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Mr. WILLIAMS moved to amend the bill by inserting a proviso, that six months' notice should be given before the sale; which was agreed to.

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The question was taken on laying the bill aside, and negatived.

Mr. PARKER remonstrated with warmth against the idea of forcing a sale of these valuable mineral lands at $1 25 an acre. The gentleman stated that the miners had remonstrated against it. Mr. P. should like to hear their remonstrances read; he wanted to hear what these people had to say. Why should the debate be reserved for the House, and not be had in committee? He had always thought that it was the very purpose of going into Committee of the Whole that discussion might be more full and free. The House was very thin, doubtless because gentlemen had had no idea that a proposition to sell the lead mines would be brought up as Territorial bu-system wasted what timber there was. The ore was dug

Mr. VINTON then addressed the committee in support of the bill. The ordinance of 1785 had required that, when the public lands should be sold, a reservation should be made of mines and salt springs. This was under the idea that, if sold, they would become immense individual monopolies; for it was not then known that both salt springs and lead ore abounded through large portions of our territory. But since this bad been discovered, the whole original ground was changed; and, in consequence the salt springs had been sold, and a part of the lead mines. He thought the residue should be sold in like manner. While lead ore was abundant, fuel was comparatively scarce; for most of the ore was in the prairie land, where there was no timber. The present out and piled up in heaps, and melted by a great waste Mr. ASHLEY explained. In Missouri, the lead lands of fuel, owing to the slovenly manner in which the prowere of the second quality; yet, had they been sold be- cess was conducted. The timber would soon be gone, fore the mines were opened, they would probably have and then the ore would be of no more value than so brought $10 an acre; now, they would hardly sell at all. much stone. But if the land was sold, the process would Mr. LYON observed that, if these mines were as valu- be conducted with all the care and calculation which able as some gentlemen seemed to think, surely, if six marked individual interest; the fuel would be husbandmonths' notice of sale should be given, they could not ed, and applied in the best manner. Under such a sysbe sacrificed as gentlemen seemed to fear. Certain it tem, the value of these lands would be preserved and inwas, that, under the present plan of leasing, the timber creased. But six months' notice of sale would be insuffiwas daily destroyed, and the lands ruined; nor would it cient; for the capitalists, who alone could engage extenever be otherwise until the holders should have a perma-sively in such undertakings, resided chiefly in the East, nent interest in the property.


Mr. WARDWELL inquired whether the 'pre-emption acts would not give the lessors of these mining lands right to them at the minimum price?


and it required more time than that to make the necessa ry preliminary inquiries, and change the investment of large sums of money. He should move to increase the notice to twelve months. As to selling the lands at pres Mr. REED wanted further light. He thought the ent, while under lease, it was out of the question. No United States had better hold on to the lands for the pres-one would purchase, under such an incumbrance, lands ent, even if they were badly managed.

Mr. LYON said he should not press the bill; he was willing it should be postponed.?

Mr. GAMBLE, of Georgia, said he had had little experience in lead mines, but had had some in gold mines; and, from what he knew on the subject, his impression was, that the sooner the Government could get rid of these lands the better. As long as they were leased out, the miners would combine to destroy their character and depress their value. Nothing was easier. In respect to gold mines, it had been reduced to a regular system, insomuch that he had personally had offers made to him by miners, to either raise or depress the reputation of a given mine, as it might best suit his purpose. It had become a regular business. These lands were, at present, of no value to the Government. If they were valuable, competition would soon find it out, and, on due notice, the price would rise.

Mr. FILLMORE inquired if the mines were leased for a term of years?

Mr. LYON stated that they were on three years' leases. Mr. ADAMS inquired whether there were no returns of the avails of these lands? If there were not, there ought to be. The idea that they were an expense to the United States, was new to him. If it were so, it must be because the rent was not paid.

from which the lessee would strip as much of the timber as he could, and spoil the soil by his shallow diggings.

Mr. V. accordingly moved a proviso that the lands should not be sold till the present leases should have expired, and that twelve months' notice should be given of the sale.

Both which provisoes were agreed to by the committee.
The bill was then laid aside to be reported.

On motion of Mr. LYON, the committee then rose, and reported all the bills to the House.

