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Done in duplicate at Nukualofa on the 2nd day of June, in the year of Our Lord 1891.

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TREATY between Great Britain and Portugal, defining the Spheres of Influence of the two Countries in Africa.—Signed at Lisbon, June 11, 1891.

[Ratifications exchanged at London, July 3, 1891.]

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HER Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Empress of India, &c., and His Most Faithful Majesty the King of Portugal and Algarves, &c., with a view to settle definitively the boundaries of their respective spheres of influence in Africa, and being animated with the desire to confirm the friendly relations between the Powers, have determined to conclude a Treaty to this effect, and have named as their respective Plenipotentiaries, that is to



Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Empress of India, Sir George Glynn Petre, Knight Commander of the Most Distinguished Order

of St. Michael and St. George, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Her Majesty's Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary at the Court of His Most Faithful Majesty, &c.; and

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His Most Faithful Majesty the King of Portugal and Algarves, Joaquim Thomaz Lobo d'Avila, Count of Valbom, Councillor of His Majesty and of State, Peer of the Realm, Grand Cross of the Military Order of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Knight of the Military Order of St. Bento d'Aviz, and Grand Cross of various foreign Orders, &c., His Majesty's Minister and Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, &c.;

Who, having communicated to each other their respective full powers, found in good and due order, have agreed upon and concluded the following Articles :

ART. I. Great Britain agrees to recognize as within the dominion of Portugal in East Africa the territories bounded

1. To the north by a line which follows the course of the River Rovuma from its mouth up to the confluence of the River M'Sinje, and thence westerly along the parallel of latitude of the confluence of these rivers to the shore of Lake Nyasa.

2. To the west by a line which, starting from the above-mentioned frontier on Lake Nyasa, follows the eastern shore of the lake southwards as far as the parallel of latitude 13° 30' south; thence it runs in a south-easterly direction to the eastern shore of Lake Chiuta, which it follows. Thence it runs in a direct line to the eastern shore of Lake

Sua Magestade a Rainha Reino Unido da Gran Breta e Irlanda, Imperatriz das Ind a Sir George Glynn Petre, Co mendador da Muito Distin Ordem de São Miquel e Jorge, Cavalleiro da Muito No Ordem do Banho, seu Envia Extraordinario e Ministro Ple potenciario na Côrte de S Magestade Fidelissima, &c. ;

Os quaes, depois de havere trocado os seus respectivos plen poderes, que acharam em bôa devida forma, convieram n seguintos Artigos :—

ART. 1. A Gran Bretanha co corda em reconhecer como cou prehendidos 110 dominio C Portugal na Africa Oriental territorios limitados―

1. Ao norte por uma linh que, subindo o curso do Ri Rovuma, desde a sua foz at ao ponto de confluencia do Ri M'Sinje, d'ahi segue na direcçã de oeste o parallelo de latitud do ponto de confluencia d'este dois rios até á margem do Lag Nyasa.

2. A oeste por uma linha que partindo do citado limite sobre Lago Nyasa, segue a margem oriental d'este lago na sua direcção sul até ao parallel 13° 30 de latitude sul; corre d'ahi na direcção sueste até á margem oriental do Lago Chiuta, a qual accompanha até ao seu extremo. Segue d'ahi em linha recta até á margem oriental do Lago Chilwa

Chilwa or Shirwa, which it follows to its south-easternmost point; thence in a direct line to the easternmost affluent of the River Ruo, and thence follows that affluent, and, subsequently, the centre of the channel of the Ruo to its confluence with the River Shiré.

From the confluence of the Ruo and Shiré the boundary will follow the centre of the channel of the latter river to a point just below Chiwanga. Thence it runs due westward until it reaches the watershed between the Zambezi and the Shiré, and follows the watershed between those rivers and afterwards between the former river and Lake Nyasa until it reaches parallel 14° of south latitude.

From thence it runs in a south-westerly direction to the point where south latitude 15° meets the River Aroangwa or Loangwa, and follows the midchannel of that river to its junction with the Zambezi.

II. To the south of the Zambezi, the territories within the Portuguese sphere of influence are bounded by a line which, starting from a point opposite the mouth of the River Aroangwa or Loangwa, runs directly south wards as far as the 16th parallel of south latitude, follows that parallel to its intersection with the 31st degree of longitude east of Greenwich, thence running eastward direct to the point where the River Mazoe is intersected by the 33rd degree of longitude east of Greenwich ;

ou Chirua, pela qual continua até ao seu extremo limite a sul e oriente; d'ahi por uma [sic] recta até ao affluente mais oriental do Rio Ruo, correndo com este affluente e seguindo subsequentemente pela linha media do leito do Ruo até á confluencia d'este com o Rio Chire.

