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tute of Technology (61 Cong., 2 sess., Sen. Doc. no. 571, pp. 311). Though written with due regard to previous and more elaborate books, such as Catterall's, both are the result of independent study and reflection; both have appendixes of the important documents.

Mr. J. C. Fitzpatrick of the Library of Congress has discovered a copy of the Baltimore Patriot and Evening Advertiser of September 20, 1814, containing a copy of "The Star Spangled Banner", and a photographic reproduction of the page of the paper on which the song appears is to be printed by the Burrows Brothers in Avery's History of the United States and its People. It is usually stated that the first publication of the song in a newspaper was on September 21 in the Baltimore American.

Mr. Gaillard Hunt has issued the ninth and concluding volume of his Writings of James Madison, covering the years 1819-1836.

The Diary of James K. Polk during his Presidency, edited by Mr. Milo M. Quaife, has now been issued in four handsome volumes, by Messrs. A. C. McClurg and Company.

Professor W. L. Fleming's papers, Jefferson Davis at West Point, which appeared in the publications of the Mississippi Historical Society, and The Religious Life of Jefferson Davis, which was published in the Methodist Review, have both been issued as bulletins of the Louisiana State University.

A History of the Republican National Conventions from 1856 to 1908 (pp. 408), by John Tweedy, has been brought out in Danbury, Connecticut, by the author.

Mr. John Formby's The American Civil War: a Concise History of its Causes, Progress, and Results (New York, Charles Scribner's Sons, 1910, pp. 520) is an English attempt to cover the history of the war in moderate compass and without undue dwelling upon technical military details. Besides the volume of text there is one of maps.

Captain James H. Wood of Bristol, Virginia, is the author of a small volume entitled The War: Stonewall Jackson, his Campaigns and Battles: the Regiment as I saw them-an awkward title. The author was a cadet at the Virginia Military Institute at the outbreak of the war and followed Jackson through his campaigns to Chancellorsville. Most of the book is concerned with this period but it continues the narrative to the battle of Spottsylvania Courthouse, where the writer was taken prisoner and sent to Fort Delaware. The value of the book, such as it has, is in the narration of incidents coming under the author's personal observation.

A book containing accounts of the campaigns of the 155th Pennsylvania regiment, narrated by members of the rank and file, has been brought out in Pittsburgh by the regimental association. The book bears the cumbersome title, Under the Maltese Cross: Antietam to Appomattox: the Loyal Uprising in Western Pennsylvania, 1861-1865.

It is a peculiar fact that although six thousand copies of the journal of the Reconstruction Committee of the Thirty-Ninth Congress were ordered to be printed, only one copy, that in the possession of the Superintendent of Documents, is known to exist. Recently a manuscript copy of the journal in the writing of George A. Mark, one of the clerks of the committee, was discovered by Mr. B. B. Kendrick and is now in the library of Columbia University. The manuscript, eighty-six pages in extent, appears to have been drawn up from notes taken during the sittings of the committee and to have been used as a basis for the printed text. The document will be published by Mr. Kendrick in an appendix to a monograph upon which he is engaged dealing with the reconstruction policy as worked out by the committee.

A Sketch of the Life and Services of Vice Admiral Stephen C. Rowan, by Stephen C. Ayres, has been issued in Cincinnati by W. R. Thrall.

The United States Catholic Historical Society has published the Diary of a Visit to the United States of America in the Year 1873, by Charles Lord Russell of Killowen, late Lord Chief Justice of England, with an introduction by the Rev. Matthew Russell, S. J. The volume is edited by Dr. C. G. Herbermann. At the time of this visit (August to October, 1873) the author of the diary was simply Charles Russell and accompanied Lord Coleridge, then Lord Chief Justice of England. The party made the journey across the continent by way of Niagara Falls, Chicago, and the Northern Pacific Railroad, just completed, and returned from San Francisco by way of Salt Lake City, Denver, St. Louis, Pittsburgh, and Washington. The diary is essentially a series of letters. written expressly for the members of Lord Russell's family and describes such scenes and experiences and records such impressions as would especially interest them. The writer met many persons of note in politics and finance, and his frank characterization of them as well as his intelligent comment on conditions as he saw them are instructive and refreshing. His remarks upon the character of American oratory as displayed on the occasion of the completion of the Northern Pacific Railroad are particularly interesting. The, editor has not been quite careful enough in eliminating typographical and other errors, and has probably been too sparing of explanatory foot-notes.

