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this substance, but he could not discover more than 100 out of 1265 manuscripts, which presented any probability of success.

Sir Humphry returned to England in 1820, and in the same year sir Joseph Banks, President of the Royal Society, died. Several discussions took place respecting a proper successor. Amongst the philosophers whose labours had enriched the Transactions of the Royal Society, two were most generally adverted to, sir Humphry Davy and Dr. Wollaston; but Dr. Wollaston, who had received from the council of the Society the unanimous compliment of being placed in the chair till the election by the body in November, declined any competition with his friend sir Humphry Davy. Sir Humphry retained his seat as President till the year 1827, when, in consequence of procrastinated ill health, he was induced, by medical advice, to retire to the Continent. He accordingly resigned his seat as President of the Royal Society, the chair being filled, pro temp. by Davies Gilbert, Esq. who at the anniversary meeting, Nov. 30, 1827, was unanimously elected President.

During his retirement on the Continent, sir Humphry continued to communicate the results of his labours to the Royal Society; and at the anniversary meeting of the year 1827, one of the royal medals was awarded to him for his discoveries developing the relation between electricity and chemistry.

Sir Humphry Davy was, in every respect, an accomplished scholar, and was well acquainted with foreign languages. He always retained a strong taste for

literary pleasures; and his philosophical works are written in a perspicuous and popular style, by which means he has contributed more to the diffusion of scientific knowledge than any other writer of his time. His three principal works are "Chemical and Philosophical Researches," " Elements of Chemical Philosophy," and "Elements of Agricultural Chemistry," and the two last are excellently adapted for elementary study. His numerous pamphlets and contributions to the Transactions of the Royal Society have the same rare merit of conveying experimental knowledge in the most attractive form, and thus reducing abstract theory to the practice and purposes of life and society. The results of his investigations and experiments were not, therefore, pent up in the laboratory or lecture-room where they were made, but by this valuable mode of communication, they have realised, what ought to be the highest aim of science, the improvement of the condition and comforts of every class of his fellow-creatures.

Sir Humphry spent nearly the whole of the summer of 1828 in fowling and fishing in the neighbourhood of Laybach; and it has been related by a gentleman who accompanied him on a shooting excursion, that the relative weight of the various parts of each bird, the quantity of digested and undigested food, &c. were carefully noted down by the observant naturalist. It is believed that he was preparing for a large work on natural history. In the same year he published "Salmonia, or Days of Fly-fishing."

The great philosopher closed his mortal career at Geneva. He had arrived in that city only the day before, namely, Friday, the 29th of May, 1829; having performed his journey from Rome by easy stages, without feeling any particular inconvenience, and without any circumstances which denoted so near an approach to the payment of the last debt of nature. During the night, however, he was attacked with apoplexy; and he expired at three o'clock on the morning of the 30th. Sir Humphry had been for some months a resident at Rome, where he had had a serious and alarming attack of a paralytic nature, but from which he was apparently, though slowly, recovering; although his most sanguine friends hardly ventured to hope that his valuable life would be much longer preserved. Lady Davy had joined him in Rome, on hearing of his alarming state, as had also his brother, Dr. John Davy, physician to the forces in Malta.

The event was no sooner known than his widow received the condolences and affectionate offers of services of the most distinguished individuals of Geneva; amongst whom were M. A. de Candolle the eminent botanist, and M. Sismondi the historian; both equally beloved for their amiable character, and illustrious throughout Europe for their works. M. de Candolle took charge of all the details of the interment; and the government of the canton, the academy of Geneva, the consistory of the Genevan church, and the Societies of Arts, and of Natural Philosophy and History, together with nearly all the English residents, accompanied the

remains to the burying-ground, where the English service was performed by the rev. John Magers, of Queen's College, and the rev. Mr. Burgess. The members of the academy took their place in the funeral procession; and the invitations to the Syndicate, and to the learned bodies who accompanied it, were made by that body.

The procession which followed the corporate bodies, and the countrymen of the deceased, was joined by many of the most eminent manufacturers of the city, and a large body of mechanics, who were anxious to pay this tribute of regard and of gratitude for one whom they deservedly looked upon as a great benefactor to the arts, and promoter of the sciences, by the application of which they earned their livelihood.

Sir Humphry having died without issue, his baronetcy has become extinct. The "allusive" arms assigned to him by the heralds, are, sable, a chevron engrailed erminois between two annulets in chief or, and in base a flame proper, encompassed by a chain sable, issuant from a civic wreath or. Crest: out of a civic wreath or, an elephant's head sable, ear or, tusks argent, the proboscis attached by a line to a ducal coronet around the neck Motto, Igne constricto vita

or. sccura.

The following is a list of the works of which sir Humphry Davy was the author :

Chemical and Philosophical Rescarches, chiefly concerning Nitrous Oxide and its respiration. 1800, 8vo. - A Syllabus of a Course of Lectures on Chemistry at the Royal Institution. 1802, 8vo. A Discourse, introductory to a Course of Lectures on Chemistry.


