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Discard your Old Syringe

kept especially for serums. It is inconvenient, has to be sterilized, is expensive and short lived.

Instead try Stearns' Special Concentrated Diphtheritic Antitoxin (500 or more units per Cc.) each bulb of which is almost instantly convertible into a simple yet powerful sterilized syringe, ready for immediate use. Direct injection of the serum from the original bulb insures perfect asepsis and saves valuable time.

This Antitoxin, unexcelled in quality, may be used more conveniently, more quickly, more safely than any other kind-therefore deserves the physician's preference.

We should like the privilege of proving these claims to you.

Biologic Laboratories of Frederick Stearns & Co.


N. B.-Stearns' Glycerinated Vaccine yields a higher percentage of "takes" than any other kind.

[blocks in formation]

A genito-urinary sedative, an active diuretic; solvent and flush indicated for the relief and prevention of renal colic; a sedative in the acute stages of gonorrhoea, cystitis and epididymitis; in dropsical effusions due to enfeebled heart or to renal diseases. As a solvent in the varied manifestations of gout, goutiness and neurotic lithemia, periodical migrainous headache, epigastric oppression, cardiac palpitation, irregular, weak or intermittent pulse; irritability, moodiness, insomnia and other nervous symptoms of uric-acidemia. Decidedly better, more economical, extensive in action and definite in results than mineral waters.

[blocks in formation]

OEDEMA resulting from cardiac or a renal dis-
ease the pulse becomes regular and
strong; there occurs marked diuresis and increas-
ed proportion of urinary solids.

Those cases of irritable heart, irregular or in-
termittent pulse so frequently met with by insur-
ance examiners and found to be due to excess of
uric acid are special indication for Maizo-Lithum.
Nascent Chemic Union of Maizenic
Acid from Green Corn Silk-with
Lithium. forming Maizenate-Lith-
214 m Two grains to drachm. Dose
1 to 2 drachms. 8 oz. bottle, $

[blocks in formation]


CHLOROSIS it stimulates the formation of
iron-containing elements and
removes intestinal auto-intoxication upon which
the disease often depends.

ANEMIA of all forms as a chalybeate tonic and
carrier of oxygen it promotes digest-
ion, aids assimilation of food and increases depos-
ition of fat in the tissues; raises bodily vigor and
warmth and has a favorable influence on the ner-
vous system.

AN ADJUVANT for potassium iodide the
undesirable manifestions
known as iodism can be removed.

Stimulant to the peptic and hydrochloric glan-
dular system of the stomach, especially servicable
in the impaired appetite, nauseau, vomiting and
other gastric symptoms of alcoholic subjects.



Each drachm contains Proto-Chlor.
Iron, gr, Bi-Chlor. Mercury, 1-128
gr Chloride Arsenic, 1-280 gr, Cali-
saya Cordial. Dose i to 2 drachms.
12 oz. bottle, $1.00.

The Test of Time and Experience.

30 years of Confidence

on the part of the profession, has established beyond all question that

Syr. Hypophos. Co., Fellows

is the

Remedy-Par Excellence

in Anaemia, Neurasthenia, Bronchitis, Influenza, and during Convalescence after exhausting diseases.

Contains the Essential Elements of the Animal Organization-Lime and Poash; The Oxidizing Agents-Iron and Mangans;

The Tonics-Quinine and Strychnine;

And the Vitalizing Constituent-Phosphorus; the whole combined in the form of a Syrup with a Slightly Alkaline Reaction.

It Differs in its Effects from all Analogous Preparations; and it possesses the important properties of being pleasant to the taste, easily borne by the stomach, and harmless under prolonged use.


The success of Fellows' Syrup of Hypophosphites has tempted certain persons to offer imitations of it for sale. Mr. Fellows, who has examined samples of several of these, finds that no two of them are identical, and that all of them differ from the original in composition, in freedom from acid reaction, in susceptibility to the effects of oxygen when exposed to light or heat, in the property of retaining the strychnine in solution, and in the medicinal effects.

Fellows' Hypophosphites is advertised only to the Medical Profession; is never sold in bulk, and Physicians are cautioned against worthless substitutes.

Medical Letters may be addressed to

MR. FELLOWS, 48 Vesey Street, New York.

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