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the moral truths of history; and where this is properly taken advantage of—when the mind, intent on the object of inquiry, gathers around it whatever can emit even the smallest ray of light, and history is examined as a body instinct with spirits which have their immortality within it, and will come forth and manifest themselves at the call of thought rightly spending its preparatory vigils; then the most important eras of our existence, those in which we have been perceptibly carried towards the great beacon-light of humanity, will enable us to observe those changes in their origin which have had the most beneficial influence on our state and nature, and to converse with the just men who, now made perfect, had then to struggle with temptations and difficulties like our own.

THERE are certain eras in the history of mankind which require to be contemplated by many and various lights. This is especially the case with those which have derived their importance from giving birth to new moral systems, or from bringing into more conspicuous action the spiritual energies of our race. Political revolutions naturally form remarkable points in the annals of nations, because attended with events to which the tenacity of human sympathy would of itself give a durable importance: but in those changes which have reached the souls of men, a power is found to be at work, the dimmest discovery of which never fails to act with an elevating force on the mind of the discoverer. It is a noble property of the human conscience to be able to recognize the Almighty in creation; but this is so generally the But glancing over the wide circle of human hisendowment of man, that he is expected, even in tory, with the distinct purpose of discovering the his lowest condition, to act according to the light periods at which mankind were most forcibly aphe may thence derive; whereas, to behold God in pealed to, and influenced, in their spiritual capacithe secret workings of his providence, in the pre- ty, it is impossible for us not to find our attention parations and dispensings of his Spirit, is in the at once arrested by the singular splendor which power only of those whom he has singularly favor- marks the birth and growth of Christianity. If ed with wisdom and the love of meditation. But we may find a type in creation, of that second great in many of those events which compose the bulk demonstration of divine love, we see the light of history, he effects his designs by the operation which at first existed only in its own limitless founof agents which seem to partake almost as little tains, and but a few scintillations of which before of his living spirit as the matter which composes shone upon the world, then poured into a glorious the machinery of the universe: and thus, in the orb to shed constant beauty and fertility over the study of history, a large portion of it may be read universe; for the slightest examination of history without demanding or eliciting any extraordinary shows, that what was before but uncertainly known proof of mental vigor; while, on the other hand, in morals, thenceforward became fixed in princievery passage which describes the new position ples; and that the truths which had been made into which mankind is put, by an enlargement of palatable by their mixture with error, then became light and knowledge, demands, and when fairly sufficiently attractive of themselves to secure the contemplated, produces another and a higher state attention of the world. In the subsequent conof mind. While however this is the fruit of that flicts between truth and error, a change is pernobler class of historical truths, they also require ceptible both in the modes of attack and defence, a more copious illustration than others, to be and in the instruments employed for carrying on brought within the scope and operation of our un- the struggle. Error dared not deny the unity of derstanding. The higher we ascend in the regions God-truth feared not to assert it as the foundaof speculation, the firmer should be our supports; tion of all holiness: instead of marshalling the a rule the neglect of which has exemplified almost shadowy ranks of mythological powers, and lookmore than any thing else, the pride and folly of ing for the soul of a deity under each broad shield human reason; for, however otherwise it may ap- of the abstract virtues, error itself acknowledged pear to superficial minds, it is mainly owing to our the pure and mighty attributes of Jehovah, only negligence or indifference that there is not found venturing to speak of the variety of his decrees; in the very loftiest ranges of human thought, in and truth, instead of appealing to tradition, or the those which it is supposed by the world exist only innate notions of the soul, referred at once to rules for wild hypothesis, firm footing for reason, and which had received the sanction of Eternity. True bright and visible temples of truth,-islands and it is, that the soil was not uniformly impregnated continents lying beyond the vast ocean of uncer- with the divine fire which glowed in Christianity; tainty, which are not the less real because but but the external change was sufficiently great and rarely visited, nor the less beautiful because their general to show that the world confessed the acstarry galaxies have not yet been submitted to our tion of a new element; and from the commencecalculations. The same remark holds good also in ment of its operation to the present hour, the ef respect to the less speculative part of such inqui- fects have been evidently on the increase. ries. There is both a greater degree of evidence required, and a greater degree given, for unfolding

The examination of an era like this is equally interesting and important. It is one of the plain

