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provement of our roads and highways. We favor reforms in the law relating to the settlement of estates of decedents to lessen the expense of administration thereof.


May 10.-Resolutions were adopted which unqualifiedly indorse President McKinley and his Administration, which is credited with bringing prosperity. They commend the policy pursued in the Philippines and Porto Rico, and express Republican. the hope that President McKinley will be unanimously renominated. They declare opposition to trusts, while inviting capital to the State. The resolutions also say: "We commend in terms of unqualified praise the attitude of our junior Senator, Edward O. Wolcott, upon all questions affecting the commercial, industrial and financial welfare of our country. Our confidence in him has never been betrayed, and we uphold and sustain him in his every official act." No further mention was made of the financial question.

September 18.-The Republican party of Colorado, in convention assembled, renews its allegiance to the National organization, indorses the foreign and domestic policies of our President, William McKinley, and asserts that in point of wisdom, foresight and patriotic devotion to the interests of the people his Administration is unsurpassed in the annals of American history. His splendid official career has inspired confidence at home and admiration abroad. As a man he is the peer of any American, either past or present. His policy in Cuba, Porto Rico and the Philippines has been able, just, patriotic and humane. He has accomplished more in China by diplomacy than all other nations combined. His record should command the respect and support of all true patriots. The platform then accepts the Democratic issue of imperialism as the basis of the contest, praises Theodore Roosevelt, and continues: The Republican party has been the constant and ever faithful friend of the home builder and settler in the West. It believes in free homes for free men. It was the father of the beneficent homestead law and secured its enactment against the bitter opposition of the Democratic party in Congress. Republican legislation gave land to the landless and homes to the homeless, and that party will continue to be the steadfast champion and defender of the home builder and the pioneer. We favor only such changes in existing land laws as have for their object the advancement of the welfare and prosperity of the settler. We are unalterably opposed to any legislation that would deprive the farmer or small holder of stock from the unrestricted use of the public domain of the United States, and to all legislation heretofore introduced having that in view. We are heartily in favor of National legislation which will aid in the construction of irrigation canals and reservoirs wherever needed in Colorado. We believe that the perpetuity of American institutions and the future destiny of our country rest largely on the shoulders of our laboring classes; consequently we believe in surrounding the home of the laboring man with every protection known to the law of the land. We believe that every pledge made by a political party, whether in convention or by individual candidate, should be religiously kept, and if the Republican party of Colorado is vested with the authority of government in this State we pledge the party, and also each and every candidate nominated by the party, to the enacting of legislation to carry into effect the following provisions: First, the submission to the people of a constitutional amendment providing for an efficient eight hour law. Second, the complete separation of the government of all cities of the State from any direction or control of the Governor or other State official, and particularly that the city of Denver shall be immediately granted home rule, and that all of its officers and boards shall be elected by the people of that city. Third, the taxation of franchises granted by municipal or other public legislative bodies upon the same basis as provided by law for the taxation of all other kinds of property. Fourth, the complete revision of the revenue laws of the State so that there shall be a single assessing power, and so that all classes of property shall be justly and equably assessed, and so as not to permit of any discrimination in the valuation upon any particular kind of property. Fifth, the revision of the revenue laws of the State so that ample funds at all times shall be provided for the maintenance at the highest possible standard of efficiency of each and all of the State institutions of Colorado. Sixth, the adoption of the merit system in the selection of public employes within this State wherever practicable. Seventh, the construction of good roads and highways and liberal assistance of both State and county for their maintenance. Eighth, the immediate repeal of the present prize fight law. Ninth, the retrenchment in the number and salaries of public officials and the abolition of unnecessary positions. Tenth, that school lands shall not be leased in large tracts to corporations regardless of the rights of settlers or the future welfare of the school fund; that the timber standing on the public school lands of the State shall not be sold without adequate consideration or wantonly wasted, as has been done during the last two years. The platform closes with hearty commendation of the work of Senator Edward O. Wolcott. September 12.-Democrats, Silver Republicans and Populists united on a platform Democratic. declaring opposition to the policy of the Administration, for free silver, and against imperialism, trusts, and a big standing Army, and favoring the election of Bryan as a reform candidate.


