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subscribed. The application for twice or thrice as many shares as there were, when the books were opened, shows a remarkable confidence throughout Europe in the judgment and ability of De Lesseps, its promoter.

The year has been marked by events of the highest importance for some of the SpanishAmerican states. If peaceful elections and the fact of a change of administration having been effected in the midst of unexampled serenity; the resumption of friendly relations with foreign powers after a protracted period of estrangement; the construction (no longer projected, but actual) of railways; the extension of inland telegraph lines, and the laying of a submarine cable-if all these bespeak the inauguration of an era of prosperity, such an era has assuredly begun for Mexico within the past twelve months.

In the Central American republics a season of international quiet, if not of absolute international harmony, has been enjoyed, and much has been accomplished in the direction of facilitating foreign_commerce.

In Colombia the reverse has, for the most part, been the order of things; and General Nuñez's Government, inaugurated in April, has chiefly attracted attention at home and abroad by a marked increase of imposts on foreign products entering the republic: printed books, including even text-books for the use of schools, having been subjected to an onerous rate of duty. A bill for an international copyright treaty with the principal European and American nations was laid before the Colombian Legislature, and the new administration has manifested a desire to encourage the development of the mining industry of the country.

Little has been accomplished in the way of real progress in either Venezuela or Ecuador; Peru has continued to resist, but has been powerless to repel, the Chilian invaders, and her very capital has been menaced with destruction; while Bolivia, partly from inability and partly from apathy, has tendered little aid to her ally, but rather sullenly submits to the prospective forfeiture of an important portion of her territory, which must inevitably follow the ultimate success of the Chilian arms in the present strife.

In Chili, commerce, agriculture, and mining have of necessity suffered from the long drain of forces to maintain the strength of the army; but the moral energy of the Government and people has been sustained by uniform success; the interest on the foreign and home debts has been regularly paid, nor has the Executive required to be invested with any extraordinary powers to raise funds and organize elements with which to carry on the war.

the country, have given place in some quarters to the assumption that belligerent designs were entertained toward Chili, with which republic the Patagonian boundary question is still pending; while the more plausible explanation of the armament is by many regarded as simply a prudent desire on the part of the Argentine Government to be prepared in case Chili, when finally at peace with Peru, should be tempted to make a demonstration of her liberated forces in support of her claim to sovereign jurisdiction over the disputed territory. The material prosperity of the Argentine Republic has, in the mean time, suffered no check.

Political affairs in Uruguay have been in a very unsettled condition, and the national revenue in the second half of the year proved inadequate to meet the Government require


In Brazil the discussion of the electoral bill was continued with but little interruption; but no event has occurred throughout the year to retard commercial or industrial progress; trade with foreign nations, on the contrary, would seem to be rapidly increasing, a by no means unimportant proof of which is the fact of arrangements having been made for the establishment of a regular line of steamers between the ports of Halifax, Nova Scotia, and Rio Janeiro in October, 1881.

ANGLICAN CHURCH. The population connected with the Anglican Church in the British Isles, in British North America, and in Australia, is estimated as follows: *

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The following new sees of the Church of England were established in 1879 and 1880: In England, Liverpool, 1880 (forming part of the province of York); in India, Travancore and Cochin, 1879; in China, Mid-China, 1880; in America, New Westminster, 1879, and Caledonia, 1879.

The Convocation of Canterbury met June 1st. Petitions were presented and considered in favor of the act for closing the publichouses on Sunday, against any alteration in the Book of Common Prayer, and in favor of the more complete representation of the clergy. In the Lower House, a resolution respecting the "Burials Bill" supported by the Government before Parliament was adopted, as follows: "That the Lower House of the Convocation of Canterbury are bound by their duty to the Church humbly to record the expression of their deep regret that it should be judged necessary on the part of her Majesty's advisers to propose to Parliament a measure which, if it shall become law, will, for the first time in the history of the country, save and except only the time of the Commonwealth, take away from the

The Argentine Republic has been the scene of considerable disturbance during the electoral campaign. The military policy announced by the new President in his message, and the increase of the military and naval resources of plete list of dioceses existing at the beginning of 1879, see

*For a more detailed statistical account, and for a comAnnual Cyclopædia " for 1879, p. 80.

