Gambar halaman

of Air.

water be perfectly incompressible. We think that this Undulation may be made intelligible with very little trouble. A a Bb C

Undulation as when the philosopher explains the resounding of a musical chord to a flute or pipe which gave the same tone; or by showing that this circumstance of the undulation always accompanies the phenomenon, as when the philosopher shows that 233 vibrations of air in a second, in whatever manner or by whatever cause they are produced, always are followed by the sensation of the tone C in the middle of the harpsichord.

329 has be

But here we must observe, that, with the exception of Euler's unsuccessful attempt to explain the optical phenomena by the undulations of ether, we have met with no explanation of natural phenomena, by means of elastic and vibrating fluids, where the author has so much as attempted any one of these three things, so indispensably requisite in a logical explanation. They have talked of vibrations without describing them, or giving the reader the least notion of what kind they are; and in no instance that we can recollect have they showed how such vibrations could have any influence in the phenomenon. Indeed, by not describing with precision the undulations, they were freed from the task of showing them to be mechanical causes of the phenomenon; and when any of them show any analogy between the general laws of elastic undulations and the general laws of the phenomenon, the analogy is so vague, indistinct, or partial, that no person of common prudence would receive it as argument in any case in which he was much interested.

We think it our duty to remonstrate against this slocome the venly way of writing: we would even hold it up to refoundation probation. It has been chiefly on this faithless foundaof mate- tion that the blind vanity of men has raised that degrading system of opinions called MATERIALISM, by which the affections and faculties of the soul of man have been resolved into vibrations and pulses of ether.



Of the mortion of elastic fluids.


331 How they

differ from unelastic

fluids in


ting any agitation of their parts.

We also think it our duty to give some account of this motion of elastic fluids. It must be such an account as shall be understood by those who are not mathematicians, because those only are in danger of being misled by the improper application of them. Mathematical discussion is, however, unavoidable in a subject purely mathematical; but we shall introduce nothing that may not be easily understood or confided in; and we trust that mathematical readers will excuse us for a mode of reasoning which appears to them lax and inelegant.

The first thing incumbent on us is to show how elastic fluids differ from the unelastic in the propagation of any agitation of the parts. When a long tube is filled with water, and any one part of it pushed out of its place, the whole is instantly moved like a solid mass. But this is not the case with air. If a door be suddenly shut, the window at the farther end of a long and close room will rattle; but some time will elapse between the shutting of the door and the motion of the window. If some light dust be lying on a braced drum, and another be violently beat at a little distance from it, an attentive observer will see the dust dance up from the parchment; but this will be at the instant he hears the sound of the stroke on the other drum, and a sensible time after the stroke. Many such familiar facts show that the agitation is gradually communicated along the air; and therefore that when one particle is agitated by any sensible motion, a finite time, however small, must elapse before the adjoining particle is agitated in the same manner. This would not be the case in water if

VOL. XVI. Part II.

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Let A, B, C, D, &c. be a row of aerial particles, at such distances that their elasticity just balances the pressure of the atmosphere; and let us suppose (as is deducible from the observed density of air being proportional to the compressing force) that the elasticity of the particles, by which they keep each other at a distance, is as their distances inversely. Let us farther suppose that the particle A has been carried, with an uniform motion, to a by some external force. It is evident that B cannot remain in its present state; for being now nearer to a than to C, it is propelled towards C by the excess of the elasticity of A above the natural elasticity of C. Let E be the natural elasticity of the particles, or the force corresponding to the distance BC or BA, and let F be the force which impels B towards C, and let f be the force exerted by A when at a. We have

Ef Ba BC, B a: BA;


and Ef-E-B a: BA-B a=B a: A a; or E: F-Ba: A a.

of Air.

Now in fig. 89. let ABC be the line joining three Fig. 89. particles, to which draw FG, PH parallel, and IAF, HBG perpendicular. Take IF or HG to represent the elasticity corresponding to the distance AB. Let the particle A be supposed to have been carried with an uniform motion to a by some external force, and draw Ra M perpendicular to RG, and make FI : RM= Ba: BA. We shall then have FI: PM-Ba: Aa; and PM will represent the force with which the particle B is urged towards C. Suppose this construction to be made for every point of the line AB, and that a point M is thus determined for each of them, mathematicians know that all these points M lie in the curve of a hyperbola, of which FG and GH are the asymptotes. It it is also known by the elements of mechanics, that since the motion of A along AB is uniform, A a or IP may be taken to represent the time of describing A a; and that the area IPM represents the whole velocity which B has acquired in its motion towards C when A has come to a, the force urging B being always as the portion PM of the ordinate.

