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desirable for the welfare of the Colony. And we remain, as in duty bound, Your Majesty's most dutiful and most devoted loving subjects and servants.

"HY. B. BECKWITH, President of the Assembly. "House of Legislative Assembly, Grenada, February 9, 1876.

"JOHN WELLS, Clerk of the Assembly."

And whereas doubts have arisen as to the validity and effect of the said Act in the said Address referred to, and it is expedient to remove such doubts, and to give effect to the said Address under the authority of Parliament, by enabling Her Majesty to erect such form of government in the Island of Grenada and its Dependencies as Her Majesty shall deem most desirable for the welfare of the Colony:

Be it therefore enacted by the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows:

1. It shall be lawful for Her Majesty by Order in Council to create and constitute a Government and Legislature for the Island of Grenada and its Dependencies, in such form and with such powers as to Her Majesty may seem fit, and from time to time in like manner to alter or amend the constitution of such Government and Legislature; and it shall be lawful for Her Majesty in like manner to amend or repeal any Act of the Legislature of the said Island of Grenada and its Dependencies now in force, in so far as the same may be repugnant to the terms of any Order in Council passed in pursuance of this Act.



Whereas Acts have been passed by the Legislatures of the Islands of Saint Vincent and Tobago respectively, during sessions held in the present year of Her Majesty's reign, intituled, in the case of Saint Vincent, "An Act to alter and amend the Political Constitution of this Island and its Dependencies," and in the case of Tobago, "An Act to alter and amend the Political Constitution of this Island:" And whereas doubts have arisen as to whether it was competent for the Legislatures of the said islands to pass the said Acts: And whereas it is expedient to remove such doubts, and that the said Acts should be brought into operation under the authority of Parliament:

And whereas the said Acts are set out in the Schedule hereunto annexed:

2. Be it therefore enacted that the said Acts set forth in the Schedule to this Act shall be and the same are hereby declared to be valid and of full force, and shall come into operation in the Island of Saint Vincent and its Dependencies and in the Island of Tobago respectively so soon as they shall have been confirmed by Her Majesty in Council, and such confirmation shall have been duly published within the island to which the same relates.

3. In construing the said Act of the Island of Saint Vincent, the term "Island" in the title thereof shall mean "the Island of Saint Vincent and its Dependencies," and the term "Government" shall mean the Government of the Island of Saint Vincent and its Dependencies, and in construing the said Act of the Island of Tobago the term "Island" shall mean the Island of Tobago.

4. This Act may be cited for all purposes as "The Saint Vincent, Tobago, and Grenada Constitution Act, 1876."



"An Act to alter and amend the Political Constitution of this Island and its Dependencies."

Whereas it is necessary to alter the present political constitution of this Government, be it enacted by the Governor and Legislative Assembly of the said Government as follows::

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3. From and after the coming into operation of this Act, the present Legislative Assembly, and all and every the functions and privileges thereof, shall cease and determine absolutely.

4. It shall be lawful for Her Majesty the Queen in Council to create and constitute a Legislature for this Government in such form and with such powers as Her Majesty in Council may determine, and from time to time to alter or amend such Legislature, or any of the forms or powers thereof.

5. Where any public trust, office, or responsibility is vested by any law in the President of the Legislative Assembly (whose functions are abrogated by this Act), such public trust, office, or responsibility shall, after the passing of this Act, devolve upon the Governor.

6. The records and documents of and belonging to the Legislative Assembly shall remain in the custody of the Colonial Secretary and his successors, who shall be responsible for the proper preservation of the same.

7. This Act shall have no force or operation until the same shall have been confirmed by Her Majesty, and such confirmation duly published in this Government.

[blocks in formation]

"An Act to alter and amend the Political Constitution of this Island."

Whereas it is necessary to alter the present political constitution of the Government of this Island:

Be it enacted by the Governor and Legislative Assembly of the Island of Tobago as follows:

1. From and after the coming into operation of this Act, the present Legislative Assembly, and all and every the functions and privileges thereof, shall cease and determine absolutely.

2. It shall be lawful for Her Majesty the Queen in Council to create and constitute a Legislature for this Government in such form and with such powers as to Her Majesty in Council may best seem fit, and from time to time to alter or amend such Legislature, or any of the forms or powers thereof.

3. This Act may be cited as "The Constitution Act, 1876."

4. The Acts and parts of Acts whose titles are set forth in the Schedule hereto annexed are hereby repealed.


Extent of Repeal.

[blocks in formation]

Title of Act.

23 Vict., c. 7. The Act entitled "An Act to
extend the Franchise and otherwise provide
for the better Representation of the People."
27 Vict., c. 2. "An Act to amend the Fran-
chise Act, 1860," 23 Vict., c. 7.
35 Vict., c. 1. "An Act to extend the pro-
visions of the Franchise Act, 1860."
38 Vict., c. 9. "An Act to amend and simplify
the Legislature of the Island of Tobago.'


