Gambar halaman



From and to whom.





Mr. Bayard to Mr. Win- Nov. 11 Passports: The forms of application for passports
chester (No. 108).

general, and do not preclude other tests of citi
zenship by the minister; a passport to be re-
fused to expatriated Americans; manner of fill-
ing a blank by children of naturalized parents.
tion is right in keeping the old passports of ap
plicants when new ones are refused them.

1026 Mr. Winchester to Mr. Bay- Nov. 28 Passports: Requests to know whether the lega
ard (No. 173).


Same to same (No. 174)..... Dec. 9 International Copyright Convention: Russia, Hol


Mr. Bayard to Mr. Win-
chester (No. 111).)

Dec. 15

1029 Mr. Winchester to Mr. Bay. Dec. 15 ard (No. 176).


Mr. Bayard to Mr. Win-
chester (No. 113).

Dec. 19



land, Greece, Austria, the United States, and
Sweden and Norway not parties; importance
attached to the refusal of the United States to
sign the convention; the bureau not yet organ.
Passports: Old should have a pen stroke drawn
through the signatures, "canceled" written on
their faces, and be returned to the holders.
Political: Organization, duties, etc., of the Bun-
desrath or Swiss Federal Council:
Protection of the American consulate at Zurich,
when threatened by anarchists, by the Swiss
Government; the appreciation of the Depart-
ment to be expressed.

Mr. Winchester to Mr. Bay. Dec. 22 Passport for Mrs. Weiss, a native of Switzerland,
ard (No. 178).


Mr. Bayard to Mr. Win- Jan. 5
chester (No. 116).

[blocks in formation]

whose husband, a naturalized American citi
zen, deserted her, and who is now a pauper and
insane; a passport asked for her by the can-
tonal ministry of Zurich; probability that it is
intended to return her to the United States;
instruction requested.

Passport for Mrs. Weiss: The case similar to that
of Mrs. Blumenthal; her continued residence in
Switzerland since her desertion by her husband
in 1880 revived her Swiss domicile; if a lunatic
at the time, the local guardians could have

Anarchist refugees numerous and violent: Three
leaders expelled from Switzerland; other expul
sions expected if quiet is not restored, and the
Zurich municipality requested by the federal
council to supervise publication of the Socialist

Same to same (No. 190).... Feb. 13 Passport for Mrs. Weiss: Her husband reported

Same to same (No. 191).... Feb. 17

to be alive in America; inquiries requested to
be made for him by the Swiss minister; Depart-
ment, after inquiry as to the husband, orders a
refusal of a passport; instructions asked, in case
her stay abroad was involuntary, as to the law
giving the wife the citizenship of the husband,
if Mr. Weiss be alive, and as to the effect of his
life or death on her citizenship.

Political The Swiss Confederation; review of
its constitutional, cantonal, and Federal juris-

Mr. Bayard to Mr. Win- Mar, 19 Passport for Mrs. Weiss: No necessity for con-
chester (No. 129).

sidering the supposititious case put; the only
use of a passport for her would be to send her to
the United States, where she would be without
friends or support.

Same to same (No. 130).... Mar. 22 Mormon emigration to the United States: Emi

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gration agents actively at work in Switzerland;
representations to be made to the Swiss Gov-
ernment to prevent Mormon emigration to the
United States; such emigration probably in vio-
lation of the statute against the importation of
contract labor; suggestion to be made to the
Swiss Government that endeavors be made to
secure evidence on this point.

Anarchists in Zurich: Four of their leaders ex-
pelled from Switzerland.

Mormon emigration to the United States: Co-
operation to prevent emigration and discover
the agreements made by the emigrants promised
by the Swiss Government; emigration laws re-
vised and made more strict.
Mormon emigration to the United States: Mr.
Winchester's course in presenting the case to
the Swiss Government approved.
Congress of the Institute of International Law
to meet next at Lausanne; list of subjects to
be discussed.



















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Mr. Kloss to Mr. Bayard... Aug. 13 Industrial Property Convention: The adhesion of 1535


Same to same..


Same to same...


the United States, with the reservation in the
protocol of 1880, notified to the other Govern-
ments; request of the French Government to
know the position of the United States, under
the Constitution, in regard to trade-marks; the
answer to which was sent, defining the position;
the French Government not satisfied. Is the re-
striction in the law of 1881 in regard to marks,
which consist merely of a name, applicable to for-
eigners in the United States? Such marks recog
nized by the convention; answer requested;
the law of 1881 can not be maintained in regard
to the States; it is a Federal ordinance, and can
be changed by Congress.