Take GX of any length in HG produced, and let GX represent the velocity which the uniform action of the natural elasticity IF could communicate to the particle B during the time that A would uniformly describe AB. Make GX to GY as the rectangle IFGH to the hyperbolic space IFRM, and draw YS cutting MR produced in S, and draw FX cutting MR in T. It is known to the mathematicians that the point S is in a curve line FSs called the logarithmic curve; of which the leading property is, that any line RS parallel to GX is to GX as the rectangle IFGH is to the hyperbolic space IFRM, and that FX touches the curve in F.

This being the case, it is plain, that because RT increases in the same proportion with FR, or with the rectangle IFRP, and RS increases in the proportion of the space IFRM, TS increases in the proportion of the space IPM. Therefore TS is proportional to the velocity 4 Z


of Air.

propagation of the original agitation, goes on with an Undulation uniform velocity.

Undulation of B when A has reached a, and RT is proportional to the velocity which the uniform action of the natural elasticity would communicate to B in the same time. Then since FT is as the time, and TS is as the velocity, the area FTS will be as the space described by B (urged by the variable force PM); while A, urged by the external force, describes Aa; and the triangle FRT will represent the space which the uniform action of the natural elasticity would cause B to describe in the same time.

And thus it is plain that these three motions can be compared together: the uniform motion of the agitated particle A, the uniformly accelerated motion which the natural elasticity would communicate to B by its constant action, and the motion produced in B by the agitation of A. But this comparison, requiring the quadrature of the hyperbola and logarithmic curve, would lead us into most intricate and tedious computations. Of these we need only give the result, and make some other comparisons which are palpable.

Let A a be supposed indefinitely small in comparison of AB. The space described by A is therefore indefinitely small; but in this case we know that the ratio of the space FRT to the rectangle IFRP is indefinitely small. There is therefore no comparison between the agitation of A by the external force, and the agitation which natural elasticity would produce on a single particle in the same time, the last being incomparably smaller than the first. And this space FRT is incomparably greater than FTS; and therefore the space which B would describe by the uniform action of the natural elasticity is incomparably greater than what it would describe in consequence of the agitation of A.

From this reasoning we see evidently that A must be sensibly moved, or a finite or measurable time must elapse before B acquires a measurable motion. In like manner B must move during a measurable time before C acquires a measurable motion, &c. ; and therefore the agitation of A is communicated to the distant particles in gradual succession.

By a farther comparison of these spaces we learn the time in which each succeeding particle acquires the very agitation of A. If the particles B and C only are considered, and the motion of C neglected, it will be found that B has acquired the motion of A a little before it has described of the space described by A; but if the 量 motion C be considered, the acceleration of B must be increased by the retreat of C, and B must describe a greater space in proportion to that described by A. By computation it appears, that when both B and C have acquired the velocity of A, B has described nearly of A's motion, and C more nearly. Extending this to D, we shall find that D has described still more nearly of A's motion. And from the nature of the computation it appears that this approximation goes on rapidly therefore, supposing it accurate from the very first particle, it follows from the equable motion of A, that each succeeding particle moves through an equal space in acquiring the motion of A.

The conclusion which we must draw from all this is, that when the agitation of A has been fully communicated to a particle at a sensible distance, the intervening particles all moving forward with a common velocity, are equally compressed as to sense, except a very few of the first particles; and that this communication, or this

These computations need not be attended to by such as do not wish for an accurate knowledge of the precise agitation of each particle. It is enough for such readers to see clearly that time must escape between the agitation of A and that of a distant particle; and this is abundantly manifest from the incomparability (excuse the term) of the nascent rectangle IFRP with the nascent triangle FRT, and the incomparability of FRT with FTS.