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Church of England the exclusive control, according to her own doctrines and discipline, of the use of her own churchyards; and that this House desires, by this solemn protest, to deliver itself of all responsibility as to any dishonor which may be done to Almighty God by the character of the worship which, in the event of the passage of this bill, may hereafter be offered in her churchyards." A committee was appointed to consider the best method of providing for Episcopal supervision over Anglican congregations in the North of Europe. The Archbishop was deputed to confer with the Government respecting an increase in the number of elected proctors, and a change in the mode of elections and the qualifications of electors. The bishops agreed that they would use all their influence in Parliament to secure the incorporation in the bill for taking the census in 1881 of a provision for taking a religious census in England.

The second meeting of the Convocation was held July 13th. A committee of both Houses was appointed to consider how best to provide for Episcopal supervision over Anglican congregations in the North of Europe. The committee to whom the subject of the Burials Bill had been referred, made a report suggesting that, if the bill should not be passed, both the Church and dissenters should give up the funeral services at the grave, and hold them only at their houses of worship. This clause was struck out by vote of the Convocation, and the report was referred back to the committee. The Convocation of York met at the same time, and took action in favor of securing provision for a religious census of England in the bill for a general census which was about to be presented to Parliament.

The eighty-first annual meeting of the Church Missionary Society was held in London, May 4th. The Earl of Chichester presided. The total amount of contributions given to the Society during the year had been £221,723, and the expenditures had been £200,307. The capital fund had been restored to its original figure of £68,281. The committee had resolved to set apart £60,000 as the permanent working capital of the Society, and to place the remainder of the fund to a separate account, to be called the contingency fund. Four hundred and eighty clergymen, of whom 218 were European, were engaged in the work of the Society, with 2,686 native and country-born Christian catechists. The number of communicants in the mission churches was 28,510.

The twelfth annual Conference of the Society for the Liberation of Religion from State Patronage and Control, was held in London, June 10th. Mr. H. Lee, M. P., presided. The report stated that the receipts of the Society for the year had been £11,398, and the expenditures £10,848. Seven million copies of publications had been issued, and nearly two thousand meetings had been held. Resolutions were adopted declaring that the Conference viewed with satisfaction the results of the recent elections in Scotland, and the indications that the question of disestablishment was not to remain in abeyance till another election; that it approved of Mr. Roundell's motion affirming the inexpediency of retaining clerical restrictions in connection with any headship or fellowship in any college of Oxford or Cambridge, and also of Mr. Bryce's proposal for the abolition of such restrictions in connection with professorships of Hebrew and ecclesiastical history; that the Public Worship Regulation Act had failed to accomplish its professed object; expressing the belief that a remedy for the evils which afflict the Church would be found, not in fresh legislation, but in employing the spiritual forces of a free church; and expressing gratification at the early introduction of the Burials Bill, and a hope that it might be satisfactorily amended.

The receipts of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel for 1879 were: from collections and subscriptions to the general fund, £71,099; from legacies, £10,934; from dividends, £4,753; total in the general fund, £86,787. Other funds had been appropriated to the amount of £9,943, and special funds amounted to £34,943, making the entire income of all classes, £131,674. The Society had employed 593 missionaries.

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The twentieth annual Church Congress was held in Leicester, beginning September 27th. The opening sermons were preached by the Archbishop of York and the Dean of Llandaff. The Bishop of Peterborough presided at the Congress. Papers were read and discussed on subjects relating to the foreign missions of the Church, "The Church and the Poor "; Religious Condition of the Nation ";" Church in relation to the Organization of Labor"; "Upper and Middle Class Education; its Present Condition, and how to maintain and promote its Religious Character"; "SundayClosing and Local Option"; "The Internal Unity of the Church, and the Influence of the Three Great Schools of Thought in the Church of England upon each other, and upon the Church"; "The Existing Forms of Unbelief; their Social and Moral Tendencies"; Cathedral System; how to reform it so as to strengthen the Relations of the Cathedral to the Diocese, and to make each Cathedral a more Efficient Center of Religious Equality"; "The Duty of the Church as regards Civil Laws relating to Marriage and Divorce"; "The Communion of Saints; how may it be strengthened and manifested"; "Popular Recreations; how to improve them; Light Literature and the Stage." The Congress was visited by a deputation representing the nonconformist ministers of Leicester, bidding it welcome to the town. The Bishop of Peterborough responded in a courteous address.


