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000 in the next year; changes which were proposed in the malt-tax, causing a further loss of £1,100,000 in the present year, which could be recovered by an addition of one penny to the income-tax. On the other hand, a proposed increase and adjustment of the license duties for the sale of alcoholic liquors would bring an increase of £305,000 in the present and £350,000 in future years. The total amount of the additions to the expenditure side would be £1,533,000, and the additions to the revenue, together with the surplus of £184,000 provided by Sir Stafford Northcote, would amount to £1,914,000, leaving a revised surplus of £381,000.

A bill relating to the law of burials was in troduced in the House of Lords, May 27th, by the Lord Chancellor, who remarked that the existing law on the subject was unsatisfactory, and that a speedy settlement of the questions it raised was desirable. He held that burial was a civil right of universal necessity and great importance, but that it was fettered by ecclesiastical provisions which affected a large number of her Majesty's subjects and were antagonistic to the principles of religious liberty. At present there could be no service whatever in the churchyard over the unbaptized and persons who died by their own hands, while persons who dissented from the Church of England could be buried in the churchyards with the service of the Church of England only, if their friends desired any service. The grievance to dissenters was admitted, and it was neither a small nor a diminishing one. The bill he introduced proposed that the person in charge of, or responsible for, a funeral should be at liberty to give notice that the deceased was to be buried without the service of the Church of England; that at any burial under the act all persons should have access to the churchyard or graveyard in which the same should be solemnized, and any burial might be performed, at the option of the person having charge of, or being responsible for, the same, either without any religious service or with such Christian and orderly religious service at the grave as such person should think fit. Disorder at the grave, and any attempt under the guise of a religious service to bring into contempt the Christian religion, or the religion of any denomination of Christians, were declared to be misdemeanors under the act. Clergymen were authorized to perform the burial service of the Church of England in unconsecrated grounds, and to assist in parts of the service in cases where the reading of the whole service might be a cause of scruple to them, and seem inappropriate. The bill was opposed on its second reading by the Bishop of Lincoln, who urged that as the nonconformists no longer founded churchyards, they could not claim to have the control of the churchyards taken away from the clergy of the Establishment. The Archbishop of Canterbury argued in support of the measure that the present were danger

ous times, when systems were advocated which threatened social and family life; and in such times Christians who revered one common God could not afford to aggravate their grievances. The Archbishop was supported in the debate by the Archbishop of York and the Bishops of Bath and Wells and of London, and the bill was passed to its second reading by a vote of 126 to 101. It was amended by the addition of clauses excluding from its provisions churchyards in parishes where burying-grounds are provided, and enlarging the discretion of the clergy as to the manner in which they should perform the burial service, and was passed to its third reading June 17th. On its second reading in the House of Commons, August 12th, the bill was supported by Mr. Osborne Morgan, who said that by the common law of England, which no one had attempted to alter, every parishioner was entitled to be buried in the parish churchyard. That right was a right in no way depending upon the creed which he professed or the religion of the church to which he belonged. It was a civic and not a religious right. Throughout the country, and especially in Wales, a great grievance existed because this right had not been recognized. The speaker believed that the amendments which the House of Lords had added had a tendency to defeat the purposes of the measure, and urged that they be stricken out. The further discussion turned upon the expediency of striking out the clause requiring that the services should be "Christian "—which, it was urged, established a distinction against the Jewish and other non-Christian religions-and the possibility of scandals occurring in case any other than the authorized services of the Church of England were permitted. The second reading was granted by a vote of 258 to 79. The amendments added by the House of Lords were thrown out in committee; this action was agreed to by the House of Lords, and the bill was finally passed September 6th.

A bill for the protection of occupiers of land against the ravages of "ground-game " (hares and rabbits) was introduced by the Government in the House of Commons, May 27th. Sir W. Harcourt, who had charge of the measure, remarked that it was not intended to deal with the general question of the game laws, but only with their effect upon the relation between landlord and tenant, so far as it bore upon the rights with respect to ground-game. The bill gave the occupier of the land the concurrent and inalienable right to kill all the ground-game on his occupation, and made any contract he might agree to for waiving that right incapable of enforcement at law. It was opposed in discussion by representatives of the landed interest, chiefly with the argument that its provisions infringed upon the freedom of contract, but was passed August 27th. House of Lords added amendments establishing a "close-time," and limiting the right to shoot to one person on the farm. These amend


ments were rejected by the House of Commons and receded from by the House of Lords, and the bill was finally passed, September 6th. In offering a bill for taking the census in England, July 12th, Lord Enfield in the House of Lords said that it had not been thought advisable to collect religious statistics, as the attempt would involve much expense and difficulty, and was not likely to be rewarded with a satisfactory degree of accuracy. Lord Cranbrook objected to the omission of a religious census, which was taken in connection with the census of every country in Europe, including Ireland and Scotland. Lord Bradbourne was glad that the religious element was not to be included, because he thought it was not desirable to draw fine lines between the members of the Church of England and nonconformists. The Census Bill was finally passed without any provision for compiling religious statistics. (See CENSUS.)

