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40,000 county of Montgomery, and a part of 10,000 Bucks, contained 3422 taxables; the return of the same for 1826 is 22,986. That district called the Northern Liberties, has increased from 151 to 7996. Southwark &c. from 78 to 3349. Philadelphia still increases rapidly. The product of her manufactories, is many millions annually.

And, if the value of houses and boats built be added, the whole sum will be $321,000

One hundred boats are at present engaged in the coal trade-sixty of which were built during the last summer. It is supposed that fifty or sixty more will be added during the next season, and a great increase of business is expected.

September-One of the most valuable merchant mills in this state at York Haven, on the Susquehanna, belonging to Mr. Tyson, of Baltimore, with all its contents, (part of which was 12,000 bushels of wheat,) was destroyed by fire. The building of this mill cost more than $50,000. It could make 200 barrels of flour in a day.

MANUFACTURES.-Bells for churches, screws for paper mills, various articles of cutlery and surgical instruments, and beautiful carpets or floor cloths, are made and supplied in quantities at York, Pennsylvania.

A low fellow by the name of Pluck, who is elected a colonel of militia, in order to bring contempt on that service, was cashiered and pronounced incapable of holding a commission in the militia for 7 years.

November.-MOUNT CARBON.--The "Miner's Journal" estimates the trade of Mount Carbon, for the season just closed, at the aggregate value of 283,437 dollars.

The Harmonists, at their new settlement near Pittsburg, are paying great attention to the breeding of sheep and the manufacture of woollen goods. They will have nearly 4000 acres of land for sheep-walks. In addition to the wool consumed in the district, $12,000 worth has been sent over the mountains to market.

Statistics of Philadelphia.-The city of Philadelphia contained in 1741, 1621 taxables, and has at present 11,120. The county, as it stood in 1741, when it included the whole

The anniversary of the landing of William Penn, was recently celebrated at Philadelphia. Thomas H. Wharton, Esq. delivered the oration. The society dined at the Masonic Hallthe venerable judge Peters presiding. Many distinguished persons were present, as invited guests-among them several foreigners.

December.-Isaac D. Barnard was elected a senator of the United States for six years, from the 4th of March, 1827, in place of Mr. Findlay, whose time expired at that period. Two ballots were taken, and several candidates were voted for.

1st vote. Isaac D. Barnard 55, Samuel D. Ingham 33, Joseph Hemphill 11, James Buchanan 10, William Findlay 10, Alexander Mahon 5, George B. Porter 3, Thomas Sergeant 1.

2d vote. Isaac D. Barnard 108, Samuel D. Ingham 11, Joseph Hemphill 5, James Buchanan 3, Thomas Sergeant 1.

An address was delivered at Philadelphia, by Peter A. Brown, Esq. to promote a geological and mineralogical survey of the whole state of Pennsylvania, the publication of a series of geological maps,and the formation of state and county geological and mineralogical collections, submitted to a meeting of a number of citizens, at the hall of the Franklin Institute, and approved, with the thanks of the meeting. It is estimated that the whole expense of making the surveys, preparing the facts collected for publication, the engraving, printing, &c. will cost about $6,000 dollars.

James Trimble, Esq. of Pennsylvania, has held the office of deputy secretary of state for sixty years, and is yet an efficient officer.

Joseph Ritner was re-elected speaker of the house of representatives, and Alexander Mahon speaker of the senate of Pennsylvania-both unanimously.

April. The state of Pennsylvania declined to act in concert with the Baltimore rail road company, in carrying that work into operation.

A number of persons in Lancaster county have turned their attention to the raising of tobacco; among others, a Mr. Rohrer, of Lampeter, advertises segars made from tobaco raised on his farm!

PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA.-Return of the militia and volunteers of Pennsylvania, for the year 1826; Governor and commander in

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Resolved, That the Pennsylvania society for the promotion of manufactures and the mechanic arts, do earnestly call on the farmers, manufac turers, and the friends of both branches of industry, to hold conventions in their respective states, as early as convenient in the month of June next, to appoint at least five delegates from each state, to meet in general convention at Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, on the 30th day of July, to deliberate on what measures are proper to be taken, in the present posture of their affairs.

Resolved. That the farmers and manufacturers, and the friends of farming and manufactures in the several counties of this state, be requested to appoint delegates to attend a meeting of a state convention, to be held at Harrisburg, on Wednesday, the 27th of June next, to take into consideration the present state of the wool growing and wool manufacturing interests, and such other manufactures as may require encouragement, and to appoint delegates to attend a general convention, for these purposes, to be held at Harrisburg, on the 30th of July next.

