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1. In his incarnation. God, in human nature, appears a mystery, dazzling to the faith of angels. When he bringeth his first-begotten into the world, they are therefore assembled around his cradle, by that command," Let all the angels of ' God worship him!" And was it not at this time they appeared to the shepherds? and (O! could a mortal eye have traced them!) no sooner had they paid their homage to their InfantLord, than they fly, with harps still in their hands, and perhaps the same song upon their lips, to announce the joyful tidings to the Jewish shepherds.

2. In his ministry. It might have well suited the modesty of the Saviour's character to have spoken, like the prophets his forerunners, and the apostles his successors, always in the Father's name. But, as some counterbalance to the meanness of his appearance, he speaks with the authority of a God; and lo!" even the winds and the seas obey him!" Not only doth he work miracles, but he forgives sins in his own name, with a “Verily, I say unto thee!" And wherefore "hath the Son of Man power upon earth to forgive sins?" Undoubtedly, to prove the divinity of his character; for "Who can forgive sins but God only?"

3. In his resurrection and ascension. This was an angelic festival. The chariots of God were all assembled, as at Sinai. "The morning-stars sang together; and all the sons of God shouted for joy!" And whence this public exhibition of his glory? That his disciples might be well assured that he was received up to his former glories, "where he was before." 4. In his mission of the Holy Spirit. Why was he to be sent by Jesus? Why take of the things of Jesus? Was it not to aggrandize the character of the Son of God?

5. In his exaltation at the right hand of God. Because he humbled himself to death, even the death of the cross, therefore hath God exalted him, "that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, and every tongue confess!"

Lastly, In his appointment to judge the world. For this we have the most express authority: "The Father judgeth no man; but bath committed all judgment to the Son;"-for this very end, "That all men should honour the Son, even as they honour the Father. He that honoureth not the Son, honoureth not the Father." Thus hath God provided for the honour of his Son; and seems in nothing to be so well pleased as in his being the universal object of love and adoration.

And permit me to add, that the New Testament writers themselves, appear to be actuated by the same spirit; and especially the apostle Paul, who seems to delight on all occasions to introduce, and even to reiterate, the name of Christ : and seldom does he quote a passage from the Old Testament which speaks of Deity and its attributes, but he immediately applies it to his beloved Master. See, for instance, his epistle

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to the Hebrews. St. Peter uses a style which, in any uninspired writer, would have been called Cant; for he speaks of his name, his person, his blood, his promises, as all precious, -exceeding precious to the believer; and well am I persuaded, that the true and only reason which makes the language of inspiration appear too bold and presuming is, that we are not filled and animated, as the first disciples were, with the love of Jesus. It is true, these terms may be assumed and abused by hypocrites; but go to the death-bed of the triumphant Christian, where hypocrisy and cant can have place no more; hear the dear name of Jesus reverberating on his feeble lips, till the departing spirit takes up the dying sound, and flies with it to the realms of glory. PHILO.


Wanted immediately,


A VAST number of active Young Men and Women of a right spirit, who are not afraid of work. No idlers, no drones, no fine-fingered gentry, afraid of soiling their delicate hands,-but labourers, who will find their reward in their labour, and their meat and drink in their service.

Plenty of work! Potent enemies, great oppositions and difficulties to encounter; sin, and its attendant wretchedness gaining ground with alarming strides; thousands of immortals hurrying along the broad road to everlasting ruin, in want of faithful ministers to warn them of their danger; thousands of poor children in the Sunday-schools, apparently, eager to hear and learn the words of cternal life, in want of instructors; in some places, fifty or sixty collecting together, and no teacher to meet them, obliged to return home! The state of the villages, &c. is, in this respect, deplorable in many instances. Hark! the groans of deep distress from the wretched abodes of poverty and want!-See pale Sickness stretched, lai guishing on her humble couch of iniserable straw! - See the death-stiu k sinner, alarmed at the approach of the King of Terrors, with pallid countenance, stretch the nerveless arm, and call for the soft hand of humanity and Christian love, to wipe of the tear of anguish, and point to realms of everlasting life and bliss! Rouse from your lethargy, ye lazy Christians, and come to your work.