Da confluencia do Ruo e do Chire, a fronteira seguirá a linha central do leito do ultimo d'estes rios, até a um ponto logo abaixo de Chiuanga. D'ahi correrá exactamente para oeste até encontrar a linha divisoria das aguas entre o Zambeze e o Chire, e seguirá essa linha entre estes rios e depois entre o primeiro rio e o Lago Nyasa até encontrar o parallelo 14° de latitude sul.

D'ahi correrá na direcção de sud-oeste até ao ponto em que o parallelo de 15° de latitude sul encontra 0 Rio Aroangoa, e seguirá a linha media d'este rio até á sua juncção com o Zambeze.

II. Ao sul do Zambeze os territorios comprehendidos na esphera de influencia Portugueza são limitados por uma linha que, partindo d'um ponto fronteiro á embocadura do Rio Aroangwa ou Loangoa, vae na direcção sul até ao parallelo 16° de latitude sul, segue este parallelo até á sua intersecção com o 31° de longitude leste Greenwich, corre para leste direito ao ponto onde o 33° de longitude leste de Greenwich corta o Rio Mazoe e segue esse 33 para o sul até á sua intersecção pelo parallelo

it follows that degree southward to its intersection by the 18° 30' parallel of south latitude; thence it follows the upper part of the eastern slope of the Manica plateau southwards to the centre of the main channel of the Sabi, follows that channel to its confluence with the Lunte, whence it strikes direct to the northeastern point of the frontier of the South African Republic, and follows the eastern frontier of the Republic, and the frontier of Swaziland, to the River Maputo.

It is understood that in tracing the frontier along the slope of the plateau, no territory west of longitude 32° 30' east of Greenwich shall be comprised in the Portuguese sphere, and no territory east of longitude 33° east of Greenwich shall be comprised in the British sphere. The line shall, however, if necessary, be deflected so as to leave Mutassa in the British sphere, and MassiKessi in the Portuguese sphere.

III. Great Britain engages not to make any objection to the extension of the sphere of influence of Portugal, south of Delagoa Bay, as far as a line following the parallel of the confluence of the River Pongolo with the River Maputo to the

sea coast.

IV. It is agreed that the western line of division separating the British from the Portuguese sphere of influence in Central Africa shall follow

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the centre of the channel of the Upper Zambezi, starting from the Katima Rapids up to the point where it reaches the territory of the Barotse Kingdom.

That territory shall remain within the British sphere; its limits to the westward, which will constitute the boundary between the British and Portuguese spheres of influence, being decided by a Joint Anglo-Portuguese Commission, which shall have power, in case of difference of opinion, to appoint an Umpire.

It is understood on both sides that nothing in this Article shall affect the existing rights of any other State. Subject to this reservation, Great Britain will not oppose the extension of Portuguese administration outside of the limits of the Barotse country.

V. Portugal agrees to recognize, as within the sphere of influence of Great Britain on the north of the Zambezi, the territories extending from the line to be settled by the Joint Commission mentioned in the preceding Article to Lake Nyasa, including the islands in that lake south of parallel 11° 30′ south Latitude, and to the territories reserved to Portugal by the line described in Article I.

VI. Portugal agrees to recog Lize, as within the sphere of influence of Great Britain to the south of the Zambezi, the territories bounded on the east and north-east by the line described in Article II.

do leito do Zambeze superior, partindo das cataractas de Katima até ao ponto em que entra no territorio do Reino de Barotse.

Este territorio permanecerá incluido na esphera Britannica, e os seus limites occidentaes, que constituirão a linha divisoria entre as espheras de influencia Ingleza e Portugueza, serão traçados por traçados por uma Commissão Mixta Anglo-Portugueza, que terá a faculdade, en caso de discordancia de pareceres, de nomear um arbitro de desempate.

Fica entendido, por ambas as partes, que as disposições d'este Artigo não poderão ferir os direitos existentes de qualquaer outro Estado. Sob esta reserva a Gran Bretanha não se opporá á extensão da administração de Portugal até aos limites do


V. Portugal concorda em reconhecer, reconhecer, como comprehendidos na esphera de influencia Britannica ao norte de Zambeze, os territorios que da linha traçada pela Commissão Mixta a que se refere o Artigo antecedente, vão até ao Lago Nyasa, incluindo as ilhas d'aquelie lago ao sul de parallelo 11° 30′ latitude sul, e até aos territorios reservados a Portugal pela linha descripta no Artigo I.

VI. Portugal concorda em reconhecer, como comprehendidos na esphera de influencia Britannica ao sul de Zambeze, os territorios limitados a leste e nordeste pela linha descripta no Artigo II.

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