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clusion, that because they have served others, they must of necessity have been actuated by the desire to serve themselves.

Is there one who shall read these poor remarks, whom God has blessed with the means, and who is fostering the intention in his heart at some future day to erect a row of almshouses? If with a single eye to God's glory and the good of his fellow beings, such is his design, highly do I honour him; but let not such an one think that old Humphrey will for a moment spare the selfish ambition, the poor pitiful vanity of doing a deed of apparent benevolence, that his name may be trumpeted about in the world, and handed down to posterity as a miracle of philanthropy. I will not say with the poet,

"Who builds a house to God and not to fame, Will never mark the marble with his name;"

because, in many cases, it is an advantage, if not absolutely necessary, that the name of the founder of a charity should be made public; but I do say, that a man should remember, even when he scatters his bounty with the most liberal hand, that he is only bestowing a part of what God has already bestowed upon him; and therefore thankfulness and not pride, should be the mainspring of his actions.


nevolence to man is the soul of thanksgiving to God, especially when exercised towards God's people, and that the Lord of life and glory condescends to accept such offerings, is, I think, borne out by the words, Whosoever shall give to drink unto one of these little ones a cup of cold water only in the name of a disciple, verily I say unto you, he shall in no wise lose his reward," Matt. x. 42. And "inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me," Matt. xxv. 40.


As I was passing by a knot of houses, or rather low huts, near the southern gate of Macao, that opens into the Campo, I witnessed the dues of mourning, that were paid to a poor old woman, who, from the pliancy of her limbs, seemed not long since to have breathed her last.

She was laid upon the ground clad in a blue frock, a new shirt, and a pair of gay and freshly made shoes. At her feet were two wax candles, dyed with red and painted with figures externally. Wax candles dyed with red are often made of a large size, and are ornamented with a variety of curious devices of the pencil. They are used in temples and at different religious festivities by those who can afford the cost of them. The manufacture of these emblems of worship yields employment to many hands in a country wholly given to idolatry. Between the candles a stick of sweet incense was fuming, and hard by were scattered bundles of gilded paper in square pieces, and a roll of larger sheets, which were afterwards burnt at a certain point of the ceremony; for it is supposed that whatever is committed to the flames in honour of the dead, as a representative, is transformed into some reality corresponding to it in another world, for the service of the spirit in its sojourn there. What a strange and futile method of attempting to lay up treasure in heaven!

Some of the sculptured resemblances of the founders of almshouses are ludicrously uncouth. No longer ago than yesterday, I was standing opposite one of them. There stood the benevolent man in his flowing robe, long curls, waistcoat half down his thighs, and shoes nearly up to his ancles, with a gold collar and gold chain hanging from his neck. His left foot was advanced so much before the other, that he seemed to be holding out his leg to call forth the admiration of the spectator; and this, for odd thoughts sometimes come into my mind, set me musing on the words of holy writ. The Lord “delighteth not in the strength of the horse he taketh not pleasure in the A man of a respectable appearance put legs of a man. The Lord taketh plea-on a cap and a grey vesture, took a cup sure in them that fear him, in those that of wine in one hand and a small bell in hope in his mercy," Psa. cxlvii. 10, 11. the other. He commenced his part by For the last time, I say then, that sipping a little of the liquor and blowing I like almshouses heartily, and that it towards the deceased as he stood at her I like those heartily that found them, feet. He then chanted several strains by and those who inhabit them. More way of spell or prayer, and sounded the than once have I said that active be- little bell as an accompaniment to his

voice. At intervals, he stopped to repeat the first ceremony with the wine, or to dip his finger into the cup and throw a drop or two towards the corpse. One of the bystanders inquired if I understood what the man was saying; I replied no, and asked him the same question, to which he replied in the affirmative. This chanting being ended, one of the attendants, who were all males, spread a piece of cloth, of a grey colour, at the bottom of a neatly made coffin, another covered the face with a piece of red cloth and laid hold of the head, a third gathered the border of the shirt between the legs, while a fourth laid his hands upon the body. In this way it was taken up and laid into the coffin with much apparent neatness and decency.


imagine that the disembodied spirit inhales the purer draughts of happiness among the genii that haunt the hills and mountains, they say and do many things, at the same time, which intimate that they belong to the class of them who sorrow as those that have no hope.

