£. Purchased with the Sinking Fund (including £.6,149,245 178. 4d.) s. d. 27,999,491 111 ... Transferred for Redemption of Land Tax under Schedules C. D. 1, 325,564 17 6 Total transferred to the Commissioners, as above ...... 32,537,648 13 4 Great Britain ... CAPITALS. CAPITALS transferred to the Commissioners. £. s. d. £. 804,860,188 14 63 32,537,648 13 4 Transferred for Life Annuities Stock Unclaimed, 10 years and upwards ................... Purchased with Unclaimed Dividends.. National Debt Office, 21st February, 1829. s. d. 26,151,241 18 04 27,327,376 8 62 275,877 16 10 3,079,713 13 9 30,681,969 19 (a) Chargeable with £. 631,977 19s. 6d. Life Annuities, per 48 Geo. 3, c. 142. Do. with the sum of £.63,000 Annuities for a Term of Years to the Also with the Payment of £. 102,995 178. 4d. (by Quarterly Instal- S. HIGHAM, Compt. Gen. UNFUNDED DEBT. AN Account of the UNFUNDED DEBT of GREAT BRITAIN and IRELAND, and of the Demands outstanding on the 5th January, 1829. Exchequer Bills, exclusive of £.52,750 issued for paying off £.4 per cents, the Sums remaining unpaid, charged upon aids granted by Parliament........... Advances made out of the Consolidated Fund in Ireland, towards the Supplies Ways and Means - Exchequer Bills to be issued to complete the Charge upon the Consolidated Fund.. Whitehall, Treasury Chambers, 28th February, 1829. 5,345,333 9 8 5,345,333 984 GEO. R. DAWSON. FOREIGN TRADE OF GREAT BRITAIN. AN Account of the VALUE, as calculated at the Official Rates, of all IMPORTS into, and of all EXPORTS from, GREAT BRITAIN, during each of the three Years ending the 5th January 1829; showing the Trade with Foreign Parts separately from the Trade with Ireland. YEARS VALUE OF IMPORTS Produce and VALUE OF EXPORTS FROM GREAT BRITAIN, Foreign and TOTAL EXPORTS. VALUE of the Produce and Manufactures of the United TRADE OF THE UNITED KINGDOM. AN Account of the VALUE of all IMPORTS into, and of all Exports from, the United Kingdom of GREAT BRITAIN and IRELAND, during each of the three Years ending the 5th January 1829 (calculated at the Official Rates of Valuation, and stated exclusive of the Trade between Great Britain and Ireland reciprocally). YEARS ending 5th January. VALUE OF IMPORTS, calculated at the Official Rates of Valuation. Produce and VALUE OF EXPORTS, calculated at the Official Rates of Valuation. Foreign and Colonial TOTAL EXPORTS. VALUE of the Produce and WILLIAM IRVING, Inspector General of Imports and Exports. NAVIGATION OF THE UNITED KINGDOM. NEW VESSELS BUILT.-An Account of the Number of VESSELS, with the Amount of their TONNAGE, that were built and registered in the several Ports of the BRITISH EMPIRE, in the Years ending the 5th January 1827, 1828, and 1829, respectively. VESSELS REGISTERED. - An Account of the Number of VESSELS, with the Amount of their TONNAGE, and the Number of MEN and Boys usually employed in Navigating the same, that belonged to the several Ports of the BRITISH EMPIRE, on the 31st of December, in the Years 1826, 1827, and 1828, respectively. 2,382,069 149,894 19,035 2,150,605 499 United Kingdom 20,469 Isles Guernsey, Jersey, & Man British Plantations 3,657 30,533 279,362 TOTAL ......... 24,625 2,635,644 167,636 23,199 2,460,500 151,415 24,095 2,508,191 155,576 |