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and to be likely to produce discord among the different nationalities of the empire. It is claimed, by those who sympathize with the German Constitutional party, that at least nine tenths of the wealthy and educated Germans of Austria will actively cooperate with the opposition against the Federalists. Indications are not even wanting that many Germans of Austria, rather than submit to an increasing predominance of the Slavic element, would prefer a dissolution of the empire, and a union of the German provinces with the German Empire. In 1879 a member of the Reichstag, Herr von Schönerer, had even the courage of expressing these views in the Reichstag. At a large meeting of the students of the University of Vienna, held in November, 1880, the same sentiments were expressed by most of the speakers, and Herr von Schönerer was enthusiastically applauded when he said that the Germans of Austria were gravitating, not only toward Vienna, but toward every center of Germanism, and most of all toward that center which was the most German. The German Conservative party, which follows the lead of Count Hohenwart, endeavored to reply to these demonstrations of the Liberals by counterdemonstrations, the object of which was to show that a considerable portion of Germans in Austria by no means share the apprehensions of the Liberals respecting the dangers which threaten the unity of the empire and the legitimate position of the German element from the policy of the present Cabinet, but that, on the contrary, they think this policy tends to consolidate the unity of the empire, by bringing about peace and satisfaction among all the nationalities of Austria.

The delegations met in Pesth on October 19th. The Hungarian delegation elected Louis Tisza, a brother of the Prime Minister, president, and Cardinal Haynald vice-president. By the Austrian delegation, Count Coronini was elected president and Count Czartoryski vicepresident. On October 25th the members of the two delegations were received by the Emperor. In reply to the addresses by the presidents of the two delegations, the Emperor said that his Government had united its efforts with those of the other powers for the purpose of removing the difficulties which the execution of some of the stipulations of the Berlin Treaty had encountered; that the propositions sent to the delegations contained, with regard to some branches of the military administration, further claims on their patriotic readiness to make sacrifices; that, in examining these demands, they would direct their serious care to the unavoidable necessities of the security and defense of the monarchy as well as the well-being of the army; that the state of Bosnia was politically a satisfactory one, making it possible once more to reduce the number of troops there, and thus to diminish the cost. The credits demanded by the Government were granted by both delegations, with the excep

tion of a few inconsiderable deductions from the demands of the Minister of War.

The fact that Bosnia and Herzegovina have been greatly benefited by the establishment of an Austrian administration is generally conceded. The Austrian Government found it, however, necessary to maintain a strong army of occupation. At the beginning of the year it was reported from the sanjak of Novi-Bazar that numerous bands of robbers were traversing the country and harassing the Austrian army. They were, however, soon suppressed. The Government encouraged emigration from Austria and Hungary to Bosnia, and some progress was made in this direction, but it was believed that immigration on a larger scale would not begin until it was definitely settled that Bosnia and Herzegovina would remain for ever a part of the Austrian dominions. An animated and important discussion on the occupation of Bosnia arose in the meeting of the Hungarian delegation. The discussion had not reference to the Bosnian credit demanded by the Government, as it was recognized on all hands that the Minister of War had done his best in reducing the establishment of the army of occupation from 33,000 to 26,000 men. The debate turned on the right of the delegations to have an insight into the revenues and expenses of the Bosnian administration. In the previous discussion of the subject in committee, the common Minister of Finance, who has special charge of the Bosnian administration, had been asked to furnish returns on the subject. He replied that he was not in a position to do so; it was only during the last quarter of the past year that civil administration had been introduced, and this was itself in a state of transition. Only a few months previously, the monopolies of tobacco and salt had been introduced; not even an approximate estimate could yet be formed of the revenue which the customs might yield; and the tithe, which was the main item of direct taxation, was only just beginning to be paid in. The Minister, however, expressed a belief that the revenue and expenditure would balance next year, as they had done this year, and that no contribution would be asked from the delegation. These declarations seemed to cause an impression that the Minister was not disposed to give any explanation, and rather questioned the right of the delegations to examine the financial administration of Bosnia. The Minister denied, however, that he had any such disposition, and promised to give next year an estimate of the revenues and expenditure of Bosnia, as far as this could be done.