I once felt this very powerfully as I entered the room which had been consecrated to the dead son of a great merchant. A tablet was erected to his memory, and what we may call an altar and a shrine. Upon the altar stood a bason of ricè, and a cup of tea. The youth was dearly beloved, and had, while living, been nursed amidst a profusion of luxuries; but now his poor spirit was supposed to be glad of a morsel of the cheapest fare and a sip of the least costly beverage. How comfortless is idolatry even in imagination! Christianity, apart from its high sanctions and its present joys and consolations, has an infinitely greater claim to our attention in the rewards which it sets before us in reference to another world.

The superstition and false religion of the Chinese deserve our notice from their antiquity, but much more for the important admissions which they contain. In the little ceremony we have just

After this, one took a bundle of gilt paper and placed it as a pillow for her head. This gilt paper is the representative of money, and so was put into the coffin to aid her in the world of spirits! How pertinent are some things, how emblematic of the truth! these folks pillow their hopes upon money, and all is given in exchange for it; honour, virtue, truth, and every thing else, are bartered for it in China. It were well if that country alone was liable to this censure; for what have we to boast of who learn from ex-spoken of, we see two or three things perience as well as from Divine precept, which may be dignified with the name that we cannot serve God and mammon? of principles, however darkly conceived, The female friends or intimates of the or grossly misapplied. In the priest, deceased stood at a distance, but mani, who, as I was afterwards told, performed fested some concern in their looks, which these rites to dispel evil spirits, that the was far from being the case with the soul might gain its way towards the reroguish boys who acted the part of minis-gions of the happy, we have the idea of ters or waiters; their looks were blithe, a mediator. Mediation seems to be esand their communications as foolish as sential to the character of a priest whereusual. Soon after the body had been put ever we find it. An individual is more into its last bed, a decent-looking female holy than I am, and, therefore, more fit came to pay her respects to the dead. to speak with God for me than I am to Ere she had reached the spot, she began speak for myself; or he has a power to cry in an agonizing manner, and, over evil spirits, so that he can protect drawing near, fell down upon the ground, me from my unseen foes, and is, thereand continued her lamentations for some fore, a person under whose wing I may time. These sorrows and wailings no hope to find shelter. Upon this notion one attempted to assuage, as by them one may found in China, as in many proper marks of esteem and regret are other places, as upon a general premise, shown for the dead. an argument for the truth. Tradition, or some instinctive feeling, has taught man that he has potent enemies, though he cannot see them, and a consciousness of guilt and depravity leads him to think that he is not a proper person to treat with God. The gospel meets him at this very point, and tells him of Christ, who hath trampled Satan under his feet,

I forgot to mention that another old lady, while the chant was singing, came near the deceased, and, bowing low, with a demure countenance, uttered some expressions of kindness and commiseration. For while they bow to, or worship the departed, as if they thought them raised to a higher condition, and are fain to

and hath an infinite worthiness to in- | caverns at the point of day. They lay tercede with God in behalf of all that love him.

Beside a glimpse at what resembles the mediatorial office in the ceremonies performed for the dead, we have the acknowledgment that the soul outlives the body, and that it is susceptible of happiness or misery in some unknown region. No arguments, therefore, of a theoretical kind are necessary to convince a Chinese that it is his duty to reflect upon what may be the future state of his soul, and instruction should be directed to the setting forth of those means by which, under the Spirit's guidance, he may be enabled to discharge that duty aright. In proportion to the love I bear to this people, my heart is touched with pity when I see them groping in the dark, mistaking shadows for realities, and, amidst the comforts and refinements of this life, making their way towards a land of everlasting banishment from God. "As many as have sinned without law shall also perish without law," Rom. ii. 12. God has loved these strangers in giving them food and raiment, Deut. x. 18; may He who is the Governor among the nations ere long break down the wall of exclusion, and let in the rays of the glorious gospel upon this great and ancient nation! G. T. L.