An act, which was passed to provide for the safe carriage of grain-cargoes, authorizes the Board of Trade to take precautions as to the manner in which cargoes of corn, rice, paddy, pulse, seeds, and nuts or nut-kernels are stowed, and gives it power to impose penalties for false statements. The object of the act is the protection of persons connected with merchantshipping and vessels carrying the kind of cargoes described.

Another important measure which became a law was relative to the liability of employers for injuries suffered by workmen while engaged in their service. Another abolished imprisonment for debt in Scotland.

A resolution was adopted by the House of Commons, July 17th, by a vote of 171 to 116, condemning the proposed erection in Westminster Abbey of a statue to Prince Louis Napoleon, son of the late Emperor Napoleon III, to which the Dean of the abbey had consented, as inconsistent with the national character of the edifice. The resolution as originally offered contained a clause declaring the erection calculated to impair the good feeling between England and France, which was struck out. The project to erect the statue in the abbey was abandoned in consequence of this vote.

A resolution was moved by Sir Wilfred Lawson in the House of Commons, June 18th, to the effect that the power of restraining the issue or renewal of license to sell intoxicating liquors ought to be placed in the hands of the inhabitants of the district within which the license would be in force. The mover admitted that his resolution embodied a principle of the Permissive Bill which he had before advocated, but claimed that as a whole it was distinct from that measure. He further remarked that, although he was ready to consider any fair claim for compensation, he did not consider himself called upon to mention it in his resolution. Mr. Gladstone said that the Government would exercise no pressure on the subject in either way. He admitted that legis

lation which would remove opportunities for temptation would be useful in checking drunkenness. Among the many objects pressing for legislation, he regarded the reform of the licensing laws as an essential part of the work of the present Parliament, and he hoped that the settlement of it would include a reasonable application of the principle of local option. The resolution was adopted by a vote of 229 to 203. Lord Onslow called attention in the House of Lords, July 3d, to the report of the committee of the same House which had been appointed in 1877 to inquire into the subject of intemperance. He declared himself in favor of the principle of local option, and asked the Government what it intended to do in the matter. The Bishop of Carlisle appealed to the Government to carry out the recommendations of the committee for a further restriction of the hours in which the sale of liquors should be allowed. Lord Fife replied that the Government hoped to be able to introduce a measure on the subject at no distant date.

A resolution for the abrogation of the provisions under which American cattle are slaughtered at the port of landing was offered by Mr. Arthur Arnold in the House of Commons, August 8th. The mover maintained, in support of his resolution, that the present system partook of the nature of a disguised protection, by which the English farmer and butcher were benefited at the expense of the consumer. Mr. J. Howard said that, if American cattle were subjected to restrictive legislation, it was the fault of the Americans themselves, who did not take means to prevent the spread of contagious epizootic disease. The question was not one of free trade, but of sanitary regulation. The motion was lost.

Parliament was prorogued September 8th. The Queen said in her speech:

I continue to receive assurances of the most friendly character from all foreign powers. The failure of the Sublime Porte to execute, according to its engagement, a plan which was agreed upon in April last for the determination of the Ottoman frontier lying toward Montenegro, has caused unfortunate delays in the settlement of that question, and the Treaty of Berlin has not yet taken effect in other points of importance which remained open at the commencement of the session. The Governments which were parties to that treaty have communicated to the Sultan their judg ment on the means of bringing to a satisfactory settlement the Greek and Montenegrin frontier questions, on the administrative organization of the European provinces of Turkey, and on the principal reforms required in the Asiatic provinces occupied by Armenians. For the attainment of the objects in view, I continue to place reliance on the fact that the concert of Europe has been steadily maintained in regard to the Eastern question, and that the powers which signed the treaty are pressing upon the Sublime Porte, with all the authority which belongs to their united action, the measures which, in their belief, are best calculated to insure tranquillity in the East.