The most notable feature in the foreign relations of Austria is the maintenance and confirmation of the entente cordiale existing between Austria and Germany. The Governments of both countries took frequent occasions to express the most friendly sentiments toward each other, and the majority of the German Parliament and press warmly sympathized in

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this question with their Governments. In the Austrian Reichsrath, however, the Polish deputy Hausner made, on March 12th, a violent speech against the Austro-German alliance, and recommended in place of it a Franco-Austrian alliance. Many of the Polish, Czechic, and Ultramontane members seemed to sympathize with these views. As Hausner's views were violently attacked by the Germans, both in Germany and in Austria, he published in their defense a pamphlet entitled "Deutschthum und deutsches Reich" (Vienna, 1880). The author, though a German by name and birth, is in his political sentiments a Polish extremist. The object of his pamphlet is to show that an alliance of Austria with Germany would virtually be a submission to Germany, and would greatly promote the ambitious plans of Bismarck, who, in his opinion, intends to wrest the Baltic provinces and Russian Poland up to the Vistula from Russia and annex it to Germany-an event which he would regard as the greatest calamity for the Poles, who might not be able to resist absorption by the civilized Germans as well as they resisted the uncivilized Russians. A provisional commercial treaty with Germany was ratified by the Reichsrath in May. A new interview of the Emperors of Austria and Germany at Ischl, and the marked attentions shown to Archduke Rudolphus during his visit at Berlin, were regarded as new pledges of the continuance of the German-Austrian alliance. The revival of a triple alliance between the Emperors of Austria, Germany, and Russia was strongly advocated by Baron Hubner, who was ambassador in France under the Empire, in a meeting of the Austrian delegation on November 2d. Baron Hübner is afraid that out of the unsettled con/lition of Western Europe, especially of England, Italy, and France, there may arise a crusade against conservatism all over Europe, and he therefore demanded that steps should at once be taken to insure a combination of the three great conservative powers of Europe. The feeling of a very large portion of the Austrian population continues, however, to be very hostile to Russia. When the Emperor in September paid a visit to Galicia, the demonstrations made by the Polish population were so significant that many Hungarian papers spoke of an approaching restoration of the kingdom of Poland, and of the inevitability of a war against Russia. Public sentiment in Russia showed itself, in return, greatly irritated against Austria, although the Emperor of Austria, in order not to give any cause of irritation, had never used the Polish language on any official occasion, and, in his reply to the leader of the Polish nobility, who emphatically spoke of the "Polish " nobility, had been careful to use the expression, "the nobility of Galicia." It was a noted feature in the proceedings of the delegations in November that no voice was raised against the desirability and the continuance of the AustroGerman alliance.

The friendly relations between Austria and the Government of Italy were not interrupted, although they were repeatedly endangered by the agitation of the party of the Italia Irredenta, with which a considerable portion of the Italian people expressed an open sympathy, and which, in the opinion of the Austrian Government, was not as energetically suppressed by the Italian Government as it should have been. (See ITALY.) Within the Austrian dominion, the Italian nationality has of late made considerable progress in Dalmatia. The Italians constitute in this province only 9.5 per cent. of the total population, while the Slavs number more than 90 per cent.; but all that has been achieved in the provinces of literature, art, and science, in material and intellectual progress, is due to the Italian element. The Slavs, on the other hand, are still at the lowest stage of mental development. The schools of the higher grade were, therefore, to a large extent under Italian influence. The sympathy which the tendencies of the "Italia Irredenta met with among the Italians of Italy induced the Austrian Government, in June, to change all the Italian middle schools in Dalmatia, especially those in Sebenico, Curzola, Cattaro, Ragusa, and Spalatro, into Slavic schools.

