“་་་་་་ Statement showing in detail, by countries and by articles, the values, &c.—Continued. SPECIAL IMPORTS INTO FRANCE BY COUNTRIES-Continued. 26 Egypt. Africa. Barbary States: Tunis. Morocco 45 British Possessions in Africa. 43 Other countries in Africa Asia and Oceanica. 7 British East Indies. 14 China 19 Japan 1 Australasia 30 Dutch East Indies. Statement showing in detail, by countries and by articles, the values, &c.-Continued. IMPORTS, BY ARTICLES, INTO FRANCE-Continued. Rank, 184. Statement showing in detail, by countries and by articles, the values, &c.-Continued. EXPORTS, BY ARTICLES, FROM FRANCE-Continued. Articles. 1883. 1884. Per cent. of total imports. Manufactured articles-Continued. TRADE BETWEEN FRANCE AND THE UNITED STATES. According to the French official returns the special imports from the United States into France during the year 1884 amounted to $53,940,641, a decrease of $14,264,952 as compared with the year 1883. The following comparative table shows for the last six years the value of special imports into France from the principal countries, with the rauk of importance occupied by these countries in each year: The following tables show the condition and employment of the French marine during the year 1884: Condition of the French mercantile marine December 31, 1884. *These figures do not include vessels under 2 tons burden engaged in coast fisheries not required to make formal entries, which numbered 9,793, with a total measurement of 10,985 tons, and employed The total power of steam vessels amounted to 219,302. 15,915 men. Employment of the French mercantile marine during the year 1884. Statement showing the nationality and tonnage of vessels entered into the ports of France during the years 1883 and 1884. The following table shows the figures of navigation between the United States and France: Statement showing the flag, number, and tonnage of vessels engaged in commerce between France and the United States during the year 1884. Statement showing the number and tonnage of American vessels engaged in commerce between France and the United States from 1878 to 1884, inclusive. |