Mr. L. endeavored to have the "bill to grant a certain quantity of land to the Territory of Michigan, for the purpose of aiding said Territory in opening a canal, or constructing a rail or Macadamized road, to connect Lake Erie, or the Detroit river, with Lake Michigan,' taken up in Committee of the Whole on the state of the Union; but opposition being made by Mr. PARKS, of Maine, and others, he withdrew the motion.

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The amendments to most of the bills were concurred in by the House, and they were ordered to their engross ment for a third reading, with the exception of the bill to sell the lead mines, the bill to run the Florida line, and that to run the line of Missouri; which were postponed to Friday. The House then adjourned.


Mr. DUNCAN said he had not ascertained with precison what were the actual expenses to the Government in carrying on these mines; he knew there were several The unfinished business for yesterday being the bill agents employed, and presumed there were other charges from the Senate making appropriations for the construcnearly if not quite equal in all to the value of the rent tion of certain roads in Michigan, which was on its third received, which, he said, (if he was understood cor-reading

rectly,) was 604,828 pounds of lead in the year 1833, Mr. WILLIAMS said he was not willing to throw any the value of which, at three dollars per hundred, was only embarrassment in the way of passing the bill, but he deabout eighteen thousand dollars. sired to have some explanation as to the necessity for these roads.

He referred to a report from the War Department, made to Congress in 1830, which recommends the survey and sale of these mines.

Mr. MERCER, in the accidental absence of the Delegate from the Territory, would state, for the information

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Territorial Bills.

[JUNE 6, 1834.

of the honorable member, that the applications for these ever, on the subject of internal improvements, had been roads having been referred to the Committee on Roads and made for the last fourteen years; but it was some consolaCanals, they had duly considered them, and the bill, as tion that, in reply to them, the vote of the House genereported, had been approved of by them. The question rally went to sustain them. It was asked by one honorafor the House, then, to decide would, he said, simply ble member, was not the Chicago road formerly vetoed? be, whether it was just that the United States, who have and it was said, if so, why now make an appropriation for the greatest interest in the public domains in that Territo- it? But he trusted that Congress never had, never should ry, or the people, who have not that interest, should be at the expense of making roads; the effect of which, when made, would be, by increasing the value of the public lands, to increase, in a great degree, the receipts therefrom into the treasury of the United States.

come to such a state of servility, as, for such a reason, to decline voting and acting as it thought proper. The Chicago road, however, was not vetoed.

