occupiers of the outer range of Stalls in the market house, shall not be considered as included within the provisions of this act.

SECT. 2. And be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the High Constable on the second Saturday's of April, July, October and January, to make due enquiry and report to the Chief Burgess, all and every person or persons, retailers of provisions with in this borough ; and if any person or persons shall be found retailing without a license, the Chief Burgess, shall issue process, or cause the same to be issued, against such person or persons so offending, for the penalties in such case made and provided.

SECT. 3. And be it further enacted, That if any person or persons, shall be in possession of any book or books, or any other record, or seal of the corporation, or any property thereto belonging, not legally entitled to the custody of the same and shall knowingly and wilfully refuse, or neglect, to deliver the same, on demand made by any person legally authorized to make such demand, such person or persons, so offending, shall pay a fine of twenty dollars, for the use of the borough, to be recovered as debts of like amount are recoverable by law.

Passed in Town Council, this 22d, day of May, A. D. 1823.

Attest-THOMAS JONES, Town Clerk.

President Pro. Tem.

An Ordinance or act, to raise by a tax. the sum of $1200, for improving, repairing, and paving the streets, lanes and alleys, within the Borough, and for defraying the incidental expenses of the corporation.

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* Obsolete.



Regulators and Surveyors appointed to make an entry of regulations in a book --one days notice to be given to regulators to perform duty-oath of office.

SECT. 1. Be it enacted and ordained by the town Council of the Borough of Carlisle, and it is hereby enacted and ordained, That three fit and competent persons shall be appointed Regulators and Surveyors of the said borough to do and perform the several duties appertaining to the office, or which may hereafter be enjoined on them; and that a book shall be furnished them at the expense of the

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