Gambar halaman

Jeremiah, captain, 69; deputy for Leb-|
anon, 90, 108, 346, 423; justice, 94:
John, 459; deputy for Windham, 309,
346, 363, 393, 452, 490:- Mary, widow
of Daniel, 371: Nathaniel, ensign,
368: Thomas, 256.7

Fobes, Caleb, deputy for Preston, 40, 66.
Foot, Daniel, 56: Joseph, lieutenant,
368; captain, 492; deputy for Branford,
451, 519: Nathaniel, deputy for

Branford, 40; ensign, 95.
Forbs, David, 153.

Forcible entry, no laws concerning, 446,
517, 542, 586.
Ford, John, 494.

Foster, Isaac, land to be laid out for, 13:
- James, 339: Susanna, 368.
Fowler, Abraham, 548; deputy for Guil-
ford, 2, 17, 19, 30, 37, 40, 113, 142, 162,
170, 275, 293, 308; speaker, 294; in nom-
ination, 6, 31, 70, 114, 171, 276, 347, 403,
453, 522, 576; cho-en assistant, 310, 365,
425, 491, 547; in court, 363, 393, 423, 451,
489, 519,546, 572; in council, 338-9, 360,
386, 446-7, 450, 475-6, 539-40, 568; jus-
tice, 20, 62, 94, 144, 219; committee, 47,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Gold, Nathan, 97, 344, 449; in nomination,
6, 31, 69, 114, 171, 276, 347, 403, 453, 523,
576; elected assistant, 19; deputy gov-
ernor, 41, 89, 142, 309, 364, 425, 490, 547;
present in court, 1, 16, 29, 37, 40, 66, 88,
107, 113, 141, 162, 169, 275, 363, 393, 423,
451, 489, 518, 545, 571; on committees,
11, 17, 38, 86, 180, 184, 333, 336, 354;
judge of county and probate courts, 20;
of probate court, 63, 94, 145, 219, 321,
445, 509, 566; of superior court, 241, 332,
430, 509, 566; grant of land to, 34, 280;
committee of war, 130; in council, 339,
360, 386, 446-7, 475-6, 539-40, 568, 570.
Goodrich, David, 840, 547; grant to as
quartermaster, 177, as adjutant, 199;
captain, 491; deputy for Wethersfield,
546, 572; justice, 565: Ephraim, 98,
375, 471; lieutenant, 148, 367; captain,
Jonathan, 333:- Richard,
William, lieutenant, 145.
Goodwin, William, 330, 385, 475, 510.
Goodyear, John, 536.
Gookin, Gov. Charles, 108.
Goring, Sarah, 262.



Governor, chosen by general assembly, 38;
freemen may choose, outside of the
nomination, 39; his salary granted, 7, 32,
96, 135, 184, 288, 349, 399, 468, 526, 579.
Graham, Benjamin, ensign, 68; lieutenant,


Garnsey, Joseph, deputy for Milford, 118. Grand jurors, choice of, regulated, 324.

Garrad, Daniel, 386.

Garret, Joseph, 301.



Gates, Thomas, 123: deputy for Haddam,
20, 30, 67, 89, 107, 113, 205, 245, 308,
363, 424, 451, 490, 546; captain, 116; jus-
tice, 144, 219, 445, 508, 565:
as, (Preston,) ensign, 574.
Gear, Jonathan, 574.
General Assembly, choice of governor by,
38; earliest journals of, 140; wages of
members of, 53, 158, 394; special ses-
sions to be called, 243, 293, 412, 416;
house for, proposed, 325, 333; court
chamber, 493, 512; to sit at Hartford
only, 328; October session to be at New
Haven, 381; committee to hear records
of, read, 357, 474; petitions on contro-
versial matters to be heard in October

Grant, Jonah, 262:

Mathew, 273, 560:

Joseph, 262:
Nathaniel, 358.

Graves, John, 303, 447, 461; lieutenant,
116: Joseph, 467: Margaret,
467: Thomas, 483, 484.
Gray, Hugh, 400.

Great Falls, reference to expedition to, 16.
Great Swamp society, released from coun-
try rates, 43; to maintain public wor-
ship, 102; may tax land for support of
minister, 178; may embody in church
estate, 279; bounds regulated, 499; en-
larged, 499, 532.

