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A. ROSS ECKLER, Deputy Director

HOWARD C. GRIEVES, Assistant Director

CONRAD TAEUBER, Assistant Director

MORRIS H. HANSEN, Assistant Director for Research and Development

CHARLES B. LAWRENCE, Jr., Assistant Director for Operations

WALTER L. KEHRES, Assistant Director for Administration

CALVERT L. DEDRICK, Chief, International Statistical Programs Office
JOHN BAKER, Public Information Officer

Industry Division


OWEN C. GRETTON, Assistant Chief

Ecomonic Operations Division

M. D. BINGHAM, Chief

IRVING WEISS, Assistant Chief, Processing
SOL DOLLECK, Assistant Chief, Systems

Data Processing Systems Division


This volume comprises data previously published in the 1961 Annual Survey of
Manufactures separate report series

Library of Congress Card No. 52-60884


U.S. Bureau of the Census. Annual Survey of Manufactures: 1961,
U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D.C., 1963


For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402

or any field office of the Department of Commerce - Price $4




The 1961 Annual Survey of Manufactures was conducted under the direction of Maxwell R. Conklin, Chief, and Owen C. Gretton, Assistant Chief, of the Industry Division. As is the case in such matters the results of these surveys are the product of many individuals, both in the program division and in the operating divisions--the Economic Operations Division and the Data Processing Systems Division.

Within the Industry Division the principal responsibility along staff lines was carried by Jack L. Ogus, Assistant Chief for Research and Methodolgy; Louis J. Owen, Assistant Chief for Production and Process Statistics; Jack J. Gottsegen, Chief, Commodity and Materials Data Branch, and Arthur W. Horowitz, Chief, Establishment Statistics.

Along industry and commodity lines the supervision of the Annual Survey program was performed by the respective Commodity Branches in the Manufactures area--Milton Eisen, Chief, Food, Textiles, Apparel, and Leather; Elmer S. Biles, Chief, Wood, Nonmetallic Minerals, and Chemical Products; and William R. Gray, Chief, Metals and Metal Products. In each of these sectors the development of new program content as well as advisory and technical guidance were the responsibility of the following three staff members holding the position of Assistant to the Division Chief for their respective subject Willis K. Jordan, Consumer Nondurable Goods; Clarence H. Olsen, Metals, Machinery, and Equipment; and Cyril M. Wildes, Chemicals and Wood Products.


The three commodity branches are composed of nine separate sections comprising groups of related industries. Statisticians assigned to these sections reviewed problem reports and tabulations and, together with members of the staff branches mentioned above, prepared the text and tables that constitute this volume. The chiefs of these sections are: Charles H. W. Sedgewick, Foods; Irvin Strauss, Textiles and Leather; Evelyn W. Colburn, Apparel; Kenneth R. Norell, Wood Products and Nonmetallic Minerals; Edward D. Gruen, Paper, Printing, and Publishing; Reese R. Morgan, Chemicals; Paul F. Berard, Metals; Bernard P. Bernsten, Electrical Machinery and Transportation Equipment; Conrad J. Jacob (Acting Chief), Machinery.


The major contribution toward coordinating all of the various phases of the Annual Survey at an operating level within the Industry Division and with the operating divisions was made by Arthur W. Horowitz. Toward the end of the 1961 Annual Survey project, Mr. Horowitz was assigned full-time to the 1963 Censuses of Manufactures and Mineral Industries and his functions on the Annual Survey were assumed by Edward A. Robinson, Chief, Company Statistics. Jack J. Gotts egen had over-all responsibility for the product class and materials (including fuels and electric energy) data. The application of the system of industrial classification of establishments was performed by William Cooper, Chief, Industry and Commodity Classification. The preparation of the final manuscript for printing was the responsibility of Angela R. Daly. Other staff members whose contributions are deserving of special mention are: Donald F. Clark, William I. Karr, and Robert Torene.

The processing of reports was performed in the Economic Operations Division which is organized on a functional basis. Clerical procedures were developed by Samuel Schweid, Nathan Lesowitz, Joseph Brooks, and Morris Gorinson, who also was the Division project coordinator. Computer programs were developed by Jack Scharff, Eugene L. Wendt, and Mary Johnson. The clerical work was supervised by Wesley R. Grier, Daniel McGillicuddy, and Manila Ramier.

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