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Pneumatic expel it with this velocity. The weight of this column Eugines. is the least force that can be exerted by the engine: but

this force is too small to overcome the resistance in the middle of the stroke, and it is too great even for the end of the stroke, and much too great for the beginning of it. But if the machine is turned by a very heavy waterwheel, this will act as a regulator, accumulating in itself the superfluous force during the too favourable positions of the crank, and exerting it by its vis insita during the time of greatest effort. A force not greatly exceeding the weight of this column of air will therefore suffice. On the other hand, if the strength of the blast be determined, which is the general state of the problem, this determines the degree of condensation of the air, and the load on the square inch of the piston, or the mean force which the machine must exert on it. A table, which will be given presently, determines the cubic feet of common air expelled in a second, corresponding to this load, This combined with the proposed dimensions of the cylinder, will give the descent of the piston or the length of the stroke.

These general observations apply to all forms of bellows; and without a knowledge of them no person can erect a machine for working them without total uncertainty or servile imitation. In order, therefore, that they may be useful to such as are not accustomed to the management of even these simple formulæ, we insert the following short table of the velocity and quantity of air discharged from a cylinder whose piston is loaded with the pounds contained in the first column on every square inch. The second column contains the velocity with which the condensed air rushes out through any small hole; and the third column is the cubic feet discharged from a hole whose area is a square inch; column fourth contains the mean velocity of air of the common density; and column fifth is the cubic feet of common air discharged; the sixth column is the height in inches at which the force of the blast would support a column of water if a pipe were inserted into the side of the cylinder. This is an extremely proper addition to such machines, showing at all times the power of the machines, and teaching us what intensity of blast is employed for different purposes. The table is computed from the supposition that the ordinary pressure of the air is 15 pounds on a square inch. This is somewhat too great, and therefore the velocities are a little too small; but the quantities discharged will be found about one-third too great (without affecting the velocities) on account of the convergency of the stream.

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This table extends far beyond the limits of ordinary Pneumatic use, very few blast-furnaces having a force exceeding Engines. 60 inches of water.

We shall conclude this account of blowing machines with a description of a small one for a blowpipe. ABCD, fig. 100. is a vessel containing water, about Fig. 100. two feet deep. EFGH is the air-box of the blower open below, and having a pipe ILK rising up from it to a convenient height; an arm ON which grasps this pipe carries the lamp N: the blowpipe LM comes from the top of the upright pipe. PKQ is the feeding pipe reaching near to the bottom of the vessel.

Water being poured into the vessel below, and its cover being put on, which fits the upright pipe, and touches two studs a, a, projecting from it, blow in a quantity of air by the feeding pipe PQ; this expels the water from the air box, and occasions a pressure which produces the blast through the blowpipe M.

In N° 54. of this article, we mentioned an application which has been made of Hero's fountain, at Chemnitz in Hungary, for raising water from the bottom of a mine. We shall now give an account of this very ingenious contrivance.

In fig. 101. B represents the source of water elevated Fig. 101. above the mouth of the pit 136 feet. From this there is led a pipe B b CD four inches diameter. This pipe enters the top of a copper cylinder b c de, 84 feet high, five feet diameter, and two inches thick, and it reaches to within four inches of the bottom; it has a cock at C. This cylinder has a cock at F, and a very large one at E. From the top be proceeds a pipe GHH' two inches in diameter, which goes down the pit 96 feet, and is inserted into the top of another brass cylinder fg hi, which is 64 feet high, four feet diameter, and two inches thick, containing 83 cubic feet, which is very nearly one half of the capacity of the other, viz. of 170 cubic feet. There is another pipe NI of four inches diameter, which rises from within four inches of the bottom of this lower cylinder, is soldered into its top, and rises to the trough NO, which carries off the water from the mouth of the pit. This lower cylinder communicates at the bottom with the water L which collects in the drains of the mine. A large cock K serves to admit or exclude this water; another cock M, at the top of this cylinder, communicates with the external air.

Now suppose the cock C shut, and all the rest open; the upper cylinder will contain air, and the lower cylinder will be filled with water, because it is sunk so deep that its top is below the usual surface of the minewaters. Now shut the cocks F, E, M, K, and open the cock C. The water of the source B must run in by the orifice D, and rise in the upper cylinder, compressing the air above it and along the pipe GHH', and thus acting on the surface of the water in the lower cylinder. It will therefore cause it to rise gradually in the pipe IN, where it will always be of such a height that its weight balances the elasticity of the compressed air. Suppose no issue given to the air from the upper cylinder, it would be compressed into one-fifth of its bulk by the column of 136 feet high; for a column of 34 feet nearly balances the ordinary elasticity of the air. Therefore, when there is an issue given to it through the pipe GHH', it will drive the compressed air along this pipe, and it will expel water from the lower cylin


bullet. This rapid congelation is a remarkable instance Premantic of the general fact, that air by suddenly expanding, ge- Engines nerates cold, its capacity for heat being increased. Thus the peasant cools his broth by blowing over the spoon, even from warm lungs a stream of air from a pipe is always cooling.