Various meetings were held in the different counties of the state during this month, to devise means for the protection of home productions, and best secure the encouragement and establishment of home consumption or a domestic market. At these meetings, delegates were appointed to the Harrisburg convention, and various resolutions passed, and committees appointed to aid in obtaining accurate information as to the condition of manufactures throughout the state. The delegates were Charles J. Ingersoll, Mathew Carey, Charles Huston, Walter Forward, Jonathan Roberts, Daniel Montgomery, Joseph Patterson, Joseph Ritner, James Todd, William Clark, David Townsend, Samuel Baird, William P. Maclay, Alexander Reed, Redwood Fisher. 1826.] DELAWARE.

October.-Mr. Charles Polk was elected governor, and Mr. Lewis

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January. The legislature of Delaware, on the 12th inst. elected Henry M. Ridgely, Esq. to supply the vacancy in the senate of the United States, caused by the death of Mr. Van Dyke; and Lewis M'Lane, Esq. the representative in congress, a senator for six years from the 4th of March, 1827, in place of Mr. Clayton, whose period of service will then expire. The votes were as follows: for H. M. Ridgely, 16; Thomas Cooper, 4; Daniel Rodney, 2; Arnold Naudain, 2';-blank, 5; and for L. M'Lane, 20; T. Clayton, 5; A. Naudain, 1; James R. Black, 1; blank, 1.

The whole of the loan of $200,000, asked for. to prosecute the Chesapeake and Delaware canal, was taken on Tuesday, as soon as the books were opened at Philadelphia, a considerable sum beyond that amount being offered.

June, 1827.-The town of Wilmington, Delaware, is about to be abundantly supplied with the pure water of the romantic Brandywine. 1826] MARYLAND.

September. The college of electors met at Annapolis on the 18th, for the election of the senate of the state-56 members were present.

The following gentlemen were elected:

EASTERN SHORE.-Littleton P. Dennis, Somerset; Edward Lloyd, Talbot; Irvine Spence, Worcester; Kinsey Harrison, Queen Anne's; J. T. Reese, Kent; William Whitely, Caroline.

WESTERN SYRE.-C. S. Sewell, Harford; R. Johnson, Baltimore; U. S. Heath, do.; W. H. Marriott, AnneArundel; John Nelson, Frederick; Dr. James Thomas. St. Mary's; J. C. Herbert, Prince George's; B. S. Forrest, Montgomery; Daniel Sprigg, Washington.

It is remarked that, as the electoral college is composed of two electors from each county, one from the city of Baltimore, and one from the city of Annapolis; only one fortieth part of the power of choosing the members of the senate is possessed by the city of Baltimore, which contains one fourth of the population of the state.

THE VENERABLE CARROLL.-The "American Farmer" of the 22d inst. says "There are more than one hundred deer on the Harewood estate, from which the best buck is always selected as an annual offering to the venerable Carroll, of Carrollton, on his birth-day. The last of these recurred on Wednesday last, the 20th inst. when, in fine health and spirits, he received the heart-felt gratulations of his family and friends, at his manor on Elkridge. It was highly gratifying to see the last surviving signer of the Declaration of Independence passing into his ninetieth year, still exhibiting so perfect a model of elegant manners, such a happy example of cheerfulness and intellectual refinement, erect and sprightly as any of the party; left, as it would seem, by Providence, to inculcate by their visible fruits the inestimable value of temperance, cleanliness, regularity in diet, and bodily and religious exercises, and a wise government of all the grosser passions. He plunges into his limestone spring bath every morning before sunrise, and still rides on horseback with pleasure, in

good weather. A large portion of the day is devoted to reading. Having received at St. Omers the best classical education, he has always retained his partiality for Latin and French literature."

October. The senate of Maryland is composed of 15 members, and the house of delegates of 80-only two of the last senate and twenty-eight of the last house were re-appointed, or reelected.

A curious case, in which the ancient theory of legislation of Maryland in relation to negroes, which considered them all as slaves, and subject to corporal punishment, was called in question, occurred in Baltimore. A white man. had undertaken to inflict personal punishment on a black woman, not his slave, but she was not content to bear it long, and turned upon him and chastised him for beating her. For this she was brought bef re a magistrate, under an old law which authorizes cropping for the first offence in a black, of defending him or herself in returning the assault and battery of a white person. But the case was dismissed.

November.-The sum of 15,000 dollars has been received by the state of Maryland from the general government, for militia services during the late war, which is the last payment of money due on that account.

MARYLAND INSTITUTE -The first exhibit of the products of domestic industry, under charge of this new and valuable establishment, took place at the hall in South Charles-street, on the 14th, 15th and 16th insts. The variety and excellence of the articles exhibited, pleased and surprised every one, although the artists and workmen were not allowed full time to prepare themselves, and the principles of the institution were not fully understood.

