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genius; to whom he replied, "Since you are so let a lion upon the malefactor. Which he told vainly ambitious that I should swear by the em- them he could not do, having already exhibited peror's genius, as you call it, as if you knew not the hunting of wild beasts with men, one of the who I am; hear my free confession: I am a famous shows of the amphitheatre. Then they Christian. If you have a mind to learn the Chris- unanimously demanded, that he might be burnt tian religion, appoint me a time, and I will instruct alive: a fate which he himself from the vision in you in it." The proconsul advised him to per- his dream, had prophetically foretold should be his suade the people he answered, "To you I rather choose to address my discourse; for we are commanded by the laws of our religion, to give to princes and the powers ordained by God, all that due honor and reverence that is not prejudicial and contrary to the precepts of religion. As for them, (meaning the common herd,) I think them not competent judges, to whom I should apologize, or give an account of my faith."

portion. The thing was no sooner said than done, each one striving to bear a part in this fatal tragedy, with incredible speeed fetching wood and faggots from several places; but especially the Jews were peculiarly active in the service; malice to Christians being almost as natural to them as it is for the fire to burn. The fire being prepared. St. Polycarp untied his girdle, laid aside his gar ments, and began to put off his shoes; ministries which he before was not wont to be put to; the Christians ambitiously striving to be admitted to do them for him, and happy he that could first touch his body. So great a reverence even in his younger years had he from all for the admirable strictness and regularity of his holy life.

11. The proconsul now saw it was in vain to use any further persuasives and entreaties; and therefore betook himself to severer arguments. "I have wild beasts at hand,” said he, "to which I will cast thee, unless thou recant." "Call for them," cried the martyr, "for we are immutably resolved not to change the better for the worse; 13. The officers that were employed in his exeaccounting fit and comely only to turn from cution having disposed all other things, came ac vice to virtue." "Since thou makest so light of cording to custom to nail him to the stake; which wild beasts," added the proconsul, "I have a fire he desired them to omit, assuring them, that he that shall tame thee, unless thou repent." "Thou who gave him strength to endure the fire, would threatenest me with a fire," answered Polycarp, enable him, without nailing, to stand immovable "that burns for an hour, and is presently extinct, in the hottest flames. So they only tied him, who but art ignorant, alas! of the fire of eternal dam-standing like a sheep ready for the slaughter, denation, and the judgment to come, reserved for the wicked in the other world. But why delayest thou? bring forth whatever thou hast a mind to." This and much more he spake with a pleasant and cheerful confidence; and a divine grace was conspicuous in his very looks, so far was he from cowardly sinking under the great threatenings made against him. Yea, the proconsul himself was astonished at it: though finding no good could be done upon him, he commanded the crier, in the middle of the stadium, thrice to make open proclamation, (as was the manner of the Romans in all capital trials,) "Polycarp has confessed him-cup, for the resurrection to eternal life, both of self a Christian." Whereat the whole multitude, both of Jews and Gentiles, that were present, (and probably it is, that the common council or assembly of Asia, might about this time be held at Smyrna, for the celebration of their common shows and sports; for that it was sometimes held here, is evident from an ancient inscription making mention of it,) gave a mighty shout, crying out aloud, "this is the great doctor of Asia, and the father of the Christians; this is the destroyer of our gods, who teaches men not to do sacrifice, or worship the deities.”

signed as a grateful sacrifice to the Almighty, clasping his hands, which were bound behind him, he poured out his soul to heaven in this following prayer: "O Lord God Almighty, the Father of thy well-beloved and ever-blessed Son, Jesus Christ, by whom we have received the knowledge of thee; the God of angels, powers, and of every creature, and of the whole race of the righteous, who live before thee; I bless thee that thou hast graciously condescended to bring me to this day and hour, that I may receive a portion in the number of thy holy martyrs, and drink of Christ's

