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The investigations of the Section on Public Health, outlined in the Transactions, Volume X, No. 9, page 303, have been continued, and the committee handling the Malaria Problem in California was assigned for a report at the club meeting of March 8, 1916. The programme of the meeting was arranged as follows:

Report of the Committee on the Malaria Problem in California-Delivered by Dr. Geo. E. Ebright, Chairman of the Committee, and President of the State Board of Health.

Administrative Work in the Prevention of Malaria-Ray Lyman Wilbur, Chairman of the Section on Public Health, and President of Stanford University.

Methods of Malaria Control-Wm. B. Herms, associate professor of parisitology in the University of California.

Sources of Malaria in California-Dr. Karl F. Meyer, associate professor of tropical medicine in the University of California.

Outline of the Campaign Against Malaria at Panama-Dr. George H. Whipple, director of the George Williams Hooper Foundation for Medical Research.

The papers were briefly discussed by members, C. E. Grunsky, formerly a member of the Panama Canal Commission, supplementing the information given by Dr. Whipple, and Dr. Cumming, Director of the Bureau of Communicable Diseases under the State Board of Health, making a statement in regard to the work of the bureau. The reports were ordered printed for the information of the members and of the public.

Syllabus of Reports and Discussion

Dr. Ebright (page 3)-Before 1850 malaria was unknown in California. Brought by emigrants from the Mississippi Valley, the Isthmus of Panama and Italy. Anopheline mosquito plentiful and disease was quickly established in the central valleys and foothills of the Sierras. Nine countiesPlacer, Shasta, Sacramento, San Joaquin, Butte, Tehama, Fresno, Tulare and Kern-showed 75 per cent. of total deaths from malaria in State. Cost of malaria to State in sickness, etc., estimated by State Board of Health at $2,820,000. Malaria requires complete mosquito and human carriers to complete life cycle of malaria parasite. In absence of either malaria cannot be propagated. Malaria as practical problem depends on destruction of mos

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