Aug. 20 Prepayment of diplomatic and consular corre-
spondence: Circular note on the subject from
the federal council inclosed.

Sept. 13 Industrial Property Convention: Interpretation
given by others of the reservations under which
the United States acceded to this convention, an
explanation of which was requested from the

Mr. Adee to Mr. Klogs..... Sept. 16 Prepayment of diplomatic and consular corre

[blocks in formation]

spondence: All such correspondence wholly
prepaid by the United States; correspondence
with the postal administrations of the states of
the Postal Union franked according to treaty;
the arrangement proposed not considered ad-

Trade-marks: The treaty of 1885 between Swit-
zerland and the United States not ratified by
the Senate; the approval or disapproval of the
Senate requested to be obtained.

Industrial Property Convention: The power of
Congress in regard to trade-marks not free from
doubt; an opinion will not be expressed pend-
ing judicial decision; trade-marks registered
according to the statutes on the subject; a de-
cision of the legality of the statute can be ob-
tained by appeal to the courts; the treaty-
making powers of Congress; general powerover
trade-marks, etc., not passed upon by the decis
ion of 1879; an opinion from the Executive with-
out legal weight, but possibly misleading.
Industrial Property and Literary and Artistic
Conventions: Note in regard to their manage-
ment from the Swiss Federal council inclosed.
Literary and Artistic Works Convention: Com-
munication from the Federal council inclosed.
Trade-marks: The treaty between Switzerland
and the United States prepared by Mr. Bayard's
predecessor and not submitted to Congress; the
question raised under the Industrial Property
Convention; the power of Congress in the mat
ter in doubt; legislation and judicial decision;
the treaty not thought necessary or advisable.
Industrial Property and Literary and Artistic
Works Conventions: Arrangement for the
economic administration of the two unions ap-










[blocks in formation]

Death of President Hertenstein: Sympathy of
the United States.


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Mr. Strans to Mr. Bayard Dec.
(No. 46).

1056 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Straus Dec. (No. 58).


Seizure of a book on Mormonism, published with- 1547
out authorization: Requested by the Turkish
Government to instruct the consul-general to
assist in entering the house of Hadje, an Ameri-
can, to seize the book; the instruction given;
translation of a note verbale from the Sublime
Porte; copies of dispatch to Mr Pringle and
his reply inclosed.

7 Petroleum: The Russian Government reported
to be endeavoring to obtain exclusive concession
for the erection of tanks for Russian petroleum;
investigation to be made, and American inter-
ests protected; Mr. Cardwell similarly in-
structed; copy of Mr. Flagg's letter inclosed

Mr. Strauss to Mr. Bayard Dec. 27 Regulations concerning public instructions pro-
(No. 47).

[blocks in formation]

posed placing obstacles in the way of foreign
schools in the empire: opposed by all the for-
eign ministers; translation of the regulations
and Mr.Straus's memoranda to the Turkish min-
istry inclosed.

Dec. 30 Missionary schools in Syria and the Vilayet of
Adana closed; disposition in the empire to
obstruct missionary teaching; permission ob-
tained to open the Syrian schools if the curricu
lum, text-books, and teachers' certificates be
submitted to local authorities; missionaries fail
to comply with the requirements; an arrange-
ment anticipated; schools of Adana closed on
account of alleged lack of authorization; tele-
gram sent by the grand vizier to the governor-
general of Adana to allow them to open; permis-
sion to make a tour in Syria and Adana re-
quested; copies of dispatches from Consul-Gen-
eral Pringle and Consul Bessinger inclosed.
Petroleum: The Porte has no knowledge of the
proposed concession to Russia for the erection of
tanks; a communication to the Egyptian Gov-
ernment on the subject promised; copy of note
verbale to the Porte inclosed.


1050 Same to same (No. 52)...



Same to same (No. 56).....


Mr. Bavard to Mr. Strans
(No. 67).



Jan. 17 Archæological explorations: Permission to make
explorations, formerly given to all, withdrawn,
because of its abuse; explorations being con-
ducted by the Turkish Government; foreign
societies allowed to take articles not wanted by
Turkish museum; scientific explorations will
be favored.

Jan. 28 Missionary schools in Syria and Adana: Action
in regard to approved; permission given for a
tour through Syria and Adana.

Mr. Straus to Mr. Bayard Jan. 28 Expulsion of Jews from Jerusalem: The limit of
(No. 57).