soul and body, in the incorruptibleness of the Holy Spirit. Into which number grant I may be received this day; being found in thy sight as a fair and acceptable sacrifice, such a one as thou thyself hast prepared; that so thou mayest accomplish what thou, O true and faithful God, hast foreshown. Wherefore, I praise thee for all thy mercies. I bless thee, I glorify thee, through the eternal High-Priest, thy beloved Son, Jesus Christ; with whom to thyself and the Holy Ghost, be glory both now and for ever, Amen." Which last words he pronounced with a more 12. The cry being a little over. they immedi- clear, audible voice; and having done his prayer, ately addressed themselves to Philip, the asiarch. the ministers of execution blew up the fire, which These asiarchs were Gentile priests belonging to increasing to a mighty flame, behold a wonder, the commonalty of Asia, yearly chosen at the (seen, say my authors, by us, who were purposely common council or assembly of Asia, to the num-reserved, that we might declare it to others,) ber of about ten, (whereof one was principal,) out the flames disposing themselves into the resemof the names returned by the several cities. It blance of an arch, like the sails of a ship swelled was an office of great honor and credit, but withal of great expense and charge; they being obliged to entertain the people with sights and sports upon the festival solemnities; and therefore it was not conferred but upon the more wealthy and substantial citizens. In this place was Philip at this time, whom the people clamorously requested to

with the wind, gently encircled the body of the martyr, who stood all the while in the midst, not like roasted flesh, but like gold or silver purified in the furnace; his body sending forth a delightful fragrancy, which like frankincense, or some other costly spices, presented itself to our senses.

14. How blind and incorrigibly obstinate is un

well suppose him to have been less than sixteen or twenty years old: besides his converse with the apostles and consecration by St. John, reasonably suppose him of some competent years; for we cannot think he would ordain a youth, or a very young man, bishop, especially of so great and populous a city. The incomparable primate, from a passage in his epistle, conjectures him to have lived (though not then converted to Christianity) at the time when St. Paul wrote his epistles; which if so, must argue him to have been of a greater age. Nor is this any more improbable than that Quadratus, the Christian apologist, who lived under Hadrian, and dedicated his Apologetic to that emperor, reports; that there were some of those whom our Lord had healed, and raised from the dead, alive even in his time. And of Simeon, successor to St. James in the bishopric of Jerusalem, Hegesippus expressly relates that he was a hundred and twenty years old at the time of his martyrdom. Sure I am Irenæus particularly notes, of our St. Polycarp, that he lived a very long time, and was arrived to an exceeding great age, when he underwent a most glorious and illustrious martyrdom for the faith.

belief! The infidels were so far from being convinced, that they were rather exasperated by the miracle; commanding a spearman, one of those who were wont to despatch wild beasts when they became outrageous, to go near and run him through with a sword; which he had no sooner done, but such a vast quantity of blood flowed from the wound, as extinguished and put out the fire; together with which a dove was seen to fly from the wounds of his body, which some suppose to have been his soul, clothed in a visible shape at the time of its departure; though true it is, that this circumstance is not mentioned in Eusebius's account, and probably never was in the original. Nor did the malice of Satan end here; he knew by the innocent and unblameable course of his life, and the glorious constancy of his martyrdom, that he had certainly attained the crown of immortality, and nothing now was left for his spite to work on, but to deprive them even of the honor of his bones. For many were desirous to have given his body decent and honorable burial, and to have assembled there for the celebration of his memory; but were prevented by some who prompted Nicetes, the father of Herod, and brother to Alce, to advise the proconsul not to bestow his body upon the Christians; lest having their crucified master, they should henceforth worship Polycarpus. A suggestion however managed by the heathens, yet first contrived and prompted by the Jews, who narrowly watched the Christians when they would have taken away his body from the place of execution; "little consider-shall suffice to note, that his memory is celebrated ing (they are the words of my authors) how impossible it is that either we should forsake Christ, who died for the salvation of the whole world, or that we should worship any other. Him we adore as the Son of God; but martyrs, as the disciples and followers of our Lord, we deservedly love for their eminent kindness towards their own prince and master, whose companions and fellow-disciples we also by all means desire to be." So far were those primitive and better ages from that undue and superstitious veneration of the relics of martyrs and departed saints, which after ages introduced into the church, as elsewhere we have shown more at large.

