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an enlightened policy binds together in the sacred tie of their common interest, will, happily for this country, find himself placed in the most advantageous position for evincing the wisdom of his intentions, the firmness of his character, and the moderation of his principles.

Let us therefore hope that this European event, which must ever be a most distinguished epoch in the annals of Portuguese history, may as completely meet the wants of the people as it has satisfied their affection and wishes for his pre


In respect to myself, relieved this day from a charge to which I felt myself so unequal, but which I submitted to with patience, 'from those motives of obedience which now make me resign it with pleasure, I shall, with fervent wishes for its happiness, watch over the destinies of a nation whose real interests must ever be dear to me, and I must always consider my having been called to govern it as the most valued title of my glory.



(Received March 14.)


Lisbon, March 1, 1828. A delay of some days arose in the taking of the oath, from discussions as to the form to be adopted. Several of the Infant's advisers, at the head of whom was the duke of Cadaval, recommend that it should conclude with the engagement to resign the regency into the hands of the young queen.

In these discussions I did not

conceive it to be my province to take a part, until they had been carried so far that the count de Villa Real waited upon me, by Don Miguel's order, with a request that I would send a packet to England, to notify to his majesty's government that it was his intention not only to take the oath I have mentioned, but afterwardsto administer the government in the name of Donna Maria da Gloria. This was so total a departure from all that had been settled in Englandit was so incompatible with the negotiation now pending in Brazil, and would have put us upon so false a footing with Don Pedrothat I replied, without hesitation, that in case such a purpose were persisted in, I should defer presenting my credentials until the receipt of further orders from my Court.

Count de Bombelles, who had already felt some doubt whether he could, under such circumstances, present his, was decided by my determination, and acquainted the Infant with his resolution, in a private audience; using, at the same time, every argument which might deter his royal highness from a course so calculated to embroil the affairs of this country, and to deprive him of the support of the European Courts. After much consultation with many advisers, the duke of Cadaval gave way, and the Infant took the oath, nearly, if not quite, in the same words in which it had been taken by his sister, concluding it by the engagement to resign the regency in conformity with the Charter.



The right honourable the Earl of Dudley, &c.

2 F


(Received March 14.)

Lisbon, March 1, 1828. My Lord, there is an active struggle going on in the interior of the palace. The queen has taken up her residence at the Ajuda, under the same roof with the Infant, and his royal highness is incessantly assailed with recommendations to declare himself king and reign without the Chambers.

It depends entirely upon his will to do so; the Chambers would offer no opposition, and the measure would be popular with the great majority of the country; but as yet he remains firm, and says it would be a breach of faith of which he will not be guilty.

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conduct of the Infant as called for by the wish of the nation.

Your lordship may recollect that the Infant had engaged at Vienna to issue a proclamation declaratory of his sentiments upon arriving in Portugal. This engagement has been recalled by M. de Villa Real, but its fulfilment negatived in Council. M. de Bombelles and I have judged it inexpedient to put ourselves forward in order to obtain it, as, even in case of our prevailing, the redaction would always remain in the hands of the Portuguese ministers, and the Infant might easily be made to hold a language at least as bad as his present silence. (Signed) F. LAMB.

The right honourable the
Earl of Dudley &c.

No. XX.

The battle is not yet over, and SIR FREDERICK LAMB to THE

fortunately, among his royal high-
ness's ministers are persons, who,
for the present, will firmly resist
such measures.

I have the honour to be, &c.


The right honourable the Earl of Dudley, &c.

No. XIX.



(Received March 17.)


Lisbon, March 2, 1828. Fresh proclamations have been received from the refugeesin Spain, ending with Vivas to Don Miguel I., if he is worthy, and calling upon all true Portuguese to assert his rights. It is to be apprehended that addresses will be procured from the municipalities, or movements excited in the provinces, which will give a colour to represent the future


(Received March 18.)

Lisbon, March 12, 1828.


