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habitants of this province being here Read, Ordered that the same bee sent and published to all the Inhabitants in this proprovince, and to that End that two of the printed proclamac'ons bee sent to each Sheriff of a County that in Each Towne att some publicke assembly wthin tenn Dayes next after the [they] Come to hand they bee there publickly Read and after affixed vp att Each publicke meeting place in Each Towne

The Governor and every one of the Councill after Debate and serious Considerac'on of the Contents of the_proprieto's Lett above mentioned Doe app'hend, That as the Lett is not Directed to them they are not obliged to take notice thereof, and that the Rather for that the proprieto's in England have not their p'ties here whereby they might lay out Land by the Major Assent of them here either to any proprieto's or planter. And that vntil the Governor and Councill heare further from the proprietors they will lay out Land as formerly the Denyeing or forbearing whereof will bee of absolute losse and Damage to the province, not onely to Discourage planters here but to make provision here for such as are to bee Transported from Scotland or England into these parts.

The petic'on of Hans Dedricke Elias Mekellson and Adrian Post in behalfe of themselves and other Inhabitants of Aquaquanuncke setting forth they had purchased by order of the late Governor Carteret A Tract of Land Containeing 5520 Acres wch is to bee Devided amongst fourteen ffamelys of them, those settled pray they may have a gen'all Pattent for the same,-It's ordered that the Indian sale being RecordedArrerages of Rent paid, that a pattent bee made and granted them att one halfe penny p. Acre yearely Rent

The Petic'on of John Demarest for License to purchase 200 Acres of Land of the Indians at Kinderkamacke att Hackinsacke above the Mill in Order to the pattenting thereof, Ordered that hee have License granted him to purchase, makeing vse of such p'son as the Governor shall appoint for Nicholas Devow and others who p'sented their petic'ons yesterday-And the Governor appoints J° Demaree to Attend the same

The Petic'on of Peter Johnson Jacobus Johnson, Hendricke Tunison Vorther Tunison, Peter Tyson, Mathew Henderson, and John Tunison for 1000 Acres of Land att Chingaroras Creeke vpon the South west side of the said Creeke-It's ordered and agreed that the Petic'o's have warts to lay out to Each of them, except John Tunison, 120 Acres of Land, and to John Tunison 200 Acres, Adjoyneing to the Land of Thomas Rudyard att an An'ual Rent

A paper brought in here as ffolloweth,—It's Desired by Da

vid Barclay in behalfe of him selfe and the proprieto's belonging to Scotland,―That hee may have an Order to the Surveyor to sett out for Each proprieto's some Tract or Tracts of Land, That it may bee Ready surveyed before the Shipps Arive whereof Advice is Come that they were prepareing

The Like is Desired by the order of Wm Dockura and Thomas Warne and other proprieto's of East Jersey-That they may have warrts to the Surveyor for setting them out Land to sette people vpon-It being proposed by the Governor that 2000 acres to Each of the proprieto's above mentioned might suffice at p'sent, It's ordered that warrts bee issued forth to survey to Each of the said proprieto's 2000 Acres of Land.

Vpon further Consideration of Thomas Rudyards, CaseIt's agreed and Ordered that a warrt or warrts bee made and Issued out to the Surveyor gen'all or his Deputy to lay out to him any Quantity or Quantities of Land not exceeding in all in the Number of Acres of Land Three Thousand Acres for the p'sent as hee has Desired.

Att a Councill held at Eliza Towne the 29th of August 1684

p'sent The Deputy Governor

Major John Berry
Major Wm Sandford
Benja Price

Hen: Lyon &

Sam Dennes

The petic'on of Cornelius Longfield setting forth that by virtue of a warrt granted by the late Governor Carteret, hee had laid out to him a Tract of Land vpon the South side of the Raritan River Containeing 440 Acres of vpland--together wth 50 Acres of Meadow, praying a pattent for the same-Read and ordered That Cornelius Longfield attend the Councill the next sitting in order to have his Petic'on Answered

The Petition of Caspar Ianson and Alattys Ianson-setting forth that about seven yeares since the petic'oner obtain'd by gift from the Indians a parcell of Land lyeing att Hackinsacke on the North side of the Creeke-wch gift was then also Ackowledged by the said Indians before the late Governor Carteret, who promised the petic'or a Confirmac'on of the same, onely Delay'd the full grant or pattent till the adjoyneing Lands should bee purchased from the Indians and laid out in Lotts--And that since one Jacques La Row hath Entred vpon the said Lands and taken possession


of the same wthout haveing any Indian Deed of gift-The Petic'oners praying a warrt to lay out the same Directed to the Surveyor gen'all in order for a pattent-wch being Read and the Petic'o's call'd in who brought wth them Two Indians that had formerly given the said Land to the petic'oners, and the Indians being Examined Concerneing the p'misses Declared that they never made any Deed to Jacquies Le Low of the said Lands but that the same Did belong to the Petic'oners, wherevpon it was Ordered that both p'tyes attend this board the 27th 9ber next-that they bring with them the Indians Concerned―And that Jacquies La Row have notice thereof

The Peti'con of Robt Hamilton for a warrt to lay out a peece of Land lyeing wthin the bounds of Midletowne Containeing about 50 Acres-Read and ordered that the sd Robt Hamilton attend this board the next sitting of the Council to make his Right appeare to the sd Land