May 9.-The platform indorses the Administration of President McKinley, sustains the gold standard, says the grave crisis of war has been passed without mistake or

dishonor, and believes that protection, liberty and the blessings of civilization will accrue to the people of Cuba, Porto Rico and the Philippines under Republican. the wise guidance of the Republican party. It believes the abandonment of the Philippines to internal anarchy or to any other cowardly suggestion and weak policy of the Democratic party would entail untold suffering upon their people and bring worldwide dishonor, if not disaster, on the United States. It says the people ought to hold managers of so-called trusts to strict accountability for exceptional privileges granted them by charter, believes in creating and maintaining the best Navy in the world, and in the encouragement of the merchant marine.

September 5.-The Republicans of Connecticut, in convention assembled, hereby declare their unaltered confidence in President William McKinley and in his wise and patriotic administration of the affairs of the Nation, and indorse the Republican candidates for President and Vice-President as wise and able statesmen and brave soldiers, deserving of the support of all voters, and in their declarations of principles set forth in the Republican platform adopted by the Republican National Convention. We reiterate our belief in and adherence to the principle of the gold standard as enunciated in the National Republican platform, and declare that the wise and patriotic men of the United States who voted to establish the stability of our currency upon a gold basis deserve the gratitude of the people. We favor the continuance of a just and reasonable tariff law for the protection of American industries. We approve all that has been done and is being done to establish the rightful sovereign authority of the United States in and over its recently acquired territory, and believe that under the protecting arm of the Government these new possessions will increase in prosperity and wealth and their inhabitants develop into an educated and enlightened people, fit in due time to bear such burdens and responsibilities of government as the law making power of the Nation may find it expedient to intrust to their charge. We declare that trusts which have for their purpose the increasing of the cost of the necessaries of life or the decreasing of the wages of labor are contrary to the spirit of our institutions, and that the same should be restrained by appropriate legislation. We recognize the services of our soldiers and sailors in the Civil War, and the war with Spain, and wherever they may now be upholding the honor of the flag, protecting our citizens, and establishing the supremacy of the Government, and pledge to them the recognition and reward due to the saviors of our country and the defenders of our flag. We indorse the careful, prudent and economical administration of the affairs of the State of Connecticut by its present able and judicious Republican State officials. We commend to the electors of the State of Connecticut the nominee of this convention for Governor of this State, and his associates upon the State ticket, and the Presidential electors, and declare that they are entitled to the support, confidence and suffrage of every citizen of the State, irrespective of party.

September 22.-After dealing with National questions in the usual way the platform condemns the method of electing State officers by a majority vote in the following terms: We condemn the present system of representation in the Democratic. General Assembly, which, together with the method of electing State officers by a majority vote, not by a plurality vote of the electors, is the source of the strength of an arrogant political machine and an intolerant lobby, and serves to bring the fair name of our State into disrepute. Experience has demonstrated that these evils cannot be cured by constitutional amendments, and we favor as the only feasible methods of reform all steps looking to a constitutional convention.


March 21.-The course of the Administration was sustained, and thanks were extended to both soldiers and sailors for gallant services. Partisan legislation intended Republican (REGULAR).

to defeat the will of the people was condemned, and monopolies and trade were treated as follows: We denounce and condemn all combinations or monopolies which stifle fair competition and unjustly increase prices to the consumer. We strongly favor all measures looking toward the enlargement of our foreign markets and the enactment of such legislation by Congress as will restore our merchant marine, so that our imports and exports may be transported in American built, American owned and American manned vessels.

August 21.-The principal planks adopted were: The recently amended constitutions of the Democratic States of Mississippi, Louisiana, South Carolina and North Carolina deny the electoral franchise to illiterate black, but not to illiterate white citizens. We denounce this as a crime against free government and contrary to the spirit, if not the letter of the Constitution of the United States. We favor all just and honorable measures looking to the adjustment of existing differences among Republicans of Delaware, and in earnest of this we recommend that the nominations of the convention be not confined to those who have not been heretofore acting with us. April 3.-The general course of the Administration was approved, and special planks in the platform declared: That our coasts should be strongly and efficiently defended with the best munitions, weapons, defences and men attainRepublican able for the protection of our people and their property. We also favor a strong and efficient Navy, which is the strongest, best_and most effective safeguard from the effect of any foreign force. That all combinations or trusts so-called, whose operation, management and control increase the cost of any article or commodity to the consumer are a menace to the safety of the country and should be so regulated and controlled by proper and adequate legislation; that the Interstate Commerce law ought to be rigidly and impartially enforced, so that


the shipper of goods over a shorter haul should not be discriminated against in favor of a shipper of goods over a longer haul.

