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munities, are or may be there granted to Agents of the same rank of the most favoured nation.

Art. XII. For the better security of commerce between the subjects of Her Britannic Majesty and the citizens. of the Republic of Peru, it is agreed that if, at any time, any interruption of friendly intercourse, or any rupture should unfortunately take place between the two Contracting Parties, the subjects or citizens of either of the two Contracting Parties, residing upon the coasts, shall be allowed six months, and those residing in the interior a year, to wind up their accounts, and dispose of their property; and a safe-conduct shall be given them to embark at the port which they shall themselves select. All subjects or citizens of either of the two Contracting Parties who may be established in the dominions or territories of the other, in the exercise of any trade or special employment, shall have the privilege of remaining and continuing such trade or employment therein, without any manner of interruption, in full enjoyment of their liberty and property, as long as they behave peaceably, and commit no offence against the laws; and their goods and effects, of whatever description they may be, whether in their own custody, or entrusted to individuals or to the State, shall not be liable to seizure or sequestration, or to any other charges or demands than those which may be made upon the like effects or property belonging to native subjects or citizens. In the same case, debts between individuals, public funds, and the shares of companies, shall never be confiscated, sequestered, or detained.

Art. XIII. The subjects or citizens of either of the two Contracting Parties, residing in the dominions or territories of the other, shall continue to enjoy, as hitherto, in regard to their houses, persons, and properties, the protection of the Government.

In like manner, the subjects and citizens of each Contracting Party shall enjoy, in the dominions or territories of the other, full liberty of conscience, and shall not be molested on account of their religious belief, provided they respect the established laws and customs; and such of those subjects and citizens as may die in the territories of the other Party, shall be buried in the public cemeteries or accustomed places, with suitable decorum and respect.

en ella los Agentes Diplomaticos y Cónsules de igual clase de la nacion mas favorecida.

Art. XII. Para la mayor seguridad del comercio entre los ciudadanos de la República del Perú y los súbditos de Su Magestad Británica, se conviene en que si desgraciadamente alguna vez cesasen sus buenas relaciones, ó tuviese lugar un rompimiento entre las Partes Contratantes, los ciudadanos ó súbditos de cada una de ellas que residiesen en las costas, gozaran seis meses, y un año los que residieron en el interior, para arreglar sus cuentas y disponer de sus bienes; y se les dará un salvo conducto para que se embarquen en el puerto que elijiesen. Todos los ciudadanos ó súbditos de cualquiera de las dos Partes Contratantes establecidos en los territorios ó dominios de la otra, de cualquier profesion que fuesen, podran permanecer en el pais y continuar sus ocupaciones, sin que sean molestados; y seran protegidos en el pleno goce de su libertad y de sus bienes, mientras se conduzcan pacificamente y observen las leyes; y sus bienes y efectos, de cualquier clase que sean, ya esten en su poder, ya confiados á otros individuos ó al Estado, no estaran sujetos à embargo ó secuestro, ni á á pagar otres impuestos que los que se exijieren de iguales bienes ó propiedades pertenecientes á los ciudadanos ó súbditos naturales. En el mismo caso, ni las deudas entre particulares, ni los fondos públicos, ni las acciones de compañias, estaran sujetos á confiscacion, secuestro, ó embargo.

Art. XIII. Los ciudadanos y súbditos de ambas Partes Contratantes que residan en los territorios ó dominios de la otra, continuaran gozando como hasta aqui de la proteccion del Gobierno en sus personas, casas y bienes.

Asi mismo los ciudadanos y súbditos de ambas Partes gozaran en los dominios ó territorios de la otra respectivamente plena libertad de conciencia, sin que puedan ser molestados por su creencia religiosa, con tal que respeten las leyes y usos establecidos; y aquellos que muriesen en el territorio de la otra parte seran enterrados en los cementerios publicos, ó los lugares de costumbre, con el decoro y respeto convenientes.

Art. XIV. If any ship of war or merchant vessel, of either of the Contracting Parties should be wrecked on the coasts of the other, such ship or vessel, or any parts thereof, and all furniture and appartenances belonging thereunto, and all goods and merchandize which shall be saved therefrom, or the produce thereof, if sold, shall be faithfully restored to the proprietors, upon being claimed by them or by their duly authorized agents; and if there are no such proprietors or agents on the spot, then the said goods and merchandize, or the proceeds thereof, as well as all the papers found on board such wrecked ship or vessel, shall be delivered to the British or Peruvian Consul in whose district the wreck may have taken place; and such Consul, proprietors, or agents, shall pay only the expenses incurred in the preservation of the property, together with the rate of salvage which would have been payable in the like case of a wreck of a national vessel. The goods and merchandize saved from the wreck shall not be subject to duties, unless cleared for consumption.