[blocks in formation]

1065 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Straus (No. 74).



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the stay of Jews at Jerusalem extended to three months; the prevention of conflicts between Jews and Christians and the rumored intention of Jews to seize Palestine alleged as the reason; the grand vizier promises to consider the case of the expulsion of American citizens in view of treaty stipulations: United States consul instructed to report all cases; the British ambassador agrees with Mr. Straus's views. Regulations concerning public instruction in Turkey, Mr. Straus's course in opposing, approved. Missionary schools in the Vilayet of Adana reopened in obedience to the order of the grand

[blocks in formation]

Expulsion of Jews from Jerusalem, Mr. Straus's
protest against, approved.
Customs immunities previously enjoyed by mis- 1562
sionaries in Turkey lately restricted: Note ver-
bale to the Porte formulated by the dragomans
of the foreign legations; similar notes sent by
most of the legations; copy of note of American
legation inclosed.

Feb. 27 Eviction of the cavass of the United States consu-
late at Jerusalem from his house: The grand
vizier of opinion that he has the right of domi.
cile of an American citizen, and an explanation
asked of the governor of Jerusalem.


[blocks in formation]


Same to same (No. 65)...... Feb. 27 Passport regulations in Turkey: The dragomans

of the foreign missions formulate a note verbale
objecting to them; copy of Mr. Straus's note
verbale to the Porte inclosed.

Feb. 28 Protection of naturalized American citizens who
return to the native country: Copy of corre-
spondence with Mr. I. L. Barton inclosed.


Same to same (No. 66)..


Mr. Bayard to Mr. Straus Mar.
(No. 78).

[blocks in formation]

5 Expulsion of Jews from Jerusalem: A commu
nication from Mavroyeni Bey on the sub-
ject, stating that passports are given only to pil-
grims and a further permis de séjour required;
creed distinctions of American citizens not re-
cognized; acquiescence in the requirement of a
declaration of religion impossible.

Mar. 13 Customs immunities of missionaries, Mr. Straus's
note protesting against the abridgment of, ap-
Mar. 17 Eviction of the cavass of the United States con-
sulate at Jerusalem: Letter from the consul
giving particulars of the case; treaties and
agreements with Turkey in regard to extrater
ritoriality of employés; was the cavass employed
when the suit was begun! Unwilling to stretch
the extraterritoriality of natives employed by
United States legation and consulates, and un-
willing to instruct Mr. Gilman that real estate
of Ottomans employed as guards at United
States consulates is taken out of Turkish juris-
diction; position of the Turkish Government
to be ascertained; copy of Mr. Gilman's letter

Mar. 20 Eviction of the cavass of the United States con-
sulate at Jerusalem: Informal presentation of
the case to the grand vizier approved.

Mar. 23 Passport regulations: Complaint received from
consul at Jerusalem of harsh application of them
in Palestine; copy of the consul's dispatch and
Department's answer inclosed.


Mr. Straus to Mr. Bayard Apr.
(No. 68).




5 Extradition of H. A. Proios: Note verbale received
from the Porte claiming Proios to be a Turkish
citizen; Mr. Proios holds a passport granted in
1887 in place of one from the State Department
dated 1871; information in regard to Proios's
naturalization desired.

Mr. Bayard to Mr. Straus Apr. 14 Missionary schools: Copy of dispatch from consul
(No. 92)
at Sivas on the attitude of Turkish provincial
authorities in regard to, inclosed.

Mr. Straus to Mr. Bayard Apr. 24 Missionary schools re-opened: Tour through the
(No. 69).

empire; courtesy met with; good understanding
between the governors-general and United
States consular officers.

Mr. Bayard to Mr. Straus Apr. 25 Extradition of Hercules A. Proios: No valid
(No. 95).

ground for remonstrance against the Turkish
Government's action; Proios, apparently by
long residence in Turkey, has renounced his
American citizenship; proof to the contrary to
be carefully considered.

1079 Mr. Straus to Mr. Bayard Apr. 30 Extradition of H. A. Proios: Note verbale from
(No. 71).

[blocks in formation]

the Porte requesting that the United States con-
sul at Odessa be instructed not to oppose the
extradition of Proios; the Porte informed that
the legation had no jurisdiction, and would re-
fer the matter to the Department; advises its
being made a condition that Proios be tried by
United States consul unless not naturalized;
copy of the Porte's note verbale inclosed.
Missionary schools: All except one reopened;
copy of dispatch from Consul Bissinger inclosed.
Archæological explorations: Norelaxation of the
Turkish law in regard to explorations and ex-
cavations obtained by European archæologists;
little hope of obtaining any for Americans; du.
plicates of discoveries obtainable through
Hamdy Bey; support promised by the grand
vizier in obtaining the Porte's permission for
excavators to retain a portion of their discov
eries; translation of Turkish law on the sub-
ject inclosed.