their eggs in March and April, and at each period produce from two to three eggs, the size of those of a pigeon, white, and spotted with yellow. The nest, in shape, resembles the great Boletus, from which tinder is made, and is so little hollow in the middle, that it is probably surrounded at the edge by a pad of down, when required to hold the eggs or young birds. It is fixed to the rock like a cornice, and lasts several years; it is formed by masticated and digested materials, placed by the beak, and kneaded with the feet; and, when broken, looks like a cake of sawdust, or tan, and burns like peat, without any decided animal odour.-Athenæum.


Ir was a great vanity in Dionysius that he would needs be the best poet; and in Caligula that he would needs be the best orator; and in Nero, that he would needs be the best fiddler; and so they became the three worst princes, minding other men's business more than their own callings. So is it very great vanity in many professors to mind more other men's business than their own: from the society of such saints we must withdraw. No man is too noble to have a calling. If iron had reason, it would choose rather to be used in labour, than to grow rusty in a corner. By the law of Mahomet, the Grand Turk himself was to be of A NEW habitat has been found for the some trade. The hour of idleness is curious bird called the Guacharo (Stea- the hour of temptation. An idle person tornis Caripensis,) and Dr. L'Herminier is the devil's tennis-ball, tossed by him and M. Hautessier have completed its at his pleasure. God ordained that the history. The latter has met with it in neck of the consecrated ass should be Spanish Trinidad, where it is sold under broken, Exod. xiii. 13, instead of sathe name of Diablotin, and even the crificing it: peradventure, because that church allows it be eaten on meagre animal hath ever been the hieroglyphic days. The mountains which border the of sloth and laziness. Among the Egypnorth of this island are a continuation of tians idleness was a capital crime. Among the chain of Cumana, interrupted by the Locrians, he that lent money to an idle what are called the Dragon's Mouths, person was to lose it. Among the Corinlittle islands torn asunder by the violence thians, idle persons were delivered to the of the currents, and which are all hol- carnifex. By the laws of Solon idle perlowed into deep caverns. The north side sons were to suffer death. The ancients of the chain is, on the contrary, cut vercall idleness the burial of a living man, tically like a wall, and is unceasingly and Seneca had rather be sick than idle. worn and beaten by an agitated sea. In Now, shall nature do more than grace? the sides of these are caverns inhabited shall poor blind heathens be so severe by the Guacharo, all open just at the against idle persons, and shall Christians place to which the waves rise, and in the embrace them? Should they not rather most exposed and dangerous to the fowler turn their backs upon them and have no these birds chiefly abound. They eat intercourse with them who think themthe seeds of palm and other trees, fly selves too great, or too good to hold the abroad at night, and return to their plough ?-Brooks's Beauty of Holiness.

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THE offices of an English monastery, during three days in the "holy week,' are generally chaunted, and are commonly called tenebræ, from the Latin word for darkness, when thirteen candles are burned; one of each is extinguished at a given portion of the office, till the whole are put out, and the chapel is left in comparative gloom. At the end of these offices, a signal is given by the prior, and immediately knocking with the hands and stamping with the feet are commenced, to imitate, it is said, the rending of the rocks and the throes of the earthquake, at the time of the crucifixion of Christ.

On Holy Thursday, the morning salutation at the cell of each of the brethren is changed. It is then," Christus factus est pro nobis obediens"Christ is made obedient for us:" the answer is, "Usque ad mortem""Even unto death." No private masses can be celebrated on this day; but high mass is performed, at which all the MAY, 1841.

priests receive the eucharist merely as communicants, distinguished from the laity by wearing a stole. After high mass, the consecrated host is taken into the sepulchre. This is done in a procession, which includes all the brethren of the house, each one bearing a lighted torch, and singing a hymn in a deep and melancholy tone.

