SCHEDULE B.-Showing the value of declared exports from the consular districts of Austria-Hungary (agencies included) to the United States of America during the year ending December 31, 1885. Report of Consul Gilbert on commerce of Trieste in 1884. The value of merchandise imported at Trieste direct from the United States during the year 1884 amounted to 7,188,245 Austrian florins. The Austrian florin being equal to 39.3 cents gives $2,824,980. In 1883 the imports amounted to 5,502,677 florins, equal to $2,201,070. The florin in this case was equal to 40 cents. The florin being taken at 39.3 cents for 1883, we have an increase in imports direct from the United States for 1884 of $662,428. The value of merchandise exported from Trieste direct to the United States amounted during the year 1884 to 3,318,920 florins, equal to $1,304,335. In 1883 the exports amounted to 3,977,558 florins, equal to $1,563,180; thus showing a decrease of $258,745 for 1884. We have, however, an increase for 1884 Over the year 1882 Over the year 1881 Over the year 1880. $568, 365 527,507 215,500 The total amount of declared exports from the consular district of Trieste for 1884 (Trieste-Fiume) was $1,879,982.65 against $2,670,784.32 for 1883; decrease of $790,801.67 in 1884. The detailed description, quantity, and value of the imports and exports between the port of Trieste and the United States for 1884 can be seen from the accompanying tabular statements. The total imports and exports of the port of Trieste for the years 1883 and 1884 were: Only two United States vessels arrived at Trieste in 1884, with a tonnage of 1,978 tons. The number of vessels arriving at Trieste from the United States was 64, with an aggregate tonnage of 51,039 tons. The following is a statement of the movement of vessels between Trieste and the United States in 1884, according to flag and tonnage: The following table will show the movement of all vessels at the port of Trieste for the year 1884, according to flag and tonnage: Statement showing the imports and exports between Trieste, Austria, and the United States for the year 1884. Statement showing the imports and exports between Trieste, Austria, and the United States for the year 1884-Continued. Report of Consul Polachek on the commerce and industry of Ghent in 1885 GENERAL OBSERVATIONS. The economical situation of several industries of Ghent has not been very satisfactory in the past year. For some time previous a protective fever has taken possession of a large part of this continent; such agitation has thrown most formidable obstacles in our foreign commerce. In several countries of this continent very heavy duties have been imposed on foreign products that these are almost prohibitory, and doubtless on this account these countries have given such an extension to their productions; therefore the question arises, can Belgium follow the lines traced by these countries in competition with each other? It is positive that in the presence of an inland market, extremely restricted, and in the absence of all foreign possessions, a prohibitive tariff would not produce any effect here. I speak in a general sense. From a particular point of view each industry must have special conditions. Must an industry which declines gradually through foreign competition then disappear? Or is it better to ask the assistance of the authorities to arrest the decadence of such industry? The sugar and the refinery of sugar industries, formerly very flourishing here, claim the right of protection from the Government. The estimate of the consumption of sugar in Europe is more than 2,000,000,000 of kilograms annually. Now Germany alone produces more than 1,000,000,000 kilograms, this immense production finding an outlet in the two hemispheres, as the result of a system of premiums Which the German Government puts into practice in favor of this industry. The partisans of free trade say "that the several industries must collect all their strength in order to sustain the contest." The difficult |