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rather admire what he could not understand; that | ambassadors from several churches; in order he owned the author to have been a holy and di- whereunto he first caused them to proclaim a gevinely inspired person, but could not believe it to neral fast, to seek the blessing of heaven on so be St. John the apostle and evangelist, neither great and solemn an undertaking, which being style, matter, nor method agreeing with his other done, he set about it. And if we may believe the writings; that in this he frequently names him- report of Gregory, bishop of Tours, he tells us, self, which he never does in any other; that there that upon a hill, near Ephesus, there was a prowere several Johns at that time, and two buried seucha, or uncovered oratory, whither our apostle at Ephesus, the apostle, and another, one of the used often to retire for prayer and contemplation, disciples that dwelt in Asia, but which was the and where he obtained of God, that it might not author of this book, he leaves uncertain. But rain in that place till he had finished his gospel. though doubted of by some, it was entertained by Nay, he adds, that even in his time, no shower or the far greater part of the ancients as the genuine storm ever came upon it. Two causes especially work of our St. John. Nor could the setting down contributed to the writing of it; the one, that he his name be any reasonable exception; for what- might obviate the early heresies of those times, ever he might do in his other writings, especially especially of Ebion, Cerinthus, and the rest of that his gospel, where it was less necessary, historical crew, who began openly to deny Christ's divinity, matters depending not so much upon his authority, and that he had any existence before his incarnayet it was otherwise in prophetic revelations, tion; the reason why our evangelist is so express where the person of the revealer adds great weight and copious in that subject. The other was, that and moment; the reason why some of the pro- he might supply those passages of the evangelical phets under the Old Testament did so frequently history which the rest of the sacred writers had set down their own names. The diversity of the omitted. Collecting, therefore, the other three style is of no considerable value in this case, it evangelists, he first set to his seal, ratifying the being no wonder, if in arguments so vastly differ- truth of them with his approbation and consent: ent, the same person did not always observe the and then added his own gospel to the rest, prinsame tenor and way of writing; whereof there cipally insisting upon the acts of Christ from the want not instances in some others of the apostolic first commencing of his ministry to the death of order. The truth is, all circumstances concur to John the Baptist, wherein the others are most deentitle our apostle to be the author of it, his name fective, giving scarce any account of the first year frequently expressed, its being written in the island of our Saviour's ministry, which therefore he made of Patmos, (a circumstance not pertaining to any up in very large and particular narrations. He but St. John,) his styling himself "their brother largely records (as Nazianzen observes) our Saand companion in tribulation, and in the kingdom viour's discourses: but takes little notice of his and patience of Jesus Christ," his writing parti- miracles, probably because so fully and particularly cular epistles to the "seven churches of Asia," related by the rest. The subject of his writing is all planted or at least cultivated by him; the doc- very sublime and mysterious, mainly designing trine in it suitable to the apostolic spirit and tem- to prove Christ's divinity, eternal pre-existence, per, evidently bearing witness in this case. That creating of the world, &c. Upon which account which seems to have given ground to doubt con- Theodoret styles his gospel Scooyav abarov ardpwcerning both its author and authority, was its be- rois kaι avuñeρßatov, a theology which human undering a long time before it was universally joined standings can never fully penetrate and find out. with other books of the holy canon; for contain- Thence, generally by the ancients, he is reseming in it some passages directly levelled at Rome, bled to an eagle, soaring aloft within the clouds, the seat of the Roman empire, and others which whither the weak eye of man was unable to follow might be thought to symbolize with some Jewish him; hence, peculiarly honored with the title of dreams and figments, it might possibly seem fit to the Divine, as if due to none but him, at least to the prudence of those times for a while to suppress him in a more eminent and extraordinary manner. it. Nor is the conjecture of a learned man to be Nay, the very Gentile philosophers themselves despised, who thinks that it might be intrusted in could not but admire his writings: witness Amethe keeping of John the presbyter, scholar to our lius, the famous Platonist and regent of Porphyry's apostle; whence probably the report might arise, school at Alexandria; who, quoting a passage that he, who was only the keeper, was the author out of the beginning of St. John's gospel, swore of it. I add no more, than that upon the account by Jupiter, that this barbarian (so the proud of this Apocalypse, containing a prophetic scheme Greeks counted and called all that differed from of the future state of the Christian church, he is them,) "had hit upon the right notion, when he in a strict sense a prophet, and has thereby one affirmed, that the Word that made all things was considerable addition to his titles, being not only in the beginning, and in place of prime dignity an apostle and evangelist, but a prophet, an honor and authority with God; and was that God that peculiar to himself. Peter was an apostle, but created all things, in whom every thing that was properly no evangelist: Mark an evangelist, but made had, according to its nature, its life and no apostle: St. Matthew an apostle and evange- being; that he was incarnate, and clothed with a list, but no prophet: but St. John was both an body wherein he manifested the glory and magniapostle, an evangelist, and a prophet. ficence of his nature; that after his death he returned to the repossession of divinity, and became the same God which he was before his assuming a body, and taking the human nature and flesh upon him." I have no more to observe, but that his gospel was afterwards translated into Hebrew,