Green, Timothy, printer, 477, 540, 541.
Greenhill, Thomas, 71.
Greenwich, military officers, 166; eastern
part may embody in church estate, 24;
powers of societies in, 180, 408; money

to be raised to pay Rev. J. Jones, 282;
Horse Neck released from part of rates,
336; in disturbed state, 525; bounds of
societies in, 35, 370, 553; committee on
building bridge at, 453; west society, vs.
Rev. J. Smith, 501; land annexed to, 504;
west society may embody as church,


Gregory, John, deputy for Danbury, 546;
justice, 573.

Grey, Samuel, 270
Gridley, Samuel, 263.
Griffin, John, 56:

Thomas, 370.

Nathaniel, 370:

Grignon, Rene, 256, 533, 538.
Griswold, George, ensign, 494:- John,
262; deputy for Killingworth, 30, 37, 40,
67, 90, 107, 142, 163, 206, 245, 309, 846,
519, 572; captain, 310; in council, 449:
Joseph, 262, 340: Mathew, 35;
deputy for Lyme, 19. 30, 37, 67, 169:
Michael, ensign, 160: Samuel,
deputy for Norwich, 30; captain, 68:
Thomas, 262; ensign, 44.

[ocr errors]

Gross, Jonah, 149.

Grosvenor, Leicester, 27, 35; ensign, 430.
Groton, military officers, 44, 143, 426, 493,
548; complaint of Pequods against, 366,
398, 481; bounds with Stonington, 494;
order respecting lists in, 497.
Guards at meeting dispensed with, save in
time of war, 435.

Guilford, military officers, 96, 116, 143,
426, 428, 453, 461; East Farms made an
ecclesiastical society, 33; trainband di-
vided, 74; draining lands in, 386, 447,


Gunn, Samuel, ensign, 109; lieutenant,
492; deputy for Milford, 308.

Gutsell, Thomas, 12; deputy for East Ha-
ven, 66.

Haddam, vs. Saybrook, 63; military offi-
cers, 116, 427, 428, 465; town meeting,
how warned at, 123; agreement of in-
habitants of, approved, 154.
Haines, Jonathan, 194, 197.
Hale, John, 124:

Samuel, 98, 140;
deputy for Glastenbury, 2, 17, 19, 29, 40,
67, 90, 107, 114, 141, 163, 169, 205, 245,
293; justice, 144, 218.
Hall, Giles, 556:
Isaac, 43:

Henry, 420:
John, deputy for Middle-
town, 29, 37, 41, 66, 90, 108, 114, 141, 163,
169, 275, 293: John, (Wallingford,)
455, 547; justice, 20, 62, 144, 219, 445,
508, 566; lieutenant, 116, 168; captain,
847; deputy for Wallingford, 141, 163,
205, 245, 309, 364, 423, 489, 519, 547, 572:

Richard, 264: Samuel, deputy
for Wallingford, 2, 30, 37, 40, 66, 275,
293, 452; lieutenant, 311: William,
lieutenant, 458.
Hallam, John, 100: Nicholas, 271.
Hamilton, (Duke,) his claims referred to,
204, 211.

Hamlin, Giles, land granted to, laid out,
14: John, 47, 83, 292, 368; in nom-
ination, 6, 81, 69, 114, 171, 276, 347, 408,

453, 522, 576; chosen assistant, 19, 41,
89, 142, 206, 309, 364, 425, 491, 547; pres-
ent in court, 1, 16, 29, 37, 40, 66, 107,
113, 141, 162, 169, 206, 244, 275, 293, 308,
345, 363, 393, 423, 451, 489, 519, 545, 571;
in council, 14, 193, 199, 200, 243, 302-5,
358, 386, 450, 475-6, 487, 539-40, 568-70;
on committees, 38, 206, 207, 226, 309,
424, 425, 490; committee on guard sloop,
290, 306; charged with maladministra-
tion, 44; judge of county court, 508.
Hancox, John, 494: Thomas, 316, 349.
Hanford, Samuel, 211; deputy for Nor-
walk, 19, 37, 40, 206, 424; lieutenant,
146; justice, 219.
Harris, Daniel, 208, 428:-
tenant, 433:

James, lieu-
John, 203, 208:
Joseph, 438; ensign, 43:

