Gambar halaman
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To defray the Expense of the Hibernian Ma-
rine Society; for the year 1828
To defray the Expense of the Royal Cork
Institution; for the year 1828...............
To defray the Expense of the Protestant Char-
ter Schools of Ireland; for the year 1828.
To defray the Expense of the Association for
Discountenancing Vice; for the year 1828
To defray the Expense of the Roman Catholic
Seminary at Maynooth; for the year 1828
To defray the Expense of the Society for Pro-
moting the Education of the Poor; for the
year 1828

To defray the Expense of the Foundling Hos-
pital; for the year 1828

To defray the Expense of the Belfast Academical Institution; for the year 1828 ...... To defray the Expense of the Board of Charitable Bequests; for the year 1828

To defray the Expense of the Board of Works; for the year 1828

To defray the Expense of Printing, Stationery, and other Disbursements of the Chief and Under Secretaries Offices and Apartments, and other Public Offices in Dublin Castle; in the year 1828

To defray the Expense of Publishing Proclamations and other Matters of a Public nature; for the year 1828

To defray the Expense of Printing Statutes in Ireland; for the year 1828

To defray the Expense of Criminal Prosecu

tions; for the year 1828


To defray the Expense of Nonconforming,

1,800 0 0

1,500 0 0

7,500 0 0

7,500 0 0

1,800 0 0

1,500 0 0

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Not being part of the Supplies granted for the Service of the Year.

Sums Paid

Estimated further Mis

to 5th January, 1829. cellaneous Payments.

Grosvenor Charles Bedford, Esq, on his Salary,
for additional trouble in preparing Exche-
quer Bills, pursuant to Act 48 Geo. 3, c. 1..
Expenses in the Office of the Commissioners
for issuing Exchequer Bills, pursuant to Acts
57 Geo. 3, c. 34 & 124, and 3 Geo. 4, c. 86.
Expenses in the Office of the Commissioners
for issuing Exchequer Bills for building
Churches, per Act 58 Geo. 3, с. 45.........
Expenses incurred in the passing of the Act
5 Geo. 4, c. 90, for building additional
Churches in Scotland

By Interest on Exchequer Bills; viz.
£.13,200,000 per Act 7 Geo. 4, c. 50, 1827
10,000,000 per Act 7 Geo. 4, с. 2 1827
13,200,000 per Act 7 & 8 Geo. 4, c.41828
Poor and Church Bills ditto

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TOTAL Sums voted, and Payments for Services not voted

856,951 2 7 42,811,198 197

...43,668,150 22


Voted or Granted.


To pay off and discharge Exchequer Bills, and that the same be issued and applied towards paying off and discharging any Exchequer Bills charged on the Aids or Supplies of the years 1827 and 1828, now remaining unpaid or unprovided for

To pay off and discharge Exchequer Bills, issued pursuant to an Act of 7th and 8th year of the reign of his present Majesty, charged on the Aids of the year 1828, now remaining unpaid and unprovided for .... To pay off and discharge Exchequer Bills, issued pursuant to several Acts for carrying on Public Works and Fisheries, and for building additional Churches, outstanding and unprovided for


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for answering the foregoing Services:

Trustees for the Payment of Naval and Military Pensions, and
Civil Superannuations, per Act 9 Geo. 4, c. 10
East India Company, per Act 9 Geo. 4, c. 10........
Sum to be brought from the Consolidated Fund, per Act 9 Geo. 4,

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c. 19

4,000,000 00


- с. 95

6,190,000 00

Interest on Land Tax redeemed by Money
Duty on Sugar, per Act 9 Geo. 4, с. 36

138 12 34

3,000,000 00

Unclaimed Dividends, &c. after deducting Repayments to the Bank

of England, for deficiencies of Balance in their hands

Surplus Ways and Means, per Act 9 Geo. 4, c. 95
Repayments on account of Exchequer Bills issued pursuant to two
Acts of the 57th year of his late Majesty, for carrying on Public
Works and Fisheries in the United Kingdom

25,034 14 1 352,050 8 7

188,384 3 4

15,950,237 18 41

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TOTAL Ways and Means

TOTAL Sums voted, and Payments for Services not voted

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[blocks in formation]

............12,000,000 00

..16,046,800 00

28,046,800 00

Whitehall, Treasury Chambers,

28th February, 1829.




AN Account of the State of the PUBLIC FUNDED DEBT of GREAT

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Ireland.......... 32,664,074 10 6 1,431,370 12 9 31,232,703 17 9

Total United Kingdom...... 804,860,188 14 6 32,537,648 13 4 772,322,540 1


Note. The above Columns, 1 and 2, show the Totals of Debt of the United Kingdom, after deducting the Stock directed to be cancelled by various Acts of Parliament, and by redemption of Land Tax, amounting to





s. d. 484,639,133 3 11


BRITAIN and IRELAND, and the CHARGE thereupon, at the 5th 1829.

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Total Charge, including Sinking Fund. 29,409,973 14 0 1,271,996 5 2 30,681,969 19 2

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