For Direct and Alternating Current Electric Appliance Company GENERAL SELLING AGENTS CHICAGO DALLAS SAN FRANCISCO NEW ORLEANS 1xxviii ALLIS - CHALMERS CO. MILWAUKEE, WIS., U. S. A. Where the responsibility for complete power equipments is divided the results can hardly be as satisfactory as when the machinery is all designed, built and installed by one company. How is it possible to realize the highest efficiency In the absence of this no plant can yield the maximum output to be obtained from it under proper conditions, at the minimum expense per kilowatt-hour for operation and maintenance. Allis-Chalmers Steam Turbine and Generator. Any efficiency short of the highest attainable means We build complete power and electrical equipments of every description, whether the prime mover required is a Steam Turbine, Reciprocating Steam Engine, Hydraulic Turbine or Gas Engine; and for each of these we are taking orders in large volume. Because most purchasers realize the advantage of Offices in all large cities Canadian Representatives, Allis-Chalmers-Bullock, Ltd., Montreal. You don't have to hope for satisfactory operation, you get it with Fort Wayne apparatus. quality. It is a result of superior Type K Meters are popular meters-made for either single or multiphase circuits. Type A Transformers with perfect insulation. Form C Arc Lamps for all classes of arc lighting. Motors and Generators, Direct or Alternating Current. Complete equipments for Power or Lighting Plants. Bulletins on each kind of apparatus - ask for them. General Electric Company Improved Type H Transformers 1907 DESIGN The history of transformer development is the SPRAGUE ELECTRIC COMPANY The PIONEER and LEADER of to-day in the development and manufacture of INTERIOR CONDUITS And FLEXIBLE STEEL-ARMORED CONDUCTORS For Interior Wiring Our FLEXIBLE STEEL CONDUIT And FLEXIBLE STEEL-ARMORED CONDUCTORS With GALVANIZED FINISH Represent the most advanced methods and materials in Electric Wiring Construction |