16. He suffered on the second of the month Xanthicus, the seventh of the kalends of May; though whether mistaken for the seventh of the kalends of April, and so to be referred to March 26, as some will have it, or for the seventh of the kalends of March, and so to be adjudged to February 23, as others, is difficult to determine. It

by the Greek church, February 23; by the Latin, January 26. The amphitheatre where he suffered is in a great measure yet remaining; (as a late eye-witness and diligent searcher into antiquity informs us ;) in the two opposite sides whereof are the dens where the lions were wont to be kept. His tomb is in a little chapel, in the side of a mountain, on the south-east part of the city, solemnly visited by the Greeks upon his festival day; and for the maintenance and reparation whereof, travellers were wont to throw in a few aspers into an earthen pot that stands there for that purpose. How miserable the state of this city is under the Turkish yoke at this day, is without the limits of 15. The centurion beholding the perverseness my business to inquire. To look a little higher to and obstinacy of the Jews, commanded the body the times we write of, though I love not to make to be placed in the midst, and in the usual manner severe and ill-natured interpretations of the actions to be burned to ashes; whose bones the Chris- of divine Providence, yet I cannot but observe, tians gathered up as a choice and inestimable how heavy the divine displeasure, not long after treasure, and decently interred them. In which Polycarp's death fell, as upon other places, so more place they resolved, if possible, (and they prayed particularly upon this city, by plague, fire, and God nothing might hinder it,) to meet and cele-earthquakes, mentioned by others, but more fully brate the birth-day of his martyrdom; both to do honor to the memory of the departed, and to prepare and encourage others hereafter to give the like testimony to the faith. Both which considerations gave birth and original to the Memoria Martyrum, those solemn anniversary commemorations of the martyrs, which we have in another place more fully shown, were generally kept in the primitive church. Thus died this apostolical man, ann. Chr. 167, about the hundreth year of his age; for those eighty-six years, which himself speaks of, wherein he had served Christ, cannot be said to commence from his birth, but from his baptism or new-birth, at which time we cannot

described by Aristides their own orator, who was contemporary with St. Polycarp. By which means their city, before one of the glories and ornaments of Asia, was turned into rubbish and ashes, their stately houses overturned, their temples ruined; one especially, which as it advanced Asia above other countries, so gave Smyrna the honor and precedence above other cities of Asia; their traffic spoiled, their marts and ports laid waste, besides the great numbers of people that lost their lives. Indeed the fate so sad, that the orator was forced to give over, professing himself unable to describe it.