My Lord, By the decree published in the Gazeta de Lisboa of yesterday, your lordship will perceive that the colonels of seven of the regiments composing the garrison of Lisbon have been removed. Ofthese, the two colonels of cavalry are obnoxious, as having served with the greatest distinction under the count Villa Flor. Among the others are some, the reason whose dismission is not so evident, but in all instances they have been replaced by persons upon whom the Infant thinks he can implicitly count. Two of the regiments composing the garrison still retain their former colonels, and the reason generally assigned is, that these two regiments were resolved to turn out, if their commanders were taken from them. It is understood that the purification of the army will be carried to a great extent, and that the adherents of the marquis de Chaves will be substituted for the officers and non-commissioned officers at present in active employment. Though this is calculated to give ultimately to the Infant the complete possession of the army, yet for the moment it has a directly opposite effect; and I have ascertained beyond a doubt, that the real reason of his wish to delay the embarkation of our troops, was in order to retain them as guarantees of his safety, until the operation should be completed. These changes amount, in fact, to a new revolution, and are directly opposed to all the engagements taken by the Infant. They are

perfectly unnecessary, except as the precursors of more violent measures, the army being perfectly obedient, and having shown no sign of want of attachment either to the Infant or to its duties.

I have the honour to be, &c.

The right honourable the
Earl of Dudley, &c.

P.S. I this moment learn that an order will appear to-day changing all the governors of the provinces; among them the count d'Alva, governor of the Algarves; and it is generally understood that their only crime is the having resisted the entrance of the rebels. The count d'Alva is brother-in-law to the count Villa Real.

CORRESPONDENCE between the EARL OF ABERDEEN and the MARQUIS DE BARBACENA, relating to the Interposition of GREAT BRITAIN, on DON MIGUEL proclaiming himself KING.


London, Nov. 25, 1828. The undersigned, Plenipotentiary of his Majesty the Emperor of Brazil, discharges the sacred duty imposed upon him by his august master, by addressing to his Excellency, the Earl of Aberdeen, his Britannic Majesty's principal Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, the official demand of his Britannic Majesty's support in favour of her Majesty the Queen of Portugal, and the claim of effectual assistance in placing her most faithful Majesty upon the throne belonging to her, as well as in securing to her the possession of her kingdom.

The intelligence of the usurpation effected at Lisbon on the 1st of July of this year, having excited

in the mind of his majesty, the emperor Don Pedro, a just indignation and the most lively pain, it may be easily conceived that these feelings of his imperial majesty are heightened by the paternal uneasiness necessarily occasioned by the lot of a beloved daughter, from whom he could not separate but with regret, to comply with the repeated intances of the sovereigns, his allies; and in the full conviction that she would keep possession of the Crown guaranteed to her, no less by her legitimate rights than by the solemn arrangements to which the courts of England and Austria were parties, and by the oaths of the prince upon whom he had conferred the regency of Portugal, and for whom he had destined the hand of his daughter. His imperial majesty, though cruelly disappointed in this hope, can entertain no doubt of the same powers sharing his just indignation; and he has gratefully received the first proof which they afforded of it by withdrawing their ministers from Lisbon. He has looked upon it as a sure pledge, that the antient and intimate ally of Portugal would not be satisfied with testifying by that act, in common with all the other courts of Europe, his disapprobation of the perfidious insurrection excited in Portugal, but that his powerful co-operation would be still more effectually displayed in favour of the queen, when formally called upon for that purpose by the head of the house of Braganza; and this hope happily accords with the words spoken from the throne at the closing of the last session of the British parliament. Determined never to come to any terms with the usurper of the Portugese crown, and to assert the rights of her majesty, the queen Donna Maria 2nd, the first thought of his majesty, the emperor of Brazil, could be no other than that of claiming for this purpose the aid of his Britannic majesty, in virtue of the treaties subsisting between Portugal and Great Britain.