15. His gospel succeeds, written (says some) in Patmos, and published at Ephesus; but as Irenæus and others more truly, written by him after his return to Ephesus; composed at the earnest entreaty and solicitation of the Asian bishops and

and kept by the Jews ev arоxpupot, among their | for being an Hebrew of the Hebrews, admirably secret archives and records in their treasury at skilled in the language of his country, it probably Tiberias; where a copy of it was found by one made him less exact in his Greek composures, Joseph a Jew, afterwards converted, and whom wherein he had very little advantage, besides Constantine the Great advanced to the honor of a what was immediately communicated from above. count of the empire, who breaking open the trea- But whatever was wanting in the politeness of sury, though he missed of money, found books his style, was abundantly made up in the zeal of beyond all treasure, St. Matthew and St. John's his temper, and the excellency and sublimity of gospels and the Acts of the Apostles in Hebrew; his matter; he truly answered his name, Boathe reading whereof greatly contributed towards nerges, for he spake and wrote like a "son of his conversion. thunder." Whence it is that his writings, but especially his gospel, have such great and honorable things spoken of them by the ancients. "The evangelical writings" (says St. Basil) "transcend the other parts of the holy volumes; in other parts God speaks to us by servants, the prophets; but in the gospels our Lord himself speaks to us, but among all the evangelical preachers, none like St. John, the son of thunder, for the sublimeness of his speech and the height of his discourses, beyond any man's capacity duly to reach and comprehend." "St. John, as a true son of thunder,” (says Epiphanius,) "by a certain greatness of speech peculiar to himself, does, as it were, out of the clouds and the dark recesses of wisdom acquaint us with divine doctrines concerning the Son of God." To which let me add what St. Cyril of Alexandria, among other things, says concerning him, "that whoever looks to the sublimity of his incomprehensible notions, the acumen and sharpness of his reason, and the quick inferences of his discourses constantly succeeding and following upon one another, must needs confess that his gospel perfectly exceeds all admiration."*


16. Besides these, our apostle wrote three epistles: the first whereof is catholic, calculated for all times and places, containing most excellent rules for the conduct of the Christian life, pressing to holines and purity of manners, and not to rest in a naked and empty profession of religion; not to be led away with the crafty insinuations of seducers; antidoting men against the poison of the Gnostic principles and practices, to whom it is not to be doubted but that the apostle had a more particular respect in this epistle. According to his wonted modesty he conceals his name, it being of more concernment with wise men, what it is that is said, than who it is that says it. And this epistle Eusebius tells us was universally received, and never questioned by any; anciently, as appears by St. Augustine, inscribed to the Parthians, though for what reason I am to learn, unless (as we hinted before) it was, because he himself had heretofore preached in those parts of the world. The other two epistles are but short, and directed to particular persons; the one a lady of honorable quality, the other the charitable and hospitable Gaius, so kind a friend, so courteous an entertainer of all indigent Christians. These epistles, indeed, were not of old admitted into the canon, nor are owned by the church in Syria at this day; ascribed by many to the younger John, disciple to our apostle. But there is no just cause to question who was their father, seeing both the doctrine, phrase, and design of them do sufficiently challenge our apostle for their author. These are all the books wherein it pleased the Holy Spirit to make use of St. John for its penman and secretary; in the composure whereof, though his style and character be not florid and elegant, yet is it grave and simple, short and perspicuous. Dionysius of Alexandria tells us, that in his gospel and first epistle his phrase is more neat and The life and character of St. John can never elegant, there being an accuracy in the con- be contemplated without deep interest by the texture both of words and matter, that runs thoughtful, meditative Christian. No result of through all the reasonings of his discourses; but historical inquiry can be more valuable than the that in the Apocalypse, the style is nothing so development and representation of such a character pure and clear, being frequently mixed with more with his associates, under circumstances the most to the spiritual understanding. Placed, in common barbarous and improper phrases. Indeed his Greek remarkable, tried like them by temptations and sufgenerally abounds with Syriasms; his discourses ferings the most affecting, he bore like them in many times abrupt, set off with frequent anti-meekness and patience the yoke and the burden theses, connected with copulatives, passages often which his Divine Master had allotted for his porrepeated, things at first more obscurely propound- tion. But he is distinguished from among the rest ed, and which he is forced to enlighten with sub- by the sublime demonstrations of spiritual power sequent explications, words peculiar to himself, acting on the mind. It was to him the Lord comand phrases used in an uncommon sense. All mitted the charge of revealing the mysteries of the which concur to render his way of writing less kingdom of heaven, where it stretches out and grateful, possibly, to the masters of eloquence, nothing can be more calculated to delight the mind reaches unto the throne of the Father: and surely and an elaborate curiosity. St. Jerome observes, of a thinking man, than the examination of the cir that in citing places out of the Old Testament, cumstances under which one so highly favored, and he more immediately translates from the Hebrew so wonderfully acted upon and occupied, passed original, studying to render things word for word: through the world.-ED.