Peter, 203:
William, 263, 428; ensign, 311;
lieutenant, 573; deputy for Middletown,
423, 452, 489: Lieut. 256.
Harrison, Nathaniel, 140, 565; deputy for
Branford, 89, 107 114, 162, 169, 245, 275,
364, 393, 451, 572; justice, 174, 219, 445,
508, 566: Thomas, lieutenant, 95.
Hart, Houkins, deputy for Wallingford,
423: - John, 53, 340, 425, 432; deputy
for Farmington, 19, 30, 37, 40, 141, 162,
308, 363, 424; captain, 33; auditor, 320,
425 Thomas, 53, 179, 456; deputy
for Farmington, 2, 17, 89, 114, 169, 205,
245; speaker, 135; justice, 20, 62, 93,
144, 218, 445, 508, 565; vs. Hancox, 316,
849, 494.

Hartford, military officers, 45, 46, 63, 68,
143, 171, 314, 365, 432, 453, 550; division
of trainbands in, 54, 429; West Division
petition for leave to settle minister in,
174, granted, 230, freed from rates, 310;
separate school on east side, 177; general
assembly to sit at, 328; court chamber,
493, 512; draining marshes in, 447, 570;
land granted to school of, to be laid out,
462; and Saybrook, a post proposed be-
tween, 67.

Thomas, 500.

Hartford, county, committee of war in, 29,
86, 113, 296, 298; Colchester to belong
to, 80; Coventry to belong to, 322; en-
larged, 427; when freemen to vote in, for
nominations, 402; surveyors, 180, 334,
405; military officers, 150, 161, 225, 455,
553; troop in, to muster, 301; jail mis-
managed, 571.
Hartshorn, Dr., 574:
Harvie, Richard, 35.
Haskell, Mark, 190.
Haughton, Sampson, 194.
Hawke, John, 258.
Hawkins, Joseph, grant of ferry to, 549;
deputy for Derby, 309.
Hawley, John, 28, 35, 56, 140, 226, 281;
deputy for Stratford, 19, 29, 37, 114, 170,
809, 364, 424, 546, 572; lieutenant, 96;
captain, 115: Joseph, ensign, 548:
Samuel, 56; deputy for Stratford,
40, 67, 206, 245.
Hayden, Daniel, 153, 262: William,


Haynes, Gov. John, land granted to, laid

out, 34, 75:

John, 65, 85, 202, 263,
314, 318, 319, 324, 391; in nomination,
6, 31, 70, 114, 171, 276, 347, 493; chosen
assistant, 41, 89, 143, 206, 309, 364: in
council, 188-9, 198-201, 243, 272, 300-05,
338-41, 358, 386, 410-13; in court, 66,
88, 113, 141, 162, 169, 206, 244, 293, 308,
345, 363; justice, 20; judge of county
and probate courts, 336, 365; of superior
court, 384; secretary, 304; commissioner
of copper mines, 105, 154, 285; auditor,
196; committee, 112, 118, 147, 313, 348,
352, 357:- Joseph, 34, 61, 76:
Mary, 466.

Hays, Daniel, grant to, 401.
Hebron, named and incorporated, 25, 64:
brand of, 158; to send in list, 132; re-
leased from tax, 231, 336; collection of
taxes in, 561; acts for settlement of, 331,
381; bounds of, 443, 459, 465, 559; may
gather a church, 573; location of meeting
house in, 575.

Hempsted, Joshua, 150, 311, 340, 355,
400, 438; v. Edgcomb, 43, 80, 439, 474;
deputy for New London, 113; in council,


Hibbard, Nathaniel, 340.
Hickcock, Benjamin, 120;

ensign, 549.


Hide, John, 35: Samuel, 256: ensign,
69; lieutenant, 368; deputy for Lebanon,
393, 490:
William, 585.
Hiems, 10, 101.
Highways, laid out from Hartford to Mid-
dletown, 229, 278, 336; through Plain-
field, 351; acts prohibiting nuisances in,
379, 402; regulating lay out of, 461.
Higley, John, 83, 161, 178, 456; deputy for
Symsbury, 2, 17, 19, 29, 37, 40, 66, 114,
141, 163, 205, 245; justice, 20, 62, 94, 144,
218; v. Bissell, 217.

