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a small, well-written book a learned, clear, and judicious account of the rise of the Donatists and of Augustine's conflicts, debates, and actions against them.

The Göttingen Academy has finished the printing of volume V. (Emilia) of Professor Kehr's Italia Pontificia, and of volume I. (Salzburg) of Professor Brackmann's Germania Pontificia, while the first volume of Dr. Wiederhold's Gallia Pontificia is well advanced; the three make great additions to the previously known stock of papal documents of the Middle Ages.

W. Konen has undertaken an exhaustive study of Die Methoden der Germanenbekchrung, and has published part I. as a Bonn dissertation under the title, Die Heidenpredigt und der Germanenbekchrung (Düsseldorf, W. Ohligschlager, 1910).

The Macmillan Company announces The First Six Centuries of the History of the Church in Gaul, by Canon Scott Holmes.

A. Hauck in Die Entstehung der Geistlichen Territorien (Abhandlungen der Leipziger Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften, Phil.-Hist. Kl., 1909) deals particularly with the general causes of the establishment of ecclesiastical lands and with the composite lay-spiritual position of the bishops.

E. Leroux, Paris, announces L'Église Arménienne, son Histoire, sa Doctrine, son Régime, sa Discipline, sa Liturgie, sa Littérature, son Présent, by Malachia Ormanian, ci-devant Armenian Patriarch of Constantinople.


Professor C. S. Terry has begun the publication with Routledge, London, of The History of Europe in Relation to that of Great Britain in two volumes. Volume I., just published, deals with the medieval period.

The Weidmannsche Buchhandlung of Berlin has just published part I. of Professor L. Schmidt's Geschichte der Deutschen Stämme bis zum Ausgange der Völkerwanderung, this section being entitled Die Geschichte der Ostgermanen. It will be noted in this connection that a third revised edition by D. Coste of Isidors Geschichte der Goten, Vandalen, Sueven, nebst Auszügen aus der Kirchengeschichte des Beda Venerabilis was published in 1910 (Leipzig, Dyk) as Band X. of Die Geschichtschreiber der Deutschen Vorzeit.

Quelle and Meyer, Leipzig, announce Altgermanische Religionsgeschichte, by R. M. Meyer.

Dr. Elias A. Loew has practically finished his work on the Beneventan Script. It will be published in a series of plates, one hundred in number, entitled Scriptura Beneventana, and a volume of text entitled The Bene

ventan Script, both to be published by the Archaeological Institute of America.

In the Romanische Forschungen, XXVI., Jules Pirson has begun an important study under the title "Le Latin des Formules Mérovingiennes et Carolingiennes ".

Father E. Tucek, S.J., in his Untersuchungen über das Registrum super Negotio Romani Imperii (Innsbruck, Wagner, 1910, pp. 77), studies a papal register of great importance for the first twelve years of Innocent III., devoted to the relations between the pope and the emperor.

The Heidelberg Academy of Sciences has undertaken the publication of the "Capuaner Briefsammlung" contained in Codex Latinus 11867 of the Bibliothèque Nationale of Paris. The manuscript contains material of great interest for the period of Innocent III., and is known chiefly through the use already made of it by Professor K. Hampe, who will edit the projected edition.

A brief review of interest is Professor G. Schnurer's article in the Deutsche Litteraturzeitung for September 10 entitled "Neuere Litteratur zur Geschichte des Tempelordens ".

The biography of St. Francis of Assisi by the Danish Catholic littérateur Johannes Joergensen, a work not faultless in critical scholarship but of the greatest literary charm and insight, has been translated into French, German, Flemish, and Italian. The French version, by T. de Wyzewa, Saint François d'Assise, sa Vie et son Oeuvre (Paris, Perrin, 1909, pp. cii, 536), is we understand the most to be recommended, having important additions by author and translator.

Father Leonhard Lemmens's Der hl. Bonaventura, Kardinal und Kirchenlehrer aus dem Franziskanerorden (Kempten, Kösel, 1909, pp. viii, 288) is to be recommended as an authoritative monograph, based on the long labors which the author, president of the chief Franciscan institution of historical learning, the College of St. Bonaventura at Quaracchi, has expended in editing the works of the Seraphic Doctor.