Art. XV. The Republic of Peru engages to co-operate with Her Britannic Majesty for the total abolition of the Slave Trade and to prohibit all persons inhabiting the territories of the Republic, or subject to its jurisdiction, in the most effectual manner, and by penal laws, from taking any share in such trade.

Art. XVI. In order that the two Contracting Parties may have the opportunity of hereafter treating and agreeing upon such other arrangements as may tend still further to the improvement of their mutual intercourse, and to the advancement of the interests of their respective subjects and citizens, it is agreed that at any time after the expiration of seven years from the date of the exchange of the ratifications of the present Treaty, either of the Contracting Parties shall have the right of giving to the other Party notice of its intention to terminate Articles III, IV, V, and VI, of the present Treaty; and that at the expiration of twelve months after such notice shall have been received by either Party from the other, the said Articles, and all the stipulations contained therein, shall cease to be binding on the two Contracting Parties.

Art. XIV. En caso que un buque de guerra ó mercante de cualquiera de las Partes Contratantes naufragare en las costas de la otra, dicho buque, ó cualquiera parte de él, sus efectos, y todo lo que le pertenezca, y los articulos ó mercaderias que se salvasen de él, ó el producto de los mismos si se vendiesen, seran entregados fielmente á sus dueños cuando los reclamen directamente ó por medio de sus agentes autorizados al efecto; y si no se presentan los dueños ó sus agentes en aquel lugar, los artículos y mercaderias, ó su producto, así como todos los papeles hallados abordo del buque naufragado, se entregaran respectivamente al Cónsul Peruano o Británico en cuyo distrito acontecio el naufragio; y el tal Cónsul, dueños ó agentes, pagaran unicamente los gastos hechos para conservar los efectos, y los derechos de salvamento que hubiera pagado en semejante caso un buque nacional; y los articulos y mercaderias que se salvaren no estaran sujetos à pagar derechos de importacion, á no ser que se introduzcan para el consumo.

Art. XV. La República del Perú se compromete á cooperar con Su Magestad Británica para la abolicion total del Tráfico de Esclavos, y à prohibir á todas las personas que habitan el territorio de la República, ó que estan sujetas á su jurisdiccion, de la manera mas eficaz, y por medio de leyes penales, que tomen parte en ese tráfico.

Art. XVI. Con el objeto de que ambas Partes Contratantes tengan en lo succesivo la oportunidad de tratar y hacer otros arreglos que propendan á estender su comercio reciproco, y al fomento de los intereses de sus respectivos ciudadanos y súbditos, convienen en que en cualquier tiempo despues de siete años contados desde la fecha del cange de las ratificaciones del presente Tratado, cualquiera de las Partes Contratantes tendrá el derecho de notificar á la otra su intencion de cancelar los Articulos III, IV, V, y VI del presente Tratado; y que á los doce meses de que dicha notificacion de una de las Partes haya sido recibida por la otra, los referidos Articulos, y todas las estipulaciones contenidas en ellos, cesaran de ser obligatorios para ambas Partes.

Art. XVII. The present Treaty shall be ratified by Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and by the President of the Republic of Peru, with the authority of the Congress; and the ratifications shall be exchanged at London in two years, or sooner if possible.

In witness whereof the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed the same, and have affixed thereto their respective seals.

Done at London, the tenth day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty. (L. S.) H. Labouchere.

(L. S.) Palmerston.

(L. S.) Joaqn. J. de Osma.

Déclaration faite par le Plénipotentiaire anglais lors de l'échange des ratifications.

Whereas by the second paragraph of Article X of the Treaty of Friendship, Commerce, and Navigation, between Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and the Republic of Peru, concluded and signed at London on the 10th of April, 1850, it was stipulated, that if any of the crew shall desert from the vessels of war or merchant-vessels of either Contracting Party, while such vessels are within any port in the territory of the other Party, the autorities of such port and territory shall be bound to give every assistance in their power for the apprehension of such deserters, on application to that effect being made by the Consul of the Party concerned, or by the deputy or representative of the Consul; and that no public body whatever shall protect or harbour such deserters:

And whereas the power of apprehending such deserters in the British Dominions is by law confined to seamen, not being slaves, who may desert from merchantships belonging to the subjects of a foreign Power:

The Undersigned, Plenipotentiary of Her Britannic Majesty, in proceeding to the exchange of the ratifications of the Treaty above mentioned, therefore declares, that

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