of Air

tion on th

What has now been shown of the communication of any sensible motion A a must hold equally with respect to any change of this motion. Therefore if a tremulous motion of a body, such as a spring or bell, should agitate the adjoining particle A by pushing it forward in the direction AB, and then allowing it to come back again in the direction BA, an agitation similar to this will take place in all the particles of the row one after 333 the other. Now if this body vibrate according to the Newton's law of motion of a pendulum vibrating in a cycloid, the demenstr neighbouring particle of air will of necessity vibrate in subject jasz the same manner; and then Newton's demonstration in as far as a art. ACOUSTICS needs no apology. Its only deficiency goes; was, that it seemed to prove that this would be the way in which every particle would of necessity vibrate; which is not true, for the successive parcels of air will be differently agitated according to the original agitation. Newton only wants to prove the uniform propagation of the agitations, and he selects that form which renders the proof easiest. He proves, in the most unexceptionable manner, that if the particles of a pulse of air are really moving like a cycloidal pendulum, the forces acting on each particle, in consequence of the compression and dilatation of the different parts of the pulse, are precisely such as are necessary for continuing this motion, and therefore no other forces are required. Then since each particle is in a certain part of its path, is moving in a certain direction and with a certain velocity, and urged by a determined force, it must move in that very manner. The objection started by John Bernouilli against Newton's demonstration (in a single line) of the elliptical motion of a body urged by a force in the inverse duplicate ratio of the distance from the focus, is precisely the same with the objection against Newton's demonstration of the progress of aerial undulations, and is equally futile.

It must, however, be observed, that Newton's demonstration proceeds on the supposition that the linear agitations of a particle are incomparably smaller than the extent of an undulation. This is not strictly the case in any instance, and in many it is far from being true. In a pretty strong twang of a harpsichord wire, the agitation of a particle may be near the 50th part of the extent of the undulation. This must disturb the regula rity of the motion, and cause the agitations in the remote undulations to differ from those in the first pulse. In the explosion of a cannon, the breaking of an exhausted bottle, and many instances which may be given, the agitations are still greater. The commentators on Newton's Principia, Le Sueur and Jacquier, have shown, and Euler more clearly, that when the original agitations are very violent, the particles of air will acquire a subordinate vibration compounded with the regular cycloidal vibration, and the progress of the pulses will be


Undulation somewhat more rapid; but the intricacy of the calculus of Air. is so great, that they have not been able to determine with any tolerable precision what the change of velocity will be.

333 it is strengthened by com

a distance.

All this, however, is fully confirmed by experiment on sounds. The sound of a cannon at 10 or 20 miles paring the distance does not in the least resemble its sound when sound of a near. In this case it is a loud instantaneous crack, to cannon which we can assign no musical pitch at a distance, it near and at is a grave sound, of which we can tell the note; and it begins softly, swells to its greatest loudness, and then dies away growling. The same may be said of a clap of thunder, which we know to be a loud snap of still less duration. It is highly probable that the appreciable tones which those distant sounds afford are produced by the continuance of these subordinate vibrations which are added together and fortified in the successive pulses, though not perceptible in the first, in a way somewhat resembling the resonance of a musical chord. Newton's explanation gathers evidence therefore from this circumstance. And we must further observe, that all elastic bodies tremble or vibrate almost precisely as a pendulum swinging in a cycloid, unless their vibrations are uncommonly violent; in which case they are quickly reduced to a moderate quantity by the resistance of the air. The only very loud sounds which we can produce in this way are from great bells; and in these the utmost extent of the vibration is very small in comparison with the breadth of the pulse. The velocity of these sounds has not been compared with that of cannon, or perhaps it would be found less, and an objection against Newton's determination removed. He gives 969 feet per second, Experiment 1142.


The agitation in all probability in the suc


pulses as sumes a eycloidal form.


But it is also very probable, that in the propagation through the air, the agitation gradually and rapidly approaches to this regular cycloidal form in the successive pulses, in the same way as we observe that whatever is the form of agitation in the middle of a smooth pond of water, the spreading circles are always of one gentle form without asperities. In like manner, into whatever form we throw a stretched cord by the twang which we give it, it almost immediately makes smooth undulations, keeping itself in the shape of an elongated trochoid. Of this last we can demonstrate the necessity, because the case is simple. In the wave, the investigation is next to impossible; but we see the fact. We may therefore presume it in air. And accordingly we know that any noise, however abrupt and jarring, near at hand, is smooth at a distance. Nothing is more rough and harsh than the scream of a heron; but at half a mile's distance it is soft. The ruffle of a drum is also smooth at a distance.

Fig. 90. shows the successive situations of the partifig. 90. cles of a row. Each line of the figure shows the same particles marked with the same letters; the first particle a being supposed to be removed successively from its quiescent situation and back to it again. The mark × is put on that part of each line where the agitated particles are at their natural distances, and the air is of the natural density. The mark 1 is put where the air is most of all compressed, and where it is most of all dilated; the curve line drawn through the lowest line of the figure is intended to represent the density in every point, by drawing ordinates to it from the straight line: the

ordinates below the line indicate a rarity, and those Undulation above the line a density, greater than common.