M. Bretschneider, Rome, has published Lettres de Benoit XII., 13341342: Textes et Analyses publiés par le Doct. Alphonse Fierens (1910, pp. cxxii, 588).

The house of Th. Weicher, Leipzig, announces a third edition, enlarged (two volumes), of Professor Th. Nöldeke's Geschichte des Qorans. The revision is the work of Professor Friedrich Schwally.

Noteworthy articles in periodicals: E. Caspar, Studien zum Regester Johanns VIII. (Neues Archiv, LXIII. 1); P. Fedele, Ricerche per la Storia di Roma e del Papato nel Secolo X. (Archivio della R. Società Romana di Storia Patria, XXXIII. 1–2); H. Rubat du Mérac, L'Abbaye de Cluny (Revue des Questions Historiques, October); E. Göller, Die Päpstlichen Reservationen und ihre Bedeutung für die Kirchliche Rechts

entwickelung des Ausgehenden Mittelalters (Internationale Wochenschrift für Wissenschaft, XI. 12).


The interesting question of the relations of Luther and Erasmus has by an unusual chance been engaging recently the attention of three separate students who have published almost simultaneously. These publications are: André Meyer, Etude Critique sur les Relations d'Erasme et de Luther (Paris, Alcan, 1909, pp. xv, 194); Karl Zickendraht, Der Streit zwischen Erasmus und Luther über die Willensfreiheit dargestellt und beurtheilt (Leipzig, Hinrichs, 1909, pp. xii, 205); H. Humbertclaude, Erasme et Luther: Leur Polémique sur le Libre Arbitre (Paris, Blond, 1910, pp. xxiii, 297).

John Murray announces Sea Wolves of the Mediterranean: the Grand Period of the Moslem Corsairs, by Commander E. Hamilton Currey, R. N., with illustrations.

M. Dorbon ainé, Paris, has just issued M. Loys Delteil's Manuel de l'Amateur d'Estampes du XVIIIe Siècle, an exhaustive history of eighteenth-century engraving, with descriptions of more than 1800 prints, short biographies of 795 artists, and much other information. All the continental countries of western Europe (as well as England) are represented, and there are 106 reproductions. A companion-work is issued by Messrs. Bell, London, French Portrait Engraving of the XVIIth and XVIIIth Centuries, by T. H. Thomas.

Noteworthy articles in periodicals: P. Kalkoff, Zur Luthers Römischen Prozess (Zeitschrift für Kirchengeschichte, XXXI. 3); P. Richard, Origines et Développement de la Secrétairerie d'État Apostolique, 1417– 1823, III. (Revue d'Histoire Ecclésiastique, October); F. C. Roux, La Russie et la Politique Italienne de Napoléon III., II. (Revue Historique, November-December).


The King has appointed a Royal Commission to inquire and report as to the working of all acts concerning public records in England and Wales, the rules and regulations now in force at the Public Record Office, the arrangements now in operation for the care and treatment of public records in England and Wales, the record publications of the United Kingdom issued since 1838, the custody of local records, the Record Office establishment, the training of archivists, etc. The commission will consist of Sir Frederick Pollock, chairman; Sir Evan Vincent Evans, Professor Charles H. Firth, Dr. Montague R. James, Mr. F. G. Kenyon, Mr. Sidney Lee, Mr. Henry Owen, Mr. H. R. Tedder, and Mr. W. Llewelyn Williams. Mr. Hubert Hall of the Public Record Office is appointed secretary.

Professor D. J. Medley of Glasgow publishes for students' use a wellselected volume of documents entitled Original Illustrations of English Constitutional History (London, Methuen, 1910, pp. xi, 397). It embraces several score of the most essential documents. Those in Old French are translated, as in Stubbs's volume; the reading of the Latin documents is helped ingeniously by marginal summaries.

The house of G. J. Göschen, Leipzig, has published Die Englische Gerichtsverfassung by Dr. Heinrich B. Gerland (two volumes, 1910).

