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by the Society since its organization in 1882. In fact, the evidence is accumulating in every intelligent household in the civilized world. Circumstances innumerable, which were in former times passed by as curious coincidences, or were ascribed to supermundane agency, are now intelligently observed and referred to their proper source, since science has rescued the phenomena from the domain of superstition.

At first it was supposed that the phenomenon pertained solely to the objective mind, and that what the agent was consciously thinking of was necessarily that which was conveyed to the mind of the percipient. But that theory was soon abandoned in view of constantly occurring phenomena which could not be thus explained. Thus it was found that thoughts were transmitted which were not consciously in the agent's mind; and that, as Podmore observes,

"The idea can be transferred from the sub-conscious to the sub-conscious; and indeed there is some ground for thinking that, outside of direct experiment, the intervention of the conscious [objective] mind in the telepathic transmission of thought is exceptional. Even in some of the most striking experimental cases it has been shown that either agent or percipient, or both, were asleep or entranced at the time."1

These conclusions, although expressed with the caution of the true scientist, are obviously correct. In telepathic experiments by means of hypnotism, the subjective mind of the percipient is alone concerned. Indeed, all the evidence on the subject goes to prove that telepathy is a power belonging exclusively to the subjective mind; and that in the spontaneous exercise of that power it is by mere accident that the objective mind participates in, or is cognizant of, either the transmission or the reception of the communication. That is to say, it is quite evident that telepathic communion is very common, if not constant, between mem

1 Apparitions and Thought-Transference, p. 391.

bers of the same family, or those who have a vital interest in each other's welfare; although it is comparatively rare that the content of the communication is elevated above the threshold of normal or objective consciousness of either the agent or the percipient. As I have pointed out in the chapters on spiritism, it is to the fact that telepathy is purely a subjective power that all the seeming mystery attached to so-called spirit communications is to be attributed.

It is clear, therefore, that the power of telepathy has nothing in common with objective methods of communications between mind and mind; and that it is not the product of muscle or nerve or any physiological combination whatever, but rather sets these at naught, with their implications of space and time.

"It is a quality that defies distance, is instantaneous, is not dependent on terrestrial states, is most apparent in our least conscious moods and in our least wakeful hours, is strongest in the undeveloped intellectually, is conspicuous in the moments when organization is dissolving, in the hour of death, — is certainly as near to our conception of soul as a thing can be." 1

The ninth characteristic of the subjective entity which clearly differentiates it from the objective mind, in power, function, and attribute, consists of the fact that its activity and power are in inverse proportion to the vigor of the body. This is the most important of all of the distinctive differences between the two minds or intelligences, for it is not only a strong argument for the existence in man of a distinct entity, but it goes far towards proving that this entity is capable of sustaining an existence independently of the body. If a man has a power that transcends the senses, it is at least presumptive evidence that it does not perish when the senses are extinguished.

That the activity and power of the subjective mind is in inverse proportion to that of the body, is evidenced by

1 O. B Frothingham, in Harper's Magazine, August, 1860, p. 205.

every phenomenon of subjective mental action. Beginning with the simplest hypnotic experiment upon a healthy subject, in the first stage of subjective activity the physical condition of the patient can hardly be distinguished from the normal. Deepen the hypnosis, and the subjective manifestations will increase in power and intensity. Continue the process until a hypnotic lethargy is induced, and the manifestations will continue to grow stronger in proportion. This must be understood as a general statement of a condition which, within certain limits, varies with each individual. There are, however, many psychics whose strongest manifestations are produced while the body is in an apparently normal condition. In fact, no general rule can be laid down which will apply to all cases, except this, that, the longer and more persistently the production of psychic phenemena is followed up, the weaker will become the physical organism of the psychic. But as this branch of the subject will be treated in a future chapter, I will come direct to the salient point to which I wish to invite attention. It is this: When disease seizes the physical frame and the body grows feeble, the objective mind invariably grows correspondingly weak. Not so the subjective mind; for, as the body grows weak, the subjective mind grows strong, and it is strongest in the hour of death. Indeed, when death approaches, no matter what form it assumes, the moment its inevitability is realized, it is no longer feared, and pain ceases. At that supreme moment the subjective mind takes complete possession, the objective senses are benumbed, the body is anesthetized, and the patient dies, "without pain and without regret (Hammond). In the mean time, as the objective mind ceases to perform its functions, the subjective mind is most active and powerful. The individual may never before have exhibited any psychic power, and may never have consciously produced any psychic phenomena; yet at the supreme moment his soul

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224 DEMONSTRATION OF the future life.

is in active communion with loved ones at a distance, and the death message is often, when psychic conditions are favorable, consciously received. The records of telepathy demonstrate this proposition. Nay, more; they may be cited to show that in the hour of death the soul is capable of projecting a phantasm of such strength and objectivity that it may be an object of sensorial experience to those for whom it is intended. Moreover, it has happened that telepathic messages have been sent by the dying, at the moment of dissolution, giving all the particulars of the tragedy, when the death was caused by an unexpected blow which crushed the skull of the victim. It is obvious that in such a case it is impossible that the objective mind could have participated in the transaction. The evidence is, indeed, overwhelming, that, no matter what form death may assume, whether caused by lingering disease, old age, or violence, the subjective mind is never weakened by its approach or its presence. On the other hand, that the objective mind weakens with the body and perishes with the brain, is a fact confirmed by every-day observation and universal experience.




HAS MAN A SOUL? (continued).

A Prima Facie Case. - Concurrent and Antagonistic Hypotheses. The Law of Suggestion. - A Case of "Mediumistic" Development. - The Alleged Spirit Control assumes a Dictatorship. It develops a Passion for Music. - Music the Language of the Emotions. - A purely Subjective Faculty. — Subjective Music and Objective Music Differentiated. - The Dual-Mind Theory. - Absurdities Involved in the Single-Mind Theory.

T must now be provisionally assumed that it has been proven that the subjective mind is endowed with. powers, and circumscribed by limitations, which clearly differentiate it from the objective mind. For convenience of reference and facility of recollection, the following recapitulation is presented :

1. The subjective mind is constantly amenable to control by the power of suggestion.

2. It is incapable of independent reasoning by the processes of induction.

3. Its power to reason deductively from given premises to correct conclusions is practically perfect.

4. It is endowed with a perfect memory.

5. It is the seat of the emotions.

6. It possesses the power to move ponderable objects without physical contact.

7. It has the power to communicate and receive intelligence otherwise than through the recognized channels of the senses.

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