The Synod of the Episcopal Church in Ireland met in Dublin, April 20th, and was opened with an address from the Lord Primate. The

financial reports showed that a steady decrease in the receipts from various sources had been going on for several years past, the amount received under the head of assessment having fallen from £124,424 in 1876 to £108,272 in 1879, and the receipts from all sources from £212,095 to £165,007. The attention of the Synod was given to the discussion of the relations of the Divinity School in Trinity College with the Synod, of the status of proprietary churches, the formation of a General Church Committee, the claims of the minor incumbents and curates, the increasing expenditure of the representative body, the consecration of church-building, and primary education. The Provincial Synod of the Episcopal Church in Canada was held in Montreal in September. The Synod decided that the name of the Church should hereafter be "The Church of England in Canada "; that a Board of Foreign Missions should be formed for the collection of money for missions to the heathen abroad, and a Board of Domestic Missions for work in British America, particularly in the diocese of Algoma; and that persons might be admitted to the diaconate, but not to the priesthood, without surrendering their worldly callings.

The fifth Synod of the Diocese of Sydney met in Sydney, New South Wales, June 22d. Bishop Barker, in his opening address, mentioned as important topics affecting the interests of the Church, the Public Instruction Act of 1880, and the Church and school land revenues, an act concerning which was pending before the Colonial Parliament. He urged the clergy to avail themselves of the opportunities for imparting religious instruction in the public schools. A resolution was proposed reciting that the Church had not the influence in the colony to which it should, by its numbers and position, be entitled, and advising the members to take a more active interest in politics. After considerable debate, it received the vote of a large majority of the clergy, but was defeated by the negative vote of the laity. The income of the Church Society for the year had been £14,000. The Society granted stipends to thirty-eight clergymen and eight catechists. The triennial meeting of the General Synod of New Zealand, was held at Christchurch in April, and was attended by seven bishops, twenty clergy, and twenty-three lay representatives. The Primate suggested that a revision of the wording of the constitution of the Synod was needed to adapt the instrument to the changes which had taken place in the circumstances of the colonies since it was framed, and a motion providing for a revision was made, but not acted upon. The principal subjects considered by the Synod were the consolidation of the parochial system, and clerical education. The Board of Theological Studies provided a uniform standard of education for all the dioceses. It was resolved not to attempt to establish a central theological college, but to

found exhibitions which might be held in New Zealand or elsewhere. The arrangements for the selection of hymns and the musical parts of the service were declared to be under the control of the clergymen, not of the vestry. Favorable accounts were given of religious work among the Maories, and in the islands.

ANTIMONY-MINES IN MEXICO. The antimony of commerce has hitherto been derived almost exclusively from the sulphide-ore called stibnite, or gray antimony. In this state the metal is distributed very widely over the globe, though it is found nowhere in large deposits. It is mined in Hungary and different parts of Europe, and is found in California and Nevada; but the principal source of the supply is Borneo, whence it is shipped in ballast to the English smelters. The cost of the purified metal is quite high, being as great as that of tin and copper, and about four times that of lead. Its high price is owing not only to the comparative infrequency of the ores, but to the difficulty of reducing the sulphide, in which the antimony is usually associated with various troublesome mineral impurities, which impede and complicate the process of extraction. The reduction of the sulphide is a long process. The sulphide is first separated from the gangue by fusion, and then reduced to an oxide by roasting in a reverberatory furnace; and from the oxide thé metallic antimony is obtained by fusion with charcoal saturated with a solution of carbonate of sodium.


Extensive mines of the oxide of antimony have recently been discovered in Sonora, Mexico, in the district of Altar. The attention of metallurgists was called to these deposits in 1879 by the discoverer, E. T. Cox, of Arizona. A company of capitalists from Boston was soon formed who secured nine claims of the dimensions allowed in Mexico, 2,624 by 656 feet, including all the outcropping lodes. The geological character of the country where this valuable discovery was made is identical with that of southern Arizona. The mountains are in short, narrow ranges, running mostly in a north-andsouth direction. Some of the summits are irregular and rugged, and some are smooth, round cones, owing to the different degrees of erosion in the different materials of their masses. tween the parallel ranges is table-land or mesa, formed of the eroded material. The peaks are porphyry, quartzites, basalt, diorites, and trachytes, the principal mass of the mountainchains granite, the sedimentary rock on their flanks a sub-carboniferous limestone, in which the fossil remains have been effaced by igneous action. The débris which forms the mesa is so loose that the rain sinks through it, leaving the surface always dry and arid. In the immediate neighborhood of the mines only the limestone and quartzite are found. The lodes are from four to twenty feet thick. The ore has been removed to the depth of thirty feet, and the fissures are found to be filled from one wall to the It is oxide of antiother with the solid ore.

