Gambar halaman

Laughton, J: K., "Letters and Papers

of Lord Barham ", II., reviewed, 384.
Laurence, R. V., (ed.) Acton's "Lec-

tures on the French Revolution",
reviewed, 617.

Lavisse, Ernest, "Histoire de France",
vol. IX., pt. 1, reviewed, 615.
Lawrie, Sir A. C., (comp.) "Annals of
the Reigns of Malcolm and William,
Kings of Scotland", reviewed, 800.
Lazarovich-Hrebelianovich, Prince and
Princess, "Servian People", review-
ed, 599.

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Lecky, W: E: H., "Historical and Po-

litical Essays ", reviewed, 856.
Lecky, Mrs. W. E. H., "Memoir of

Lecky", reviewed, 131.

Le Clercq, Chrestien, "New Relation
of Gaspesia", reviewed, 358.
Lefèvre, Eugène, "Du Rôle des Tri-
buns", reviewed, 657.

"Legal Development in Colonial Mas-
sachusetts", by C: J. Hilkey, re-
viewed, 391.

Le Moy, A., "Le Parlement de Bre-
tagne", reviewed, 121.

[blocks in formation]


Rooseboom's 'Scottish Staple in the
Netherlands ", 596.

Lingley, C: R., "Transition in Vir-
ginia from Colony to Common-
wealth", reviewed, 673.

'Literatur, Die Kulturwerte der Deut-
schen", by Kuno Francke, reviewed,

Literature of the Russo-Japanese War,
I., II., by a BRITISH OFFICER, 508-
528, 736-750; three classes of mili-
tary campaigns, 508-509; three classes
of war records, 510-511; reports of
press correspondents attached to the
Japanese army, 511-514; those with
the Russian army, 514-519; of cor-
respondents with the Japanese army
before Port Arthur, 519-522; of pro-
fessional eye-witnesses, 522-528; re-
ports of military attachés, 736-738;
professional treatises by soldiers,
738-740; general reviews of press cor-
respondents, 740-742; British official
histories, 742-744; German official
history, 744-747; Japanese publica-
tions, 747-748; Russian works, 748-

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Louisiana, Spanish, A Projected Settle-
ment of English-speaking Catholics
from Maryland in (doc.), 319-327.
Louverture, Toussaint, Letters of, and
of Edward Stevens, 1798-1800 (doc.),

Loyd, W: H., "Early Courts of Penn-
sylvania", reviewed, 671.

LUNT, W. E., (R) Göller's "Die Ein-
nahmen der Apostolischen Kammer",


Luther's Death, A new Fragment on,


Lyon, F. H., "Diego de Sarmiento de
Acuña ", reviewed, 162.

MCCALEB, W. F., (R) Ramsdell's "Re-
construction in Texas", 368; (R)
García's "Leona Vicario ", 397.
MacCarthy, Desmond, (ed.) "Lady
John Russell", reviewed, 855.
McCarty, G., "Territorial Governors
of the Old Northwest ", reviewed,

[ocr errors]

'Diary of James K. Polk ", 361; (R)
Moore's "Works of James Buch-
anan ", XII., 861.

McIlwain, C: H., "High Court of Par-
liament ", reviewed, 597.

McIlwaine, H. R., (ed.) "Journals of
the House of Burgesses of Virginia,
1727-1740", reviewed, 859.
MCLAUGHLIN, A. C., (R) Farrand's

Records of the Federal Convention
of 1787", 826.

McLaughlin, James, "My Friend the

Indian", reviewed, 179.

McMaster, J: B., "History of the Peo-
ple of the United States", VII., re-
viewed, 645.

"Madison, James, Writings of ", IX.,
by Gaillard Hunt, reviewed, 675.
Mahan, A. T., "Interest of America in
International Conditions ", reviewed,

[blocks in formation]

"Malta, History of ", by William Hard-
man, reviewed, 622.

[ocr errors]

'Malte, Le Siège de ", by Hubert Per-
not, reviewed, 383.

Manatt, J. I., (R) Baikie's Sea-
Kings of Crete ", 655.

Manning, W: R., (R) Soltau's "Duke
de Choiseul ", 164.

"Manorial Structure in the Northern
Danelaw, Types of ", by F. M. Sten-
ton, reviewed, 802.

Marat, The Credibility of, by R. C. H.

Marcks, Erich, 'Bismarck", I., re-
viewed, 127.

Marczali, Henry, "Hungary in the

Eighteenth Century ", reviewed, 123.
Marez, G. des, "Comptes de la Ville
d'Ypres ", I., reviewed, 663.
"Marine Française, Histoire de la ",
IV., by Charles de la Roncière, re-
viewed, 115.

[ocr errors]


'Marine Militaire de la France, La",
by G. Lacour-Gayet, reviewed, 164.
Marion, Marcel, 'Les Impôts Di-
rects", reviewed, 614.
Marriott, J. A. R., "English Political
Institutions", reviewed, 682.
Maryland, A Projected Settlement of
English-speaking Catholics from, in
Spanish Louisiana (doc.), 319-327.
'Maryland, Narratives of Early, 1633-
1684", by C. C. Hall, reviewed, 356.
Massachusetts, Colonial, Legal De-
velopment in ", by C: J. Hilkey, re-
viewed, 391.