CONVENTION d'Extradition entre la Suisse et le GrandDuché de Luxembourg.--Signée à Paris, le 10 Février, 1876.

[Ratifications échangées à Paris le 11 Avril, 1876.]

SA Majesté le Roi des Pays-Bas, Grand-Duc de Luxembourg, pour le Luxembourg, et le Conseil Fédéral de la Confédération Suisse, désirant, d'un commun accord, conclure une Convention à l'effet de régler lextradition réciproque des malfaiteurs, ont nommé pour leurs Plénipotentiaires, savoir :

Sa Majesté le Roi des Pays-Bas, Grand-Duc de Luxembourg, M. Jonas, Membre de son Conseil d'État du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg, son Chargé d'Affaires à Paris, Grand Officier de son Ordre Royal Grand-Ducal de la Couronne de Chêne, Commandeur de l'Ordre National de la Légion d'Honneur; et

Le Conseil Fédéral Suisse, M. Jean Conrad Kern, Envoyé Extraordinaire et Ministre Plénipotentiaire de la Confédération Suisse près la République Erançaise;

Lesquels, après s'être communiqué leurs pouvoirs, trouvés en bonne et due forme, sont convenus des Articles suivants :

ART. I. Le Gouvernement Grand-Ducal Luxembourgeois et le Gouvernement de la Confédération Suisse s'engagent à se livrer réciproquement, sur la demande que l'un des deux Gouvernements adressera à l'autre, et à la seule exception de leurs nationaux, les individus réfugiés de Luxembourg en Suisse ou de Suisse en Luxembourg, et poursuivis ou condamnés comme auteurs ou complices, par les autorités compétentes de l'autre pays, pour les crimes et délits énumérés dans l'Article suivant.

II. Les crimes et délits qui donnent lieu à extradition sont :

1. L'assassinat;

2. Le parricide;

3. L'infanticide;

4. L'empoisonnement;

5. Le meurtre ;

6. L'avortement;

7. Le viol;

8. La bigamie et la polygamie;

9. L'attentat à la pudeur avec violence;

10. L'attentat à la pudeur sans violence sur la personne ou à l'aide d'un mineur de l'un ou de l'autre sexe âgé de moins de 14


11. L'attentat aux mœurs, en excitant, facilitant ou favorisant habituellement, même pour satisfaire les passions d'autrui, la débauche ou la corruption de mineurs de l'un ou de l'autre sexe; 12. L'outrage public à la pudeur;

13. L'enlèvement de mineurs ;

14. L'exposition ou le délaissement d'enfant ;

15. L'enlèvement, le recel, la suppression, la substitution ou la supposition d'enfant ;

16. Les coups et blessures volontaires avec préméditation ou ayant occasionné, soit la mort, soit une maladie ou incapacité de travail personnel permanente ou de plus de 20 jours, ou ayant été suivis de mutilation, amputation ou privation de l'usage de membres, cécité, perte d'un œil ou autres infirmités permanentes ;

17. L'association de malfaiteurs pour commettre des infractions prévues par la présente Convention;

18. Les menaces d'un attentat contre les personnes ou contre les propriétés, punissables de peines criminelles ;

19. Les extorsions;

20. L'attentat à l'inviolabilité du domicile commis illégalement par des particuliers; la séquestration ou la détention illégale de personnes ;

21. L'incendie volontaire;

22. Le vol et la soustraction frauduleuse, l'extorsion de signatures ou d'actes contenant ou opérant obligation, disposition ou décharge;

23. L'escroquerie et fraudes analogues;

24. L'abus de confiance, l'enlèvement, le détournement ou la destruction d'objets saisis;

25. La concussion et les détournements commis par des fonctionnaires publics, la corruption de fonctionnaires ou d'arbitres; 26. La suppression ou violation du secret des lettres; 27. La dénonciation calomuieuse;

28. La fausse monnaie, comprenant la contrefaçon et l'altération de la monnaie, l'émission et la mise en circulation de monnaie contrefaite ou altérée, la contrefaçon ou la falsification de billets de banque, titres de rente ou papiers valeurs émis par l'État ou sous l'autorité de l'État par des corporations, sociétés ou particuliers, la contrefaçon ou la falsification des sceaux de l'État et de tous timbres, poinçons et marques autorisés par les Gouvernements respectifs et destinés à un service public; l'usage de sceaux, timbres, poinçons et marques contrefaits ou falsifiés, et l'usage préjudiciable de vrais sceaux, timbres, poinçons et marques;

29. La contrefaçon ou la falsification d'effets publics, de titres publics ou privés, l'usage, l'émission ou mise en circulation de ces effets, documents, billets ou titres contrefaits ou falsifiés, le faux en écriture et l'usage d'écritures falsifiées;

30. Le faux témoignage et la fausse déclaration de la part d'experts ou interprètes; la subornation de témoins, d'interprêtes ou d'experts;

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