Gambar halaman

its officers, servants or contractors, for or by reason of the construction of any sidewalk, or of the levelling or grading of any portion or portions of any street, or of the building up or cutting away of the surface thereof.

18. All moneys received by the town from owners Sinking fund of lots under the provisions of this act shall be paid into a chartered bank to the credit of a sinking fund account in respect of the sidewalk section for which such moneys are paid; and shall be applied and used for the payment of moneys borrowed for the construction of the sidewalk on such section, and for no other purpose.

19. This act shall not go into effect until it be approved by a meeting of ratepayers of the town to be called and held in accordance with the provisions of sections 143 and 144 of chapter 71 of the Revised Statutes of Nova Scotia, 1900, "The Towns' Incorporation Act."


Form "A"


Notice is hereby given that a petition of owners of lots which abut on sidewalk section No....

side of....

....street, in the town of Pictou, has been presented to the council, asking that a permanent sidewalk be constructed in said section under the provisions of chapter.

the acts of 1909.

[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]

Plan of said sidewalk section may be seen at the town clerk's office. The council will hear all persons alleging interest in the lands which abut on said sidewalk section, and ratepayers, and their witnesses, on

[blocks in formation]

extending from.

Form "B"

seconded by

whereas, under the pro

.of the acts of 1909, a plan of

.... side of

street, town of Pictou,


has been made, and a petition having been duly presented and due notice given, and all persons alleging interest in the lands which abut on said sidewalk section, and ratepayers and witnesses produced by them heard by the council; resolved, that the council hereby approves of the said plan, and that the same be signed by the mayor and town clerk, and be filed in town office.

Form "C"

Whereas, under the provisions of chapter.

of the acts of 1909, a resolution approving the plan of sidewalk section No.

..side of

street, town of Pictou,

extending from..

was, on the..

.A. D. 19.


day of approved by

the council, and has been signed by the mayor and town clerk, and is on file in the town office at Pictou;

And whereas, the persons who are owners of lands which abut on the said sidewalk section, and the lineal frontages of the respective lots of such owners are as follows:—

[blocks in formation]

And whereas, the estimated cost of construction of a permanent sidewalk in the said sidewalk section is ..dollars;

Resolved, that the council hereby approves of such work and orders the construction of such sidewalk in said sidewalk section, to be made of... ..


(with necessary curbs and gutters, if this be decided on), also add any further description, dimension, etc., deemed advisable.

[blocks in formation]

Pictou; and (name of owner as on plan of section.)

Whereas, that lot of land situated at the

side of....

...street in the town of Pictou,

(give gen

abutting on the said sidewalk section No.... described as follows:-.

eral description of lot) is chargeable with frontage tax under the provisions of chapter..

the acts of 1909;



And whereas, the total of such frontage tax is

.. whereof $...

an instalment of $.. interest $...

..has been paid; and .together with accrued

making in all $......

...and is un

I was due at the... paid (or, if more than one instalment unpaid, or other case, make recital to suit circumstances);

Notice by the direction of the council of said town of Pictou is hereby given, that said lot of land will be

sold at public auction at the town office in the town

[blocks in formation]

to pay said frontage tax, interest thereon and expenses.

Dated at the town of Pictou this....

day of..

.A. D. 190...

Town Clerk.


An Act to Authorize the Town of Pictou to Sell Lands.

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Town author

ized to sell

Be it enacted by the Governor, Council, and Assembly, as follows:

1. The town of Pictou is authorized from time to certian lots. time, by its council, to sell and convey in fee simple, the whole or any part or parts of the following lots or parcels of land owned by said town:-

(1) All those certain lots of land and land covered with water, situate, lying and being in the town of Pictou, abutted, bounded and described as follows, viz:

Beginning at the southwest corner of the lands conveyed to Wilber F. Whitney by the town of Pictou, by deed dated the ninth day of April, A. D. 1904, and registered in book one hundred and forty, at page seven hundred and fifty-one of the Registry of Deeds for the county of Pictou, being the point marked "F" on the plan attached to the said deed, and running thence south three hundred and ninety feet, more

or less, to the north bank of the channel of Pictou Harbor; thence westwardly along the north bank of the said channel of Pictou Harbor three hundred and seventy-six feet, more or less, or to a point south from the southeast corner (marked "A" on said plan) of lands owned by H. M. The King, and used for the purposes of a marine hospital; thence north to the last mentioned point three hundred and ninety feet, more or less; and thence continuing in the same course seven hundred and ninety-eight feet to the south side line of the Beeches Road, so-called, at the point marked "B" on said plan; thence northeastwardly following the courses of said road to the northwest corner (marked "L" on said plan) of lands owned or occupied by A. Scott Dawson; thence south along the west side line of said Dawson's land two hundred and seventy-three feet, to the southwest corner thereof, being the point marked "K" on said plan; thence east along the south side of said Dawson's land sixtyone feet to a point (marked "I" on said plan) on the west side line of lands now or formerly owned by George Campbell, son of Thomas Campbell; thence south along last mentioned line eighty-two and onehalf feet, or to the northeast corner (marked "H" on said plan) of the lands conveyed to the said Wilber F. Whitney by the hereinbefore mentioned deed from the town of Pictou; thence west along the north side of last mentioned lands six hundred and four feet to a willow tree (marked "G" on said plan) on the east side line of the late George Campbell's farm; thence south along last mentioned line four hundred and forty-five and one-half feet to a spruce tree; thence west eighty feet to a stake there placed, marked "E" on said plan; thence south two hundred and seventy feet to the place of beginning; reserving, nevertheless, to the said Wilber F. Whitney a right of way fifteen feet wide over and across said lands as the same is now established, and more particularly described in the said in part recited conveyance from the town of Pictou; the said described lots being the same mentioned and described in a certain deed by Wilber F. Whitney and Emeline, his wife, to the town of Pictou, dated the ninth day of April, A. D. 1904, and registered in book one hundred and thirty-nine, at page five hundred and twenty-three;

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