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It was for some time feared that the relations between Austria and England might be seriously affected by the triumph of the Liberal party at the English elections. At one of the meetings preceding the elections, Mr. Gladstone had energetically protested against England joining the Austro-German understanding, and converting it into a triple alliance. He had declared that if the Austrian Government wished to shut his mouth, it should abandon its schemes against the freedom of other countries. When the elections resulted in a triumph of the Liberal party, apprehensions were naturally felt that the English Cabinet would be hostile to the Oriental policy of Austria. These apprehensions were, however, dispersed by a letter addressed by Mr. Gladstone to the Austrian ambassador in London, in which the English Premier states that he has no hostile intention toward Austria, and that his animadversions on her foreign policy were founded upon suppositions which, upon the assurances of the ambassador, he now believed to be unfounded. (See GREAT BRITAIN.)

The question pending between Austria and Servia, relative to the establishment of railway junctions, caused considerable trouble. On January 10th Baron Haymerle, in the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Hungarian delegation, stated that the Servian Government had origi nally held the view that both the Porte and Bulgaria would have to take part in the negotiations, but ultimately M. Ristics, the Prime Minister of Servia, had admitted the justice of Austria's construction of the stipulations of the Berlin Treaty, and a Servian representative with full powers would shortly arrive in Vienna to effect a final settlement of the question.

Herr von Schwegel, one of the heads of department in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, subsequently gave explanations with reference to the commercial treaty with Servia, stating that it was not the intention of the Government to conclude a treaty on the most favorednation principles, because they considered it more advantageous to adopt the standpoint indicated in the Treaty of Berlin. The idea of forming a customs union with Servia had been allowed to drop, as the proposal was not favorably received by either side. On April 9th a

BAPTISTS. I. REGULAR BAPTISTS IN THE UNITED STATES.-The following is a summary of the statistics of the regular Baptists in the United States, as they are given in the "American Baptist Year-Book" for 1880:

treaty between Austria and Servia, concerning the construction of an Austro-Servian railroad, which is to lead from Belgrade by way of Semin to Pesth, was concluded. New difficulties, however, arose between the two Governments concerning the execution of the treaty, and, in October, the Baron von Haymerle addressed a note to the Austrian ambassador in Belgrade, severely censuring the Servian Government. This note was soon followed by the resignation of the Prime Minister of Servia. (See SERVIA.)


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1,924 16,569 219,726




24,815 16,631 161,190 56,593

9,970 48,883 27,036

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The anniversary of the American Baptist Home Mission Society was held at Saratoga Springs, New York, May 26th. The total receipts of the Society from all sources for the year had been $213,821, and the expenditures had 40,950 been $182,998. The debt had been reduced $12,5,823 229, leaving $18,373 still owing. About 5,500 Indians were members of Baptist churches in the Indian Territory, and were for the most The mission 21,165 part served by native pastors. among the Chinese at Portland, Oregon, returned three baptisms and a Chinese Young 7,026 Men's Christian Association. A new Chinese 116,185 mission had been opened at Oakland, California. The eight academic and collegiate schools for freedmen returned 38 teachers and 1,191 pupils. Four hundred of the students were ministers, or were studying with the ministry in view. 118,215 The Society adopted a declaration of its judg167,699 ment that the Indian question could never be 2,916 righteously or permanently settled till there. should be a full recognition of the Indian's 130,939 rights to citizenship and to hold personal prop110,245 erty, upon the same conditions as prevail in the 16 case of persons of other nationalities; and in9,876 vited people of other denominations and all 328 good citizens to join it in urging that convic25,185 tion upon the national Government and the 11,208 country.

52 9,127 32,867







24,794 15,401 2,183,044

62 The Woman's Home Mission Society of the West received during the year ending in May, 1880, $9,089 in cash and $2,551 in goods. Its cash expenditures were $6,506. It supported 17 missionaries in 7 missions among the freedmen of the South, the Scandinavians of the

Number of associations, 1,095; number of baptisms during the year, 78,924; number of Sunday-schools, 12,407, with 10,869 officers and teachers, and 922,602 scholars; total amount of benevolent contributions, $3,815,947.

*Including the United States, British Provinces, and the West Indies.

Northwest, and the Indians, and had organized 27 Sunday-schools during the year.

