Council ProceedingsThe Council, 1987 |
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Halaman 257
... Ann Arbor City Council was called to order at 7:37 the City Hall Council Chamber by Mayor Gerald D. Jernigan . Council stood for one moment of silence . Mayor Jernigan led Council in the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance ...
... Ann Arbor City Council was called to order at 7:37 the City Hall Council Chamber by Mayor Gerald D. Jernigan . Council stood for one moment of silence . Mayor Jernigan led Council in the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance ...
Halaman 302
Ann Arbor (Mich.). Common Council. TABLED RESOLUTION TO APPROVE BIDS FOR TOWING AND STORAGE OF IMPOUNDED VEHICLES Whereas , Bid No. 1452 was received by the Purchasing Department on December 10 , 1986 ; and Whereas , City Council ...
Ann Arbor (Mich.). Common Council. TABLED RESOLUTION TO APPROVE BIDS FOR TOWING AND STORAGE OF IMPOUNDED VEHICLES Whereas , Bid No. 1452 was received by the Purchasing Department on December 10 , 1986 ; and Whereas , City Council ...
Halaman 313
Ann Arbor (Mich.). Common Council. REGULAR SESSION - JULY 20 , 1987 The regular session of the Ann Arbor City Council was called to order at 7:36 p.m. by Mayor Gerald D. Jernigan . Council stood for a moment of silence . Mayor Jernigan ...
Ann Arbor (Mich.). Common Council. REGULAR SESSION - JULY 20 , 1987 The regular session of the Ann Arbor City Council was called to order at 7:36 p.m. by Mayor Gerald D. Jernigan . Council stood for a moment of silence . Mayor Jernigan ...
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Istilah dan frasa umum
acres adopted at second Amoco Ann Arbor City APPROVED RESOLUTION Arbor City Council Associated Spring Division Board of Appeals budget call the vote Chair declared Chapter 55 City Administrator City Clerk City of Ann City of Saline City Planning Commission Consent Agenda contract Councilmember Coleman moved Councilmember Epton moved Councilmember Hirshorn moved Councilmember Hunter moved Councilmember Middleton moved Cranbrook declared the hearing declared the motion development agreement Edgren Eisenhower Parkway employees feet Fund hearing closed hearing was conducted improvement charge Juigalpa July June 11 LANDMARK PINES TOWNHOUSES Main Street Mayor and City Mayor Jernigan Michigan motion carried unanimously North Main Northside Office Packard Road Pittsfield Township Planned Unit Development Planning Commission transmitting public hearing resolution be adopted resolution be tabled resolution tabled RESOLUTION TO APPROVE RESOLVED REZONING Schleicher second reading Section speak the Chair Task Force thence Village of Dexter voice vote vote the Chair Washtenaw County Whereas