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Some one has said that "Iron and Manganese are like man and wife in physiological chemistry." Both Iron and Manganese are essential and constantly associated constituents of the blood.

Both are oxygen and hæmoglobin carriers.

When combined in an organic, neutral and immediately absorbable form as in

"Pepto-Mangan ("Gude”)

each aids the other in causing an increase in the number of red corpuscles and the amount of hæmoglobin which they contain.

PEPTO-MANGAN "GUDE" is ready for quick absorption and rapid infusion into the circulating fluid and is consequently of marked and certain value in all forms of

Anæmia, Chlorosis, Bright's Disease, Rachitis, Neurasthenia, Etc.

[blocks in formation]


-obstinacy, rebelliousness

in the treatment of anæmia,
malnutrition and nervous ex-
haustion, is a strong plea for


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The Postal Telegraph-Cable Company transmits and delivers this cablegram subject to the terms and conditions printed on the back of this blank. No.


. Check

[blocks in formation]

Route Via

Paris Aug 23, 1900

Send the following Cablegram, without repeating, subject to the terms and conditions printed on the back hereof, which are hereby agreed to.

[blocks in formation]

Silver medal and diploma highest awards granted you for antitoxins and vaccines.

[blocks in formation]

Mulford's Antitoxin and Vaccine have received highest awards wherever exhibited. Literature sent upon request. H. K. MULFORD COMPANY, Chemists PHILADELPHIA



In the Scotch Highlands-Antikamnia has found universal favor in America as an analgesic and antipyretic, without tendency to cause cardiac depression as is the case with the older coal-tar compounds. The dose is one to three five-grain tablets, followed by a draught of water, whiskey or wine. The tablets are supplied in sizes representing various doses, from one to ten grains each. Tablets may also be obtained containing a combination of antikamnia with other well known drugs.-Glasgow Medical Journal.

Female Neuroses-Prof. Chas. J. Vaughan, M. D., Chair Gynecology, Atlanta College of Physicians and Surgeons, writes: "Cerebro-nervous affections peculiar to women associated with pathological disturbances of the reproductive organs, are legion and most trying to physician and patient. Physicians are aware of the wide prevalence of these nervous disorders, for comparatively few women are entirely free from some phase of the ailment.

"Neurasthenia, neuralgia and other manifestations either of an active or passive character are common and are always peculiarly rebellious to treatment. Neuralgia constitutes the great cause of danger from the employment of hypnotics and narcotics, which only afford relief by numbing but effect no cure. On the other hand, the formation of a drug habit rather aggravates the condition

from which relief was originally sought. I have found nothing so suited to these cases as five-grain antikamnia tablets, administered in doses of from one to three tablets and repeated every one, two or three hours according to the attendant's judgment. These tablets not only afford complete relief without fostering a drug habit, but they do not endanger weakened hearts as is the case with so many other coal-tar derivatives. Being free from opium and allied products, their exhibition is attended with no unpleasant after-effects. I use them therefore in preference to any other preparation in the treatment of female neurotics, and experience demonstrates that they are safest and best."

An American Remedy in Ireland-The Antikamnia Chemical Company have forwarded to us from their London House, No. 46, Holborn Viaduct, samples of their five-grain antikamnia tablets, plain, and also of antikamnia and codeine tablets. The former are so well known that it seems hardly necessary to do more than refer to them as an unequalled analgesic. The antikamnia and codeine tablets contain four and threefourths grains of antikamnia and a quarter of a grain of codeine. This is a valuable combination, the synergetic effects being all that could be desired. The tablets are very properly supplied only to Medical Men or Chemists.Dublin Medical Journal, March, 1900.

Maltine with Cascara Sagrada is of great

MEDICAL EXCHANGE OF MINNEAPOLIS. value as a tonic laxative and a regulator without

Physicians desiring to sell their practices for the purpose of retiring or changing location; recent graduates looking for openings; new towns wanting physicians to locate in their midst; physicians desiring partners; parties wishing to purchase, sell or exchange medical specialties, instruments, or anything in the medical line, should send data to us at once, when proper advertisements will be inserted in the MEDICAL DIAL under above head at 10 cents a line. All replies will be forwarded without additional expense, should it be thought proper not to insert names of advertisers.

Address all communications to

Med. Ex. of Minneapolis,
513 Masonic Temple, Minneapolis, Minn.

For Sale-A Wagner battery for Faradic and Galvanic current, with special instruments for illuminating and examining the urethra and other cavities, in leather case, plush lined---a very handsome portable outfit, almost new. A real bargain in this. Reason for selling physician removing to distant town. dress "Wagner No. 1."


AN INFALLIBLE GALACTOPOIETIC. (Observations by Dr. H. L. Newell, Ex-President Rutland Co., Medical and Surgical Society; Member Attending Staff Rutland City Hospital; Member Consulting Staff Proctor Hospital, &c.)



By T. J. Biggs, M. D., Stamford, Conn.