The petic'on of John Lambert for 100 Acres of Land vpon Chesquakes side-Read and ordered that the petic'o have a warrt granted him-Directed to the Surveyor gen'all or his Deputy to lay out to him 100 Acres as is pray'd

The petic'on of Wm Leets and Nathaniel Tutle for Each of them 150 Acres vpon Chesquakes side-Read and ordered as above

The petic'on of Thomas Mathewes seting forth that whereas Mr John Injans purchased a tract of Land on the South side the Raraton River, and yt the petico was Concerned & Included in the same in the Eleventh Lott for 500 Acres according to a grant-prayeing a pattent for the same, Read and ordered that a warrt bee forthwth made out to the Surveyor gen'all to lay out to the petic'or 400 Acres of the said 500 the Remainder to bee to the proprieto's for the Arrerages of Quit Rents and in Discharge of 34 p Acre for the said 400 Acres, payeing for the future one dp Acre onely for every of the said 400 Acres.

The petic'on of Tho: Whitelocke for 200 Acres of Land lyeing wthin the bounds of Middletowne att the Reare of Benja Burdens Land and between Swiming River and Jumpeing Brooke not yet taken up; Read and Ordered that a warrt be im'ediately made out to the surveyor gen'all to lay out the same to the petic'o'

The petic'on of John Bray for a 100 Acres of Land lyeing wthin the bounds of Midletowne adjoyneing to the branch of Nutt swamp and bounded vpon the Land of Richard GibbinsRead and Ordered That the petitio attend the Governor, who is left to Doe and order in the p'mises as he shall see meet


The petic'on of Wm Sutton setting forth that hee had laid out to him by virtue of a warrt, Granted by the Late Governor Phillip Carteret, Esq' 100 Acres of Land wthin the bounds of Piscataway wth Meadow in proportion-Desireing a pattentRead and ordered that hee have a pattent made out to him for the same according to his petic'on

The petition of Derrick Corneliason for a Tract of Land vpon Chesquakes according to an Indian Deed of Sale-Read and ordered that the same bee Deferr'd vntill the Governor and Council bee further satisfied in the petic'o's Indian Deed of Sale.

A pap: brought here by Eliza Carteret widd: as ffollowes, vizt The Honble Garvin Lawrie Esq' Deputy Governor of the province of East New Jersey and his Councill.

The Claime of Eliza Carteret widd: Relict and Executrix and the last will and Testament of Pillip Carteret Esq' Deceased late Governor of the said province in Right of her said husband from the p'sent proprieto's pursuant to an order of Councill-humbly p'sented

Impri's That my said husbands sallery for being Governor amounteing to the sume of 1000lb be satisfied


2dly That a pattent may bee made to me for the 3596 Acres of Land wthin Eliza Towne Bounds, wch are expressed in Two pattents granted in the tyme that Robt Vicars was Secretary.

3dly That a pattent may bee made to me for a Lott of Land lyeing on the Raraton River, burchased by my Deceased husband of the Indians in Company wth Capt John Palmer and others.

4ly That the house Lott and Orchard in Elizabeth Towne and farme Com'only Called the poynt part of the said 3596 Acres of Land now in the proprieto's possession, may bee Delivered vnto me to whom of Right it Doth belong.

wch was Answered by the Governor and Councill as ffollowes


1st As to the first Article it Doth not Come vnder the Considerac'on of this Board to make any Answer

2 As to the second Article or Claime for 3596 Acres of


Land, to wch shee Claimes a Right by virtue of a pattent granted her in wch tyme Robert Vicars was Secretary wch_pattents are since made voyd by Act of gen'all Assembly--That this board cannot Act in the p'misses vntil shee make some other Right appeare

3 To the Third, that Capt John Palmer saith-That her Deceased husband Did not pay any share in the Indian purchase--and that it was formerly the opinion of this board that the proprietors sevenths should bee taken out of it

4 The ffourth is Answered in the second

The subscription of Mr Isaac Kingsland who was Com'issionated Councillor the 26th November 1684

I Isaac Kingsland Doe solemnly promisse to beare true Allegiance to the King of England his heires and Successorsand to bee true and faithfull to the Interest of the Lords Prop'ieto's of this Province and to their heires and Assigns, and endeavour the peace and welfare of the said province, and that I will to the best of my Judgmt and att all tymes ffreely and faithfully give my advice to the Gover for the good Managet of the publicke affaires of this Province and shall not nor will not Revaile Directly or Indirectly to the Injury or p'iudice of the Governor and Lords Proprieto's any matters as shall bee Debated in Council or Com'itted by them to my Secracy but in all things Doe and Act as a true and ffaithfull Councillor when therevnto Required, Dated this xxvijth Day of November Anno Dni 1684


Att a Council held att Eliza Towne this 27th Day of November Anno Dni one Thousand six hundred Eighty ffour

p'sent The Dept Governor

Major W Sandford

Isaac Kingsland

Benja Price &

Henry Lyon

Members of


The petic'on of Nathaniel Tuttell & al: being Read, therein setting forth that they (God willing) intend to settle in this Province vpon Chesquakes side desireing they may pay noe



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