Of all parts of Palestine, Galilee seems to have passed under the greatest character of ignominy and reproach. The country itself, because bordering upon the idolatrous uncircumcised nations, called Galilee of the Gentiles, the people generally beheld as more rude and boisterous, more unpolished and barbarous than the rest, not remarkable either for civility or religion. "The Galileans received him, having seen all the things

that he did at Jerusalem at the feast, for they also went up unto the feast;"* as if it had been a wonder and a matter of very strange remark, to see so much devotion in them, as to attend the solemnity of the passover. Indeed both Jew and Gentile conspired in this, that they thought they could not fix a greater title of reproach upon our Saviour and his followers, than that of Galilean. "Can any good thing come out of Nazareth?" a city in this province, said Nathanael, concerning Christ. "Search and look, (say the Pharisees,) for out of Galilee ariseth no prophet ;"'‡ as if nothing but briars and thorns could grow in that soil. But there needs no more to confute this ill-natured opinion, than that our Lord not only made choice of it as the seat of his ordinary residence and retreat, but that hence he chose those excellent persons, whom he made his apostles, the great instruments to convert the world. Some of these we have already given an account of, and more are yet behind.

he frequently read over Moses's books, and considered the prophecies that related to our Saviour; and was, no question, awakened with the general expectations that were then on foot among the Jews, (the date of the prophetic Scriptures concerning the time of Christ's coming being now run out,) that the Messiah would immediately appear. Add to this, that the divine grace did more immediately accompany the command of Christ, to incline and dispose him to believe that this person was that very Messiah that was to come.