The cash receipts of the Woman's Home Mission Society of the East for the year were $6,080 and its disbursements $5,441. It also received and distributed clothing of the value of $3,413. The anniversary of the American Baptist Publication Society was held at Saratoga Springs, New York, May 27th. The receipts of the Society for the year had been in the Benevolent Department, $68,293; in the Business Department, $281,270; making in all, $349,563, or $14,253 more than the receipts of the previous year. One hundred and thirty-three new publications had been issued during the year, of which 304,000 copies were printed, and 126,000 copies of former publications and 94,500 copies of tracts had been printed. The whole number of publications on the catalogue of the Society on April 1, 1880, was 1,238.

The anniversary of the American Baptist Missionary Union was held at Saratoga Springs, New York, May 25th. The receipts of the Society for the year from all sources had been $314,860, of which $24,509 had been contributed as additions to invested funds, leaving $290,815 applicable to the payment of the current expenses of the year. The appropriations, including those for the payment of the debt of the previous year, amounted to $297,474. The Karen churches of Bassein had contributed $30,470 toward the erection of a new building for their Normal and Industrial Institute, and were, when the report was made, engaged in raising an endowinent fund of $25,000 for the support of the school. The statistics of the missions are: Burmah, 88 missionaries, 448 native preachers, 433 churches, 21,594 members; Assam, 17 missionaries, 49 native preachers, 13 churches, 1,331 members; Telugus, India, 21 missionaries, 77 native preachers, 11 churches, 15,660 members; China, 24 missionaries, 37 native preachers, 16 churches, 1,426 members; Japan, 12 missionaries, 5 native preachers, 2 churches, 76 members; total in the Asiatic missions: 162 missionaries, 616 native preachers, 475 churches, 40,087 members. The European missions (in Sweden, Germany, France, Spain, and Greece) returned 436 native preachers, 433 churches, and 45,

221 members.

The Southern Baptist Convention met at Lexington, Kentucky, May 6th. The Rev. P. H. Mell, D. D.. of Georgia, was chosen President. The Home Mission Board had received during the year $20,624, and had expended $14,197. The Foreign Mission Board had received $45,543, or about $10,000 above its average receipts, and, besides meeting all of its expenses, had reduced its debt by $2,179, the present amount of indebtedness being $6,389. The missions of the Board were: in the Yoruba country, Africa; China, where were reported at Tung Chow, Shanghai, and Canton, 396 members, with 71 baptisms, and $528 of contributions by native members; South America, which had two self

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sustaining churches in Brazil and a Chinese church in Demerara with 172 members; and Italy, where were stations at Rome, Bologna, Milan, Venice, Torre Pellice, Modena, Carpi, Bari, Naples, the island of Sardinia, and other places. It was stated, in behalf of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, that the institution had received a gift of $50,000 from ex-Governor Joseph E. Brown, of Georgia, and that it would be necessary to increase the amount of its endowment to $250,000, of which $100,000 ought to be raised at once.

The sixth Triennial Conference of the German Baptist Bund of North America met in St. Louis, Missouri, October 13th; Professor H. M. Schaffer was elected moderator. The affairs of the German Department of the Theological Seminary at Rochester, New York, of the German Baptist Publication Society at Cleveland, Ohio, of the Orphan Asylum in Louisville, Kentucky, and of a proposed theological school in Germany, were considered. Fifteen students had been graduated from the Theological Seminary during the previous three years. An editor had been appointed for the several periodicals of the Publication Society, and an assistant editor was needed. A committee was appointed to secure a new and suitable hymnn-book, and instructed to cooperate with a similar committee in Germany and with the Board of the American Baptist Publication Society. The orphan asylum had twenty-six children as inmates.

The Bund is composed of two annual conferences, the Eastern and the Western Conferences, separated by the western boundary of the State of Pennsylvania. The Eastern Conference, at its ineeting, October 7th to 11th, considered the subject of a division into three or more conventions or associations, and took measures for the submission of plans for division to the churches. The Western Conference reported 4,470 members-a gain of 305 during the year-$2,570 of contributions for home missions, and $1,600 for foreign missions. It decided upon a division into three conferences, the Central, Northwestern, and Southwestern Conferences.