The opposition to this bill, on the ground that Alabama got no benefit by the system of internal improvements, Mr. McKINLEY said that, after much examination of was, he thought, peculiarly unfortunate, because the this subject, he really could not discover upon what largest appropriation that ever had been made by Conground the burden of making these roads in this Terri- gress to promote internal improvements was for that tory was to be incurred by Congress. He could see no State. reason why they should have the support of the House. Mr. McKINLEY said he had meant to state that, No report having, as he believed, been made by any of whilst Alabama was a Territory, she had received nothing. their committees upon the subject, nor had there been Mr. MERCER resumed, and said that Alabama could any information or estimates laid before them, as was not with any grace complain, if she derived benefit from usually the case, by any of the United States' engineers. the system, in common with other parts of the Union, He could not see with what consistency gentlemen, who when she became a State; but it was yet to be proved opposed appropriations for offices not previously estab-that, even whilst she was a Territory, she had asked lished by law, could yet reconcile to themselves making for any thing, or been refused. He could assure the honappropriations for roads not previously sanctioned by orable member that he would feel ashamed of himself if Congress. But so it was always when appropriations he could be influenced in withholding any appropriation were made connected with the subject of internal im- from his, or any other State, simply because that State would provement. He complained that Alabama, which he not acknowledge the jurisdiction of the United States to had the honor to represent, had not received, although make internal improvements therein. Such was not his they had the promise of it, any benefit by the outlay of course, being always determined to support those propomoney for internal improvements; and yet the Territory sitions that would appear likely to prove generally benefiof Michigan, which did not contain one-fourth as much cial. Mr. M. detailed at length the method and costs of public lands as his State did, had received appropria- constructing roads suitable to the progressive wants of tions, in the aggregate, to possibly half a million, cer- the new States and Territories generally. After which, tainly to 300,000 or 400,000 dollars. On what ground, he he defended the course taken by the committee on the must ask, was this unequal outlay to be maintained? subject of internal improvements, maintaining that there Why, he would also ask, was it that Florida got more was not one appropriation recommended by them for any than Michigan? The answer might be, that we had full object that they could not sustain, by referring to the prin power over the Territories. But the power of Congress ciple on which they had uniformly acted, viz: its general to make internal improvements was claimed to exist all utility to the Union. Persecuted as the committee had over the Union. It was time, however, this system been for their opinions, he believed he might, in conclushould be arrested, when they had propositions, as in the sion, take leave on this head to say, for himself, with Job, case of the road through Illinois, Missouri, and other States "Oh that mine enemy would write a book." in the West, which would, he thought, go altogether to Mr. WHITE, of Florida, said, as there was evident the exhaustion of the funds levied on the sales of all symptoms that there was to be opposition to the appropublic lands. He was not disposed to sustain the system, priations contemplated for the Territory which he had the doubting the power of the United States to make im- honor to represent, he would, in reply to the statement provements where they had no jurisdiction, although he made by the member from Alabama, that Florida had rehad no doubt Congress had power to aid the States by ceived more than Michigan, beg to refer him to the laws appropriations for such purposes. He would now, there- of the United States for better information than the honfore, call upon those members who were formerly so anxious orable member seemed to have upon that subject. There on the subject of economy, and who supported the prop- he would find that Florida had not, in the aggregate, reosition so successfully for the reduction of the salaries ceived, ever since her connexion with the United States, of the custom-house officers, &c., to show their regard as much for roads and canals as was now proposed to be for the public money by voting against this bill, which given to the Territory of Michigan by the present bill. But afforded to them so fair an opportunity; it being one, too, one appropriation of any consequence had been made for in which there would be no difficulty of finding persons a road, and that was at the special recommendation of on his side to join them. General Jackson, in 1824, from St. Augustine to PensaMr. MERCER explained, and justified at length the cola; and what, he asked, was the result? Why, it manner in which the Committee on Roads and Canals act- would appear, from the reports in the Land Office, that ed, with reference to all appropriations for roads recom- the public lands which, owing to its being constructed, mended by them, advocating the present bill on the had been brought to market, were sold at five and five and ground that making the roads contemplated by it would a quarter dollars per acre, whilst lands of equal value had prove of ultimate benefit to the United States. He de- previously been there sold at one and one dollar and a nied, however, that so much had been done for Michigan quarter per acre. The reason for this was too obvious to as was asserted by the honorable member from Alabama, make it necessary for him to dwell upon the advantages by the Committee on Roads and Canals. The present arising to the United States by continuing that system, by bill was one granting about $60,000 for certain roads, which their forests were enabled to be penetrated, and which must, when constructed, evidently increase the their lands brought into connexion with the busy haunts value of the public lands. It should, therefore, stand or of men. This was the result, according to his own obserfall on its own merits. He could not see any force in the vation, in Florida, and he had no doubt it would be the objections raised to improvements that had the object of same in other parts of the Union similarly circumstanced benefiting the public property. These objections, how-In answer to the outcry that was now to be raised, that

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District of Columbia.

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removed. For this an expense of $143 73 had been incurred; to which sum he would move the reduction of the appropriation.

the Territories were getting more than the States, he would assert that they had stronger claims than any of the States, because they were, in fact, the property of the nation, and to them would, in the end, accrue, as he had shown actu- Mr. PARKER would not say that the removal of the ally did, all the benefit of the improvements made there. mud or dust was not a convenience in itself; but he would The gentleman from Alabama talked about the large say that the United States ought not to be called on to quantity of public lands in his State-they amounted, he pay for it. He had no idea that Congress should take believed, to 27,000,000 acres, of which only 1,000,000 had upon themselves the functions of scavengers to the good been sold. But had not that State grants given them for City of Washington. Was it, he inquired, necessarily to various purposes, of 600,000 or 800,000 acres. Then follow, that because they had, at an expense of one hunthey had, in addition, a law passed in their favor, releasing dred and fifty thousand dollars, made a Macadamized road, purchasers of public lands from the payment of their bonds they were to have this duty entailed upon them? If so, to the amount of 600,000 or $800,000. Under such cir- it was better they had not directed it to be constructed at cumstances he would protest against any such argument all. He thought the people of Washington should do as being raised in opposition to the just claims of the Territories. He, in conclusion, repeated that all grants made by the General Government to them was, in reality, for the ultimate benefit of their own property, just as much as the improvements made by a farmer would add to the value of his own farm. Nothing, he said, had been given to the Floridas for some five or six years; and he defied the honorable member to make good his assertions, that they had obtained more than Michigan. The debate was arrested at 12 o'clock by