3. No sooner had religion taken possession of his mind, but like an active principle it began to ferment and diffuse itself. Away he goes, and finds Nathanael, a person of note and eminency, acquaints him with the tidings of the new-found Messiah, and conducts him to him. So forward is a good man to draw and direct others in the same way to happiness with himself. After his call to the apostleship much is not recorded of him in the holy story. It was to him that our 2. Of this number was St. Philip, born at Beth- Saviour propounded the question, what they should saida, a town near the sea of Tiberias, the city do for so much bread in the wilderness as would of Andrew and Peter. Of his parents and way feed so vast a multitude;* to which he answered, of life the history of the gospel takes no notice; that so much was not easily to be had; not conthough probably he was a fisherman, the trade sidering, that to feed two or twenty thousand are generally of that place. He had the honor of equally easy to Almighty power, when pleased to being first called to the discipleship, which thus exert itself. It was to him that the Gentile procame to pass. Our Lord, soon after his return selytes that came up to the passover addressed from the wilderness, having met with Andrew and themselves, when desirous to see our Saviour, a his brother Peter, after some short discourse person of whom they had heard so loud a fame.† parted from them: and the very next day, as he It was with him that our Lord had that discourse was passing through Galilee, he found Philip, concerning himself a little before the last paschal whom he presently commanded to follow him; the supper. The holy and compassionate Jesus had constant form which he used in making choice of been fortifying their minds with fit considerations his disciples, and those that did inseparably attend against his departure from them; had told them, upon him. So that the prerogative of being first that he was going to prepare room for them in the called, evidently belongs to Philip, he being the mansion of the blessed; that he himself was first-fruits of our Lord's disciples. For though "the way, the truth, and the life, and that no man Andrew and Peter were the first that came to, could come to the Father but by him," and that and conversed with Christ, yet did they immedi- knowing him "they both knew and had seen the ately return to their trade again, and were not Father." Philip, not duly understanding the called to the discipleship till above a whole year force of our Saviour's reasonings, begged of him after, when John was cast into prison. Clemens that he would "show them the Father, and then Alexandrinus tells us, that it was Philip, to whom this would abundantly convince and satisfy them. our Lord said, (when he would have excused him- We can hardly suppose he should have such gross self at present, that he must go bury his father,) conceptions of the deity, as to imagine the Father "Let the dead bury their dead, but follow thou vested with a corporeal and visible nature; but me." But besides that he gives no account Christ having told them that they had seen him, whence he derived this intelligence, it is plainly and he knowing that God of old was wont freinconsistent with the time of our apostle's call, quently to appear in a visible shape, he only dewho was called to be a disciple a long time before sired that he would manifest himself to them by that speech and passage of our Saviour. It may some such appearance. Our Lord gently reseem justly strange that Philip should at first sight proved his ignorance, that after so long attendso readily comply with our Lord's command, and ance upon his instructions, he should not know turn himself over into his service, having not yet that he was the image of his Father, the express seen any miracle that might evince his Messiah- characters of his infinite wisdom, power, and goodship, and divine commission, nor probably so much ness appearing in him; that he said and did noas heard any tidings of his appearance; and es- thing but by his Father's appointment, which it pecially being a Galilean, and so of a more rustic they did not believe, his miracles were a sufficient and unyielding temper. But it cannot be doubted evidence; that therefore such demands were unbut that he was admirably versed in the writings necessary and impertinent; and that it argued of Moses and the prophets. Metaphrastes as- great weakness, after more than three years' sures us (though how he came to know it other-education under his discipline and institution, to wise than by conjecture I cannot imagine) that from his childhood he had excellent education, that

* John iv. 45. + John i. 46. *John vii. 52. II John i. 44.

be so unskilful in those matters. God expects improvement according to men's opportunities; to be old and ignorant in the school of Christ, de

* John vi. 5. + John xii. 22. + John xiv. 8.

serves both reproach and punishment; it is the character of very bad persons, that "they are ever learning, but never come to the knowledge of the truth."*

under them; which, when they apprehended and bewailed as an evident act of divine vengeance pursuing them for their sins, it as suddenly stopped, and went no further. The apostle being dead, his body was taken down by St. Bartholomew, his fellow-sufferer, though not finally executed, and Mariamne, St. Philip's sister, who is said to have been the constant companion of his travels, and decently buried; after which having confirmed the people in the faith of Christ, they departed from them.