It appears that when a has come back to its natural situation, the part of greatest density is between the particles i and k, and the greatest rarity between e

and d.

We have only to add, that the velocity of this propagation depends on the elasticity and density of the fluid. If these vary in the same proportion, that is, if the fluid has its elasticity proportional to its density, the velocity will remain the same. If the elasticity or density alone be changed, the velocity of the undulations will change in the direct subduplicate ratio of the elasticity and the inverse subduplicate ratio of the density; for should the elasticity be quadrupled, the quantity of motion produced by it in any given time will be quadrupled. This will be the case if the velocity be doubled; for there would then be double the number of particles doubly agitated. Should the density be quadrupled, the elasticity remaining the same, the quantity of motion must remain the same. This will be the case if the velocity be reduced to one half; for this will propagate half the agitation to half the distance, which will communicate it to twice the number of particles, and the quantity of motion will remain the same. The same may be said of other proportions, and therefore V

VE Therefore a change in the barometer will


not affect the velocity of the undulations in air; but they will be accelerated by heat, which diminishes its density, or increases its elasticity. The velocity of the pulses in inflammable air must be at least thrice as great, because its density is but one-tenth of that of air when the elasticity of both are the same.

of Air.


Let us now attend a little to the propagation of aerial Further pulses as they really happen; for this hypothesis of a consideration of aesingle row of particles is nowhere to be observed. rial pulses Suppose a sphere A, fig. 91. filled with condensed air, as they and that the vessel which contains it is suddenly annihi- really oclated. The air must expand to its natural dimensions, cur. suppose BCD. But it cannot do this without pressing Fig. 91. aside the surrounding air. We have seen that in any single row of particles this cannot be at once diffused to a distance, but must produce a condensation in the air adjoining; which will be gradually propagated to a distance. Therefore this sphere BCD of the common density will form round it a shell, bounded by EFG, of condensed air. Suppose that at this instant the inner air BCD becomes solid. The shell of condensed air can expand only outwards. Let it expand till it is of the common density, occupying the shell HIK. This expansion, in like manner, must produce a shell of condensed air without it: at this instant let HIK become solid. The surrounding shell of condensed air can expand only outward, condensing another shell without it. It is plain that this must go on continually, and the central agitation will be gradually propagated to a distance in all directions. But, in this process, it is not the same numerical particles that go to a distance. Those of the original sphere go no further than BCD, those of the next shall go no further than HIK, &c. Farther, the expansion outwards of any particle will be more moderate as the diffusion advances; for the whole motion of 422 each

Undulation each shell cannot exceed the original quantity of moOf Air. tion; and the number of particles in each successive shell increases as the surface, that is, as the square of the distance from the centre; therefore the agitation of the particles will decrease in the same ratio, or will be in the inverse duplicate ratio of the distance from the centre. Each successive shell, therefore, contains the same quantity of motion, and the successive agitations of the particles of any row out from the centre will not be equal to the original agitation, as happens in the solitary row. But this does not affect the velocity of the propagation, because all agitations are propagated equally fast.

We supposed the air A to become solid as soon as it acquired the common density; but this was to facilitate the conception of the diffusion. It does not stop at this bulk; for while it was denser it had a tendency to expand. Therefore each particle has attained this distance with an accelerated motion. It will, therefore, continue this motion like a pendulum that has passed the perpendicular, till it is brought to rest by the air without it; and it is now rarer than common air, and collapses again by the greater elasticity of the air without it. This outward air, therefore, in regaining its natural density, must expand both ways. It expands towards the centre, following the collapsing of the air within it; and it expands outwards, condensing the air beyond it. By expanding inwards, it will again condense the air within it, and this will again expand; a similar motion happens in all the outward shells; and thus there is propagated a succession of condensed and rarefied shells of air, which gradually swell to the greatest distance.