[ocr errors]
[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

MEANY, E: S., (R) Snowden's "His-


tory of Washington", 370; (R)
Murray's Journal of the Yukon ",
374; (R) Burpee's "Journal of La-
rocque ", 374.

Meder und Perser, Geschichte der ",
II., by J. V. Prášek, reviewed, 102.

American Government and Poli-
tics", 400; (R) Forman's "History
of the United States for Schools",
400; (R) Fess's "Political Theory
and Party Organization ", 401.
MERRIMAN, R. B., (R) Haile's "Life
of Reginald Pole", 382; Cortes of
the Spanish Kingdoms in the Later
Middle Ages, 476-495; (R) Hunt
and Poole's "Political History of
England", VI., 600.

Mexican Recognition of Texas, by J. H.

SMITH, 36-55; Mexican feeling in
regard to Texas, 36; impossibility of
recovering Texas, 37-38; causes for
Mexican reluctance in acknowledging
Texan independence, 38-43; pro-
posed annexation by the United
States, 43-47; English, French, and
Mexican attitude toward American
annexation, 47-51; further causes of
Mexican inaction, 51-53; efforts of
the Diario, 53-54; final debate and
its results, 54-55.

"México, Autos de Fe de la Inquisicion
"de", by Genaro García, reviewed,

'México, La Intervención Francesa
en", VIII., IX., by Genaro García,
reviewed, 398.

MEYER, A. O., “England und die Kath-

olische Kirche ", I., reviewed, 807;
(R) Usher's Reconstruction of the
English Church", 808.

"Middle Ages, The ", by D: S. Schaff,

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]
[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors]

Morris, W: A., " Frankpledge System",
reviewed, 662.

"Motley, John Lothrop, and his Fam-
ily ", by his daughter and H. St. J.
Mildmay, reviewed, 396.
MUNRO, D. C., (R) Jordan's "Origines
de la Domination Angevine ", 111.
Munro, James, (ed.) "Acts of the
Privy Council", II., III., reviewed,
119, 638.

"Murat, Napoléon et le Roi", by Al-
bert Espitalier, reviewed, 350.
Murdoch, James, "History of Japan",
I., reviewed, 630.

Murray, A. H., "Journal of the Yu-
kon", reviewed, 374.

Murray, W: S., "The Making of the
Balkan States", reviewed, 390.

Myers, Gustavus, "Great American
Fortunes", III., reviewed, 177.

[blocks in formation]
[ocr errors]

Napoleonic War, British Credit in
the Last", by Audrey Cunningham,
reviewed, 668.

"National Banking System, Crises
under the ", by O. M. W. Sprague,
reviewed, 396.

"National Church of Sweden ", by Bp.
John Wordsworth, reviewed, 811.
"National Land System, 1785-1820",
by P. J. Treat, reviewed, 643.
"National Land System, Colonial Prec-

edents of our ", by Amelia C. Ford,
reviewed, 394.

"Négociations de Lille", by Charles

Ballot, reviewed, 853.

"Negro in the New World", by H. H.
Johnston, reviewed, 650.

[ocr errors]

Neilson, N., Customary Rents", re-
viewed, 802.

"Nero and St. Paul, Life in the Roman

World of ", by T. G. Tucker, re-
viewed, 657.

"Netherlands, Scottish Staple in the ",
by Matthijs Rooseboom, reviewed,

"Newcastle-upon-Tyne, First Duke and
Duchess of ", reviewed, 665.
New Fragment on Luther's Death, with
Other Gleanings from the Age of the
Reformation, by G: L. BURR, 723-
735; letter on the death of Luther,
723-731; autographs of Conrad Pelli-
can, 731-734; of Dietrich Grese-
mund, 734-735.


'Newspapers and Periodicals of Illi-
nois", by W: F. Scott, reviewed,

Newstead ("A Roman Frontier Post
and its People "), by James Curle,
reviewed, 799.
Newton, J. F., 'Lincoln and Hern-
don", reviewed, 832.
"New World, Negro in the ", by H. H.

[ocr errors]

Johnston, reviewed, 650.

"New York, Minutes of the Executive
Council of the Province of ", by V.
H. Paltsits, reviewed, 823.
"New York Safety Fund Banking Sys-
tem in", by R. E. Chaddock, re-
viewed, 395.

North, S. N. D., (ed.) "The American
Year Book, 1910", reviewed, 858.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]


"Pacific Coast History, Academy of,
Publications", I., reviewed, 677.
Paléographie Latine et Française,
Manuel de ", by Maurice Prou, re-
viewed, 156.