August 6.-Special planks declared that the Union Republicans favor a just and economical government in the State of Delaware and pledge the people, if intrusted with power, a correction of the gross abuses in the administration of State and county offices, the making of all elective State and county officers salaried, the maintenance of the present incorporation act of the State, a thorough investigation of the present condition of State and county finances, careful inquiry into the various sources of revenue, the discovery of other legitimate and equitable methods of increasing the income of the State without adding any additional burden to the people, and the establishment of a Bureau of Immigration for the purpose of securing an increase in the population, a reduction of the general tax rate and a greater value therefore to real estate, especially in the lower part of the Commonwealth.

June 19.-The convention adopted planks mainly in opposition to the Republican policy, declaring that the growth of trusts was a menace to the Democratic. people, that imperialism and militarism were opposed to the National welfare, and calling for the nomination of William Jennings Bryan for President.


September 11.-We, the Democrats in Delaware, in State Convention assembled, ratify and indorse the declaration of principles promulgated by the National Democracy in the Kansas City Convention, and pledge ourselves, with united and vigorous support, to the candidates there nominated for President and Vice-President of the United States. We recall with gratification the good government enjoyed by the people of Delaware during the many years in which our State affairs have been managed by Democratic officials, and we point to the four years of clean and honorable administration under Governor Tunnell, now drawing to a close, as indisputable evidence that the Democratic party in this State is entitled to the continued confidence and support of our citizens. Deprived of our equal constitutional representation in the Senate of the United States, we congratulate our people that our State interests have been carefully conserved by our sole representative in the highest legislative body in the world, and cordially commend Senator Kenney for his active and successful attention to our National interests. favor a new system for the registration of voters, and believe that in the place of biennial registration the registration should be permanent in character, So that a voter once registered may be continued on the list of qualified voters without again appearing before the registrar, unless he moves to a new voting precinct. The list of registered voters should be revised every two years by the addition of names of new voters and the striking off of those who have died, removed or become disqualified. In this connection we favor the abolition of the registration fee of $1, which has proved an unsatisfactory and unnecessary tax. Other clauses favor the reduction of taxes on mercantile and manufacturing licenses, proper auditing of accounts in each county, abolishment of the fee system of payment for officials, and systematic improvement of the roads, and the platform continues: We pledge the Democratic representatives of Delaware in the Congress of the United States to earnest and continued efforts for the further improvement of the harbor of Wilmington, the improvement of our other navigable waters and the completion of the inland waterway connecting the Delaware Bay with Southern waters. We promise to the people of Delaware, under Democratic supremacy, a continuance of the honest and economical government which they have heretofore enjoyed, and we call the attention of all good citizens of the State, irrespective of party, to the impossibility of maintaining such a government or of discussing or deciding ordinary questions of government should our State fall into the unscrupulous hands of the Union Republican party.

May 9.-The important planks of the platform adopted were: We believe that the attitude of President McKinley in regard to the Army canteen deserves the conProhibition.

demnation of all friends of truth and righteousness and should be rebuked at the ballot box by all lovers of law and order. We deplore the extension of the liquor traffic in our new territories and believe that this Christian nation ought to prohibit in our new territory that business which is the sum of all iniquity, mother of all abomination. We denounce the narrow partisanship, the open bribery, the brazen self-seeking, the unblushing debauchery and corruption that have disgraced the politics of this State in recent years, and we call on all citizens who are opposed to these methods to unite with us to correct the present evils and secure good government for all, believing that this is an opportune time to cut loose from and sever all ties with the old parties.


June 20.-The platform adopted has for its main features the indorsement of William J. Bryan for President, the denunciation of trusts, demand for the repeal of all war taxes, 16 to 1 ratio of coinage, governmental control Democratic. of corporations, especially of railroads, direct vote for United States Senators, a graduated income tax and reduction of the tariff to a revenue basis.