mony, almost pure, and remarkably uniform. The course of the lodes is north and south, parallel with the axis of the mountains. The pitch is high to the east. All the lodes are found within an area five or six miles long and one half mile wide; on three of them the ore crops out above the surface of the ground, and can be seen bulging out for several hundred feet along the lode. The ore is almost pure oxide, the only impurity being silica, which is present in very small quantities. The ore assayed 60 and 70 per cent. of pure metal, and is expected to average 50 per cent. There is no indication that the oxide ceases and gives place to sulphide deeper down in the lodes. The mineral varies from a light color, almost white, to a dark brown. The purest specimens have the specific gravity 5·07; in these there is 75 per cent. of antimony; they contain 5 per cent. of water. It corresponds in composition and specific gravity to the mineral called stibiconite. It is only slightly soluble in hydrochloric and nitric acids, and aqua regia. Fused with carbonate of soda in a crucible of platinum, it decomposes readily. The ore is reduced only with difficulty before the blowpipe, but yields readily in a crucible with powdered charcoal or cyanide of potassium, giving star antimony. This particular oxide of antimony has never before been met with except as a slight coating on other minerals containing antimony. It has before been so rare that specimens containing only a few grains were difficult to procure.

Antimony is an exceedingly useful metal, and if more abundant could be applied to additional uses. It is chiefly valuable for the alloys which it gives in combination with other metals. The chief of these are type-metal and britanniametal. Type-metal is composed of lead and antimony, the proportion of the latter varying between 17 and 20 per cent. Britannia-ware is made of an alloy with tin, copper, and zinc, containing 16 per cent. of antimony and 81 of tin. The valuable pharmaceutical preparations of antimony, tartar-emetic, etc., must be freed absolutely from arsenic and other impurities which the antimony of commerce nearly always contains.

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The navy was composed of 27 vessels: 2 steam ironclads, 6 steam gunboats, 2 steam torpedoes, 12 steamers (transformed into warships), 8 steam transports, and 2 sail of the line; with an aggregate tonnage of 12,000, an armament of 88 guns, and manned with 2 chiefs of squadron, 5 colonels, 8 lieutenantcolonels, 6 majors, 7 captains, 26 lieutenants, 22 students, 43 midshipmen, 7 paymasters, 26 2,000 infantry and artillery (National Guard); engineers; 900 seamen, including officers; subaltern officers, and 80 men. and 1 torpedo section, with 3 commandants, 8 val school and a school for cabin-boys; and an There is a naarsenal has been built at Zárate.

the fiscal year 1879-'80 were as shown in the The estimated revenue and expenditure for following tables:

Import duties...
Export duties...

Warehouse fees, etc..


Stamped paper, patents, etc...

Post-office and telegraphs...
Lighthouses, etc...

ARGENTINE REPUBLIC (REPÚBLICA ARGENTINA).* The President of the Republic is Brigadier-General Don Julio A. Roca (inaugurated on October 12, 1880); and the VicePresident, Don Francisco B. Madero. The new Cabinet is composed of the following Ministers: Interior, Señor Del Viso; Finance, Dr. Cortinez (ad interim until May, 1881, when Wharfage. the regular appointee, Dr. Don Juan José Romero, Governor of the province of Buenos Ayres until that date, will assume the portfolio); Justice, Public Worship, and Public Instruction, Señor Pizarro; War, and the Navy, Señor Victorica.

The Argentine Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary to the United States

See "Annual Cyclopedia" for 1872, 1877, and 1878, for statistics concerning area, population, territorial divisions, etc.


$18,800,000 2,500,000 350,000





Interest, etc. (on national funds loaned to prov-

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Ministry of Justice, Public Instruction, etc...