17. I cannot better close the story of Polycarp's

martyrdom, than with the preface which the church of Smyrna has in the beginning of it, as what eminently represents the illustrious faith and patience of those primitive Christians. "Evident it is, (say they,) that all those martyrdoms are great and blessed, which happen by the will of God; for it becomes us Christians, who have a more divine religion than others, to ascribe to God the sovereign disposure of all events. Who would not stand and admire the generous greatness of their mind, their singular patience, and admirable love to God? who, when their flesh was with scourges so torn off their backs, that the whole frame and contexture of their bodies, even to their innermost veins and arteries, might be seen, yet patiently endured it: insomuch that those who were present, pitied and grieved at the sight of it, while they themselves were endued with so invincible a resolution, that none of them gave one sigh or groan; the holy martyrs of Christ letting us see, that at that time, when they were thus tormented, they were strangers to their own bodies; or rather that our Lord stood by them to assist and comfort them. Animated by the grace of Christ, they despised the torments of men, by one short hour delivering themselves from eternal miseries. The fire which their tormentors put to them seemed cool and little, while they had it in their eye to avoid the everlasting and unextinguishable flames of another world; their thoughts being fixed upon those rewards which are prepared for them that endure to the end, such as "neither ear hath heard, nor eye hath seen, nor hath it entered into the heart of man ;" but which were shown to them by our Lord, as being now no longer mortals, but entering upon the state of angels. In like manner those who were condemned to be devoured by wild beasts, for a long time endured the most grievous tortures: shells of fishes were strewed under their naked bodies, and they forced to lie upon sharp-pointed stakes driven into the ground, and several such-like engines of torture devised for them, that, (if possible,) by the constancy of their torments, the enemy might drive them to renounce the faith of Christ. Vari1. I REJOICED with you greatly in our Lord Jesus ous were the methods of punishment which the Christ, that ye entertained the patterns of true devil did invent; though, blessed be God, there love, and (as became you) conducted onwards were not many whom they were able to prevail those who were bound with chains, which are the upon." And, at the end of the epistle, they par- ornaments of saints, and the crowns of those that ticularly remark concerning Polycarp, that he was are the truly elect of God, and of our Lord; and not only a famous doctor, but an eminent martyr; that the firm root of your faith, formerly published, whose martyrdom all strove to imitate, as one who does yet remain, and bring forth fruit in our Lord by his patience conquered an unrighteous judge; Jesus Christ, who was pleased to offer up himself and by that means having attained an immortal even unto death for our sins: "whom God raised crown, was triumphing with the apostles, and all up, having loosed the pains of death:"*"in whom, the souls of the righteous, glorifying God the Fa- though you see him not, ye believe, and believing ther, and praising of our Lord, the disposer of our ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory;" bodies, and the bishop and pastor of the catholic whereinto many desire to enter, knowing that "by church throughout the world. Nor were the Chris-grace ye are saved, not by works, but by the will tians the only persons that reverenced his memory, but the very Gentiles (as Eusebius tells) everywhere spoke honorably of him.

useful, says St. Jerome, ravv Javpan, (as Suidas and Sophronius style it,) a most admirable epistle. Irenæus gives it this eulogium, that it is a most perfect and absolute epistle, whence they that are careful of their salvation may learn the character of his faith, and the truth which he preached. To which Eusebius adds, that in this epistle he makes use of some quotations out of the first Epistle of St. Peter. An observation that holds good with the epistle, as we have it at this day, there being many places in it cited out of the first, not one out of the second epistle. Photius passed this just and true judgment of it, that it is full of many admonitions, delivered with clearness and simplicity, according to the ecclesiastical way and manner of interpretation. It seems to hold a great affinity, both in style and substance, with Clemen's Epistle to the Corinthians; often suggesting the same rules, and making use of the same words and phrases; so that it is not to be doubted but he had that excellent epistle particularly in his eye at the writing of it. Indeed it is a pious and truly Christian epistle, furnished with short and useful precepts and rules of life, and penned with the modesty and simplicity of the apostolic times; valued by the ancients next to the writings of the holy canon: and St. Jerome tells us, that even in his time it was read in Asia conventu, in the public assemblies of the Asian church. It was first published in Greek by P. Halloix, the Jesuit, ann. 1633, and not many years after by bishop Usher: and I presume the pious reader will think it no unuseful digression, if I here subjoin so venerable a monument of the ancient church.

18. As for his writings, besides that St. Jerome mentions the volumes of Papias and Polycarp, and the above-mentioned Pionius's epistles and homilies, Irenæus evidently intimates that he wrote several epistles; of all which none are extant at this day, but the Epistle to the Philippians, an epistle peculiarly celebrated by the ancients, very


Polycarp and the presbyters that are with him, to the church of God which is at Philippi: mercy unto you, and peace from God Almighty, and Jesus Christ our Saviour, be multiplied.

of God through Jesus Christ."‡

2. "Wherefore, girding up your loins," serve God in fear and truth, forsaking empty and vain talking, and the error wherein so many are involv ed, believing in him who raised up our Lord Jesus Christ from the dead, and gave him glory," and a