4. In the distribution of the several regions of the world made by the apostles, though no mention be made by Origen or Eusebius what part fell to our apostle, yet we are told by others, that the Upper Asia was his province, (the reason doubtless why he is said, by many, to have preached and planted Christianity in Scythia,) where he applied himself, with an indefatigable diligence and indus- 6. That St. Philip was married is generally aftry, to recover men out of the snare of the devil, firmed by the ancients; Clemens of Alexandria to the embracing and acknowledging of the reckons him one of the married apostles, and that truth. By the constancy of his preaching and he had daughters whom he disposed in marriage: the efficacy of his miracles, he gained numerous Polycrates, bishop of Ephesus, tells us, that Philip, converts, whom he baptized into the Christian one of the twelve apostles, died at Hierapolis, with faith, at once curing both souls and bodies; their two of his daughters who persevered in their virgisouls of error and idolatry, their bodies of infirmi-nity, and that he had a third which died at Eplieties and distempers; healing diseases, dispossess-sus. The truth is, the not careful distinguishing ing demons, settling churches, and appointing between Philip the deacon (who lived at Cæsarea, them guides and ministers of religion. and of whose four virgin daughters we read in the Having for many years successfully managed history of the apostles' acts) and our apostle, has his apostolical office in all those parts, he came, bred some confusion among the ancients in this in the last periods of his life, to Hierapolis in matter; nay, has made some conclude them to Phrygia, a city rich and populous, but answering have been but one and the same person. But with its name in its idolatrous devotions. Amongst the how little reason, will appear to any one that shall many vain and trifling deities to whom they paid consider, that Philip, who was chosen to be one of religious adoration, was a serpent, or dragon, (in the seven deacons, could not be one of the aposmemory no doubt of that infamous act of Jupiter, tolical college, the apostles declaring upon that ocwho in the shape of a dragon insinuated himself casion, that they had affairs of a higher nature to into the embraces of Proserpina, his own daughter, attend upon: "then the twelve called the multitude begot of Ceres, and whom these Phrygians chiefly of the disciples unto them, and said, It is not reaworshipped, as Clemens Alexandrinus tells us; so son that we should leave the word of God, and little reason had Baronius to say that they wor-serve tables; wherefore look ye out among you shipped no such God,) of a more prodigious big-seven men of honest report, &c., and they chose ness than the rest, which they worshipped with Stephen and Philip, &c. (among you) the body of great and solemn veneration. St. Philip was the people, not from among the apostles. So when, troubled to see the people so wretchedly enslaved upon the persecution that arose upon Stephen's to error, and therefore continually solicited heaven, death, the church was dispersed, "they were all till by prayer and calling upon the name of Christ, scattered abroad throughout the regions of Judæa he had procured the death, or at least vanishing and Samaria, (and Philip, the deacon, among the of this famed and beloved serpent: which done, rest, who went down to the city of Samaria,) exhe told them how unbecoming it was to give di- cept the apostles," who tarried behind at Jerusavine honors to such odious creatures; that God lem. And when Philip had converted and bapalone was to be worshipped, as the great parent tized considerable numbers in that place, he was of the world, who had made man at first after his forced to send for two of the apostles from Jeruown glorious image; and when fallen from that salem, that so by apostolic hands they might be innocent and happy state, had sent his own Son confirmed, and might "receive the Holy Ghost." into the world to redeem him, who died and rose Which had been wholly needless had Philip himfrom the dead, and shall come again at the last self been of the twelve apostles. But it is needday, to raise men out of their graves, and to sen-less to argue in this matter, the accounts concern. tence and reward them according to their works. ing them being so widely different; for as they The success was, that the people were ashamed differed in their persons and offices, the one a of their fond idolatry, and many broke loose from deacon, the other an apostle, so also in the numtheir chains of darkness, and ran over to Christi- ber of their children, four daughters being ascribed anity. Whereupon the great enemy of mankind to the one, while three only are attributed to the betook himself to his old methods, cruelty and other. He was one of the apostles who left no persecution. The magistrates of the city seize sacred writings behind him; the greater part of the apostle, and having put him into prison, caused the apostles (as Eusebius observes) having little him to be severely whipped and scourged. This leisure to write books, being employed in ministries preparatory cruelty passed, he was led to execu-more immediately useful and subservient to the tion, and being bound, was hanged up by the neck happiness of mankind: though Epiphanius tells against a pillar; though others tell us that he was crucified. We are further told, that at his execution the earth began suddenly to quake, and the ground whereon the people stood, to sink

2 Tim. iii. 7.

us, that the Gnostics were wont to produce a gospel forged under St. Philip's name, which they abused to the patronage of their horrible prin ciples, and more brutish practices.*

This memoir of St. Philip very remarkably


THAT St. Bartholomew was one of the twelve apostles the evangelical history is most express and clear, though it seems to take no further notice of him than the bare mention of his name. Which doubtless gave the first occasion to many, both anciently and of later time, not without reason to suppose, that he lies concealed under some other name, and that this can be no other than Nathanael, one of the first disciples that came to Christ. Accordingly we may observe, that as St. John never mentions Bartholomew in the number of the apostles, so the other evangelists never take notice af Nathanael, probably because the same person under two several names; and as in John, Philip and Nathanael are joined together in their coming to Christ, so in the rest of the evangelists, Philip and Bartholomew are constantly put together, without the least variation; for no other reason, I conceive, than because they were jointly called to the discipleship, so they are jointly referred in the apostolic catalogue; as afterwards we find them joint-companions in the writings of the church. But that which renders the thing most specious and probable is, that we find Nathanael particularly reckoned up with the other apostles to whom our Lord appeared at the sea of Tiberias after his resurrection; where there were together Simon Peter, and Thomas, and Nathanael of Cana in Galilee, and the two sons of Zebedee, and two other of his disciples, who probably were Andrew and Philip. That by disciples is here meant apostles is evident, partly from the names of those that are reckoned up, partly because it is said, that "this was the third time that Jesus appeared to his disciples," it being plain that the two foregoing appearances were made to none but the apostles.