1802, 8vo. Electro - Chemical Researches on the Decomposition of the Earths; with Observations on the Metals obtained from the Alkaline Earths, and an Amalgam procured from Ammonia.--Lecture on a Plan for improving the Royal Institution, and making'it permanent. 1810,8vo. Elements of Chemical Philosophy. 1812, 8vo. Elements of Agricultural Chemistry, in a Course of Lectures before the Board of Agriculture. 1813, 4to. and 8vo.Practical Hints on the Application of Wire Gauze to Lamps, for preventing Explosions in Coal Mines. 1816, 8vo. -Six Discourses delivered before the Royal Society, at their Anniversary Meetings, on the Award of the Royal and Copley Medals; preceded by an Address to the Society, delivered in 1800, on the Progress and Prospects of Science. 4to.

The following chronological series will show the number and value of the articles contributed by sir Humphry to the Philosophical Transactions :

Account of some Galvanic Combinations formed by the Arrangement of single Metallic Plates and Fluids, analogous to the new Galvanic Apparatus of M. Volta. 1801.- Account of some Experiments and Observations on the constituent Parts of certain astringent Vegetables, and on their Operation in Tanning. 1803.-- An Account of some analytical Experiments on a Mineral Production from Devonshire, consisting principally of Alumine and Water. 1805. On a Method of analysing Stones, containing fixed Alkali, by means of the Boracic Acid. 1805.--The Bakerian Lecture on some Chemical Agencies of Electricity. 1807.--The Bakerian Lecture on some new Phenomena of Chemical Changes produced by Electricity, particularly the Decomposition of the fixed Alkalies, and the Exhibition of the new Substances which constitute their Basis, and on the general Nature of Alkaline Bodies. 1808.-The Bakerian Lecture; an Account of some new analytical Researches on the Nature of certain Bodies, particularly the Alkalies, Phosphorus, Sulphur, Carbonaceous Matter, and the Acids hitherto undecompounded; with some general Observations on Chemical Theory. 1809. -New Analytical Researches on the

Nature of certain Bodies; being an Appendix to the Bakerian Lecture for 1808. The Bakerian Lecture for 1809, on some new Electro-Chemical Researches, on various Objects, particularly the Metallic Bodies from the Alkalies and the Earths, and on some Combinations of Hydrogen. 1810.-Researches on the Oxymuriatic Acid, its Nature and Combinations, and on the Elements of the Muriatic Acid; with some Experiments on Sulphur and Phosphorus, made in the Laboratory of the Royal Institution. 1810. - The Bakerian Lecture, on some of the Combinations of Oxymuriatic Gas and Oxygen, and on the Chemical Relations of these Principles to inflammable Bodies. 1811. Also another paper in the same volume in continuation of the subject.On some Combinations of Phosphorus and Sulphur, and on some other Subjects of Chemical Inquiry. 1812.-Two papers on a new Detonating Compound. 1813.-Some Experiments and Observations on the Substances produced in different Chemical Processes on Fluor

Spar. 1813.-An Account of some new Experiments on the Fluoric Compounds; with some Observations on other Objects of Chemical Inquiry. 1814.-Some Experiments and Observations on a new Substance, which becomes a violetcoloured Gas by Heat. 1814.-Further Experiments and Observationson Iodine. 1814.-Some Experiments on the Combustion of the Diamond, and other carbonaceous Substances. 1814.- Some Experiments and Observations on the Colours used in Painting by the Ancients. 1815.-Some Experiments on a solid Compound of Iodine and Oxygen, and on its Chemical Agencies. 1815.– On the Action of Acids on the Salts usually called Hyperoxy muriates, and on the Gases produced from them. 1815. -On the Fire-damp of Coal-mines, and on Methods of Lighting the Mines so as to prevent Explosion; an Account of an Invention for giving Light in explosive Mixtures of Fire-damp in Coalmines, by consuming the Fire-damp; and further Experiments on the Combustion of explosive Mixtures confined by Wire Gauze; with some Observations on Flame. 1816.-Some Researches on Flame; and some new Experiments and Observations on the Combustion of Gaseous Mixtures; with an Account of a Method of preserving continued Light in Mixtures of inflammable Gases and

Air, without Flame. 1817.-On the Fallacy of the Experiments in which Water is said to have been formed by the Decomposition of Chlorine. 1818.New Experiments on some of the Combinations of Phosphorus, 1818. - Observations on the Formation of Mists in particular Situations. 1819.-On the Magnetic Phenomena produced by Electricity. Observations and Experiments on the Papyri found in the Ruins of Herculaneum. Researches on the Magnetic Phenomena produced by Electricity, with some new Experiments on the Properties of Electrified Bodies, in their relation to their conducting Powers and Temperature. On the Electrical Phenomena exhibited in Vacuo. On the State of Water and Aeriform Matter

in Cavities found in certain Crystals.On a new phenomenon of Electro-magnetism. On the Condensation of Muriatic Gas into the liquid Form. On the Application of Liquids formed by the Condensation of Gases as Mechanical Agents. Experiments and Obser

vations on the Application of Electrical Combinations to the Preservation of the Copper Sheathing of Ships. The Bakerian Lecture on the Relations of Electrical and Chemical Changes. 1826. -On the Phenomenon of Volcanos. 1828.-An Account of some Experiments on the Torpedo.