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throne at his right hand; to whom all things, both in heaven and in earth, are put in subjection, whom every thing that has breath worships, who comes to judge the quick and the dead, whose blood God will require of them that believe not in him. But he who raised him up from the dead, will raise up us also, if we do his will, and walk in his commandments, and love what he loved, abstaining from all unrighteousness, inordinate desire, covetousness, detraction, false witness; "not rendering evil for evil, or railing for railing."* or striking for striking, or cursing for cursing; but remembering what the Lord said when he taught thus, "Judge not, that ye be not judged; forgive, and ye shall be forgiven; be merciful, that ye may obtain mercy with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again." And that "Blessed are the poor, and they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of God."t

to please him in this world, we shall receive the reward of the other life, according as he has promised to raise us from the dead; and if we walk worthy of him, "we believe that we shall also reign with him." Let the young men also be unblamable in all things, studying in the first place to be chaste, and to restrain themselves from all that is evil. For it is a good thing to get above the lusts of the world, seeing every lust wars against the spirit; and that "neither fornicators, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind shall inherit the kingdom of God,"* nor whoever commits base things.

5. Wherefore it is necessary that ye abstain from all these things, being subject to the presbyters and deacons, as to God and Christ. That the virgins also walk with a chaste and undefiled conscience. Let the presbyters be tender and merciful, compassionate towards all, reducing those that are in error, visiting all that are weak; not negligent of the widow and the orphan, and him that is poor, but ever providing what is honest in the sight of God and men; abstaining from all wrath, respect of persons, and unrighteous judgment; being far from covetousness, not hastily believing a report against any man, nor rigid in judgment; knowing that we are all faulty, and obnoxious to punishment. If therefore we stand in need to pray the Lord that he would forgive us, we ourselves ought also to forgive. For we are before the eyes of him who is Lord and God, and "all must stand before the judgment-seat of Christ, and every one give an account of himself." Wherefore let us serve him with all fear and reverence, as he himself has commanded us, and as the apostles have preached and taught us, and the prophets who foreshowed the coming of our Lord. Be zealous of that which is good, abstaining from offences and false brethren, and those

3. These things, brethren, I write to you concerning righteousness, not of my own humor, but because yourselves did provoke me to it. For neither I, nor any other such as I am, can attain to the wisdom of blessed and glorious St. Paul; who being among you, and conversing personally with those who were then alive, firmly and accurately taught the word of truth; and when absent, wrote epistles to you, by which, if you look into them, ye may be built in the faith delivered unto you, which is the mother of us all, being followed by hope, and led on by love, both towards God and Christ, and to our neighbor. For whoever is inwardly replenished with these things, has fulfilled the law of righteousness; and he that is furnished with love, stands at a distance from all sin. But love of money is the beginning of all evil. Knowing therefore that "we brought nothing into the world, and that we shall carry nothing out," let us arm ourselves with the armor of righteous-who bear the name of the Lord in hypocrisy, who ness; and in the first place be instructed ourselves seduce and deceive vain men; for "every one that to walk in the commands of the Lord, and next confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the teach your wives to live in the faith delivered to flesh, is anti-Christ ;" and he who doth not acthem, in love, and chastity; that they embrace knowledge the martyrdom of the cross, is of the their own husbands with all integrity, and others devil; and whoever shall pervert the oracles of also with all temperance and continency; and that the Lord to his private lusts, and shall say, that they educate and discipline their children in the there is neither resurrection nor judgment to come, fear of God. The widows, that they be sober that man is the first-born of Satan. Leaving and modest concerning the faith of the Lord; that therefore the vanity of many, and their false docthey incessantly intercede for all, and keep them-trines, let us return to that doctrine that from the seves from all slandering, detraction, false witness, beginning was delivered to us: let us be watchful covetousness, and every evil work; as knowing in prayers, persevering in fasting and supplicathat they are the altars of God, and that he ac- tions, beseeching the all-seeing God that he would curately surveys the sacrifice, and that nothing not lead us into temptation; as the Lord has said, can be concealed from him, neither of our reason-"the spirit indeed is willing but the flesh is ings, nor thoughts, nor the secrets of the heart. weak." Let us unweariedly and constantly adAccordingly, knowing that God is not mocked, here to Jesus Christ, who is our hope and the we ought to walk worthy of his command, and of his glory.

