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at the usual places of execution, and warrants under the less seal were issued to the Sheriffs of York and Franklin counties accordingly.

Council Chamber.

PHILADELPHIA, Monday, June 23rd, 1788.


The Honorable PETER MUHLENBERG, Esquire, Vice President.

George Ross,

Abraham Smith,

Christopher Kucher, Esquires.

Memorandum: This being the day appointed for deciding on such claims to city lots, &ca., as are before Council, under old rights, and were made before the time limitted by law expired, but a quorum of Council not being met, it was agreed by the members present, to postpone the business aforesaid until to-morrow morning at ten o'clock, and to request the attendance of the Attorney Geueral and Land Officers at that time.

The Council met.

PHILADELPHIA, Tuesday, June 24th, 1788.


The Honorable PETER MUHLENBERG, Esquire, Vice President.

George Ross,
Abraham Smith,

Christopher Kucher, and

Henry Hill,


The following orders were drawn upon the Treasurer, vizt:

In favor of the Honorable Jacob Rush, Esquire, for one hundred and fifty pounds, being one quarter's salary due to him as one of the Judges of the Supreme Court, ending the eighteenth instant, according to the Comptroller General's report.

In favor of Eve Withington, for two hundred and seventy pounds, being the ballance of her pension from the first of March, 1780, untill the first of July, 1788, according to the comptroller General's report of this day, and an act of Assembly dated the first of March, 1780.

The Attorney General and the Land Officers attending the Board agreeably to their resolution of the twenty-third of April last, resumed the consideration of the several claims to city lots, &ca.,

which were filed within the time prescribed by act of Assembly dated the tenth day of April, 1781, and thereupon, a petition from James Pearson, was read, stating in behalf of himself and others divers claims to city lots, and it appearing on examination of the several papers produced by him, and the records of the Surveyor General's office, that the city lots in right of the original purchases of John Blunston, George Woods, John Killcup, Jacob and Henry Comely, Nicholas Waln, James Dilworth, William Lawrence, and Joshua Ferne, have been surveyed and returned into the Surveyor General's office, under warrants from the Proprietary Land office; and Mr. Pearson having represented that the said lots have not been sold by the Commonwealth under the act aforesaid,

Resolved, That it is the opinion of Council the petitioners ought to produce to the Land Office their titles under the purchasers afore said, and apply for patents for the lots claimed in the usual form of the said office.

The claims of Sarah Palmer, and others, and of James Henry, and others, by their Agent James Pearson, under Samuel Bradshaw. John Ap, John and Thomas Wynns, original purchasers, not being supported by proper vouchers according to law, it was Resolved, To dismiss the same.

The claim of Josiah Bunting and Benjamin Bonsal, by their Agent James Pearson, in right of Joshua Ferne, so far as the same respects the liberty land, was also dismissed as being unsupported. On motion,

Resolved, That the farther consideration of the claims of Samuel Allen, the younger, and others, in right of Samuel Allen, and of Anne March, in right of John Price, by their Agent James Pearson, be postponed until Thomas Mason and Mary Jenkins, who, it is alleged, claim under the same original purchasers, are heard before Council.

Anthony Butler, in behalf of Messieurs John Penn, Junior, and John Penn, attended and produced to Council the proof required by a resolution of the Board dated the twenty-first of April last, vizt: That Ralph Brock was the son of John Brock, an original purchaser, and had a right to convey the city lots appurtenant thereto, whereupon, the Land officers were instructed to compleat the title of Messieurs Penns, to the lots aforesaid in the usual form of the Land Office.

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Abraham Smith, Esquires.
Henry Hill,

The Chief Justice and Judge Bryan, attended and a conference was held relative to the late disturbances in Huntingdon county. A letter from two of the Magistrates in Huntingdon county, stating that the daring and violent outrages were committed by a lawless sett of men, that the officers of Government had been insulted and their lives endangered, and that part of the records of the Court had been destroyed and erased, was read, praying the support of Government, &ca., thereupon,

Resolved, That the most proper and effectual measures be immediately taken to quell the disturbances in Huntingdon county, and to restore order and good government, and that the Honorable the Judges of the Supreme Court be informed that the Supreme Executive will give them aid and assistance, which the laws of the State will warrant, and shall be found necessary to accomplish the end.

Two orders were drawn upon the Treasurer, vizt:

The one in favor of the Honorable Thomas McKean, Esquire, for two hundred and fifty pounds, and the other in favor of the Honorable George Bryan, Esquire, for one hundred and fifty pounds, being for one quarter's salary, due to each on this day, according to the Comptroller General's report.

The Attorney General and the Land Officers attended.

