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paper on "Methods of Training, on July 11, and on the same day there will be a discussion on the "Housing of the Laboring Classes," at which papers or addresses will be presented by Mr. Edward Bond, who is a member of Parliament, and of the London County Council, and Chairman of the East End Dwellings Company; Mr. T. C. Horsfall; Mr. W. M. Acworth; and Mr. Robert W. de Forest, President of the New York Charity Organization Society. The subject for the evening of July 11 is "Thrift Among Children." Sir Joshua Fitch will preside at this meeting and among the speakers is Mr. Thomas Mackay, Chairman of the London County

Council Sub-committee on Thrift and Savings.

Other subjects to be presented at the conference are the Care of the

Feeble-Minded, Epileptics and Inebriates, and the Care of the Blind. Mr. Charles P. Kellogg, Secretary of the State Board of Charities of Connecticut, will present a paper upon the last mentioned subject.

The program is an interesting one and we urge all Americans who are abroad this summer to plan to spend these days in London, giving notice in advance of their intention to do

so to the Honorary Secretary of the Conference Committee, Charity Organization Society, 15 Buckingham Street, Strand, W. C.


The Sanitary Institute of London have arranged to hold a conference

on the Housing of the Working Classes at the Institute, and in connection with it an exhibition of models and designs will be formed in the Parkes Museum of the Institute. The conference will be held at the end of July, and will continue for two or three days, probably those immediately preceding that on which the sections of the annual meeting at Ipswich of the British Medical Association

begin, August I.

Papers will be read and discussed in the mornings, and visits to typical buildings will be arranged for the afternoons, and also demonstrations of the plans and models.

Plans and models coming under any of the following heads will be accepted: Unhealthy areas, and improved areas; urban dwellings on the system of self-contained flats, associated flats, family houses, poor men's hotels. common lodging houses, shelters; suburban dwellings; rural dwellings; hop and fruit pickers' temporary dwellings; model estates and villages; models and plans. illustrating the application of buildings acts and regulations.

Silver and bronze medals will be awarded by the Institute for improved designs.

The Sanitary Institute have also accepted an invitation from the Société Francaise d' Hygiene to hold a conference in Paris on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, August 7, 8, and 9. The date of meeting has been so arranged that it will follow the conference and exhibition on the Housing of the Working Classes to be held at the Institute, and the annual meeting of the British Medical Association, and immediately precede the meeting of the Interna

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Commissioner Keller has begun to carry into effect at Bellevue his plan of discharging from work at that and other hospitals the unpaid help which has hitherto constituted a large part of the working force. at some of the hospitals. The Commissioner is reported as saying: "The influence of this whole thing is demoralizing. My theory is that pauper labor has no place in city departments. I believe in paying men and making them work for their pay. If a man is not worth paying he is not worth having in a hospital or anywhere else where there is work to be done. I discharged eighty of that 156 (at Bellevue), and if my appropriation

use of preservatives to keep milk from souring is a direct menace to infants, and active measures will be taken to put a stop to the practice.

The Guild for Crippled Children, which has had rooms in the Henrietta Industrial School in West Sixtythird street, will remove next week to its summer home at Long Beach. Additional accommodations are to be provided this summer, two cottages having been rented to supplement those owned by the society. Besides its own children, numbering 35, it will take others from various hospitals of the city for the summer.

Classified Advertisements. Advertisements under this head, two lines or more without display, 5 cents a line.


will stand it I will discharge them appeals for $50 towards a fund to be used in the

all and hire others. I am not going to make of. Bellevue Hospital an alms-house. It is for the city's sick, and not for idle paupers who are not sick, to sit around in.”

support of a widow 90 years old. She is a woman incapacitated from earning her living and is now wholly dependent upon her friends. The small amount asked for will supplement what comes from another source and provide for the rest of her days.

For $25 to buy various little articles which will add very much to the comfort and happiness of an old man, educated and refined, who is an inmate of a Home. He has no relatives to call upon.

For $70 with which to pay the expenses back to Syria of a young Armenian widow with one child. She has been in the country for the past six years and was able to support herself by work until a year ago when she took sick and has since been practically laid aside. She has assurances from her relatives in Syria that she will be cared for by them, and she is very anxious to 10 back. It is desirable to send her off at an early date, so the society hopes that the public response will be prompt.

For $60 to provide shelter for an old woman, whom age and illness have incapacitated from work, but who until recently supported herself. She has no relatives able to help her.

The Fifth District Committee asks if any reader of CHARITIES can procure for a blind sailor, who has been obliged to live for eight summers in hot rooms in the city, some place in the country. The man is of excellent character, and is much in need of recreation, and if some place could be found in which he could be W place as housekeeper, matron, of assistant i

maintained for a small sum, the committee would be glad to send him.

Health Commissioner Reynolds of Chicago has declared that the

Any money for these cases sent to the Charity Organization Society. 105 East 22d Street, will be duly and publicly acknowledged.

three children, wishes

institution where she can have her children with her; is refined and capable. Address F., care of CHARITIES.

annually, the edition for 1900 being now on sale


at the Central and district offices of the Charity Organization Society. Price, $1. 773 PP.