2. Had he been more than an ordinary disciple, I think no tolerable reason can be given why, in filling up the vacancy made by the death of Judas, he, being so eminently qualified for the place, should not have been propounded as well as either Barsabas or Matthias, but that he was one of the twelve already. Nor, indeed, is it reasonable to suppose that Bartholomew should be his proper name, any more than Barjona the proper name of Peter, importing no more than his relative capacity, either as a son or a scholar. As a son it notes no more than his being "the son of Tholmai," a name not uncommon amongst the Jews, it being cnstomary among them for the son thus to derive his name; so Barjona, Bartimæus, the son of Timæus, &c., and to be usually called rather by this relative than his own proper name:

proves how much may be done in apostolic biography by the diligent accumulation of the incidents found scattered in the recognized sources of information. But the very brevity of the life of Philip, and some others of the apostles, conveys a moral of itself. How tempered ought to be the love and desire of personal fame, when it is seen, that those who were made the pillars of the everlasting church of God, took so little care to leave any memorial of themselves but that which is found in the name of the ministers-the apostles-the sent of Christ!


[blocks in formation]

thus Joseph was called Barsabas; thus Barnabas constantly so styled, though his right name was Joses. Or else it may relate to him as a disciple of some particular sect and institution among the Jews; it being a custom for scholars, out of a great reverence for their masters, or first institutors of that way, to adopt their names, as Benezra, Ben-uziel, &c. And this will be much more evident if the observation which one makes be true, (which yet I will not contend for,) that as several sects in the Jewish church denominated themselves from some famous person of that nation, the Essenes from Enosh, the Sadducees from Sadoc, so there were others that called themselves Tholmæans, from Tholmai, scholar to Heber, the ancient master of the Hebrews, who was of the race or institution of the Enakim, who flourished in Debir and Hebron, with whom Abraham was confederate, that is, joined himself to their society. And of this order and institution, he tells us, Nathanael seems to have been, hence called Bartholomew, the son or scholar of the Tholomæans; hence said to be "an Israelite indeed," that is, one of the ancient race of the schools and societies of Israel. This, if so, would give us an account of his skill and ability in the Jewish law, wherein he is generally supposed to have been a doctor or teacher. But whichsoever of these two accounts of his denomination shall find most favor with the reader, either of them will serve my purpose, and reconcile the difference that seems to be between St. John and the other evangelists about his name; the one styling him by his proper name, the other by his relative and paternal title. To all this, if necessary, I might add the consent of learned men, who have given in their suffrages in this matter, that it is but the same person under several names. But hints of this may suffice. These arguments, I confess, are not so forcible and convictive as to command assent; but with all their circumstances considered, are sufficient to incline and sway any man's belief. The great and indeed only reason brought against it, is what St. Augustine_objected of old, that it is not probable that our Lord would choose Nathanael, a doctor of the law, to be one of his apostles, as designing to confound the wisdom of the world by the preaching of the idiot and the unlearned. But this is no reason to him that considers, that this objection equally lies against St. Philip, for whose skill in the law and prophets there is as much evidence, in the history of the gospel, as for Nathanael's; and much more strongly against St. Paul, than whom (besides his abilities in all human learn. ing) there were few greater masters in the Jewish law.

3. This difficulty being cleared, we proceed to a more particular account of our apostle. By some he is thought to have been a Syrian, of a noble extract, and to have derived his pedigree from the Ptolomies of Egypt, upon no other ground, I believe, than the mere analogy and sound of the name. It is plain that he, as the rest of the apostles, was a Galilean; and of Nathanael we know it is particularly said, that he was of Cana in Galilee. The Scripture takes no notice of his trade or way of life, though some circumstances might seem to intimate that he was a fisherman, which Theodoret affirms of the apos

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