A Rudimentary Treatise on Warming and Ventilation: Being a Concise Exposition of the General Principles of the Art of Warming and Ventilating Domestic and Public Buildings, Mines, Lighthouses, Ships, EtcVirtue & Company, 1869 - 339 halaman |
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admitted amount aperture apparatus Archimedean screw arrangement ascending ash-pit atmosphere boiler bottom building burning carbonic acid ceiling chamber chimney closed coal cockle cold air combustion common condensed Construction containing contrivance cool cubic feet cubic foot Desaguliers descending diameter door draught Edition effect ENGINEERING escape external air feet of air fire fire-grate fire-place flame floor flue force foul air fresh air fuel furnace Gauger grate hearth heat House hydrogen hypocaust inches iron Jacob Ackworth lamp-black latent heat light means method of warming minute motion nitrogen oxygen passing pipe placed plate portion prevent produced products of combustion PUBLISHED BY LOCKWOOD quantity radiation respiration Scott Burn shaft ship side smoke space square steam stove surface temperature thermometer tion treatise tube upwards valve vapour velocity vessel vitiated air volume warm air warming and ventilating weight
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