II. FREE-WILL BAPTISTS.-The General Conference of the Free-Will Baptist Church was held at Weir's, New Hampshire, July 21st. Representatives were present from all the Northern and some of the Southern States. The Rev. O. B. Cheney, D. D., was chosen moderator. The year being the hundredth year since the organization of the denomination, the proceedings took to a considerable degree the character of a centennial celebration. Historical addresses were made, and steps were taken for the preparation of a "Centennial Voluine," to contain an historical account of the Church, and its publishing and literary institutions, accounts of the action of the General Conferences, the historical papers read at the present General Conference, and tables. Centenary offerings for va

rious purposes were reported, amounting in all
to one hundred thousand dollars. Resolutions
were adopted deprecating the ordination of min-
isters by single churches, and advising that the
Association or quarterly meeting be consulted
and participate in all ordinations; recommend-
ing that abstention from the use of tobacco be
made a condition of ordination; declaring it
to be แ
a necessity and a duty for the churches
to encourage lay preaching subject to their ap-
proval," and requesting all the churches of the
denomination that "they admit no minister as
a member, or employ him as a pastor, who does
not bring letters of recommendation from some
ministers' conference, or quarterly meeting or
association and church to which he belongs,
duly signed by proper and responsible parties."
The "Free-Will Baptist Register" for 1881
gives the following statistics of the denomina-


Brethren should yet be adapted to the wants of the religious world; recognized as offenders those who teach anything contrary to the principles of the Brotherhood; advised, on the expressed ground that "there exists a widespread fear among us that the Brethren's high schools are likely to operate against the simplicity of the gospel," that the principals of the schools adopt rules to prevent any worldly tendency; condemned Sunday-school picnics and excursions; opposed the adoption of unusual means for getting people into the Church; and expressed the opinion that while ministers should not labor in the hope of receiving a salary, and money should not be held out as an inducement to brethren to preach, ministers should, nevertheless, be supported. A plan was adopted for the organization of a Board of Domestic and Foreign Missions. Acts of the annual meeting had hitherto been adopted by general consent, so that it lay in the power of a very small number of members by opposing objections and adhering to them to prevent the passage of any measure. A query was presented to the present meeting asking whether it would not be better for small minorities to accept the will of majorities, and not hinder legislation. The meeting answered in the affirmative, with a proviso that the old rule should prevail when a departure from the general order of the 1,259 Brethren is attempted. A query whether a sister might not wear a modest hat was answered in the negative. It was, however, declared not to be according to the gospel for a brother who "indulges in the filthy fashion of the world" (the use of tobacco) to reprove a sister for indulging in the vain fashion of dress. It was decided that a brother ought not to accept the office of land-appraiser.

13 9,104 56 5 4,786

6,305 4,514












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IV. REGULAR BAPTISTS IN GREAT BRITAIN. -The annual meetings of the Baptist Union and the affiliated societies were held during the week beginning April 20th. The total receipts of the Home and Irish Missions had been £6,280, and the expenditures £6,093, of which £2,513 had been for Home Mission work, and £2,409 for the Irish work. Nineteen agents and two colporteurs were employed. The re4,000 ceipts of the Baptist Tract Society had been £1,302. Grants had been made during the year representing 916,317 publications. income of the Baptist Building Fund had been €99 £7,966. With its aid twenty-six chapels had been built and opened for worship, and six other chapels had been enlarged, providing 8,572 additional sittings. The total sum raised in England only for new chapels and improvements had been £47,099, considerably less than the average, while the total debt created had been £27,280, considerably greater than the average. The income of the Bible Translation Society had been £2,350; and 43,603 portions of Scripture had been issued from its press. Reports were made at the meeting of the condition of the Annuity Fund and the fund for the Augmentation of Pastors' Salaries (Aug


1,432 1,213 158 78,012

III. THE BRETHREN.-The annual Convention of the Brethren (commonly known as Tunkers) was held at Lanark, Illinois, in June. The attitude of the denomination in respect to conformity to the world was defined in a series of resolutions, which deprecated the disposition to enforce the order of the Church more rigorously than in former years; agreed that the existing form of costume should be quietly maintained, while the labors and principles of the

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