[blocks in formation]

Hoadly, Abraham, John, 525, 576:
William, 172, 210; Makenzie v. 27, 78.
Hodson, John, his land may be sold, 366.
Holcomb, Benajah, 153, 262:

[ocr errors]



358: Joshua, ensign, 549:
thaniel, deputy for Symsbury, 19, 29, 40,
66; lieutenant, 549: Thomas, 370,
456; deputy for Symsbury, 364, 452;
captain, 429, 549.
Hollister, Elizabeth, widow of Stephen,
John, 98: Joseph, 98;
may buy land of Indians, 213.
Holly, Elisha, 206, 211, 276; deputy for
Stamford, 19, 20, 37, 40, 67, 114, 170,
206, 364; auditor, 63, 109, 220; justice,
219: Increase, lieutenant, 24:
John, 36, 70: Samuel, 340.
Holmes, John, 481; lieutenant, 496.

Holton, William, deputy for Lebanon, 19,
30, 142, 170, 206, 245; justice 145, 219.
Honny well, Elizabeth, 367.
Hooker, Daniel, surgeon in Canada expe-
dition, 255: James, 142, 386; deputy
for Guilford, 2, 19, 30, 40, 66, 90, 108, 142,
162, 308, 346, 364, 393, 572; justice, 321,
445, 508, 566: John, 160, 432, 456;
deputy for Farmington, 2, 17, 89, 107,
114, 393, 424, 519, 572; clerk, 135, 572,
582; speaker, 394, 406, 424, 442, 520, 538;
justice, 20, 62, 93, 144, 218, 445, 508, 565;
committee, 89, 425, 434, 501, 533; com-
missioner of copper mines, 105, 154, 285;
captain, 452; auditor, 463, 539; in nom-
ination, 114. 171, 276, 347, 403, 453, 522,
576: Nathaniel, 273, 299; deputy

for Hartford, 89, 107, 113, 141, 162, 205,
244, 275, 293; committee, 137, 142, 150,
229; v. Wethersfield, 155, 181, 222; au-
ditor, 158, 220; in council, 256; lieuten-
ant, 171; justice, 218: Thomas, 571.
Hopkins, Hannah, 367: John, 375;
deputy for Waterbury, 66, 114, 141, 163,
169, 206, 245, 308, 363, 394, 424, 490, 520,
547; ensign, 496; lieutenant, 549:

Joseph, 367.

Hopson, John, 447; lieutenant, 453.
Horse Neck, committee to visit, 525; to be
a distinct society, 553. See Greenwich.
Hosford, Timothy, 263.
Hoskins, John, 262.

Hospital sloop to be provided for the Can-
ada expedition, 109.

Samuel, 63, 208,
115; lieutenant, 492.
Samuel, 154.
for Stamford, 519, 546;

Hough, John, 203, 419, 459; captain, 43;
deputy for New London, 19, 451; in
council, 29, 343.
Howard, John, 268:
230, 256, 282.
Howd, John, ensign,
Howe, John, 12
Hoyt, John, deputy
Joseph, 340: - Samuel, 119, 527;
justice, 20, 63, 95, 145, 219; deputy for
Stamford, 572.
Hubbard, Ebenezer, 495: John, 98,
129; deputy, 29, 424, 452, 490, 519, 546,



[blocks in formation]

lieutenant, 122; captain, 549; deputy for
Derby, 170, 364, 572: Theophilus,
56; deputy for Fairfield, 40, 113; lieu-
tenant, 109; captain, 115; committee of
war, 130.
Humphrey, Nathaniel, 263: Samuel,
456; lieutenant, 145; justice, 321, 445,
508, 565.

Hunt, Thomas, 264; deputy for Lebanon,


Hunter, Gov. Robert, 184, 249, 255, 267,

[blocks in formation]

Idiots and impotent persons, how support-
ed, 503.

Impost and excise, laws relating to 56, 84,
118, 159.

Indians, acts concerning purchase of lands
from, 4, 30, 160; plans for their conver-
sion to be devised, 7; fears of attack by,
on the frontiers, 15; measures to secure
fidelity of Potatues and Wyantenocks,
15; murderer at Fairfield to be given up,
28; actions of debt and detinue may be
had against, 31; not to be supplied with
arms, 86; killed in the country service,
153; employed in expeditions, 248, 253,
269, 515; murderers executed at Hart-
ford, 259; proposition for retaining Five
Nations in the English interest, 279, 291;
Pequods complain of Groton, 366, 398,
481; Mohegans complain of P. Mason,
420, 448; Niantics complain of aliena-
tion of their land, 518; Indian council
appointed, 518; brought from Carolina
for sale, prohibition of, 516, 534.
Ingoldsby, Lt. Gov. Richard, 108.
Ingram, Mr., 344.