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eye of patient meditation: but it is not by his words taken singly, nor by the separate consideration of particular miracles; it is by bringing them together; by passing with him from the crowded shores of Jordan to the solitary wilderness; and from the wilderness to the populous towns and villages of Galilee; by accompanying him in spirit through his trials and his triumphs; bringing them, as near as may be, within the focus of a single glance of faith, that the character of Christ, that Christ himself, is known in the manner described by the evangelist John; that is, so as to be seen and handled as the word of life. The same, in a lower sense, is true of his chief apostles. St. Peter, for example, had a character distinctly marked by several peculiarities of mind and temper; but it is only on one or two main facts of his history that the ordinary reader of the gos pel fixes his attention; and the other circumstances respecting him being neglected, his zeal and his fall, the two extreme points, are so brought together as to destroy the possibility of presenting him to the mind in the proper proportions of human character. On taking, however, into consideration the ordinary account given of his countrymen, the Galileans, described as na

est duties of the intellectual and spiritual to do traiture can be drawn of those we are most anxi whatever lies in their power to bring it as distinct-ous to contemplate than would otherwise be ly as may be within the general range of men's imagined. Christ himself stands revealed in all understandings and sympathies. This has been the fulness of celestial purity and goodness to the allowed in every age of the Christian church; and its greatest ornaments have gladly employed their learning and their power of logical inquiry in this sacred labor. They have considered that while the Scriptures are the sole original of doctrine; while they alone are to be appealed to when we would correct error, heal schism, rebuke self-will, or do aught which belongs to the establishing of the faith, there are many sources, both of information and instruction, which, properly opened, may be made to pour copious streams of knowledge into the bosom of the Christian community. And to this conclusion they have been guided by the diversified character of Scripture itself; which, while it contains the fulness of doctrine contains the elements of much beside, which is to be wrought out by the industry of the human mind; or which, being sufficient for the immediate purpose in view, is to content the uninquisitive, but form to others the foundation of farther and more general inquiry. This is the case with many of those points which it was not consistent with the intentions of Christ to direct his messengers to teach as main parts of their doctrine; but which, nevertheless, as being in themselves true, could not fail to be involved in the rest, and are to be traced out by the laborious and spiritual watchful-turally fierce, bold, and impatient of contradicness of true biblical students. An example of this is afforded us in the little stated, in direct terms, respecting the future condition of the redeemed, and the still less of the separate state of the soul: but by a diligent comparison of the passages which bear remotely on these subjects, by a careful treasuring up of all the overflowings of light from the main vessels of doctrine, the mind is rewarded with a far nearer approach to the knowledge of these hidden things than the cursory reader can suspect.

tion; adding to this, a due weighing of the circumstances attending the life of a fisherman, exposed to many perils, often called to reflection by the startling phenomena of the deep: then passing to the view of the incidents which occurred after his call; his apparent attachment to home; his eagerness to avail himself of his privileges as a disciple of Christ; the ready surrender which he made of his mind to the doctrines of his master; his astonishment on Tabor; his weariness in Gethsemane; his terror in the judgment-hall, will And while this is the case with respect to doc-be seen in their natural bearings and relations. trine, it is also especially so in regard to the his- To these particulars may be added, the incidents torical development of the gospel birth-time. The recorded of him after the gift of the Holy Spirit, circumstances recorded are separated widely from of which sufficient are related to place him dis each other by matter of deeper importance, in the tinctly before us, and to show that the groundmain, than the facts themselves. Thus attention work of his personal character still retained its is perpetually drawn from the incidents of the his- strong, original peculiarities. Then, leaving the tory to the doctrines of the system, and this more narrative, we may turn to his epistles, which cethan is the case with any other narrative in ex-ment and admirably illustrate whatever is found istence; if we except, perhaps, some few passages written of him in the Scripture history. Glowing of national history, which describe the rise or es-with all the fervor natural to his soul, deeply imtablishment of fundamental laws. Hence arises bued with the associations of his venerable faith the necessity for especial care in the study of in the prophets, and elevated by intimate acevangelical history, which has, indeed, an import-quaintance with the sublimest mysteries of spiritance in relation to doctrine itself not always duly ual religion, we hear him speaking the language estimated; for, not to mention that which is obvious to all, its support of the doctrine, or its illustration of doctrine, it is the soil out of which the seed of eternal truth and life first sprung, embodied in visible forms: the gospel being the incarnation of truth, and the history which it delivers, the development of that new Being thus, as it were, born into the world.

On examining the several books of the New Testament, with a view to the discovery of the characters of the several actors in the events it describes, it is found that a far more distinct por

which might be looked for from one who had not only been on the mount of transfiguration, but had proclaimed the divinity of Christ, and had received gifts of knowledge proportionable to his faith. But there is a striking feature in these epistles biographically considered; they abound in maxims remarkable for sedateness and cautiousness of spirit: they exhort to duties which only the most self-subdued heart can understand; and the quick, impetuous Peter is heard admonishing with a mildness and serenity of argument which might only have been looked for from the

most gentle of human spirits. Light is thus thrown upon the disposition of Peter, and upon the state of his mind when he had passed the greatest portion of his career as a preacher of the gospel; and we are hereby enabled to contemplate his completed character. In doing this, we find it retaining all the elements which gave it a degree of rude grandeur even at the commencement of his course; which made us feel, when he first pronounced his most sublime confession, "Thou art the Christ, the Son of God!" and when he dared to attempt a pathway over an angry sea, because it led to his Lord, that a man had risen before us destined for great purposes: we find him neither less ardent or less courageous; neither less affectionate nor less susceptible; but these, his original characteristics, are all nobly blended with the loftier attributes of an apostle confirmed in the faith, filled with the wisdom of experience, and grown familiar with the great Spirit of Truth, by Tong and intimate communion with him in every scene and circumstance of life.