I have not been unmindful, during the few months which have elapsed since I last addressed you, of the considerations which I stated would guide my policy Measures have already been taken for the complete on the northwestern frontier of my Indian Empire. military evacuation of northern Afghanistan, and some

progress has been made toward the pacification and settlement of the country. A renewal of hostilities by the Afghans, under Ayoob Khan, has rendered necessary further military operations in southern Afghanistan. The prompt measures taken by the Government of India for the relief of the garrison of Candahar, and the conspicuous ability and energy displayed by my officers and troops in the execution of those measures, resulting in the brilliant victory recently gained by Sir Frederick Roberts, will, I trust, speedily bring to an honorable termination the war in that division of the country. I regret that it has not hitherto been possible to give you such information on the general state of Indian finance, and the recent miscarriages in presenting the accounts of military expenditure, as you would justly require before entering on a practical consideration of the subject. You may, however, rest assured that I shall redeem my pledge to supply you with this information at the earliest period within my power. No advance has recently been made in the project of a South African confederation, nor could advantage arise from endeavors to press it forward, except in proportion to the favorable movement of public opinion in that portion of the empire. The general state of affairs in South Africa is, however, on the whole, satisfactory, except in Basutoland, where I trust that a moderate and conciliatory policy may allay the agitation caused by the enforcement of the Dis

armament Act.

country and to restore their friendly relations with the Indian Empire. It had not been able to accomplish all that was wished, but a part of the country had been restored to a more hopeful condition, and the military force engaged there had been diminished by between 20,000 and 30,000 men. Toward the solution of the Eastern question, the Government had been able to adopt the declaration and to work for the purpose which had been authentically declared on the part of the Government which it succeeded. The late Prime Minister had declared, justly, two years before, that the Treaty of Berlin was a treaty which, if fully executed, promised to confer great benefits upon Europe, and had stated, with truth and justice, that England would not be the power that would shrink from any of the obligations connected with its execution, and had expressed an expectation that, within a very short period, its several When the presprovisions would take effect. ent Cabinet came into office, it found that many of the most important parts of the treaty still remained unfulfilled. It at once declared its intention to endeavor to secure their execution. It had not acted in the spirit of an enemy to Turkey, but as its friend, because, said. Mr. "Gladstone, "we endeavored to bring it to a policy by which, and by which alone, as we are convinced, it may have a promise of continued existence. This we believe," he concluded, "that for the continued existence of Turkey, of the Turkish power, either to give a chance of that existence, or to justify that existence, two things are necessary: the one, the fulfillment of international engagements; and the other, that the condition of the people over whom the Ottoman power is reigning shall be rendered tolerable by good and equal law."

Her Majesty concluded with reference to the favorable harvest; to the "probable improvement in the condition of the people of Ireland," and to the acts passed by the Parliament, among which were named those on burials, education, the liability of employers, ground-game, the repeal of the malt duty, savings-banks, postoffice money-orders, the condition of merchant seamen, and grain-cargoes.

Mr. Gladstone spoke of the course and policy of the Government on the principal questions it had to consider, at the Lord Mayor's banquet, November 9th. For Ireland, it would be the duty of the Government again to examine the land laws, and it would not scruple, if that was deemed necessary, again to call the Legislature to deal with the subject. Anxious as it was to be associated with practical improvements in the laws of the land, it recognized the duty of enforcing the law for the purposes of order as above every other duty. It must first look to the law as it stood, to ascertain what its fair and just administration meant; but the obligation incumbent upon it to protect every citizen in the enjoyment of his life and his property might under certain circumstances compel it to ask for an increase of power and authority, when it would not shrink from its duty. The struggle in South Africa was regarded as one "carried on by means of colonists, and growing out of a policy which has been the result of their counsels in the exercise of their own independent rights, yet still a struggle which we can not but watch with a close and deep anxiety." When the present administration came into office, Mr. Gladstone continued, it found an Anglo-Indian force of about 70,000 men engaged in sustaining the military operations that had been carried on in Afghanistan. It had sought to secure the independence of the people of the