It may be demonstrated, that when the central air has for the second time acquired the natural density, it will be at rest, and be disturbed no more; and that this will happen to all the shells in succession. But the demonstration is much too intricate for this place; we must be contented with pointing out a fact perfectly Application analogous. When we drop a small pebble into water, of the fact we see it produce a series of circular waves, which go of dropping a pebble along the surface of smooth water to a great distance, into water. becoming more and more gentle as they recede from the


centre; and the middle, where the agitation was first produced, remains perfectly smooth, and this smoothness extends continually; that is, each wave when brought to a level remains at rest. Now these waves are produced and propagated by the depression and elevation made at the centre. The elevation tends to diffuse itself; and the force with which each particle of water is actuated is a force acting directly up and down, and is proportional to the elevation or depression of the particle. This hydrostatical pressure operates precisely in the same way as the condensation and rarefaction of the air; and the mathematical investigation of the propagation of the circular undulations on smooth water is similar in every step to that of the propagation of the spherical waves in still air. For this we appeal to Newton's Principia, or to Euler's Opuscula, where he gives a very beautiful investigation of the velocity of the aerial pulses; and to some memoirs of de la Grange in the collections of the academies of Berlin and Turin. These two last authors have made the investigation as simple as seems possible, and have freed it from every objection which can be stated against the geometrical one of their great teacher Newton.


Having said this much on the similarity between the Undulatin waves on water and the aerial undulations, we shall Of A have recourse to them, as affording us a very sensible ob-→→→ ject to represent many affections of the other which it would be extremely difficult to explain. We neither see of water nor feel the aerial undulations; and they behoved, there- are useful fore, to be described very abstractedly and imperfectly. for expit In the watery wave there is no permanent progressive ing those motion of the water from the centre. Throw a small bit of air. of cork on the surface, and it will be observed to popple up and down without the least motion outwards. In like manner, the particles of air are only agitated a very little outwards and inwards; which motion is communicated to the particles beyond them, while they themselves come to rest, unless agitated afresh; and this agi tation of the particles is inconceivably small. Even the explosion of a cannon at no great distance will but gently agitate a feather, giving it a single impulse outwards, and immediately after another inwards or towards the cannon. When a harpsichord wire is forcibly twanged at a few feet distance, the agitation of the air is next to insensible. It is not, however, nothing; and it differs from that in a watery wave by being really outwards and inwards. In consequence of this, when the condensed shell reaches an elastic body, it impels it slightly. If its elasticity be such as to make it ac quire the opposite shape at the instant that the next agitation and condensed shell of air touches it, its agitation will be doubled, and a third agitation will increase it, and so on, till it acquire the agitation competent to that of the shell of air which reaches it, and it is thrown into sensible vibration, and gives a sound extremely faint indeed, because the agitation which it ac quires is that corresponding to a shell of air considerably removed from the original string. Hence it hap pens that a musical chord, pipe, or bell, will cause another to resound, whose vibrations are isochronous with its own; or if the vibrations of the one coincides with every second, or third, or fourth, &c. of the other; just as we can put a very heavy pendulum into sensible motion by giving it a gentle puff with the breath at every vibration, or at every second, third, or fourth, &c. A drum struck in the neighbourhood of another drum will agitate it very sensibly; for here the stroke depresses a very considerable surface, and produces an agitation of a considerable mass of air: it will even agitate the surface of stagnant water. The explosion of a cannon will even break a neighbouring window. The shell of condensed air which comes against the glass has a great surface and a great agitation: the best security in this case is to throw up the sash; this admits the condensed air into the room, which acts on the inside of the window, balancing part of the external impulse.

of water

sre in t


It is demonstrated in every elementary treatise of na-Fer wa tural philosophy, that when a wave on water meets any of air and plane obstacle, it is reflected by it from a centre equal. ly removed behind the obstacle; that waves radiating from the focus of a parabola are reflected in waves per- very pendicular to its axis; that waves radiating from one lar focus of an ellipse are made to converge to the other focus, &c. &c. All this may be affirmed of the aerial undulations; that when part of a wave gets through a hole in the obstacle, it becomes the centre of a new series of waves; that waves bend round the extremities


Undulation of an obstacle: all this happens in the aerial undulaof Air. tions. And lastly, that when the surface of water is thrown into regular undulations by one agitation, another agitation in another place will produce other regular waves, which will cross the former without disturbing them in the smallest degree. The same thing happens in air; and experiments may be made on water which will illustrate in the most perfect manner many other affections of the aerial pulses, which we should otherwise conceive very imperfectly. We would recommend to our curious readers to make some of these experiments in a large vessel of milk. Take a long and narrow plate of lead, which, when set on the bottom of the vessel, will reach above the surface of the milk; bend this plate into a parabola, elliptical or other curve. Make the undulations by dropping milk on the focus from a small pipe, which will cause the agitations to succeed with rapidity, and then all that we have said will be most distinctly seen, and the experiment will be very amusing and instructive, especially to the musical reader.