Inhabitants, act concerning, 21; persons
not inhabitants to pay duty on goods,
(abortive act,) 405.

Insolvent estates, how distributed, 577.
Intemperance, acts to prevent, 5, 319, 502,


Intestate estates, how divided, 404, 438.

Jacobs, David, 61.
James, John, 303.

Samuel, 34.

Janes, Benjamin, brief granted to, 26.
Jenks, Joseph, 277.
Jennings, Isaac, 123:
Jiggels, Thomas, 202, 307.
Johnson, Ebenezer, 191, 313, 498; deputy
for Derby, 2, 17, 20, 30, 37, 206, 245, 490,
519, 546; in council, 15; grant to, 16;
land to be laid out for, 550; justice, 20,
144, 219, 445, 508, 566; excused from
office of major, 95; It. colonel in Port
Royal expedition, 168: - Ebenezer,
jr., ensign, 549: Isaac, 428:
John, 184, 267, 288:

Joseph, 148,
171: Nathaniel, 525, 565; v. Tuttle,
172, 210; Hoadly, v. 576; deputy for
Branford, 308, 346: William, 152,
173; ensign, 24, 143; lieutenant, 894.
Jones, John, 282: Samuel, ensign, 95:

Thomas, 302, 541: William,
grant for funeral expenses of, 8.

Jordan, Miles, 435; grant of land to, 497:
Stephen, 517.

Joshua, 25, 286, 311, 329, 331; settlement
with legatees of, 510.

Judd, Daniel, 151, 370:- - John, 151, 174;
deputy for Farmington, 169: Ra-

chel, 174, 370: Thomas, deputy for
Waterbury, 2, 17, 19, 30, 37, 40, 90, 108,
169, 275, 293, 346, 363, 452, 490, 520, 547;
captain, 520; justice, 20, 62, 94, 144, 219,
445, 508, 565: William, 151.
Judges and justices to be appointed annu-
ally, and commissioned, 231, 429; to be
constituted by a commission which shall
remain in force till recalled, 242; of su-
perior court appointed, 241, 332, 384,
430, 509, 566; compensation of, 239, 354,
433; not to sit in the county where they
are judges of the county or probate
courts, 431, 509; place of absent judge,
how supplied, 385, 430, 509, 567.
Judgment, entry of, on default, 384.
Judson, James, 28, 56, 72; deputy for
Stratford, 2, 17, 67, 90, 108, 275, 346, 364,
394, 424, 452, 519; justice, 20, 63, 95, 145,
219, 445, 509, 566: Jeremiah, lieu-
tenant, 115; deputy for Stratford, 490:
John, 56.

[blocks in formation]


Kimberly, Abraham, 56: Eleazar, 65,
160; sick, 37; in nomination, 6, 31.70;
justice, 20, 62; secretary, 41; judge of
county and probate courts, 63, 64; au
tograph of, 64: Thomas, 202, 267,
268, 336, 465, 536, 564; deputy for Glas-
senbury, 67, 114, 141, 163, 169, 205, 245,
276, 294, 424, 452, 490, 519, 546, 572; in
council, 198, 258, 260, 265-9; county
surveyor, 405; ensign, 427; justice, 508.
Kinde, Arthur, 27.

King George, proclaimed, 450, 478, 480;
addresses sent to, 452, 544; oath of fidel-
ity to be taken to, 480; charges for pro-
claiming, 488.

[ocr errors]

King, Thomas, 201.

Kinnecum, Andrew, 497, 500.
Kirby, John, 374:
186, 374.

Joseph, 12, 148,

Kirtland, John, lieutenant, 69.
Knap, Caleb, 501; ensign, 166
deputy for Greenwich, 489, 519, 546:
John, ensign, 24; lieutenant, 171;
captain, 573; deputy for Greenwich,
452: - Joseph, 282; deputy for Green-
wich, 2, 19, 67, 107, 163: Joshua,
justice, 145, 219: Samuel, ensign,
401; lieutenant, 548; deputy for Daubu-
ry, 546.