Extradition of H. A. Proios: No. 71 received; con-
sul at Odessa called upon for information.
















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Mr. Straus to Mr. Bayard May 19 Expulsion of Jews from Jerusalem is in obedience
(No. 80).


Mr. Bayard to Mr. Straus
(No. 101).


to orders of the Porte: The English and French
ambassadors instructed to protest against; im-
mediate protest made by Mr. Straus in view of
the reference of the matter to the Porte's legal
advisers; copy of note to the Porte inclosed.
May 24 Missionary schools and tour, No. 69, in regard to,
received; the portion relating to the reopening
of the schools printed in Consular Reports and
forwarded to missionary societies; acknowl-
edgments of the Department for ability and
tact displayed.

Mr. Straus to Mr. Bayard May 25 Expulsion of Jews from Jerusalem: Copy of
(No. 85).

1086 Mr. Bayard to Mr. Straus May 31 (No. 104)

English minister's note, and translation of the
French minister's to the Porte in regard to, in-

Eviction of the cavass of the consulate at Jeru-
salem: Mr. Gillman writes that the appoint-
ment of the cavass was bona fide, that a special
permit is not always required, and its absence
was cured by the certificate recognizing Kassas
as consular cavass and exempting him from
military service; copy of Mr. Gillman's dispatch

1087 Same to same (No. 107)..... June 5 Expulsion of Jews from Palestine: Mr. Straus's
presentation of the matter to the Turkish Gov-
ernment approved.

1088 Mr. Straus to Mr. Bayard June 8 Joint-stock companies: Translation of a note ver(No. 6).





bale from the Porte inclosing a regulation in
regard to joint-stock companies, and copy of a
note verbale identique sent in reply by the Amer-
ican and other legations inclosed.

Same to same (No. 87)............. June 8 Printing offices, New Turkish law in regard to,

conflicting with the rights of foreigners; evi-
dence of jealousy of foreigners; protest of the
legations; translation of the law and copy of
note verbale identique sent by the legations to
the Porte inclosed.

Mr. Bayard to Mr. Straus June 28 Printing-office regulations of Turkey, Note ver.
(No. 115).

Mr. King to Mr. Bayard Sept. 1
(No. 105).

bale objecting to, approved; Article V, requiring the renunciation of the right to the protection of his legation, chiefly objectionable; similar Mexican and South American laws; such a condition not recognized by this Government. Execution of consular judgments, the disposition of the foreign missions is to accept the Porte's regulation in regard to; copy of the collective notes on the subject sent by all the foreign missions, and the Porte's reply, covering the regulations, inclosed.

Same to same (No. 109)..... Sept. 11 Eviction of the cavass of the consulate at Jeru

[blocks in formation]

salem: The manner of the eviction doubtless
unwarranted, but Mr. Pringle's suggestion will
be adopted and no action taken without in-
structions; note to Mr. Pringle and his reply

Sept. 18 Extradition of H. A. Proios: Notes to Porte, ask.
ing, at the consul-general's request, the evidence
against Proios, not answered; intention of the
Porte not to give evidence made plain at inter-
view; Proios refuses to be examined by the
sanitary commission; two notes from the Porte,
requesting such examination, answered that
Proios could not be forced to answer; copy of
correspondence with Consul-General Pringle
and the Porte inclosed.
Extradition of H. A. Proios: Copy of protest of
Proios inclosed.
Expulsion from Jaffa of three Jews, bearing
American passports, threatened: The minister
of foreign affairs and grand vizier requested
to send preventive telegrams; copy of Mr. Gill-
man's dispatch to Mr. Pringle and Mr. King's
note to the Porte inclosed.

[blocks in formation]

Sept 21
Sept. 24


Same to same (No. 124)..... Oct.

5 Restoration of real property on termination of
lease, note from the Porte in regard to; it will
be considered by foreign ministers; copy of note

1097 Mr. Rives to Mr. Straus Oct. 15 Expulsion of Jews from Jaffa: Mr. King's action
(No. 140).

approved: copy of instruction to the United
States consul at Jerusalem inclosed.



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