H. M. DOUTY, Chief, Division of Wages and Industrial Relations W. DUANE EVANS, Chief, Division of Interindustry Economics EDWARD D. HOLLANDER, Chief, Division of Prices and Cost of Living WALTER G. KEIM, Chief, Division of Field Service PAUL R. KERSCHBAUM, Chief, Office of Program Planning LAWRENCE R. KLEIN, Chief, Office of Publications D'ALTON B. MYERS, Chief, Division of Productivity and Technological Developments DAVID J. SAPOSS, Special Assistant to the Commissioner WALTER W. SCHNEIDER, Acting Chief, Division of Construction Statistics OSCAR WEIGERT, Chief, Division of Foreign Labor Conditions FAITH M. WILLIAMS, Chief, Office of Labor Economics SEYMOUR L. WOLFBEIN, Chief, Division of Manpower and Employment Statistics For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. Price 55 cents a copy. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR. BUREAU OF LABOR STATISTICS LAWRENCE R. KLEIN, Editor CONTENTS Special Articles 373 Financing of Union Activities 381 The Employer's Duty To Supply Data for Collective Bargaining Summaries of Studies and Reports 400 United Nations Report on World Social Situation 401 Future Production and Employment in the United States 403 Woolen and Worsted Textiles Earnings in April-May 1952 408 Wage Chronology No. 8: Full-Fashioned Hosiery, Supplement No. 2 410 Wage Chronology No. 17: North Atlantic Longshoring, Supplement 413 Earnings in Selected Industries in Late 1951 and Early 1952: Departments III The Labor Month in Review Recent Decisions of Interest to Labor 432 Chronology of Recent Labor Events 433 Developments in Industrial Relations October 1952. Vol. 75. No. 4 Now Available Community Wage Studies for 40 Major Labor Market Areas These bulletins, for sale at the indicated prices, provide, for each area, • Separate data (where possible) for manufacturing, utilities, trade, finance, • Summaries of prevailing work schedules, shift differentials, vacations, • Special information on important local occupations and union wage ORDER ONLY FROM SUPERINTENDENT OF DOCUMENTS, WASHINGTON 25, D. C. |