United States Code AnnotatedThompson/West Publishing Company, 1983 Comprises all laws of a general and permenent nature under arrangement of the official Code of laws of the United States, with annotations from Federal and State courts. |
Cite This Book | xlix |
formance of Duty and for Certain Other Reasons | 45 |
Death Benefits | 239 |
Hak Cipta | |
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70A Stat 96 Stat active duty Added Pub.L Adm.News administrative Air Force Air Force Board Amendment by Pub.L amount annuity applicable armed forces Army authorized award bidder Board for Correction certiorari certiorari denied chapter clause commissioned officers conscientious objector contract contractor Correction Board Correction of Military cost Ct.Cl Department of Defense determination discharge Effective Date enlisted Explanatory Notes F.Supp Federal former section grade Historical and Revision Historical Note history and purpose last sentence legislative history ment military department Military Records Navy note under section omitted as surplusage payment person plaintiff prescribed procurement purpose of Pub.L regulations retainer pay retired or retainer S.Ct Secretary concerned Secretary of Defense Sept Source Statutes Source U.S. Code Statutes at Large Subsec subsection substituted tion Title 37 U.S. Code Cong U.S.Code United States Code warrant officer words