On looking again at the account given of St. Paul, though we find the circumstances related of his ministry more numerous, and set forth in a more distinct order, they plainly require to be brought together by great care, and with all the succinctness which the energy of inquiry can give them, before the apostles of the Gentiles will be seen in the true light which history, properly employed, may render. In this case, the great effort required is to bring the brief but important narrative of his labors into immediate connection with his own compositions; a point which may be reached with little or no difficulty so far as the mechanical or formal arrangement is concerned; but to effect which, so as to make them mutually illustrate each other, is a work of skill, and the reward of thoughtfulness. The history given by St. Luke is close and rapid; but we learn from it sufficient to understand the early zealotry, the deep enthusiasm, the strength of Paul's character, which confirmed him in his early principles against every appeal short of the strongest demonstrations of the will of God. Striking, however, as might be the portrait drawn of this wonderful man, had we only his history as recorded in the Acts, that which is most admirable in his character would be but weakly exhibited through this unassisted medium. It is in his epistles, and that in many passages which an inattentive reader would pass over, without discovering either their historical or spiritual force, that the peculiarities, the bright and glorious individuality of St. Paul is to be found displayed. Whatever is said by critics of those marvellous idioms of true poetry which penetrate the mysteries of our nature, and are so precious as indications of large classes of truths, may be said of numerous incidental expressions and allusions in the writings of this apostle; and by observing these, we arrive at a knowledge not only of his labors, of his energy and perseverance, but of his intellectual being, as wrought upon, and possessed by the Spirit of holiness whom he, on the other hand, (and in this consisted the great mystery of his renewed nature,) sought to pos


"Not as though I had already attained, either were already perfect; but I follow after, if that I may apprehend that for which also I am ap

prehended." A sentiment embodying the highest doctrine of evangelical righteousness, and made palpable to the understanding of every man by this deeply pathetic confession of the apostle.

Scripture history, when thus studied, affords more distinct portraits of the characters it mentions than many of the most celebrated of secular narratives; but it is to be regretted, that in the general reading of the divine records, that which is historical is not less neglected than what is purely doctrinal or monitory; and thus the conception of those characters which the Scriptures set forth in the two-fold light of chosen agents in the great works of Providence, and examples to the universal race of man, is too indefinite either to move the heart, or to fill up the space they are intended to occupy in the argument of faith. It was the consideration of these circumstances which first led to the composition of lives of the Saviour and his immediate followers, founded on the relations of Scripture, but intended to present the principal facts and minute particulars, which lie widely dispersed through the books of Revelation, in a condensed and consecutive order. In undertaking this task, however, even the most careful of writers would naturally inquire, whether there were not other sources of information which might be safely employed to furnish the means of minuter description than those which ought to be looked for in a record of revelations and doctrines, rather than of events. Clear and impressive as were the forms which rose before the contemplative eye of the spiritualized student, it could not be denied that the bolder the hand seemed by which the outline was drawn, the deeper the tints which filled it up, the more attractive and satisfactory would the whole be likely to prove to the ordinary reader. Hence sprang the mingled necessity and temptation which gave such value to the traditions which arose, like a thick mist, sometimes from the natural heat of the current of events, at others from its impurity and stagnation. In both cases the use made of them necessarily depended on the honesty and the skill of those who employed them in illustration or continuation of the Scripture narrative. But unfortunately, the credulity of some, and the artifice of others, speedily brought the use of traditionary remains into disrepute; and it soon became a question with those whose stern worship of truth prevented their discriminating between them, whether the traditionary was not the same as the fabulous.

This is a question of immense importance in the history of our religion; and it need scarcely be mentioned, that some of the bitterest controversies in which different divisions of Christians have been engaged, derived much of their rancor from the doubts attending this subject. But so far as the biography of the eminent founders of our religion is concerned, the question admits of limitations which bring it within the possibility of solution.It is not to establish disputed points of doctrine that we desire to see these chosen and, without a metaphor, heaven-born men as they lived and acted; but to be soothed, elevated, and encouraged in our struggles by their example. The appeal to tradition, therefore, for biographical purposes, has none of the suspicion which attends it when employed to serve any partial design; and