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Lord Granville, speaking at a Liberal meeting in Hanley, November 27th, said that it was painful and discreditable that a want of security for life and property should exist in a part of Ireland; that it was impossible that such a state of things should continue; and that on the meeting of Parliament the appeal which the Government would make to it would not consist in a mere demand for extraordinary powers which might be best fitted to strengthen the hands of the administration in the particular emergency, but should be "for remedies which, while they give her Majesty's Government the fittest means for dealing with present disorder, will also prepare the way on sound principles for the future contentment of the people." In reply to attacks which had been made by Lord Salisbury, his lordship showed that the foreign policy of the Government had been consistently governed by a purpose to secure the fulfillment of the Treaty of Berlin and to maintain the concert of the powers. He believed it had been proved to be possible for the powers in the face of a question of immense importance to agree "to put in due subordination their own direct and personal interests, and unite for the purpose of bringing to bear their

influence for settling the general question." He had dealt with foreign Governments in a frank, straightforward manner. That frankness had been reciprocated, and the demeanor of the foreign representatives with whom he had come in contact had confirmed him in the opinion that "the old saw was true that 'hon esty is the best policy.'

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The new session of Parliament was called to meet January 6, 1881.

An inquiry into the railway disaster of December 28, 1879, at the bridge of the North British Railway over the river Tay, Scotland, when the bridge was broken down, and the train with all the persons upon it was thrown into the river, was begun before a commission of the Board of Trade, January 3d. The investigation resulted in the presentation of two reports, both condemning the construction of the bridge, and attributing its downfall to inherent defects. The minority report, by Mr. Rothery, attributed the responsibility for faults of design in the bridge wholly, for faults of construction principally, to Sir Thomas Bouch, the engineer of the bridge. The majority report agreed as to the responsibility of Sir Thomas Bouch, but did not regard it as within the province of the court to express judgment respecting it.

Great anxiety was felt, from and after the 24th of March, respecting the safety of her Majesty's training-ship Atlanta, which had set sail from Portsmouth four months before, with three hundred and twenty persons on board, for a cruise in the West Indies. She was an old wooden sailing-frigate, which had been commissioned as a training-ship in 1878, and was considered by the Admiralty sound, stanch, and well officered. Vessels were sent in search of the Atlanta, but no clew could be found to her fate, and the Admiralty announced in the month of May that little hope was entertained that she was still afloat. An inquiry was ordered into the fitness of the vessel for the service on which she was employed, the report of which, published at the end of the year, was favorable to the soundness of the


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The Annual Autumnal Congress of the Sanitary Institute of Great Britain met at Exeter, September 21st, under the presidency of Lord Fortescue. Papers were read on The Sanitation of Ancient and Modern Times compared," on "The Sanitary Condition of the Camps in the Crimea," on "Cleansing Sewers," on "Woman as a Sanitary Reformer," on "The Application of the Teachings of Science to Modern Life," and other subjects. A resolution was passed, to be forwarded to the Minister of the United States, expressing satisfaction at the admirable manner in which the city of Memphis, Tennessee, had been drained.

The Social Science Congress met at Edinburgh, September 29th, and was opened with an address by Lord Reay, who compared the social system of the Continent with that of

England. Addresses were delivered by the Lord Advocate on "Criminal Law Administration," and by other speakers on subjects relating to the drama and education. Sir A. K. Shuttleworth read a paper in the Economy and Trade Department on charitable endowments, in which he pointed out that the income derived from existing charities was wasted and misapplied. In the Health Section, Dr. Alfred Carpenter and Dr. Little discussed the subject of the fogs in London. Mr. Hastings, M. P., spoke of the useful measures of legislation which the Congress had promoted, and expressed the belief that its deliberations would materially assist the Home Secretary in his action with reference to juvenile delinquents.

A conference of members of the Farmers' Alliance, October 18th, adopted resolutions urging the Government to pass a compulsory act for giving tenants security for capital invested in improvements, and recommending the abolition of the law of distress, and measures for securing to ratepayers their legitimate share in county government, and for a fair apportionment of local burdens between landlord and tenant.

A deputation of peers, land-owners, and occupiers called on the Local Government Board early in November, to press upon the Government the necessity of introducing legislation in the next session of Parliament, to enable local action to be taken for dealing with floods and preventing the injury caused by them. The Duke of Bedford introduced the deputation, and the Speaker of the House of Commons urged that as the question was one which af fected more or less every watershed in the kingdom, it should be dealt with by a general Government measure. Mr. Dodson, of the Board, admitted the pressing character of the evil, and promised to lay the subject before his colleagues.

The House of Keys of the Isle of Man has adopted an electoral reform bill, by which the franchise is extended to women who are householders or owners of property, and a burial bill, based upon similar provisions to those of the English burial bill, but granting larger liberties to nonconformists.

