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Les deux États Contractants s'engagent réciproquement à ne provoquer le renvoi d'une personne, prévu à l'Article VIII, qu'après un examen préalable et minutieux des circonstances qui s'y rapportent; ils ne le provoqueront pas, s'il résulte de cet examen que le changement de nationalité a eu lieu bona fide, et que la personne dont il s'agit n'a pas voulu, par cela, se soustraire au service militaire.

Le présent Protocole aura la même force et valeur que s'il était inséré dans le Traité mot à mot. Il sera ratifié par les deux Parties Contractantes, et les ratifications en seront échangées à Berlin le -même jour et simultanément avec celles du Traité.

En foi de quoi les Soussignés ont signé le présent Protocole en double et y ont apposé le cachet de leurs armes.

Fait à Berne, le 27 Avril, 1876.


LOI de la Belgique, relative au Régime des Sucres.—Laeken, le 24 Mai, 1876.

LÉOPOLD II, Roi des Belges, à tous présents et à venir, salut.
Les Chambres ont adopté et nous sanctionnons ce qui suit :

ART. 1. Le cautionnement fourni en vertu de l'Article 30 de la Loi du 26 Mai, 1856, peut, jusqu'au 15 de chaque mois, servir à garantir les prises en charge aux comptes de crédit à terme et aux comptes d'entrepôts fictifs, pour les sucres provenant de la fabrication du mois précédent.

2. Par extension du premier alinéa du littera A de l'Article 3 de la Loi du 18 Juin, 1849, les sucres mélis sciés en morceaux réguliers de forme rectangulaire sont admis à l'exportation, et jouissent de la même décharge que ces sucres, s'ils présentent d'ailleurs les conditions énumérées au dit Article.

3. § 1. L'accise sur la fabrication des glucoses de fécules de pommes de terre et de grain est fixée comme il suit, savoir:

Glucoses granulées, 12 francs par hectolitre de capacité de la cuve de saccharification. Autres glucoses, 4 francs par hectolitre de capacité de la cuve de saccharification.

§ 2. La capacité de la cuve de saccharification est constatée par empotement à pleins bords, en ne laissant dans ce vaisseau d'autre appareil ou ustensile que le serpentin fixé à demeure.

Elle est réduite de 5 pour cent pour établir la capacité imposable.

§ 3. Les droits ci-dessus seront réduits, le cas échéant, dans la même proportion que les droits sur les sucres.

§ 4. Toute entrave apportée au libre accès des employés dans les fabriques de glucoses, tant de nuit que de jour, sera considérée comme refus d'exercice, à moins que des scellés n'aient été apposés sur tous les ustensiles et foyers.

4. § 1. Le Gouvernement est autorisé à rendre applicable aux marchandises d'accise le régime de déclaration, de vérification, de chargement et de déchargement qui est en vigueur pour les marchandises de douane, ainsi que les dispositions qui règlent la liquidation des droits et les pénalités à l'importation de ces marchandises.

§ 2. La disposition suivante est ajoutée à l'Article 213 de la Loi Générale du 26 Août, 1822:

"En cas d'exportation de marchandises d'accise, celui qui aura fait la déclaration encourra, en outre, une amende égale au décuple de la somme dont il aura tenté d'obtenir frauduleusement la décharge."

5. Sont abrogés:

Le littera D du § 2 de l'Article 42, les §§ 2 à 5 de l'Article 43, l'Article 44 et le No. 19 du § 1 de l'Article 50 de la Loi du 26 Mai, 1856, et le § 1 de l'Article 8 de la Loi du 27 Avril, 1865.

6. Le Gouvernement déterminera la date de la mise en vigueur des dispositions de la présente Loi.

7. Si l'intérêt du commerce ou de l'industrie l'exige, le Gouvernement pourra, jusqu'au 15 Novembre, 1876, établir des surtaxes sur les sucres étrangers, et prendre toutes les mesures nécessitées par les changements qui sont ou qui seraient adoptés dans d'autres pays à l'égard des sucres de provenance Belge.

Les Arrêtés Royaux pris en vertu du présent Article seront soumis aux Chambres au commencement de la session prochaine. Promulguons la présente Loi, ordonnons qu'elle soit revêtue du sceau de l'État et publiée par la voie du " Moniteur."

Donné à Laeken, le 24 Mai, 1876.

Par le Roi:

J. MALOU, Ministre des Finances.

Vu et scellé du sceau de l'État :

T. DE LANTSHEERE, Ministre de la Justice.


ACT of the British Parliament, to enable Her Most Gracious Majesty to make an addition to the Royal Style and Titles appertaining to the Imperial Crown of the United Kingdom and its Dependencies. [Empress of India.*]

[39 Vic., cap. 10.]

[April 27, 1876.]