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By an amendment of the State Finance Law, made in April of 1899, it was made the duty of the State Comptroller and the President of the State Board of Charities, subject to the approval, in writing, of the Governor, to classify into grades the officers and employés of the various charitable and reformatory institutions required by law to report to the Comptroller, and to fix the salaries and wages to be paid such officers and employés. It was provided that differences in the expense of living and rates of wages in the localities in which such institutions are situate might be considered, and that the Comptroller should have the power of audit, subject to such classification. In pursuance of this law the Deputy Controller and the Secretary of the State Board of Charities have visited the various state institutions and have drafted a

classification of officers and employés, which will now be passed upon by the Comptroller, the President of the State Board, and the Governor.

It is interesting that in only one or two instances have salaries been reduced, and those usually for the purpose of equalizing salaries by adopting a compromise. It was found, for example, that an employé in one part of the state was paid a liberal salary and expenses, while another in a different section of the state was paid only one-third as much for similar work. According to the schedule as drafted, teachers generally in the public institutions will receive an increase of salary, and a system of certificates will be introduced. Compensation to nurses will also be increased, and in two instances, for what have seemed adequate reasons, the salaries of superintendents will be increased.

** -*

An interesting indication of modern business enterprise, on the one hand, and, on the other, of the confidence with which the public expects the erection of new charitable institutions is an attractive pamphlet which we have just received, embodying an illustrated description of a residence on West Forty-fourth street which is offered for sale to those who might convert it into a hospital, settlement, club house, mission house, school, or lodging house. The residence has a frontage of thirty-five feet; it has a handsome brown-stone front of four full stories and basement, and contains twenty-five rooms, all of which

are light, having external windows. It stands upon a lot fifty feet front by one hundred feet deep. The pamphlet contains architect's drawings for each floor, showing the building adapted to the service of a hospital, and another complete set showing how it might be arranged as a settlement.

* *

The Charity Organization Society of Baltimore has chosen Miss Mary Wilcox Brown as its General Secretary to succeed Miss Mary E. Richmond, who resigned to accept a similar position in Philadelphia. Miss Brown is at present General Secretary of the Henry Watson Children's Aid Society; she has been for several years a member of the board of managers of the Charity Organization Society, and an active member of its executive committee. She has also been chairman of a district committee. She is the author of "The Development Thrift," published by the Macmillan Company.

The Baltimore Sun says:

Gratification with Miss Brown's selection has been generally expressed among the friends of the society. Members of the special committee appointed to consider the subject say it was unanimously made after a thorough canvass of the merits of all available candidates who had been suggested for the po


It is felt, however, that Miss Brown will be exposed to a severe test in the comparison of the record she shall make with that of Miss Richmond, whose services to the so

ciety have earned her a national, and even international, reputation.

Our Baltimore friends will do well not to make personal comparisons but to be ready to appreciate one whose personality will doubtless differ from Miss Richmond's, as that of the latter did from her equally distinguished and successful predecessor, the late Dr. Amos G. Warner. We look forward to a very successful administration in both Baltimore and Philadelphia.


The Provisional Committee of Fifty, selected by the State Board of Charities to arrange for the organization of the New York State Conference of Charities and Correction, consists of representative officers and members of the representative charitable and correctional societies and institutions of the state. The first meeting of this committee was held on Thursday, June 14, in the library of the Charity Organization Society.

* * *

The Edgewater Créche sends out its fifteenth annual report just at the time when we are thinking of the coming summer work. Last summer the Créche entertained 8,063 guests, a gain of more than thirtyseven per cent over the previous summer. Of these 2,578 were mothers, children; 2,835 were little ones under or other women accompanying the five years of age, and 2,650 were children over five-with few exceptions under twelve.

The new pavilion, for which appeal was made in the report last year, has

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The Head Worker of the Friendly Aid Settlement expresses the needs of the district surrounding that Settlement, 248 East Thirty-fourth street, as the following: Shorter hours of work in the Second and Third avenue shops; a park east of Second avenue; children's playground; more public baths; greater watchfulness on the part of tenants and landlords and citizens in general to see that the laws affecting the construction and care of tenement houses be strictly observed, and a higher class of public amusement and recreation.

* * *

At Rockaway Park last year the Sanitarium for Hebrew children admitted 989 adults to the institution

during the summer, and entertained as day guests 14,564 children, from one to fourteen years of age.

In the thirty-seventh annual report of the New York Catholic Protectory we find that the number of children received during the year ending December 1, 1899, was 1,457; discharged, 1,422. The total number

receiving the benefits of the institution during the year was 4.086, the average daily attendance being 2,720, the largest number in the history of the Protectory. Of the number disposed of 1,134 have been returned to their parents or guardians, either because of the improved condition of the family or the reformation of the children. Two hundred and

thirty have been placed out or have obtained positions where they are able to help themselves. The Presi dent reports that the increase in the number of children cared for was caused principally by commitments. from the boroughs of Brooklyn, Queens and Richmond (from which boroughs they received very few children previous to consolidation), and also from commitments under the Compulsory Education Act. It is said that the Magistrates and the Commissioners of Charities have exercised great care in making commitments. The Commissioners of Charities have committed only sixty-three for so long a term as a year, and of the 1,034 children committed by the magistrates as delinquents, 450 were detained only for periods of one to thirty days.

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