the people of other cities did, namely: keep their own streets in repair, and keep the dust out of their own eyes.

Mr. WARDWELL suggested that, as the expense had been incurred, it was necessary to alter the phraseology of the appropriation from "to remove," and insert instead, "for removing."

Mr. CHINN assented, and modified his amendment accordingly.

Mr. STODDERT contended that the same reason which existed for making the road originally would apply Mr. CHINN, who rose to call for the special order of for making the appropriations in this bill; the original the day; which was set apart for the consideration of busi-object in making it being not so much for the benefit of ness in relation to


the people of Washington as it was for the benefit of the Government and of the country at large. If, then, it was a good reason to expend one hundred and fifty thouMr. POLK appealed to the House whether it was sand dollars, he thought that the House could not well not of more importance to dispose finally of the appro-refuse the small amount of one hundred and seventy-three priation bills before they should enter into the business dollars, which was laid out to make it answer that purof the District, to which he would be willing to attend pose.

on Friday or Saturday next. He moved that the rule Mr. HARPER desired to have the amendment so be suspended for the purpose of taking up the appro-worded as that this appropriation should not serve as a priation bills. precedent for future expenses of the same kind. He

Mr. WHITTLESEY remarked that it might be possi-observed that there was another of four hundred dolble for the House to dispose of both.

Mr. WILLIAMS opposed the motion to suspend, as he believed the members generally came prepared to act on the business of the District.

Mr. CHINN said he had no idea, unless the business of the District was then taken up, that there could be any action on the bills in relation to it, before the adjournment of Congress. He hoped the motion would not prevail. The House refused to suspend the rule, and went into Committee of the Whole (Mr. BRIGGS in the chair) on sundry bills.

lars, to keep the avenue in repair; but he was opposed to Congress having the duty, thus self-imposed, of keeping the road in repair; conceiving that, if this was once sanctioned, neither that amount, nor double that, would be found sufficient for it. He desired, as the expense had been incurred, that it should be paid; but, to avoid the danger which he had stated, that the amendment should have inserted in it, "that it was for money already expended."

The amendment being modified, in accordance to this suggestion, the question thereon was put, and it was agreed to.

On motion of Mr. CHINN, the bill to complete the improvements on Pennsylvania avenue was taken up. Mr. PARKER remarked that it seemed to him the Mr. PARKER desired to be informed what was the na-honorable member from Pennsylvania had gained nothing ture of the outstanding claims for work done on the ave-by the change made in the amendment; for he contended nae, for which he observed an appropriation was proposed that, if it was adopted in its present shape, Congress must of $3,720. He had some objection to another item, not construe it into a worse precedent than it was before its Lo much on account of its amount, as that he feared, if phraseology was altered. In its present shape it went to it was sanctioned, it might prove an entering wedge to sanction an expenditure ordered by a committee of the future demands upon Congress. He alluded to the ap- House. The money was first expended, and then the propriation of $200 for removing the dust and mud from the surface of the avenue. He objected to Congress, having caused the road to be made, now taking upon themselves the charge of it, believing it would lead them to an Expense hereafter, the extent of which no person could guess. His objection was on account of the principle, not to the amount; and he would move to have this, at all events, stricken out.

House were asked to pay it. What authority was there, he would ask, in any committee, to make such an expenditure? If Congress acceded to it, would not the certain result be to establish a stronger precedent? He must, therefore, move to have it stricken out; and, if that motion should succeed, it was his intention, he said, to move to have the succeeding item of four hundred dollars for repairs, also stricken out.