to this consideration, which removes one very ma- other, by the interchange of letters, and the jourterial class of objections to its employment, we neyings of ministers and missionaries, is equally may add another which enlarges the sphere out probable; and to suppose that this species of inof which the writer may, with safety and honesty, formation could be quickly lost, or that it could draw materials for his purpose; that is to say, become so thoroughly corrupted by the intermixthere is probability on the side of tradition in re-ture of fable as to be unworthy of notice in a subspect to its biographical uses; and it can almost sequent age, is to do violence to the rules on which always be judged of by the rule of verisimilitude, all evidence must rest, which is in any way transwhen limited to this employment. It is an ac-mitted through channels not sealed and guarded knowledged fact, that the writers of the New Tes- by formal testaments. tament selected the circumstances they recorded out of a much larger number of incidents than it came within their province to detail: were it not, therefore, a sacred duty to sacrifice every object to the perfect preservation of Scripture from the least mixture with even possible error, it might be argued, that it is not probable, that the striking and powerfully interesting events connected with the establishment of the gospel, could any of them be lost; and that we may therefore look with confidence on many of those traditionary relations which purport to be details of occurrences left unnoticed by the inspired penmen.

We would gather from this, that a biographer of the apostles, and their first successors, has a wide field open to him which he may traverse with safety and profit; but at the same time imposing on him this strict and uniformly applicable rule, that that species of traditional information only is to be made use of, which is found adopted by those who lived at a period sufficiently near the apostolic times to judge of its origin and its authors. Taking this as a primary principle in the selection of incidents, and in every instance examining them by the rule of analogy and verisimilitude, there will be little danger of our adopting any of those weak inventions by which the superstition of former ages was amused and fostered.

But the judicious jealousy with which the purity of the gospel is watched, has raised a barrier against the introduction of such auxiliaries to the Lives of the apostles were written at an early Scripture narrative. Where this narrative ceases, period; but they are for the most part filled with the case becomes different, and the probability of accounts evidently intended to excite the attention the tradition remains without any prohibition to of weak, uninstructed minds, and possessing no its employment. The character of the period im-claim to belief. The period was favorable to such mediately succeeding the first founding of the church, was singularly fitted for the production of incidents not sufficiently important to demand a continuance of the sacred and inspired narrative, but in every way calculated to excite and secure attention. When the apostles and first disciples left the original seat of the gospel, to spread its glad tidings over the world, they did not perform their allotted duties with so little energy as to remain obscure among the people to whom they ministered. Fulfilling the precept of their glorified Master, they became beacons of truth, shining from the eminence on which their election had placed them, over wide regions of gloom and sterility; but not freed from suffering, they were also set forth to men and to angels a spectacle of much and patient endurance. In both these respects the apostles could not fail of being scrutinized by large classes of observers, who moved by their doctrines, startled by their miracles, or enraged by their severe rebukes, would not easily forget their addresses, or lose sight of the circumstances which attended their appeals. The personal appearance, the voice and gesture even of such men, would long have a permanent place in the memory; and many a saying, many a minute action that had sunk deep into the hearts of retired, devout converts, would, when the spirit became accustomed to the new and overpowering thoughts which the gospel message had awakened, come back upon the mind with a long, fresh train of impressive associations.

It may fairly be concluded from these considerations, that for some time after the apostles lived, the memory of Christians was richly stored with particulars respecting them: that these particufars would form the subject of frequent conversation among believers: that they would be communicated from one division of the church to an

productions; the excitement occasioned by extraordinary events requiring all those modifying principles which are only found in the purest faith and piety; and creating, consequently, a very wide field for the employment of invention. This is amply shown by the rapid multiplication of writings, purporting to have been of apostolic, origin. Even before the end of the first century new gospels had been forged, and the acts of Christ and his apostles were described in books which, claiming reverence by the nature of their contents, were not less calculated to interest than to deceive. Such were the gospel according to the Hebrews, and the gospel according to the Egyptians; both of which furnished sufficient authorities to support very numerous sects in dangerous errors: nor were they altogether deprived of their pretensions to credit, till after the canon of Scripture had been some time settled by diligent and cautious inquiry. Besides these, there were the gospel of St. Peter, the gospel of Philip, the gospel of James, and of every other apostle, not excepting the traitor Judas himself, whose supposed composition is said to have been received by the Gajanites, of whom, strange to relate, he was the titular saint. The acts of the apostles, subsequent to the time of Christ, furnished materials for an equal number of similar supposititious narratives. It is commonly believed that the first work of this nature was the production of a disciple of St. Paul, and that the writer was detected in his falsehoods by the knowledge of St. John, who still survived. The chief source, however, of fabulous traditions, was that heretical spirit which so early infected the church. Most of the spurious gospels had their origin with the Ebionites, the Manichæans, or some other powerful sect. From the same source proceeded the Acts of the Apostles, which pretended to describe, in particular terms, the labors and jour

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