Laborie, James, grant to. 154; surgeon in
expeditions, 167, 260; chaplain, 200;
lieutenant of troop, 432:- Mehetibel,
widow of Anthony, 377.
Land, laws relative to the purchase of,
from Indians, 4, 30, 160; deeds and
grants of, to be recorded in full, 82; sur-
veys of land granted by assembly, where
entered, 326; escheats and land recov-
ered by judgments, treasurer authorized
to sell, 327; taken in execution in case
of judgment by default, may be sold,
when, 384; issue of patents for, regula-
ted, 341; valuation of, in the lists, 334,
473, 502.

Lane, Alexander, 303:

John, 191;
deputy for Killingworth, 572: Rob-
ert, 140; deputy for Killingworth, 2, 19,
114, 275, 309, 346, 363, 393, 424, 45, 489,

Latham, William, 203; deputy for Groton,
89, 107.
Lattimore, Bezaleel, 442: John, 442:
- Robert, 392; in council, 29, 192, 197,
292, 344; lieutenant, 43; captain, 493.
Law, Jonathan, 266; deputy for Milford, 1,
89, 107, 141, 163, 489, 519, 546, 572;
clerk, 12, 113, 163, 520, 538; speaker,
547, 572, 582; in nomination, 171, 276,
847, 403, 453, 522, 576; clerk, upper
house, 452; in council, 255, 257, 265, 543;
admitted attorney, 48; justice, 94, 144,
219, 508, 566; judge, county court; 445,
508, 566; superior court, 509; ensign, 68;
committee, 89, 142, 284, 358, 547; on
New York boundary, 401.

Laws, to be printed, 96, 181, 242, 468, 477;
dates to be affixed to the printed laws,
479; payment for printing of, 540, 541;
number to be printed, 514; abstract of
criminal laws to be printed and pub-
lished, 323; complete body of, to be sent
to England, 326; concerning religion and
morality to be enforced, 530.
Leake, Thomas, 264, 332.
Lebanon, minister to be provided for, 54;
military officers, 63, 69, 95, 368; irregu-
lar admission of freemen in, 79; Crank,
petition to have a society at, 500,
granted, 557.
Lee, David, 538:
for Lyme, 114:


Lyme, 394, 424, 451,

John, 482; deputy
Stephen, lieutenant,
482; deputy for
490, 519, 546.

[blocks in formation]

James, 542; ensign, 115; lieutenant,
458: John, 148, 501: Joseph,
deputy for Waterbury, 394:

Philip, 116, 210:



uel, 432.
Listers, their duty, 3, 83, 335, 472; not
to be prosecuted for errors, 21; to re-
turn men absent on Canada expedition,

Lists of persons and estates, 6, 31, 71, 88,
115, 140, 170, 188, 277, 289, 357, 409, 464,
526, 578; inspectors of, law revived, 335,
repealed, 472; remedy for persons over-
charged in, 385; valuation of land in,
334, 473, 502.

Livingston, John, 38, 197, 420; deputy for
New London, 1, 17, 29, 37; major in Can-
ada expedition, 93: Philip, 299, 303:
Robert, 188: Lt. Col., 279.
Daniel, 428:
Gershom, deputy for Greenwich,
142, 163, 519: James, 428:- Jo-
seph, 35, 368, 428, 433:- Robert, 282.
Long, Joseph, 372.
Loomis, Jonathan, 555:

Lockwood, Ann, 428:


[blocks in formation]

Lord, Benjamin, deputy for Saybrook, 90,
107, 142, 162: James, ensign, 550:

Richard, 43, 199, 263, 340, 342;
land granted to, laid out, 72; committee,
41, 89, 150, 206, 286, of war, 87, to sign
bills, 297; justice, 62, 93, 144, 218; in
nomination, 114, 171, 276; secretary,
298; his death, 298, 301; Abigail, his
widow, may sell land, 314, 329:
Samuel, 310.

Loring, Nehemiah, cornet of troop, 482.
Loveman, Samuel, 389.

Lowther, Col., Gov. of Barbadoes, 541.
Lucas, Augustus, 204.
Luddington, Henry, 12.
Lyman, Richard, 500.
Lyme, military officers, 95, 371; division
of trainband at, 68; complaint of illegal
voting at, 482-6.

Lynde, Benjamin, 67:

- Nathaniel, 9;
justice, 21, 62, 94, 145, 219, 445, 509, 566;
deputy for Saybrook, 66, 114.

Lyon, Andrew, Mary, 454.

Lyron, Louis, 374, 561, 581.

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