Pneumatic der. When the upper cylinder is full of water, there Engines. will be 34 cubic feet of water expelled from the lower cylinder. If the pipe IN had been more than 136 feet long, the water would have risen 136 feet, being then in equilibrio with the water in the feeding pipe Bb CD (as was shown in N° 52.), by the intervention of the elastic air; but no more water would have been expelled from the lower cylinder than what fills this pipe. But the pipe being only 96 feet high, the water will be thrown out at N with a very great velocity. Ifit were not for the great obstructions which water and air must meet with in their passage along pipes, it would issue at N with a velocity of more than 50 feet per second. It issues much more slowly, and at last the upper cylinder is full of water, and the water would enter the pipe GH and enter the lower cylinder, and without displacing the air in it, would rise through the discharging pipe IN, and run off to waste. To prevent this there hangs in the pipe HG a cork ball or double cone, by a brass wire which is guided by holes in two cross pieces in the pipe HG. When the upper cylinder is filled with water, this cork plugs up the orifice G, and no water is wasted; the influx at D now stops. But the lower cylinder contains compressed air, which would balance water in a discharging pipe 136 feet high, whereas IN is only 96. Therefore the water will continue to flow at N till the air has so far expanded as to balance only 96 feet of water, that is, till it occupies one-fourth of its ordinary bulk, that is, one-fourth of the capacity of the upper cylinder, or 42 cubic feet. Therefore 42 cubic feet will be expelled, and the efflux at N will cease; and the lower cylinder is about one half full of water. When the attending workman observes this, he shuts the cock C. He might have done this before, had he known when the orifice G was stopped; but no loss ensues from the delay. At the same time the attendant opeus the cock E, the water issues with great violence, being pressed by the condensed air from the lower cylinder. It therefore issues with the sum of its own weight and of this compression. These gradually decrease together, by the efflux of the water and the expansion of the air; but this efflux stops before all the water has flowed out: for there is 42 feet of the lower cylinder occupied by


This quantity of water remains, therefore, in the upper cylinder nearly the workman knows this, because the discharged water is received first of all into a vessel containing three-fourths of the capacity of the upper cylinder. Whenever this is filled, the attendant opens the cock K by a long rod which goes down the shaft; this allows the water of the mine to fill the lower cylinder, allows the air to get into the upper cylinder, and this allows the remaining water to run out of it.

And thus every thing is brought into its first condition; and when the attendant sees no more water come out at E, he shuts the cocks E and M, and opens the cock C, and the operation is repeated.

There is a very surprising appearance in the working of this engine. When the efflux at N has stopped, if the cock F be opened, the water and air rush out together with prodigious violence, and the drops of water are changed into hail or lumps of ice. It is a sight usually shown to strangers, who are desired to hold their hats to receive the blast of air: the ice comes out with such violence as frequently to pierce the hat like a pistol

The above account of the procedure in working this engine shows that the efflux both at N and E becomes very slow near the end. It is found convenient therefore not to wait for the complete discharges, but to turn the cocks when about 30 cubic feet of water have been discharged at N: more work is done in this way. A gentleman of great accuracy and knowledge of these subjects took the trouble, at our desire, of noticing particularly the performance of the machine He observed that each stroke, as it may be called, took up about three minutes and one-eighth; and that 32 cubic feet of water were discharged at N, and 66 were expended at E. The expence therefore is 66 feet of water falling 136 feet, and the performance is 32 raised 96, and they are in the proportion of 66×136 to 32×96, or of I to 0.3422, or nearly as 3 to 1. This is superior to the performance of the most perfect undershot mill, ever when ali friction and irregular obstructions are neglected; and is not much inferior to any overshot pump-mill that has yet been erected. When we reflect on the great obstructions which water meets with in its passage through long pipes, we may be assured that, by doubling the size of the feeder and discharger, the performance of the machine will be greatly improved; we do not hesitate to say, that it would be increased onethird it is true that it will expend more water; but this will not be nearly in the same proportion; for most of the deficiency of the machine arises from the needless velocity of the first efflux at N. The discharging pipe ought to be 110 feet high, and not give sensibly less water.

Then it must be considered how inferior in original expence this simple machine must be to a mill of any kind which would raise 10 cubic feet 96 feet high in a minute, and how small the repairs on it need be, when compared with a mill.

And, lastly, let it be noticed, that such a machine can be used where no mill whatever can be put in motion. A small stream of water, which would not move any kind of wheel, will here raise one-third of its own quantity to the same height; working as fast as it is supplied.

For all these reasons, we think that the Hungarian machine eminently deserves the attention of mathemati cians and engineers, to bring it to its utmost perfection, and into general use. There are situations where this kind of machine may be very useful. Thus, where the tide rises 17 feet, it may be used for compressing air to seven-eighths of its bulk; and a pipe leading from a very large vessel inverted in it, may be used for raising the water from a vessel of one eighth of its capacity 17 feet high; or if this vessel has only of the capacity of the large one set in the tide way, two pipes may be led from it, one into the small vessel and the other into an equal vessel 16 feet higher, which receives the water from the first. Thus one sixteenth of the water may be raised 34 feet, and a smaller quantity to a still greater height; and this with a kind of power that can hardly be applied in any other way. Machines of this kind are described by Schottus, Sturmius, Leupold, and other old writers; and they should not be forgotten, because opportunities


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