Mr. CHINN, in explanation, said it would be in the Mr. FILLMORE maintained, however, (anxious as he recollection of the House how much inconvenience was was-equally with the honorable member from New Jerfelt from the state the avenue was in not long since, and sey, [Mr. PARKER]-to avoid creating a bad precedent,) for which various propositions had been suggested to ob- that Congress were perfectly justified in causing the inviate it. The House having refused to act upon the convenience resulting to them in the transaction of joint resolution to direct the Committee on the Public their public duties from the state of the road to be Buildings to have the street watered, the Committee on removed, and to make an appropriation for the expense the District had thought it necessary to have the dust incurred by that removal. For their convenience the

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District of Columbia.

[JUNE 6, 1834.

streets had been cleaned, and he was disposed to have it The motion was negatived: Yeas 42, nays not counted. paid for. Mr. McKINLEY then said, as he could not conceive Mr. EWING said it might be worthy of inquiry, whe-that twelve hundred dollars was wanted for the repairs of ther the appropriation was intended to cover the expenses the north end of the Tiber bridge, &c., he would move which would accrue whilst Congress was in session? to reduce the amount to six hundred dollars. Mr. CHINN said it was intended for expenses already incurred, and which had become necessary in preference to the proposition to have the street watered, which would have cost at least eight hundred dollars.

Mr. McKINLEY would vote for the payment of the expenses already incurred, but could not support the other, to keep the avenue in repair.

Mr. WATMOUGH advocated the amendment, as work had been done for the convenience of members, which could not otherwise be paid for, and a number of persons. would be thus prevented obtaining what was justly due to them.

The motion to strike out was negatived; thereupon, Mr. PARKER said that, as he desired to avoid the possibility of this being cited hereafter as a precedent, he would move to have inserted in it, that it was for expenses incurred under the direction of the Committee on the District.

Mr. WARDWELL hoped he would withdraw this amendment; for, if it was inserted, however willing to vote for the expenses of removal, he could not vote for it if worded as the honorable member proposed-that amendment, if adopted, giving power to a committee of the House to direct money to be expended, when in fact they had no such power.

Mr. WATMOUGH remarked that the expenditure had been under the direction of the Commissioner of the Public Buildings.

Mr. PARKER said it was for that very reason he desired to have the amendment which he proposed inserted, feeling much more disposed to sanction an outlay under the authority of one of their own committees than he would the act of any commissioner.

The question on the amendment of Mr. PARKEN was then put; and, having been negatived,

Mr. WARDWELL remarked that he was only astonished that three thousand dollars was not required, instead of twelve hundred dollars; and thought they were getting off cheap to have so low an estimate presented for what was necessary to be done. If they did not grant sufficient at once, it must be evident that they would be called on (as the honorable member must see had been the case in this bill for another object) to make it up by an appropriation, hereafter, for arrearages.

Mr. MERCER regretted to find the honorable member from Alabama [Mr. McKINLEY] was so querulous in opposition to all the appropriations that had been proposed that day. Works of this nature were required to be done in a permanent manner, and he did not suppose that this work could be done permanently at a less rate than was proposed.

Mr. CHINN said the committee had various estimates on the subject, and they were convinced it could not be done cheaper. They had adopted this estimate in preference to another which had been suggested, the cutting of a new channel and the erection of a new bridge, on account of the great expense that must have been created if they had-not less, probably, than ten or eleven thousand dollars.

The question on the motion of Mr. McKINLEY, to strike out twelve hundred and insert six hundred, having been then put, and the votes thereon being yeas 43, nays 68— no quorum