June 14.-Ballot reform, honest elections, United States control of the Nicaragua Canal, expansion of trade with foreign countries and the election of United States Senators by direct vote of the people were favored by the convention, and trusts, protection, imperialism, a large standing army and the Porto Rican policy of the Government were condemned. Special State planks included the following: We favor an amendment to the Consti


tution of Georgia limiting the power of the General Assembly to levy and assess taxes, for any purpose whatsoever, exceeding a specified percentum, except for the purpose of suppressing insurrection, repelling invasion and defending the State in time of war. We demand that the 10 per cent tax on State bank issues be repealed, so as to permit a system of local State banks, under such restrictions and by the deposit of such securities as will absolutely protect persons dealing with them.

June 14.-The platform called for an amendment to the State Constitution providing for the initiative, referendum and imperative mandate, a free ballot and a fair Populist.

count, and the public ownership of all public utilities. The fee system, and the acceptance of passes by public officials were condemned. The convict labor law was treated as follows: We emphatically condemn the convict law passed by the Legislature of 1897 as being the enactment of a system more iniquitous than the old lease act. We believe that the State herself should keep possession of her prisoners and should employ them upon the public roads and not allow them to be brought in competition with free labor, and that reformatories be established for juvenile criminals.


The Republican voters of Georgia held no convention in 1900.

HAWAII (Territory).

September 24.-The convention adopted a platform indorsing President McKinley's Administration and containing many planks dealing with measures of interest to the Territory of Hawaii. Chief among them are declarations in favor Republican. of the speedy construction of the Nicaragua Canal and the Pacific cable, and pledges of efforts to secure harbor improvements and

good public buildings for the islands.

September 24.-Opposition to the Government of the United States, denunciation Democratic. of annexation, Hawaii for Hawaiians, and planks referring to local improvements were the principal features of the platform adopted by the Democratic convention.


July 18.-The Republican party of Idaho renews its allegiance to the principles of Republicanism, and declares its unqualified approval of the National platform adopted at Philadelphia, its adherence to the principles represented by the Republican. official acts of the Administration of William McKinley, and pledges itself to the support of the same. We are in favor of amending the Constitution of the United States so as to give Congress the power more fully to regulate and suppress trusts, and we denounce the action of the Democratic party in the present Congress, who, by their votes, defeated the proposition to submit such an amendment to the people of the United States for their ratification. We condemn the policy of the present State administration whereby it has sought to deprive a large number of honest settlers in the northern part of the State of their lands taken up under the Homestead laws of the United States; and which has further resulted in losing to the State thousands of acres of valuable timber lands. We condemn the policy of the present State administration in converting the boards of control of the various State institutions into partisan political machines; and the Republican party pledges itself to place these institutions in the hands of those who will conduct them solely for the public good and not in the interest of any political organization. We remember with feelings of gratitude and pride the gallant patriotic services rendered to our country by the brave volunteer soldiers from Idaho, and glory in their deeds of valor and faithfulness to the call of duty. We pledge them the loyal support of the Republican party in recognition of their services.

Silver Republican.

July 21.-The Silver Republicans of Idaho indorse and adopt the National platform promulgated at Kansas City, July 12, 1900, as our declaration of principles. We de clare our adherence to the principle of bimetallism and the use of both gold and silver as the basic money upon which the business of our country should be conducted, and favor the free coinage of silver at the ratio of 16 to 1 regardless of the action of any other nation on earth. We denounce the gold standard law as a measure enacted in the interest of the trusts and the money power and a detriment to the good of the common people. We favor a graduated tax upon incomes as one of the best and most just methods of raising public revenue, and if necessary to secure this a constitutional amendment, and the election of United States Senators by a direct vote of the people and until our present system of electing Senators is changed we favor their nomination in State convention. Combinations, trusts and monopolies formed for the purpose of controlling prices are unjust, oppressive and extort from the masses excessive profits without adequate returns, and we favor such legislation as will effectually restrain and suppress them. We favor a National irrigation law that will enable the farmers and settlers to reclaim the arid lands of the West and make them productive. We favor the reservation of the public lands for the benefit of the homesteader; oppose the creation of extensive forest reserves, embracing within their borders the best timber lands of the State, as unjust and calculated to retard the development of its resources and the settlement of the country. We demand the rescinding of the orders issued by the Cleveland and McKinley administrations for the creation of these reserves, be lieving that such lands should be restored to the public domain for settlement and

development. We are opposed to the United States leasing public lands of the West whereby the large syndicates will be enabled to secure control of the public domain to the detriment of the small stockmen, the farmer and the homesteader.

