Gambar halaman

Distances from Conoe Place to Kittanning town, 91.

Doan Abraham & Levi, declared outlaws, 497, 500, 515, 535, 544.
Donation lands, distributed by lottery, 518, 580.

Dryer Jacob, trial and conviction and pardoned, 631.


ELECTIONS of Justices of the Peace, 520.

Ellicott Andrew, an attainted traitor, 230.

Erie Lake, lands on, touching, 392, 472, 524, 528, 532, 553, 555,
561, 650, 659.

Escheated estate of Doctor Daniel Weiss, 482.

Evans Thomas, an attainted traitor, 14.

Eckert Valentine, letter from, 295.


FALCONER NATHANIEL, letter from, 337.

Fort Harmar, in Ohio, letter from by General St. Clair, 518.
Franklin Benjamin, elected President of Council, 110.

John, one of a banditti at Tioga, 291.

arrested and imprisoned in Philadelphia, 385, 537,

& Jenkins, agents for settlers at Wyoming, 67. .

Fourth of July celebrated, 46.

Frontiers to be protected, 323.

Francis Tench, letter from, 153.

Finly James, of Westmoreland, a letter from, 472.


GERMAN PASSENGERS, Register of appointed, 322.

Gibson John, letter from, 605..

Gordon Thomas, attainted of high treason, 177, 338.

Graffenriedt de Techanor, claims grants of land on Susquehanna
and Schuylkill, 529.

Gun powder stored in Philadelphia, 529.

Lots sold in Philadelphia, to redeem bills of credit, 7, 15, 23, 37,
46, 50, 85, 87, 151, 601, 602.

Louisburg, in Dauphin county, shiretown of, (now Harrisburg,)

Luzerne county, riots in, 291, 293.

lands in claimed by Pennsylvania owners, 471.

M'ALLISTER RICHARD, letter from, 126.

Mackenness Thomas, attainted of high treason, 82.

Map of the lands purchased from the United States on Lake Erie,

Members of Congress elected, 636.

Messages from Benjamin Franklin, 71, 76, 116, 167, 304, 314,


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