To Nicholson's Journal he communicated;

An Account of some Experiments made with the Galvanic Apparatus of Signor Volta. 1801.-Note respecting the Absorption of Nitrous Gas, by Solutions of Green Sulphate and Muriate of Iron. 1802.

To the Philosophical Magazine,

A few additional Practical Observations on the Wire-gauze Safety Lamps for Mines. 1816.-Suggestions arising from Inspections of Wire-gauze Lamps in their working State in Mines. 1816.

MEMOIR of WILLIAM HYDE WOLLASTON, M. D. Fellow of the College of Physicians, and of the Royal Society.

The family of Wollaston was originally from Staffordshire, and has now for several generations been eminent in the circles of science. Dr. Wollaston's greatgrandfather, the Rev. William Wollaston, was the author of "The Religion of Nature delineated." His son, Francis Wollaston, esq. F.R.S., had three sons, all likewise Fellows of the Royal Society: the Rev. Francis Wollaston, rector of Chiselhurst, and St. Vedast, Foster-lane, and precentor of St. David's, who died in 1815; Charlton Wollaston, M.D., who died in 1764; and the Rev. George Wollaston, D.D., rector of St. Mary Aldermary. His eldest daughter was the wife of the celebrated William Heberden, M.D. F.R.S., and mother to the present physician of that name.

Dr. Hyde Wollaston was the second son (and one of seventeen children) of the first of the three brothers, by Miss Althea Hyde, of Charter-house square, and was born August 6th, 1766. He received his academical education at Caius College, Cambridge, where he proceeded M.B., 1787, (being the senior wrangler of his year) and M.D. 1793, and probably owed to the exertions of that period of his life the pre-eminence in science for which he was subsequently so distinguished.

He first settled at Bury St. Edmund's, where he commenced practising as a physician; but with so little success that he left the place in disgust, and removed to London. Soon after his arrival in the metropolis, a vacancy happening in St. George's hospital, he became

one of the candidates for the appointment of physician to that foundation. His principal opponent was Dr. Pemberton, who, either by superior interest, or by his more polished manners, obtained the situation. This second defeat in his professional career considerably lessened the ardour with which Dr. Wollaston had set out: he expressed his determination never again to write a prescription. Though almost every branch of science occupied him at different times, chemistry was that to which he seems to have been most ardently devoted; and it is by his investigations in this department of natural philosophy that he will enjoy his greatest share of lasting reputation.

The manner in which he was accustomed to pursue his inquiries was almost peculiar to himself. It was always on the smallest specimens of the substance which he wished to analyze that his experiments were made; and his laboratory was, it is said, only in proportion to the magnitude of his materials. Dr. Thomson, in his "History of the Royal Society," when speaking of modern British chemistry, says, that "three distinct schools (if we may use the expression) have been established by three gentlemen,"-Dr. Wollaston, Mr. (the late sir Humphry) Davy, and Mr. Dalton. "Dr. Wollaston," he adds, "possesses an uncommon neatness of hand, and has invented a very ingenious method of determining the properties and constituents of very minute quantities of matter. Thisisattended with several great advantages: it requires but very little apparatus, and therefore the experiments may be performed in almost any situation: it saves a great deal of time and a great deal

of expense; while the numerous discoveries of Dr. Wollaston demonstrate the precision of which his method is susceptible."

Among the delicate instruments, which he was accustomed to make in a remarkably neat manner, was a sliding rule of chemical equivalents, which is exceedingly useful to the practical chemist. He also constructed a galvanic battery of such small dimensions, that it was contained in a thimble. By inserting platina wire in silver, and when at a great heat drawing out both together, and afterwards separating them by dissolving away the silver with nitrous acid, he likewise produced some wire of platina of so diminutive a diameter as to be very much finer than any hair, and almost imperceptible to the naked eye.

Small, however, as was Dr. Wollaston's laboratory, and minute as were the means to which he had recourse in making his experiments, they proved exceedingly profitable to his purse. His discovery of the malleability of platinum it has been asserted, alone produced about 30,000l. He is also said to have derived great pecuniary advantages from several of his other, and even minor discoveries and inventions, which, being of a nature likely to be generally useful, were certain in a short time to produce a considerable return. It has been doubted by some whether this distinguished man, great as he was in science, and possessing many excellent qualities, would not have been greater, had his views been somewhat less directed to the acquisition of a fortune. But though he possessed the prudence which acquires wealth, he was free from the ironhearted parsimony which buries it. Having been applied to by a re

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