These treaties, as his excellency lord Aberdeen is aware, commence with the earliest periods of the Portugese monarchy. In the reign of Edward 1st of England, stipulations of friendship and commerce were entered into between the two Crowns; and in 1378 a formal treaty of alliance was concluded between Ferdinand 1st of Portugal, and Edward 3rd of England. Such is the antient alliance still subsisting, it may be affirmed, in full vigour and intact, by means of the series of treaties which have suc

ceeded each other, and which, most of them, set out with confirming all the former treaties.

This series ends with the treaty of the 21st January, 1815, the third article of which runs thus :"The ancient treaties of alliance, amity, and guarantee, which have so long and so happily subsisted between the two Crowns, are by this present article renewed by the two high contracting parties, and acknowledged to be in full force and vigour."

No war has, during this long period, interrupted between the two governments a connexion of which diplomatic history exhibits no similar instance; and the only rupture which has occurred took place during Cromwell's Protectorate, occasioned, it is worthy of remark, by the assistance given by the king of Portugal to the partizans of king Charles 1st, to whom he had granted an asylum at Lisbon.

The undersigned, after proving the existence and the validity of the whole of this series of treaties, would exceed the limits which he must prescribe to himself in this note, if he were to enter into a minute examination of each of them. He will therefore only extract some of the stipulations, by which their spirit and tendency may be demonstrated, as the true import of them is not to be sought only in the letter of the treaties, but in their aggregate, and in the intimate relations which they have created and kept up between the two countries and the two crowns.

By article I of the treaty of 1373, of which the undersigned encloses a copy, No. 1, it seems to have been intended to apply the stipulations of the alliance to the case of rebellion, and this supposition is confirmed by the subsequent act, No. 2, by which the king of England permits the raising in his dominions of a body of volunteers, to serve in the war which the king of Portugal was at that period carrying on against his rebellious brother, the conveyance of that body having been effected by means of two ships of the line which the British government provided for that purpose.

The treaty of alliance of 1571, between queen Elizabeth and king Sebastian, No. 3, makes express mention of rebellion; at least it states that the two sovereigns take a mutual interest in maintaining their respective governments.

In the act of ratification of the treaty of 1642, No. 4, the express intention of renewing the preceding treaties is observable.

The first article of the treaty of 1654, No. 5, contains the stipulation of neither receiving nor harbouring, reciprocally, the rebellious subjects of either of the two countries; and in virtue of this article, her majesty, queen Donna Maria 2nd, has, undoubtedly, the right to demand, that her august ally should not suffer an avowed agent of the usurper's government of Portugal to reside in England.

The seventeenth article of the treaty of 1661, No. 6, deserves to be read with attention, since in it is recognized, under preceding treaties, the power of levying troops in England. That treaty contains the strongest and the most positive expressions to be found in any act of this kind, as the king of England goes the length of declaring, that he will watch over the interests of Portugal with as much care as over those of his own dominions.

The first article of the Treaty

of Alliance of 1703, No. 7, explicitly confirms all the preceding treaties.

In Article 6 of the Convention, signed at London, the 22nd October, 1807, No. 8, occur the following expressions :-" His Britannic majesty engages in his name, and in that of his successors, never to acknowledge, as king of Portugal, any prince other than the heir and the legitimate representative of the royal family of Braganza."

This stipulation evidently applies to the present case; for the heir and legitimate representative, whom his Britannic majesty has recognized as such, is at the present moment dispossessed of her crown, by a prince of the same family, indeed, but who is not the less an usurper.

Neither can it be alleged that the convention, just mentioned, was only temporary; for not only is this condition nowhere stated, but it is formally contradicted by the general confirmation of all the preceding treaties of alliance and guarantee, contained in Article 3 of the treaty concluded at Vienna, the 21st January, 1815.

The undersigned deems it his duty to dwell upon the quotations just made, and to which he might add many more; but he flatters himself to have sufficiently demonstrated: -1st. That all the treaties of alliance and guarantee, concluded between Portugal and Great Britain, are still subsisting in full vigour; -2dly. That the nature of these treaties, their number, and the connexion which they have established between the two crowns for so many ages, give them a pe culiar character, which distinguishes them from ordinary treaties, and that it is necessary to interpret them as a whole, rather

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