The sepulchre is a room darkened for the purpose, but, at the same time, highly ornamented with gold and silver vessels. A painting or figure of Christ, as taken from the cross, is seen from a distance lying there, surrounded with moss; and on it the light of two candles is thrown, while they are completely hidden from view.

On the return of the procession from the sepulchre, the priest, deacon, and sub-deacon strip the altar of all its ornaments, every light is extinguished, the doors of the tabernacle are thrown open, and the chapel rendered in appearance as desolate as possible. The remainder of the day, which is one of

fasting and prayer, and the whole of the following night, are employed in watching the sepulchre.

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On Good Friday morning, the salutation is," Usque ad mortem"-" Even unto death ;" and the response, "Mortem autem crucis"-"The death of the cross. Now the altar is clothed in black, and of the same hue are the vestments of the priest, deacon, and sub-deacon, prayers of an unusual length and number, far exceeding those of ordinary times, are said; and the cross taken from the top of the tabernacle is laid on the ground for adoration. This act of worship is performed as follows:-Three cushions are placed at a considerable distance from each other; the worshippers, approaching one by one, kneel on the first cushion, and make a profound obeisance, till the head nearly touches the ground; the same act is repeated at the second cushion, and also at the third; each one then approaches the cross, makes another profound obeisance, and kisses the feet and hands of the crucifix. Such are the practices even in England.

In this act, there is another case of gross idolatry, justified by the highest authorities of the Romish church. St. Thomas Aquinas has fully decided, that "the same reverence is to be given to the image of Christ, as to Christ himself; and that since Christ ought to be worshipped with the worship of latria, (that is, the highest or Divine degree of worship,) his image should receive the same homage." There are other declarations to the same effect.

In the "Manual of Godly Prayers," is the petition, "O God, which, under the admirable sacrament, hast left unto us the memory of thy passion, grant, we beseech thee, that we may so worship the sacred mysteries of thy body and blood, that continually we may feel in us the fruit of thy redemption." And in the "Office of the Venerable Sacrament," printed at Colen, 1591, are the following words :-"O God, who wouldest have the glorious mystery of thy body and blood to remain with us; grant, we pray thee, that we may so worship thy corporeal presence on earth, that we may be worthy to enjoy the vision of it in heaven." Here, again, is the doctrine of merit blending with gross idolatry. Marvellous is that forbearance which delays to take vengeance!-Spirit of Popery.


We shall now attempt a sketch of another class of these minute beings, termed Rotifera, or wheel-bearers. They are to be distinguished from the polygastrica by many important differences of organization. Formerly, both these classes were confounded together, under the indiscriminate name of infusoria, or infusory animalcules; and it is one of the triumphs of modern science, that by means of powerful microscopes, naturalists have been able to explore the structure of these minute beings, and to arrive at a satisfactory conclusion as to the rank they hold in the scale of animated nature; and consequently as to the place to be assigned to them in a system of zoological classification. Not, indeed, that every thing respecting them is clearly made out; on the contrary, much yet remains for future microscopic observers. Many points will, it is probable, be by degrees cleared up; but from the extreme minuteness of these creatures, and from the impossibility, even with the most perfect instruments, of investigating the minuter organs of beings, themselves the minims of creation, much will ever remain inexplicable.

The Rotifera belong to that division of the animal kingdom, termed, by Professor Owen, Nematoneura, from two Greek words, meaning a thread and a nerve, from the circumstance that it is here that the first traces of distinct nerves, in the form of fine threads, begin to make their appearance, and, in some instances, ganglia or rudimentary nervous centres. In addition to this character, distinct muscular fibres are perceptible, arranged in fasciculi, or bundles; and, though there is no heart or great receptacle for the circulating fluid, there is a system of vessels for its due distribution through the frame. The digestive apparatus also assumes a more perfect state, and instead of consisting of mere cavities in the substance of the body itself, it presents a true stomach and intestinal canal, with various appendages. The mode of reproduction is no longer by the division of the parent or adult into new beings, but by eggs or ova, containing the vitalized germ of the future animals.

We have said that in this class the first traces of distinct nerves are manifest; still it is to be observed, that these nerves are not always capable of being

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