Ministry of the Interior.
Ministry of Finance.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Ministry of War and the Navy..


Ad interim until May, 1881, when he will assume the portfolio of Finance in the national Government.

The surplus observed on comparing the totals of these two tables is $770,386.

Some of the more important items of expenditure in the several departments of the Government, according to the estimate already referred to, are exhibited in the subjoined table:

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718,440 The customs receipts for each month of the year 1879, as given in the following table, though in general but little below the standard for the most favorable years, do not aggregate as high as the estimated receipts for 1879-'80, shown in the foregoing table of the revenue: January.. February.


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young nations to have the largest possible number of inhabitants educated, while it is perhaps the noblest tributed to the Government. Finally comes the Minmanner of returning to the people what they have conistry of War and the Navy with $82,720, of which $50,000, are for the new powder-factory, a medical corps, and Board of Health, the placing in commission of several ships at present lying up, the erection of marine workshops, etc. The taxes all remain as they were in 1880, except some slight modification in the manner of collecting them.

The financial condition of the Argentine 246,036 Republic is, on the whole, and despite of many unfavorable circumstances, chief among which are the devastating revolutions which attend electoral campaigns, extremely favorable, and $4,437,963 640,782 the country's credit is uniformly maintained abroad, thanks to the unexceptional regularity observed in the service of the national debt. Between the years 1863 and 1870 the revenue increased 120 per cent., and between 1870 and 1878 a further advance of about 4 per cent. was apparent. The returns for 1879 now show an increase of rather less then 5 per cent. as compared with those for 1878;* but this is attributed in part to the enhanced import tax on wool, for which Minister Plaza obtained permission from Congress in 1878. Notwithstanding that it is an express violation of the Constitution to impose any export duties on native products, yet the tax on wool was raised to 6 per cent. ad valorem, a state of things regarded as prejudicial to the interests of the republic, since it would be impossible for Buenos Ayres, shackled with such an impost, to compete with Australia, which exports its wool free of duty. Dr. Plaza's policy, however, was cordially supported by the people of Buenos Ayres. As the inhabitants of the city already paid forty-five dollars per capita to the national Government, twenty dollars to the provincial government, and about ten dollars to the Municipal Council, it was deemed wise and

$1,199,487 25
1,239,019 28
1,059,946 21
1,103,615 77
1,414,375 24
1,011,146 07
1,029,261 24
929.997 22
888,809 58
1,152,853 93
980,427 98
4,196,888 71

$18,150,823 50

Dr. Avellaneda, in his message to Congress, immediately before surrendering the executive power to his successor, made the following statement concerning the budget:

more patriotic" that any new taxes should be laid on the estancieros (farmers, etc., occupying the estancias in the rural districts). The incidence of taxation was as follows:


Buenos Ayres (city)...
Buenos Ayres (rural districts)..
Thirteen remaining provinces of the republic....

$8,600,000 4,800,000





Rural districts.




The total expenditure for the year 1881 is estimated at $20,207,851, as follows: Interior, $3,452,995.0S; Foreign Affairs, $140,840; Finance, $9,455,322.57; Justice, etc., $1,499,452; War and the Navy (army, $4,740,610; navy, $917,622) $5,658,232; and showing an increase of $1,724,337 over the present year (1880) as follows: Interior, $870,114; Foreign Affairs, $24,000; Finance, $42,252; Justice, etc., $202,484; War and the Navy (army, $302,647; navy, $279,840-) $582,487. This increase is in a great measure merely nominal, as the whole amount appropriated is rarely spent, although it well might be in the present instance, and City... particularly in the branches for which the increase is intended. A few words will explain this: Of the $870,114 asked for the Interior, $650,000 are for the extension of the Central North and Andine Railways, and may be looked upon as the carnings of said lines. Consequently, the real increase is only $220,114, which will be chiefly devoted to immigration and colonization, and subsidizing the municipal bodies to be created for those purposes; the founding of new colonies in Patagonia; the improvement of roads, bridges, and public buildings; the canalization of the port of Santa Fé; the repairing of the dredging-machinery, and other urgent public items which reach in the aggregato $85,848 in the estimates of the other ministerial departments. The increase for Public Instruction is comparatively insignificant, if the appropriations made in former years for this branch are considered, and how important it is for


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