Mr. McKINLEY, to save the time of the House, withdrew his amendment; thereupon,

Mr. McKAY rose to inquire as to the nature of the outstanding claims, for the payment of which there was an item appropriating three thousand seven hundred and twenty dollars? He desired to know whether an examination into the expenditure of the large amount voted by Mr. HARDIN inquired how it was possible the erection Congress for this road had been made by that committee of stone arches over Tiber creek, and other repairs there, whose proper province it was to have such examination could require so large an appropriation as twelve hun-made? He could not vote, until he was satisfied about dred dollars? He was not aware upon what principle this, to place such large sums at the disposition of any there could be such an expenditure for this purpose public officer, who, for aught that was yet known, had maintained, unless it was that peculiar principle on which this outlay to make without being under any responsibility some people of this city were known to act, namely: to for it whatever. He had another objection to making get as much money as they could, and do as little work these appropriations. The Commissioner of Public Buildfor it as possible. ings, it had been stated, had expended money before it Mr. CHINN went into an explanation of the measures was appropriated. What authority could be pleaded for taken by the committee, who, he said, after a full inquiry such an act? Most unquestionably, none. What right, into the subject, deemed it necessary, in an economical he begged to know, had that officer to employ laborers, point of view, not only to repair the broken arch perma- as it had been stated he had done? Surely, he said, this nently, but to have it otherwise protected by a solid stone made it high time for them to know whether the commitwall of some length, in order to protect the bridge from tee had done their duty in examining every item of the large expenditure for this road.

the current.

Mr. HARDIN disapproved altogether of the manner On motion of Mr. CHINN, the committee next took up in which the road had been constructed, as the whole the bill "to organize the several fire companies in the expense that had been incurred by it, of nearly one hun- District of Columbia."

died and fifty thousand dollars, would not avail, from the Mr. CHINN moved an amendment, the effect of which species of stone used in it. He, on the ground of econo-was, that a fire company, with an apparatus worth five my, would now suggest to the chairman of the committee, hundred dollars, should not exempt from militia duty that it was necessary to have a good stratum of hard lime- more than fifty men-and with an apparatus worth one stone rock, four and a half inches thick, laid on the thousand dollars, not more than seventy-five men; which present road. This would, in the outset, appear an ex-was agreed to.

travagant proposition, as it would cost, he calculated, Some other amendments of minor consequence were about fourteen thousand dollars; but he would maintain added, when the bill was laid aside, and the committee took that, unless this was done, and speedily, their former up the bill to incorporate the Washington National Monlarge outlay would be totally lost, as the road was evi-ument Society, on which a debate of much interest arose dently wearing away, and would entirely before No-and was in full progress, when it was discovered that the committee were discussing a bill which had not been re – Mr. McKINLEY moved to strike out the item "for re-ferred to them. The debate, of course, was immediately pairs of the avenue, four hundred dollars." dropped.


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The committee next considered the bill concerning the Insurance Company of Alexandria.

Mr. CHINN moved a proviso, reserving to Congress the right to alter, modify, or repeal the charter, at pleasure; which being agreed to, the bill was laid aside. The next bill taken up was the bill "for the benefit of the City of Washington."

Mr. STODDERT (from the District Committee) called for the reading of the report which accompanied the bill; and it was read at the Clerk's table.

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which promised in the end to advance the prosperity of the city and relieve it from every embarrassment. Delays had occurred; and they found themselves now sinking under a load of debt. Was it not the duty of the Government to relieve them? Let gentlemen consider that the Government held real estate in this city to the value of more than a million of dollars; and that they had actually received upwards of seven hundred thousand dollars-from what? from taxation? from putting their hands into the pockets of the people? No, not at all: but from Mr. MANN, of New York, declaring himself entirely the voluntary donation of private individuals; from dohostile to the bill, moved to destroy it by striking out the nations to the United States in trust; and the question was, enacting clause. He was not prepared, he said, to adopt how it was to be administered? Mr. S. held in his hand the debt of the City of Washington, (for such would the articles of cession; and any man who would examine practically be the effect of the bill,) for the sake of ad- them would see that these lots had been granted in trust vancing a favorite scheme of internal improvement. He for the public benefit. No man could suppose that these knew of no principle of right, justice, or public policy, individuals would so have contravened the philosophy of which required it at the hands of Congress. It was but the human heart as to give away their property to the the entering wedge, and the end would be that Congress people of the rest of the Union. It was a preposterous would have to pay the principal of the debt. The con- idea that the people of this little district of ten miles tracting of it had been a mere private transaction, and square should become the almoners of the United States: Government could not be called upon to interfere for the They ceded their property for the benefit of the future relief of the party embarrassed by it. He knew that the city. This was the inducement; and this the only legiti corporation was insolvent, and that the taxes of the peo-mate use to which their property could be applied. The ple were intolerable; but it was not for him to prescribe the remedy. Congress could not, in its public character, proceed to acts of charity; its members were sent here to do justice; and it was not justice that they should assume the debts which a corporate body had improvidently contracted.

trust could not be administered for federal purposes. Let us, then, said Mr. S., resort to the documents, and see how this trust stands.