The Oxford University Press announces The Life of the Black Prince by the Herald of Sir John Chandos, edited by M. K. Pope and E. C. Lodge; Tudor and Stuart Proclamations, 1485-1714, calendared by R. Steele under the direction of the Earl of Crawford (two volumes); Historical Geography of the British Colonies, by C. P. Lucas, part IV., Newfoundland, by J. D. Rogers; The English Factories in India, by W. Foster, volume V., 1634-1636; Henry Fox, First Lord Holland, by T. W. Riker (two volumes).

Dr. Charles Plummer's Vitae Sanctorum Hiberniae partim hactenus ineditae (Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1910, two volumes, pp. cxcii, 273, 391) contains thirty-two lives, chiefly from Dublin and Oxford manuscripts. A third of them are unpublished. All are edited with the learning and thoroughness characteristic of Dr. Plummer's editions of Bede and the Chronicle.

The Historical Association, Gray's Inn, London, publishes as Leaflet 22, September, 1910, The Development of the Castle in England and Wales (pp. 32, iv). The leaflet is accompanied by plans and a bibliographical note.

Elliot Stock, London, publishes Domesday Book: the Cambridgeshire Portion of the Great Survey of England by William the Conqueror, A. D. MLXXXVI. This is the first separate publication of this part of the survey and is printed both in the original and in a translation of the year 1867 by the Rev. William Bawdwen. The editor is the Rev. C. H. Evelyn-White, who supplies an introduction (pp. xxxviii, 174).

The Pipe Roll Society has published volume XXXI. (London, St. Catherine Press, 1910, pp. xxviii, 206), this being The Great Roll of the Pipe for the 28th Year of the Reign of King Henry the Second, 11811182. The introduction is by Mr. Round.

Number XIV. of the Harvard Historical Studies is The Frank pledge System, by William Alfred Morris, professor of history in the University of Washington (Longmans, Green, and Company, 1910).

The Selden Society has just issued volume XXIV. of its publications, the fifth volume of its series of year-books, The Eyre of Kent, 6 and 7 Edward II., edited by Messrs. Maitland, Harcourt, and Bolland.

The publication of John Leland's Itinerary in and about the Years 1535–1543, edited by Miss Lucy Toulmin Smith, is now completed by the addition of volume V., containing parts IX.-XI., with appendixes, glossary, and index, as well as various other sorts of aid to the student, including maps.

In September Longmans published Professor A. F. Pollard's From the Accession of Edward VI. to the Death of Elizabeth, the concluding volume of the Political History of England.

Dr. Rudolf Jung's Die Englische Flüchtlingsgemeinde in Frankfurt-am-Main, 1554-1559 (Frankfurt, Baer, 1910, pp. 66), is an alphabetical list of names, with biographical data, useful to students of the history of Calvinism.

Constable, London, has just issued A History of English Dramatic Companies, 1556–1643, by J. Tucker Murray (two volumes).

The Oxford University Press has published recently The French Renaissance in England: an Account of the Literary Relations of England and France in the Sixteenth Century, by Sidney Lee.

Messrs. D. Appleton and Company publish The Reconstruction of the English Church, by Dr. Roland G. Usher of Washington University, St. Louis. The work is concerned especially with the policy of Archbishop Richard Bancroft.

Anyone who wishes a very brief but clear and competent survey of the history of Puritanism in England may be recommended to read Dr. John Brown's The English Puritans (Cambridge, University Press, 1910, pp. 160).

The following recent publication will doubtless be a welcome addition to the scanty material in this field: F. K. and S. Hitching, References to English Surnames in 1601: an Index giving about 19,650 References to Surnames contained in the Printed Registers of 778 English Parishes during the First Year of the Seventeenth Century (Walton-on-Thames, Charles A. Bernan, 1910, pp. 1xx).

The Cambridge University Press has begun the publication of a series of Girton College Studies with a volume by Miss Theodora Keith on Commercial Relations of England and Scotland, 1603-1707. Two other volumes are announced for immediate publication.

Dr. William Robert Scott, lecturer in political economy in the University of St. Andrews, has brought out, through the Cambridge University Press, the second volume, shortly to be followed by the first, of a work entitled The Constitution and Finance of English, Scottish and Irish Joint-Stock Companies to 1720. The first volume will record the general development of the joint-stock system in Great Britain and Ireland up to 1720, with due consideration of the chief social, political, industrial, and commercial tendencies which influenced it. The second

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