PALTSITS, V. H., (R) Wood's "Logs
of the Conquest of Canada", 170;
(ed.) "Minutes of the Executive
Council of the Province of New
York", reviewed, 823.
"Papier-Monnaie, Tableau de Déprécia-
tion du", by Pierre Caron, reviewed,
"Paredes y Arrillaga, El General ", by
Genaro García, reviewed, 679.
"Paris, L'Église de, et la Révolution ",
III., by P. Pisani, reviewed, 387.
"Paris sous Napoléon: Le Théâtre-
Français", by L. de Lanzac de La-
borie, reviewed, 854.

Parish, J: C., "John Chambers", re-
viewed, 175.

"Parlement de Bretagne, Le", by A.
Le Moy, reviewed, 121.
"Parliament, High Court of ", by C:
H. McIlwain, reviewed, 597.
"Party Organization in the United
States, Political Theory and ", by S.
D. Fess, reviewed, 401.

PEAKE, J. F., (R) Brown's "Morris

Ketchum Jesup ", 675.

Peasant, Roman Law and the German,

by S. B. FAY, 234-254.

"Peerage and Pedigree", by J. H.

Round, reviewed, 110.

"Pennsylvania, Early Courts of ", by
W: H. Loyd, reviewed, 671.
Pernot, Hubert, "Le Siège de Malte",
reviewed, 383.

Pérouse, Gabriel, "Georges Chastel-
lain", reviewed, 114.

Perrin, Bernadotte, (trans.)


tarch's Cimon and Pericles",
viewed, 840.


Perrot, Ernest, "Les Cas Royaux ", re-
viewed, 379.

Perroud, Cl., "J.-P. Brissot", re-
viewed, 666.

"Perry Expedition to Japan, Journal

of the", by S. W. Williams, re-
viewed, 136.

"Perser, Geschichte der Meder und ",
by J. V. Prášek, reviewed, 102.
"Persian Revolution of 1905-1909 ",
by E: G. Browne, reviewed, 634.
"Philipp der Kühne", by Otto Car-
tellieri, reviewed, 381.

Phillips, U. B., "Plantation and Fron-
tier", reviewed, 137; (ed.) "Amer-
ican Industrial Society ", V., VI., re-
viewed, 359; (R) Boggs's
ander Letters", 830.
Pipitone-Federico, G., “Francesco Cris-
pi", reviewed, 353.

Pirates of the West Indies, Privateers
and, by VIOLET BARBOUR, 529-566.
Pirenne, Henri, "Histoire de l'In-
dustrie Drapière", II., reviewed,

Pisani, P., "L'Église de Paris et la

Révolution", III., reviewed, 387.
"Plantation and Frontier", by U. B.
Phillips, reviewed, 137.
PLATNER, S. B., (R) Tomassetti's "La
Campagna Romana ", II., 339.
"Plèbe, Du Rôle des Tribuns de la ",

by Eugène Lefèvre, reviewed, 657.
"Plutarch's Cimon and Pericles ", by

[blocks in formation]

by William Hunt and R. L. Poole,
reviewed, 600.

"Political Theory and Party Organiza-
tion in the United States ", by S. D.
Fess, reviewed, 401.

"Politics, American Government and ",
by C: A. Beard, reviewed, 400.


Polk, James K., Diary of ", by M. M.
Quaife, reviewed, 361.

Pollard, A. F., "History of England
from the Accession of Edward VI.",
reviewed, 600.

"Pologne, Napoléon et la", by Marcel
Handelsman, reviewed, 347.

Poole, R. L., "Political History of
England", VI., reviewed, 600.
PORRITT, E., (R) MacCarthy and Rus-
sell's "Lady John Russell", 855.
Portugal, Prince Henry of, and the
African Crusade of the Fifteenth
Century, by C. R. BEAZLEY, 11-23.
Powell, Edgar, "Suffolk Hundred ", re-
viewed, 664.

Prášek, J. V., "Geschichte der Meder
und Perser", II., reviewed, 102.
Preble, Henry, "The Source of 'Je-

rusalem the Golden "", reviewed, 378.
Prince Henry of Portugal and the
African Crusade of the Fifteenth
Century, by C. R. BEAZLEY, 11-23;
Prince Henry and the spirit of the
crusades, 11-14; papal bulls, 14-18;
the African expeditions of 1435-
1445, 19-21; Prince Henry's prede-
cessors and successors, 21-23.
Privateers and Pirates of the West In-
dies, by VIOLET BARBOUR, 529-566;
the beginnings of Spanish piracy,
529-531; of French, 531-532; of
English, 533-536; English, French,
and Dutch colonization, 536-540; the
encouragement given piracy by the
governors of Jamaica, 540-542; pi-
ratical expeditions under Lord Wind-
sor, 542-544; Modyford's attitude
toward piracy, 544-547; the expedi-
tion of Colonel Morgan, 547; of
Captain Mansvelt, 547-550; the atti-
tude of the English government to-
ward piracy, 551-554; the sack of
Porto Bello, 554-556; minor expedi-
tions, 557; efforts of the home gov-
ernment towards keeping the peace,

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