GREECE, a kingdom of Southeastern Europe. Reigning King, George I, born December 24, 1845, second son of the reigning King of Denmark; elected King of the Hellenes by the National Assembly at Athens, March 18 (30), 1863; accepted the crown June 6, 1863; declared of age by a decree of the National Assembly, June 27, 1863; married October 27, 1867, to Olga, daughter of the Grand Duke Constantine of Russia, born August 22, 1851. Their children are: Constantinos, Duke of Sparta, born August 2, 1868; George, born June 24, 1869; Alexandra, born August 30, 1870; Nicholas, born January 21, 1872; Maria, born March 3, 1876; Princess Olga, who was born April 6, 1880, died a few months later.

The area is 50,123 square kilometres; the

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There is in addition a corps of gendarmes comprising 2,508 men.

According to a statement made by Minister Trikoupis, the army can be raised within twenty days to 35,000 men. The total number of men capable of bearing arms amounts to 228,649 men. The fleet in 1880 consisted of two ironclads, six screw-steamers, three schooners, two cutters, and one royal yacht; total, fourteen vessels.

The only railroad is the line connecting Athens with the Piræus, which was built in 1868, and has a length of twelve kilometres. The telegraphic lines were of a total length of 3,068 kilometres in 1878, and carried 315,771 telegrams. Of post-offices there existed 145 in 1877. The number of letters carried was 2,683,000, of postal cards 4,600, of newspapers 1,867,000.

The negotiations with Turkey concerning the territorial cession to be made to Greece, in accordance with the Treaty of Berlin, did not lead to a satisfactory result. In February, M. Delyannis, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, stated in the Chamber that they had failed. The claims of Greece were warmly supported by France and Italy, and the accession of the Liberal party to power in England also gave them the powerful patronage of the latter country, which even took the lead in new measures for coercing the Turks to come to terms with the Greeks. When the Turkish Government continued to yield to the joint representations made by the great powers, a

For a table showing the area and population of each of the nomarchies into which the kingdom is divided, see "Annual Cyclopædia " for 1879.

conference of plenipotentiaries met at Berlin on June 15th, which unanimously agreed upon a new line of demarkation between Turkey and Greece. By the adoption of this line, Greece would receive an accession to her territory of 8,500 square miles, with 535,000 inhabitants. The Greek Government at once accepted the decision of the Conference, and addressed a note to that effect to the powers, at the same time paying a tribute to the spirit of justice by which they had been guided. At Athens there were three days' festivities in honor of the decision of the Conference. The ancient monuments, the surrounding bills, and the city were illuminated, and enthusiastic demonstrations made before the legations of the six powers whose plenipotentiaries at

tended the Conference. Hundreds of tele

grams were received, expressing the universal joy and gratitude of all classes of the people.

As the Turkish Government showed a resolute resistance to the decision of the Conference, the King of Greece in July signed a decree ordering the mobilization of troops. The population of the districts to be ceded intimated that, if Greece would not move very soon, they would be obliged to withdraw their offers of assistance. The King personally visited the sovereigns of Russia, England, Germany, Austria, and Italy, in order to secure their further assistance in the Greco-Turkish dispute. The army was rapidly increased, and at the beginning of September 42,000 men of the active army were reported to be under arms. On September 21st the King, in_opening the new session of the Chamber of Deputies, stated in his speech from the throne that the execution of the decision of the powers imposed action upon the Government, and that he was firmly resolved to effect as speedily as possible the object for which he had made great naval and military preparations. A decree was issued at the same time, ordering the formation of fifty battalions of infantry each of nine hundred and sixty men. The extraordinary reserves were to number 10,000 men, and their time of service was to be a year and a half. At a council of war held in Athens in October, under the presidency of M. Coumoundouros, it was resolved to send an army of 24,000 men against Thessaly, and another of 36,000 against Epirus. There were to be, further, 20,000 troops held in reserve. On December 4th the Prime Minister, M. Coumoundouros, stated that the Government intended to continue the military and naval preparations, so as to be able to execute the decisions arrived at by the Berlin Conference; at the same time, he would endeavor to attain this object with the help of the European concert, but would, in every case, reserve his liberty of action.

The strife of parties in the Chamber of Deputies, proceeding mostly from personal, not political, differences of opinion, continued to be as violent and unceasing as in former years. At the beginning of January, the Ministry was

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