4. Likewise let the deacons be unblamable before his righteous presence, as the ininisters of God in Christ, and not of men; not accusers, not double-tongued, not covetous, but temperate in all things; compassionate, diligent, walking according to the truth of the Lord, who became the deacon or servant of all of whom, if we be careful

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pledge of our righteousness, "who bare our sins in his own body on the tree, who did not sin, neither was guile found in his mouth," but endured all things for our sakes, that we might live through him. Let us, then, imitate his patience, and if we suffer for his name, we glorify him; for such a pattern he set us in himself, and thus we have believed and entertained.

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6. I exhort you, therefore, all, that ye be obe- troubled for him and for his wife; the Lord give dient to the word of righteousness, and that you them true repentance. Be ye also sober as to this exercise all manner of patience, as you have seen matter, and account not such as enemies, but reit set forth before your eyes, not only in the bless-store them as weak and erring members, that the ed Ignatius, and Zosimus, and Rufus; but in whole body of you may be saved; for in so doing others also among you, and in Paul himself, and ye build up yourselves. the rest of the apostles; being assured that all these have not run in vain, but in faith and righteousness; and are arrived at the place due and promised to them by the Lord, of whose sufferings they were made partakers. For they loved not this present world, but him who both died and was raised up again by God for us. Stand fast, therefore, in these things, and follow the example of the Lord; being firm and immutable in the faith, lovers of the brethren, and kindly affectionate one towards another, united in the truth, carrying yourselves meekly to each other, despising no man. When it is in your power to do good, defer it not, for alms delivereth from death. Be all of you subject one to another, having your conversation honest among the Gentiles; that both you yourselves may receive praise by your good works, and that God be not blasphemed through you. For wo unto him by whom the name of the Lord is blasphemed. Wherefore teach all men sobriety, and be yourselves conversant in it.

8. I trust that ye are well exercised in the holy Scriptures, and that nothing is hid from you; a thing as yet not granted to me. As it is said in these places, "be angry and not sin ;" and "let not the sun go down upon your wrath." Blessed is he that is mindful of these things, which I believe you are. The God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, and Christ Jesus the eternal Highpriest and Son of God, build you up in faith and truth, and in all meekness, that you may be without anger, in patience, forbearance, long-suffering, and chastity, and give you a portion and inheri tance amongst his saints: and to us together with you, and to all under heaven, who shall believe in our Lord Jesus Christ, and in his Father. who raised him from the dead. Pray for all saints: pray also for kings, magistrates, and princes, and even for them that hate and persecute you, and for the enemies of the cross, that your fruits may be manifest in all, that you may be complete in


7. I am exceedingly troubled for Valens, who 9. Ye wrote unto me, both ye and Ignatius, that was sometimes ordained a presbyter among you, if any one go into Syria, he might carry your letthat he so little understands the place wherein he ters along with him which I will do so soon as I was set. I therefore warn you, that you abstain shall have a convenient opportunity, either myself, from covetousness, and that ye be chaste and true. or by some other, whom I will send upon your Keep yourselves from every evil work. But he errand. According to your request, we have sent that in these things cannot govern himself, how you those epistles of Ignatius which he wrote to shall he preach it to another? If a man refrain us, and as many others of his as we had by us, not from covetousness, he will be defiled with which are annexed to this epistle, by which ye may idolatry, and shall be judged among the heathen. be greatly profited. For they contain in them Who is ignorant of the judgment of the Lord? faith and patience, and whatever else is necessary "Know ye not that the saints shall judge the to build you up in our Lord. Send us word what world?" as Paul teaches. But I have neither you certainly know both concerning Ignatius himfound any such thing in you, nor heard any such self and his companions. These things have I thing of you, among whom the blessed Paul labor-written unto you by Crescens, whom I have hithered, and who are in the beginning of his epistle. For of you he boasts in all those churches, which only knew God at that time, whom as yet we had not known. I am, therefore, brethren, greatly

* 1 Cor. vi. 2.

to commended to you, and do still recommend.— For he has unblamably conversed amongst us, as also I believe amongst you. His sister also ye shall have recommended, when she shall come unto you. Be ye safe in the Lord Jesus Christ. Grace be with you all. Amen.


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