Plenty of cumploy for all ranks and conditions; something for every hand to do. The poor children in the Sundayschools, &c. without sufficient clothing to shield them from the piercing winds and pinching cold of inclement winter:

some without shoes or stockings, some without hats, &c. -
Those who cannot contribute liberally, can lend a hand to mend
old garments, &c. If you cannot give a talent, there is no one
but has a mite to contribute. You can do something. Are
there none will come forward like men, and nobly volunteer
their services, and sacrifice a little of their time and ease? The
time is short, the day is far spent, the work is great and ar-
duous, ― the night is at hand, when no man can work;
and be doing therefore, for there is neither knowledge nor de-
vice, nor work in the silent grave, to which you are rapidly
passing. Opportunity once lost, lost for ever!



- up

Great wages and good encouragement will be given to faithful servants; namely, the pleasure arising from the work, the approbation of conscience (one hour of which outweighs the world)- the joy arising from the consideration of being made instrumental to the salvation of immortal souls, an inheritance, a kingdom, a crown of eternal life, the reward of grace. MINIMO MINOR. P. S. Apply to the servants of IMMANUEL, in town and country.




To the Editor.

THE publication of a bill of mortality annually, appears to me a wise and a pious measure, calculated, not merely to aid the researches of the philosopher, but to improve the meditations of the Christian. It seems almost impossible to contemplate the ravages of death without religious emotions, especially if such a paper be accompanied with suitable remarks. I have, therefore, long wished to see an article of this kind in your Miscellany; and if you think the following Extract and Reflexions likely to be useful, they are very much at your service.


An Extract from the General Bill of Christenings and Burials in London, from Dec. 15, 1801, to Dec. 14, 1802; according to the report made to his Majesty by the parish-clerks.

In the 97 parishes within the walls


1189 17 parishes without the walls 4716 -23 out-parishes of Middlesex

and Surry







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10 parishes of Westminster 4689

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The Diseases, &c. which have carried off the far greater number,

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The Periods of Life in which the foregoing number have died :—

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1. In reading this bill, it is natural to reflect on that remarkable equality which, by the providence of God, is preserved, as to the number of each sex born into the world. The num

ber of males to that of females, is nearly ten to nine. I believe it is frequently still nearer to a level; but as more males are usually cut off by war and their various hazardous employments, a provision seems to be made for it.

2. The number of births and burials are nearly equal: 19918 and 19379. Probably, if we consider, that many sick persons retire into the country and die there, the inequality would be still less.

3. It is affecting, to observe what a great number of infants die. Almost half the deceased in this bill, were removed before they had lived five years. Thus death continues to reign over myriads of the human race, who have not sinned after the similitude of Adam's transgression. Painful reflexion; yet alleviated by the thought, that they " are taken away from the evil to come."

4. In this list we observe more than 1000 who died between twenty and thirty; at a period in which animal gratifications. and the pleasures of the world are most cagerly pursued; many, probably, the victims of vice. O let not O let not the young presume on numerous years! O let them flee from youthful lusts, which war against the soul!

5. A glance at the table of diseases, convinces us, in a moment, of the dreadful evil of sin, which opened a door to such a

terrible train of destroyers; and, among these, how formidable are the names of Fevers, Coughs, and Consumptions! Added together, these alone amount to 7283: more than one-third of the whole number deceased.

6. The aggregate sum, how vast!-Solemn thought! nearly 20,000 inhabitants of one city, swept away in the course of twelve months! That is more than one departing every half hour in the year: 20,000 have given up the ghost; - and where are they? Fixed, unalterably fixed, in their eternal state, the subjects of bliss or woe, happy or miserable for


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7. O inhabitants of the highly-favoured metropolis, your privileges far exceed those of any city upon earth! Know then, your gracious day; and consider the things that belong to your peace, lest they be soon hidden from your eyes.

8. Many, probably, who read this paper, may die in the present year. Prepare, therefore, reader, to meet thy God; and when death arrives, may he be found the minister of mercy, ushering thy soul into the glorious presence of our exalted Redeemer! To him, the destroyer of death, be endless praises!


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THE God of nature, abundant in wisdom, seems to have formed the Sloth, with a design to represent to us, in a strong light, the odious and despicable vice which gives to the animal its name. It is the most sluggish, and the most defenceless of all animals; and has, of all others, the least appearance of any thing living. Its body is short; its head is small; and it has scarce any tail. The Eastern Sloth (for this of which we now speak is a native of America) has no tail at all. Its fur is very long and thick, and has less the appearance of hair than that of any other animal; and from this, as well as the colour of the fur, which is a greyish green, the crcature appears, on the bough of a tree, when seen there, rather as an excrescence, or a cluster of moss, than as a living animal. It is in size,

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