Upon examination of the several papers produced by James Pearson, relative to the claim of Samuel Allen, the son, and other heirs of Samuel Allen, an original purchaser, it appearing that the said claim is unsupported, Council therefore direct that the same be dismissed.

The papers in support of Captain Thomas Mason's claim to city lots, under the same original purchase, was also examined, and it appearing that Captain Mason is entitled to but a very small share of the lots in question, and he consenting to withdraw his claim to the same;

Resolved, That he be permitted so to do, and the said claim was accordingly withdrawn.

A return of an election of Justices of the Peace, lately held in and for the district of the township of Upper Milford, in the county of Northampton, together with a petition against it, were received and read, but the said return not being sigued by the Constable who held the election, and being unaccompanied by the Justice's

precept, a list of voters' names, a certificate from the Prothonotary," an order was taken that the same be transmitted to the Clerk of the Peace of the said county, to be by him forwarded to the Judges, Inspectors, and Constable at said election, who are hereby directed to make a return according to law.

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The Honorable PETER MUHLENBERG, Esquire, Vice Presi dent.

James Read,
Abraham Smith,

Christopher Kucher, and Esquires.

Henry Hill,

A letter from Charles Thompson, Esquire, inclosing an Act passed on the twenty-fourth instant, by the United States in Congress assembled, granting further time to the States for exhibiting to the District Commissioners their respective accounts against the United States, and for sending on the vouchers or other testimony to support the same, was received and read, and an order taken that the said act be published by the authority of this Board. The Attorney General and the Land Officers attended.

The several papers relative to the claim of Mary Jenkins to city lots, under Benjamin Marsh, in right of John Price's original purchase, (were laid before Council,) and being examined, the further consideration of said claim was postponed.

The farther consideration of Charles Cecil's claim to city lots, in right of Richard Ward's and Robert Serghill's original purchases, was also postponed until the opinion of the Judges of the Supreme Court be taken, touching the legality of the proofs exhibited.

Resolved, That the Honorable the Judges of the Supreme Court, be requested to confer with Council to-morrow at ten o'clock, relative to the said proofs.

[blocks in formation]

George Ross, and Esquires.
Henry Hill,

An order was drawn upon the Treasurer in favor of the Guardian of Catherine Reinick, daughter of Doctor Christian Reinick, de

ceased, for forty-five pounds twelve shillings and six peace, being six months' pension due to her on the twenty-first of March, 1788, according to the Comptroller General's report, and an Act of Assembly passed the first day of March, 1780.

The Attorney General and Land Officers attended,

Council resumed the consideration of the claims of Mary Jenkins and James Pearson, Attorney in fact for Anne Marsh and Mary Ashbridge, to certain city lots, in right of John Price and Joseph Allibone's original purchases, and upon hearing the claimants, and examination of their papers,

Resolved, That the right to the said lots is vested in the said Mary Jenkins, Anne March, and Mary Ashbridge.

A petition from Daniel Brunner, of Lancaster county, praying remission of a fine of ten pounds ten shillings, imposed upon him for not performing his tour of militia duty, in December, 1781, was read, and it appearing from a deposition and a certificate from Colonel Mercer, accompanying the said petition, that the petitioner was under the age of eighteen years, when called to perform the said tour; therefore,

Resolved, That the fine aforesaid be remitted.

Joseph Rodger's claim to city lots under the original purchases of Francis and George Rodgers, was heard, and it appearing from the records of the Surveyor General's Office, that the said lots have been already laid out, and the said claim fully satisfied; it was Resolved, To dismiss the same.

Upon a conferrence with the Judges of the Supreme Court, respecting the claim of Charles Cecil, in right of Richard Ward's and Robert Serghill's original purchases, some defects in the proofs offered in support of said claim appeared. It was, therefore,

Resolved, To postpone the determination upon the said claim, to give the claimant an opportunity to procure from Great Britain, or elsewhere, such further proof as shall be satisfactory to Coun= cil.

The several claims of Charles and Timothy Hurst, in behalf of themselves, Lord Shelburne, and others, of Edward May, Daniel Quare, James Andrews, Thomas Butler, and Benjamin Hockley, to city lots by their agent, Clement Biddle, and attorney, Miers Fisher, were postponed untill Tuesday next, at which time the attendance of the Judges was requested, it being probable some proof will be offered which may require their assistance in the investigation.

The claim of Richard Peters, Esquire, under Mason Vrosen and others, original purchasers, was also postponed until Tuesday next, of which Mr. Lewis is to have notice.

The claim of the heirs of Hugh Chamberlaine, by their attorney, Miers Fisher, was postponed until Wednesday next.

And the several claims of Nicholas Young and of Richard Wells and others, devisees of Richard Hill and Peter Thompson, under

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