June 6.—The chief plank in the platform was an indorsement of William J. Bryan for President. Democratic. The resolutions adopted also favored fusion of all reform elements.

July 21.-We reaffirm our allegiance to the principles of the People's party and heartily indorse the platform adopted by our National Convention at Sioux Falls. We congratulate the settlers on our Indian lands on the passage of the People's. Free Homes bill. Within the borders of our State are millions of acres of arid lands and we are in favor of National appropriations to aid in the establishment of a system of reservoirs and canals to irrigate and reclaim said lands. We are in favor of that principle of government known as "Initiative and Referendum" and urge the passage of such laws as will enable the people of this State to pass upon all legislative measures. We demand the immediate discontinuance of martial law in Shoshone County, under which the pernicious system of permits to seek employment has been inaugurated and we demand the abolition of said system. We further demand that al civil and political rights guaranteed by the Constitution and the laws be immediately restored to all citizens of our beloved State. July 17.-The State conventions of the Democratic, Silver Republican and Populist Fusion. parties effected a fusion, declared for Bryan, free silver, legislative control of trusts, and against the foreign, domestic and financial policy of the Administration.


May 9.-The_platform_after reaffirming the principles of the platform adopted by the Republican National Convention of 1896 and calling attention to the prosperous condition of the country "under the wise, businesslike and Republican. patriotic Administration of President McKinley," proceeds: We congratulate the people of the country on the enactment into law of the Currency bill, which provides the gold standard as the monetary unit of value. Financial discussions no longer disturb the business conditions of our people, and all business transactions have been placed on a basis that insures protection to capital and encouragement to the employment of labor. Cuba has been made free

from Spanish misrule and a stable government established there. Porto Rico and the Philippine Islands have become the possessions of the United States as the inevitable and unavoidable results of that war. We fully indorse the action of Congress and the President in the administration of the affairs in these islands and all legislation respecting the same, and we pledge our allegiance to the Nation's policy relating to them as formulated and carried out by the present Administration, In indorsing and approving the policy and course of the Administration and the legislation of Congress thus far relating to our new possessions we express our confidence in the ability of a Republican Administration to deal with the complicated and important questions involved in any legislation for those islands which may arise hereafter. We favor such legislation as will destroy all unlawful combinations of capital formed for the purpose of limiting production or increasing the price of manufactured products. aggregations of capital formed for this purpose are detrimental to the best interests of trade and hostile to the laboring people. The administration of Governor Tanner was indorsed, and also the public services of United States Senator Cullom. The platform concluded with a strong indorsement of President McKinley.


June 27. The platform indorses the National platform of 1896 "in whole and in all its parts." It denounces the National Administration as "the weakest in the history of the Nation," and especially condemns the "cowering attiDemocratic. tude of the President and his advisers in refusing consolation and sympathy to the heroic Boers in their struggle for independence"; invokes public condemnation of "an administrative policy which denies to Cuba, Porto Rico and the Philippine Islands the principle of home rule and self-government and seeks the subjugation of a free and enlightened people for the glory of an imperial policy revolting to our traditions and a defiance to the principles of our Federal Constitution." The new currency law is declared to be the foundation for a "money trust which will have power to control the prices of all property and to stimulate or strangle business. Sympathy is expressed for the Boers, while imperialism is denounced as "necesarily leading to militarism and as wholly foreign to our system of government." Alliances with European nations are "regarded with apprehension." "Trusts and monopolies, formed for the purpose of arbitrarily controlling products and prices in the interest solely of combined capital, if allowed to go on," the resolutions declare, "can result only in industrial serfdom for the mass of the people." Protective tariff and "railway discrimination" are declared to be blamable for existing trusts, and stringent legislation is demanded for their restriction. The immediate building of an American interoceanic canal is favored, the Monroe Doctrine is reaffirmed, postal savings banks are favored, as are also public ownership of public utilities and the election of United States Senators by direct vote. The general principle of the initiative and referendum is favored. "Unqualified admiration" is expressed for William J. Bryan, who is declared to have been robbed of office in 1896. The Illinois delegation to Kansas City is instructed to vote as a unit for Bryan. The resolutions were unanimously adopted,

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