George Reynolds, Stamford, American; age 56, October 8th came to me presenting the following symptoms: loss of appetite, disagreeable feeling of gnawing and at times fullness in the stomach; tenderness at the epigastrium, but slightly influenced by eating; prominence of the epigastrium; morning vomiting, consisting of glairy mucus raised after great retching, constant thirst, water and at times stimulants being craved; often great burning at pit of stomach; bowels constipated; urine high colored; a feeling of mental depression; sleeplessness, with occasional attacks of vertigo; follicular pharyngitis of an aggravated type; much loss of flesh; muscles relaxed and the skin dry. The patient had suffered with this condition ten years, and in spite of all treatments employed had been growing steadily worse.

I put him on the following course of treatment, after thoroughly regulating the bowels, and secretions: a teaspoonful of bovine in milk every hour; to allay thirst he was given a half teaspoonful of bovine in half a glass of ice water, as necessary. At the end of the third day the bovinine was increased to a tablespoonful every two hours, this was continued up to the 19th, when the bovinine was again increased to a wineglassful every three hours; at this time the morning vomiting had ceased, the pain in the abdomen had disappeared, and he had gained three and a half pounds in weight, treatment continued. October 29th, patient's condition splendid, feels hungry, but is still satisfied with the bovinine and milk; treatment continued. November 8th, patient said he was well, all symptoms had disapMalt-peared, and he was now allowed a light general diet; from the beginning of the blood treatment nothing but the bovinine and milk. November up to the present time having taken absolutely 12th, patient discharged, cured, had gained 1234 pounds in flesh, and was feeling splendidly.

I have often wondered if physicians as a rule
were fully aware of the inestimable value of
Maltine with Coca Wine as a Galactopoietic. I
have proved over and over again that this is a
remedy par excellence for mothers with babies at
the breast. I have given this preparation a
large and widespread test and have never been
disappointed. In several cases where mothers
stated that they had been unable to nurse their
babies at previous confinements, the use of
ine with Coca Wine by the mothers at meal-

time and bed-time resulted in an abundant sup-
ply of god rich milk and enabled them to nurse
their babies as long as
was necessary.
babies, as well as the mothers, were well-nour-
ished, strong and robust. In fact, my patients
and myself have been amazed at the prompt and
permanent action of Maltine with Coca Wine,
and words fail me when I attempt to express
the satisfaction which I have derived from its


I have also used Maltine with Pepsin and Pancreatin with most happy and gratifying results. Its benefits have been most pronounced in debilitated and rachitic children where there was malnutrition and improper assimilation of food.

A WAIL OF DISAPPOINTMENT. [Reprinted from The National Druggist, St. Louis, Mo., November, 1900.]

An Eastern concern, which makes an imitation of Gude's "Pepto-Mangan," and, for years, has traded upon the reputation which this preparation has earned for itself, has recently sent broadcast to the medical profession of America a circular letter, in which, after bewailing the enormous returns brought by the "unethical

methods" of other manufacturers, modestly refers to its own "ethical" virtues, and expresses the belief that, in spite of present non-appreciation of these virtues by the doctors, "the day will come when physicians will realize the importance of ceasing to be the instigators and propagators of the popularity of certain proprietaries" and will patronize "ethical preparations" -like theirs, for instance.

This, to say the least, is a very left-handed compliment to the great body of the medical profession, who will not be slow to catch its drift, or fail to enquire wherein consists the "ethicalness" of the methods of the concern who thus sharply takes them to task for preferring a genuine to a spurious article.

Druggists, as a rule, are not much interested in the quibbles of the doctors on questions of "ethics," but in this matter most of them will recognize in the circular referred to, a wail of disappointment and an effort to draw attention away from the methods adopted by its authors to supplant the preparation thus covertly assailed by them with their own imitation thereof.

The time has gone by when either doctor or druggist can be deceived by any such false play. Every member of both professions knows that "Gude's Pepto-Mangan" is a preparation of genuine value, manufactured on scientific principles, by reliable men, and introduced to physicians in an ethical manner, solely on its merits, and for these reasons physicians will cotinue to be "instigators and propagators" of its popularity, just as the druggists will continue to keep in stock an article for which there is a steady demand and a ready sale.


With true American grit the firm of M. J. Breitenbach & Co. have emerged from their frightful loss by fire on the 29th of October in New York City. The firm is now well on its feet, and the business is going on as of old.


The mere fact of being able to use Stearns' special concentrated antitoxin immediately when necessary, instead of being compelled to spend twenty or thirty minutes steriliizing a hypodermic syringe, is argument enough in its favor. But when in addition to this we consider that it can be injected directly from the original bulb in which it was hermetically sealed in Stearns' biologic laboratories, thus assuring its perfectly aseptic administration, it is apparent that the improvement is a great one.


The late Hunter McGuire, the most celebrated surgeon of his time in the United States, if not in the world, was asked for his opinion of

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