WHEREAS by the Act for the union of Great Britain and Ireland, passed in the 40th year of the reign of His late Majesty King George the Third, chapter 67, it was provided that after such union as aforesaid the royal style and titles appertaining to the Imperial Crown of the United Kingdom and its Dependencies should be such as His Majesty by his Royal Proclamation under the Great Seal of the United Kingdom should be pleased to appoint:

And whereas by virtue of the said Act and of a Royal Proclamation under the Great Seal, dated the 1st day of January, 1801, the present style and titles of Her Majesty are, "Victoria by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Queen, Defender of the Faith":

And whereas by the Act for the better government of India, passed in the session of the 21st and 22nd years of the reign of Her present Majesty, chapter 106,† it was enacted that the government of India, theretofore vested in the East India Company in trust for Her Majesty, should become vested in Her Majesty, and that India should thenceforth be governed by and in the name of Her Majesty, and it is expedient that there should be a recognition of the transfer of government so made by means of an addition to be made to the style and titles of Her Majesty:

Be it therefore enacted by the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows:

It shall be lawful for Her Most Gracious Majesty, with a view to such recognition as aforesaid of the transfer of the government of India, by Her Royal Proclamation under the Great Seal of the United Kingdom, to make such addition to the style and titles at present appertaining to the Imperial Crown of the United Kingdom and its Dependencies as to Her Majesty may seem meet.

* See Proclamation of April 28, 1876. Page 547.
+ Vol. XLIX. Page 742.

ACT of the British Parliament, for the Amendment of the Trade Marks Registration Act, 1875.

[39 and 40 Vict., cap. 33.]

[July 24, 1876.] WHEREAS by the Trades Marks Registration Act, 1875 [cap. 91],* in this Act referred to as the principal Act, it is provided that from and after the 1st day of July, 1876, a person shall not be entitled to institute any proceeding to prevent the infringement of any trade mark as defined by the principal Act until and unless such trade mark is registered in pursuance of that Act:

And whereas by reason of the number of trade marks, and especially by reason of the difficulties attending the registration of trade marks in relation to textile fabrics, it has been found impossible to complete the registration of existing trade marks within the time specified by the said section; and it is therefore expedient to prolong the time for the completion of such registration as aforesaid, and otherwise to amend the principal Act:

Be it therefore enacted by the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same as follows:

1. There shall be repealed so much of Section 1 of the principal Act as provides that from and after the 1st day of July, 1876, a person shall not be entitled to institute any proceeding to prevent the infringement of any trade mark as defined by that Act until and unless such trade mark is registered in pursuance of that Act, and in place thereof be it enacted that

From and after the 1st day of July, 1877, a person shall not be entitled to institute any proceeding to prevent or to recover damages for the infringement of any trade mark as defined by the principal Act until and unless such trade mark is registered in pursuance of that Act, or until and unless, with respect to any device, mark, name, combination of words, or other matter or thing in use as a trade mark before the passing of the principal Act, registration thereof as a trade mark under the principal Act shall have been refused as hereinafter is mentioned.

2. When an application by any person to register as a trade mark a device, mark, name, word, combination of words, or other matter or thing proposed for registration as a trade mark, which has been in use as a trade mark before the passing of the recited Act, has been refused, it shall be the duty of the registrar, on request, and on payment of the prescribed fee, to give to the applicant a certificate of such refusal, and a certificate so granted shall be conclusive evidence of such refusal.

* Vol. LXVI. Page 665.

3. This Act may be cited for all purposes as the “Trade Marks Registration Amendment Act, 1876."

ACT of the British Parliament, for making provision respecting
Shares in the Capital of the Universal Company of the
Maritime Canal of Suez, acquired on behalf of the Crown.
[August 15, 1876.]

[39 & 40 Vict., cap. 67.]

WHEREAS on the 25th day of November, 1875, an Agreement was entered into on behalf of Her Majesty the Queen on the one part, and of His Highness the Khedive of Egypt on the other part, for the purchase, on the terms therein mentioned, of shares held by His Highness the Khedive in the capital of the Universal Company of the Maritime Canal of Suez, which Agreement was in the words and figures following; that is to say :

Agreement entered into this 25th day of November, in the year of our Lord 1875, between Major-General Edward Stanton, C.B., Her Britannic Majesty's Agent and Consul-General in Egypt, acting on behalf of Her Britannic Majesty's Government, on the one part, and his Excellency Ismail Sadek Pasha, Egyptian Minister of Finance, acting on behalf of His Highness the Khedive of Egypt, on the other part.

[See Vol. LXVI. Page 670.]

And whereas on the 23rd day of February, 1876, the House of Commons resolved that a sum not exceeding 4,080,000l. be granted to Her Majesty, to enable Her Majesty to pay the purchase money of the shares which belonged to the Khedive of Egypt in the Suez Canal, and the expenses attendant thereon, which will come in course of payment during the year ending on the 31st day of March, 1876:

And whereas by "The Exchequer Bonds Act, 1876," the Commissioners of Her Maiesty's Treasury are empowered within one month after the 31st day of March, 1876, to raise money not exceeding 4,080,000l. by the issue of Exchequer bonds at interest:

And whereas it is expedient that provision be made respecting the custody and disposal of the shares aforesaid, and the receipt and application of money to accrue under the said Agreement and on those shares, and for other purposes relating thereto :

Be it therefore enacted by the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows:

1. The Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury shall receive

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