The receipts from the sales of city lots ceded to the Government amount to seven hundred and thirty-two thousand seven hundred dollars. From this sum is to be Mr. STODDERT said that he could not have believed, deducted one hundred and eighty-six thousand eight had not facts convinced him, that the District of Colum- hundred and sixty dollars, expended for the improvement bia could have been an object of such narrow jealousy to of the city: but it is to be borne in mind that, of this last the States of this Union. To relieve its inhabitants was sum, one hundred and twenty-one thousand dollars was not merely within the competence of Congress-it was for the erection of a penitentiary. And is this a mere their imperative duty. As to their power to appropriate local structure? It is for the purpose of confining those money to the benefit of any portion of this District, there who violate the criminal laws of the United States, not was no man who could deny or dispute it; they stood to only in this city, or this District, but in any part of the the inhabitants of the ten miles square in the same rela- Union. And, if it should be deemed economical to do so, tion which a State Legislature sustained towards the convicts may be sent here from any of the States. So citizens of any one of the States. And were a similar far as this goes, it is strictly a federal prison: though I application made to a State Legislature, would the peti- admit that it is for the use of the city also. As to the tioners be met with such language and such reproaches as sum expended on Pennsylvania avenue, he denied that had been thrown out with respect to the people of Wash- that was to be considered as an expenditure for the beneington? The sum of the national prosperity, Mr. S. ob-fit of the city alone. Its main object has respect to the served, was made up of its parts; and if it was the duty Government, by facilitating the passage between the Capof Congress to promote the good of the whole, it was not itol and the public offices. its duty to suffer any of the parts to perish. If they had fallen into circumstances of difficulty out of which it wassult of which was, that, even allowing four hundred and impossible for them to extricate themselves, it was surely competent to a paternal Government to step in for their relief. This had been done on former occasions: when Alexandria had suffered by fire, and the people of Caraccas by an earthquake. He might, therefore, stand on the force of precedents--but he placed this bill upon higher grounds.

Mr. S. went into some other statistical details, the re

seventy-six thousand dollars to have been expended for
city objects alone, it still left a large balance of money
actually received, which the Government held as a trustee
for the benefit of the owners. What justice was there
in giving it any other direction? Mr. S. would have
thought that the State pride of every man on that floor
would of itself have been sufficient to induce him to reject
with scorn the very idea of applying such a fund to fede-
ral or State uses. The appropriation in the bill involved
no encroachment on the federal treasury: it was to be
taken out of a fund derived exclusively from the donations
of private individuals. The Government had had posses-
sion of this property for years; and now they were called
upon simply to pay their debts; to advance money for
which they had received the amplest compensation.
Again; the Government held not only the most valua-

He would first reply to the argument of the gentleman from New York, [Mr. MANN.] It was not true that the committee designed this bill as an entering wedge to make way for a final adoption of the whole debt of the city. They had expressly denied and disavowed any such purpose; and had provided, in so many words, that the payment of this interest should be continued for three years only. It never had been their purpose to assume the Holland debt: they had never thought of such a thing. As to the charge of improvidence, on which the gentle-ble part of the city as their own, but the property they man was for refusing this relief, he thought the act of the city, which had in a great part contributed to bring them into their present situation, ought to be characterized by any other term. So far from its being a measure of reckless improvidence, he held it to have been one in the highest degree public spirited and praiseworthy. They bad subscribed largely to a great public improvement,

thus assumed to hold, as proprietors, had been exempt from taxation. The Government had imposed upon the people of the city a new and extraordinary scheme of building. They compelled them to construct their streets of three times the width of ordinary streets in other cities; they obliged them at once to go upon a grand scale, and not to allow the improvement of the city to develop it

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