Messrs. B. W. Dodge and Company announce for autumn publication the Autobiography of Thomas Collier Platt, in two volumes, consisting of reminiscences gathered together for book form just before his death.


The Society for the Preservation of New England Antiquities has been organized, with Mr. Charles K. Bolton as president, Mr. William Sumner Appleton as corresponding secretary, and Mr. William C. Endi


cott as treasurer. The membership dues are to be used to obtain possession of houses of historic interest. The society purposes also to establish and maintain in Boston a museum of smaller antiquities. A bulletin containing information of interest will be issued from time to time and a series of records containing more detailed accounts of property acquired will be published. The address of the corresponding secretary is 20 Beacon street, Boston, that of the treasurer is Danvers, Massachusetts.

In a pamphlet published by Bowdoin College Mr. Robert Hale treats interestingly of Early Days of Church and State in Maine (pp. 52), taking Brunswick and the Pejepscot tract as the chief typical example.

We have received a careful and interesting account of the Manuscript Collections of the American Antiquarian Society, by Dr. Charles H. Lincoln, reprinted from the fourth volume of the Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America.

The Massachusetts Historical Society issues in one serial its Proceedings for three meetings, April through June, 1910. It contains, among other historical material, an account of "The Great Secession Winter, 1860-1861 ", written at the time by Henry Adams, then serving as secretary to his father, Charles Francis Adams. It describes the anxiety of Seward to retain the loyalty of the border states, and gives a novel picture of Maryland politics at the time. Mr. Charles Francis Adams has an original paper on "The Neglect of Washington to Use Cavalry in the Revolution". Colonel W. R. Livermore has a continuation of his essays on "Comparative History of Western Nations" with maps; and Mr. Sanborn deals again with St. John de Crèvecœur. Of original material the serial contains a document on John White's Dorchester Company at Cape Anne, 1635; a series of letters addressed to Joseph Willard, president of Harvard University, and letters on the defence of the Massachusetts frontier, 1649-1695; a letter from William B. Lewis to Jackson on his being asked to resign from office; and a series of letters from the Savage Papers.

Volume XX. of The Early Records of the Town of Providence (City Printers, 1909, pp. v, 549) contains the first half of the contents of "Deed Book no. 2", continuing vol. XIV. with records of deeds and returns of "layouts" from 1705 to 1711.

The librarian's report included in the Annual Report of the Connecticut Historical Society (May, 1910) contains a brief description of the new and newly equipped rooms of the society and a list of the manuscripts acquired by the society during the year. The society has now in press, to be issued as the thirteenth volume of its series of Collections, a second volume of Correspondence and Documents during Jonathan Law's Governorship of the Colony of Connecticut, 1741-1750. It is expected to embrace the period from August, 1745, to March, 1747, and to be issued early in the ensuing year.

Mr. Victor H. Paltsits, state historian of New York, has distributed volume III. of the Minutes of the Commissioners for detecting and defeating Conspiracies in the State of New York, Albany County Sessions, 1778-1781 (Albany, 1910, pp. 268). This is an ingeniously contrived analytical index, of 268 pages in double columns, completing the set. He has also sent to the State Printing Board the manuscript for two volumes of the Minutes of the Executive Council of the Province of New York, Administration of Francis Lovelace, 1668-1673, carefully annotated, and enriched with collateral and illustrative documents more than equalling in bulk the text of the Minutes themselves. He has also completed the copy for a publication in three or four volumes of the Minutes of the Committee of the City and County of Albany, 17751778, a committee of safety of far-reaching influence in New York during this period.

