The Science of Building: An Elementary Treatise on the Principles of Construction, Especially Adapted to the Requirements of Architectural StudentsLockwood and Company, 1870 - 120 halaman |
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angle applied axis balance Barlow beam body bottom flange breadth breaking weight breaking-weight Bridge calculate carbonate of lime cast-iron cent centre of gravity centre of pressure cloth column Construction contains crushing strength cubic foot deflexion depth diagrams diameter dimensions direction distance dome Edition elasticity equal equation equilibrium example feet flange foot length forces act formula Girders granite Hodgkinson horizontal thrust Humber's Inst iron length load magnesia material Mechanics middle Modern Engineering moment of inertia multiplying obtained OOLITES Outfall Sewer parallel forces perpendicular Plates practical pressure proportion radius rafter Railway represent resistance ribs sandstones shearing force side silica soffit span specific gravity square inch stone strength of materials suppose surface Tables thickness of pier timber tons transverse strain trapezium Treatise triangle vertical voussoirs wall weakest joint Woodcuts wrought-iron
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Halaman 13 - The standard text-book for all engineers regarding skew arches is Mr. Buck's treatise, and it would be impossible to consult a better.
Halaman 8 - Levelling. A TREATISE on the PRINCIPLES and PRACTICE of LEVELLING ; showing its Application to Purposes of Railway and Civil Engineering, in the Construction of Roads ; with Mr. TELFORD'S Rules for the same. By FREDERICK W. SIMMS, FGS, M. Inst. CE Sixth Edition, very carefully revised, with the addition of Mr.
Halaman 15 - Villa Architecture. A HANDY BOOK of VILLA ARCHITECTURE ; being a Series of Designs for Villa Residences in various Styles. With Detailed Specifications and Estimates. By C. WICKES, Architect, Author of " The Spires and Towers of the Mediaeval Churches of England,
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Halaman 28 - The examples of ancient MSS. recommended to the student, which, with much good sense, the author chooses from collections accessible to all, are selected with judgment and knowledge, as well as taste...
Halaman 5 - A very valuable contribution to the standard literature of civil engineering. In addition to elevations, plans and sections, large scale details are given, which very much enhance the instructive worth of these illustrations. No engineer would willingly be without so valuable a fund of information."— Civil Engineer and Architect
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Halaman 1 - Illustrated with 50 Double Plates, i Single Plate, Coloured Frontispiece, and upwards of 250 Woodcuts, and containing 400 pages of Text, elegantly and substantially half-bound in morocco.
Halaman 2 - We gladly welcome another year's issue of this valuable publication from the able pen of Mr. Humber. The accuracy and general excellence of this work are well known, while its usefulness in giving the measurements and details of some of the latest examples of engineering, as carried out by the most eminent men in the profession, cannot be too highly prized.