Caution to the sup

æthers, ani


We would now request all who make or read explanations of natural phenomena by means of vibrations of porters of æthers, animal spirits, nervous fluids, &c. to fix their mal spirits, attention on the nature of the agitation in one of these undulations. Let him consider whether this can produce the phenomenon, acting as any matter must act, by im pulse or by pressure. If he sees that it can produce the phenomenon, he will be able to point out the very motion it will produce, both in quantity and direction, in the same manner as Sir Isaac Newton has pointed out all the irregularities of the moon's motion produced by the disturbing force of the sun. If he cannot do this, he fails in giving the first evidence of a mechanical explanation by the action of an elastic vibrating fluid. Let him then try to point out some palpable connection between the general phenomena of elastic undulations and the phenomena in question; this would show an accompaniment to have at least some probability. It is thus only we learn that the undulations of air produce sound: we cannot tell how they affect the mechanism of the ear; but we see that the phenomena of sound always accompany them, and that certain modifications of the one are regularly accompanied by certain modifications of the other. If we cannot do this neither, we have derived neither explanation nor illustration from the elastic fluid. And lastly, let him remember that even if he should be able to show the competency of this fluid to the production of the phenomenon, the whole is still an hypothesis, because we do not know that such a fluid exists.

unknown substances.

340 The folly We will venture to say, that whoever will proceed in of appeal this prudent manner will soon see the futility of most ing to such of the explanations of this kind which have been given. They are unfit for any but consummate mathematicians; for they alone really understand the mechanism of aerial undulations, and even they speak of them with hesitation as a thing but imperfectly understood. But even the unlearned in this science can see the incompatibility of the hypotheses with many things which they are brought to explain. To take an instance of the conveyance of sensation along the nerves; an elastic fluid is supposed to occupy them, and the undulations of this fluid are thought to be propagated along the nerves. Let us just think a little how the undula

tions would be conveyed along the surface of a canal Air's which was completely filled up with reeds and bul- Pressure. rushes, or let us make the experiment on such a canal: we may rest assured that the undulations in the one case will resemble those in the other; and we may see that in the canal there will be no regular or sensible propagation of the waves.

Let these observations have their influence, along with others which we have made on other occasions, to wean our readers from this fashionable proneness to introduce invisible fluids and unknown vibrations into our physical discussions. They have done immense, and we fear irreparable, mischief in science; and there is but one phenomenon that has ever received any explanation by their means.

This may suffice for a loose and popular account of aerial undulations; and with it we conclude our account of the motion, impulse, and resistance of air.

We shall now explain a number of natural appearances, depending on its pressure and elasticity, appearances not sufficiently general, or too complicated for the purposes of argument, while we were employed in the investigation of these properties, but too important to be passed over in silence.


casions the

It is owing to the pressure of the atmosphere that The air's two surfaces which accurately fit each other cohere with pressure ocsuch force. This is a fact familiarly known to the glass-casions of grinders, polishers of marble, &c. A large lense or two surspeculum, ground on its tool till it becomes very smooth, faces accurequires more than any man's strength to separate it di-rately fitrectly from the tool. If the surface is only a square ting each other; inch, it will require 15 pounds to separate them perpendicularly, though a very moderate force will make them slide along each other. But this cohesion is not observed unless the surfaces are wetted or smeared with oil or grease; otherwise the air gets between them, and they separate without any trouble. That this cohesion is owing to the atmospheric pressure, is evident from the ease with which the plates may be separated in an exhausted receiver.


to rocks.

To the same cause we must ascribe the very strong and the adadhesion of snails, periwinkles, limpets, and other uni- hesion of valve shells, to the rocks. The animal forms the rim snails, &c. of its shell, so as to fit the shape of the rock to which it intends to cling. It then fills its shell (if not already filled by its own body) with water. In this condition it is evident that we must act with a force equal to 15 pounds for every square inch of touching surface before we can detach it. This may be illustrated by filling a drinking glass to the brim with water; and having covered it with a piece of thin wet leather, whelm it on a table, and then try to pull it straight up; it will require a considerable force. But if we expose a snail adhering to a stone in the exhausted receiver, we shall see it drop off by its own weight. In the same manner do the remora, the polypus, the lamprey, and many other animals, adhere with such firmness. Boys frequently amuse themselves by pulling out large stones from the pavement by means of a circle of stiff wetted leather fastened to a string. It is owing to the same cause that the bivalve shell fishes keep themselves so firmly shut. We think the muscular force of an oyster prodigious, because it requires such force to open it; but if we grind off a bit of the convex shell, so as to make a hole in it, though without hurting the fish in the small

est. 1

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