By authority of the state of New York the Messages from the Governors, 1683-1907, in eleven volumes, have been published through the J. B. Lyon Company of Albany. The editor of the volumes is Mr. Charles Z. Lincoln, who has supplied an historical introduction to each volume and also many foot-notes. The eleventh volume of the series is a comprehensive index to the whole.

The series of records in the office of the state comptroller at Albany, called "Manuscripts of the Colony and State of New York in the Revolutionary War ", 52 volumes in 55, which forms the basis of New York in the Revolution as Colony and State (Albany, 1897, 2d ed. 1898, supplement 1901), has recently been transferred to the manuscripts section of the State Library. As a result the State Library now has practically all the important series of records in the possession of the state relative to the service of her inhabitants in the Revolution. From the same office were transferred a number of records, referred to as "Records of the War of 1812" but containing also a number of papers relating to roads and bridges, field artillery, fortifications on the northern and western frontiers, fortifications in New York harbor, all from the last decade of the eighteenth century; arsenals and military stores, 1795-1821, though for the most part relating to the war; the Council of Appointment, 1807-1817; accounts of the state with the United States, 1818-1826; Indians (accounts, treaties, etc.), 1783-1816. The papers which refer to the War of 1812 and which comprise the bulk of this collection are for the most part accounts of the governor, paymasters, and commissaries; but there are some items relating to payments to American prisoners of war, Niagara sufferers, etc. No muster rolls. of the militia are found but there are a number of enlistment papers of men who served in the corps of sea fencibles.

Father Fritz J. Zwierlein, professor of ecclesiastical history in the Seminary of St. Bernard, at Rochester, New York, has printed, as his dissertation for the doctor's degree at the University of Louvain, Re

ligion in New Netherland: a History of the Development of the Religious Conditions in the Province of New Netherland (1623-1664) (Rochester, Smith, 1910, pp. vi, 351).

The firm of Brown Brothers and Company of New York has printed an account of its history and that of its allied firms, with the title A Hundred Years of Merchant Banking.

The Historical Society of Pennsylvania has acquired a large body of manuscript material relating to Benjamin West, containing no less than 313 letters or manuscripts in West's autograph, and 532 autograph letters addressed to him, besides original drawings, portraits of West, and other engravings.

The Antietam and its Bridges: the Annals of an Historic Stream, by Helen Ashe Hays, although largely descriptive in character, possesses a measure of historical interest.

The Virginia Magazine of History for July prints from the Randolph manuscript the council proceedings, 1681-1683. These proceedings relate principally to the cutting of tobacco plants by mobs and read much like a chapter in the history of Kentucky night-riding. Under the caption "Virginia Legislative Papers" appear a number of petitions. from dissenters in 1776 against the established church. There is another group of documents, largely petitions, of the years 1770-1774, and another, of the years 1658-1662, including minutes of the Council for Foreign Plantations.

The Virginia Magazine of History will print during 1911, as the most important element in its contents, the minutes of the Council and General Court of Virginia from 1623 to 1627, from the original manuscript now preserved in the Library of Congress. It had been intended. that these minutes should be included in a third volume, to be published by the Library of Congress as a supplement to the two volumes of the Records of the Virginia Company, but the matter will now be undertaken by the Virginia Historical Society.

In 1898 the Southern History Association published a fairly good index of Bishop Meade's Old Churches, etc., of Virginia. In ignorance of this fact, or ignoring it in his preface, Mr. J. C. Wise has printed at Richmond, for subscribers, a pamphlet of 114 pages, entitled Wise's Digested Index and Genealogical Guide to Bishop Meade's Old Churches, Ministers and Families of Virginia. It is somewhat more ample than its predecessor, the effort being made to supply first names of persons whom Bishop Meade indicated only by the surname. The index is a curiosity in one particular, that "Vol. I.", "Vol. II.", etc., is printed in full each time instead of the customary I., II. Thus the symbol "vol." is needlessly reprinted some seven thousand times.

It is hoped that the city of Richmond will soon give to the Association for the Preservation of Virginia Antiquities the custody of the

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