Among the articles were chemical preparations, cloths, cassimeres and satinets, various sorts of cotton goods and carpeting, saddles and harness, leather of different kinds, currying knives, fire brick paper and paper hangings, articles of iron ware and castings, side-boards, tables, pianos, &c. stone and earthen ware, gloves,

lace, silk, worsted, straw bonnets and plaitings, oil-cloths and carpets, shovels and spades, and many other things, most of which were of superior workmanship, quality, or beauty.

By a census recently taken, it is shown that the whole number of officers surviving of the famous and gallant Maryland line, is only fourteen. December.-LEGISLATURE.-The legislature of Maryland met at Annapolis on the 25th; James W.M'Culloh, of Baltimore county, was elected speaker of the house of delegates; Edward Lloyd elected president of the senate, by an unanimous vote.

A resolution passed both houses, on motion of Mr. Tyson of Baltimore, that the governor's chair in the council chamber, the chair of the president of the senate, and of the speaker of the house, shall be shrouded in black, for the remainder of the session, as a tribute of respect to the memory of Adams and Jefferson.

1827.]-January.-Joseph Kent was re-elected Governor, with only two dissenting votes.

The message of Governor Kent was received with much approbation. A great portion of this valuable document was devoted to the subject of internal improvement, for the principles of which Governor K. is a warm advocate.

General Samuel Smith was re-elected a member of the senate of the U. States, for six years from the 4th of March, 1827. There was very little opposition to Gen. S., he having 73 votes out of 83.

March. An act passed the legislature, appropriating one thousand dollars annually to the objects of the colonization society, to wit, the transportation and comfort of such free persons of colour as shall voluntarily emigrate to Africa, &c. It passed the house of delegates by a large majority, and the

senate 8 to 4.

A law case was tried in Baltimore which excited considerable interest, as it involved the question of the consti tutionality of a law of the state, which required importers of foreign merchandise, and other wholesale venders, to take out annual licenses to sell, for

which fifty dollars was exacted. This cause-Alexander Brown and others vs. the state of Maryland-was argued before the supreme court of the U. States, by Mr. Meredith for the merchants, and by Messrs. Yancey and R. Johnson for the state. The decision of the court was, that the law was unconstitutional and void.

A bill chartering the Baltimore and Ohio rail road association, passed the Legislature on the 10th. A bill for the general promotion of internal improvement also became a law on that day. It gives $500,000 to the Chesapeake and Ohio canal, on the condition of congress subscribing for 10,000 shares. It gives the like sum of $500,000 to the Susquehannah canal, pro


vided 8000 shares should be first subscribed by bona fide subscribers.

The culture of Cotton has but of late been commenced in Maryland, and it has succeeded beyond expectation. Dr. Muse had last season 30 acres sown with this article in Dorchester county. It was all uplands, and yielded one third clean cotton, whereas one fourth is the usual proportion in the southern states. The culture has also been successfully commenced in Northhampton county, Virginia.

June. Such were the ravages of the Hessian fly in the vicinity of Hagerstown, that most of the farmers had ploughed up their wheat fields, and planted them with corn.



September.--The university of Virginia has at present about 170 students within its walls. If the law lectures had commenced with the present session, it is calculated that the number would have increased to at least 200. There are students from all the states south of the Delaware; two from New-York. The architects are going on with the anatomical hall, and the rotunda. Of the latter, the library and the portico are rapidly advancing. The Italian capitals to the columns of the portico, are of the purest marble, and of the most beautiful workmanship. The faculty have established a dispensary, to be attached to the medical school, and to be attended three times in the week by the professor of medicine and his stu dents.

At the superior court of law for Kanhawa county, Judge Summers presiding, four bills of indictment were returned by the grand jury against John and Mathew Kincaid,

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for the burning of Gauley bridge. The two first indictments, charging these individuals with felony, were set aside by the court, on the ground that, from the omission of the legislature, the burning of a bridge was not a felony, either by the statute or common law. On the indictments for misdemeanor, under the statute of Virginia, they were tried, and a verdict of $4,000 damages was found against each of the defendants.

Some cases of yellow fever, which terminated fatally, occurred at Norfolk.

October.-Particles of gold have been picked up, perfectly free of alloy, on the land of Colonel Lewis, near Lynchburg. It is a common occur rence, after a rain, to see it scattered over the soil.

VIRGINIA TOBACCO.-The Lynchburg Virginian, of the 14th inst. gives the following comparison of the principal inspections of tobacco in Virginia, ending the 1st October, 1825, and 1826.

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Lynchburg 14.817



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400 nearly.

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