Commercial Relations of the United States with Foreign Countries

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Halaman 169 - Of the 3,426,083 assessments of the property-tax, there are 624,920 properties which pay from 1 to 10 reales; 511,666 from 10 to 20 reales; 642,377 from 20 to 40 reales; 788,184 from 40 to 100 reales; 416,546 from 100 to 200 reales; 165,202...
Halaman 17 - ... the fibre into a state most closely resembling the best mohair or other bright worsted, and have worked up great quantities of the refined material as a substitute for worsted in many kinds of stuff goods, always, however, in combination with cotton, (the warp being of cotton and the weft of the China grass,) as they have not yet been able to work it properly alone. The manufacture of worsted goods — that is, of goods made of long-staple wool, as distinguished from short-staple or ordinary...
Halaman 174 - ... cent. The profits made in 1899 were about 18 per cent, and those for 1900 will also be large, possibly as large as those for 1899. The profits are not excessive in view of the vicissitudes of the business, the changes that are necessary in the way of new machinery and new methods, and the probability that in the course of a year or two there will be a renewal of the conditions of overproduction. The present market price of the shares is about 161. There are about 600 stockholders. One of the...
Halaman 16 - China grass cloth of commerce is only to be woven by hand labor, in which, of course, the Chinese themselves are beyond the reach of competition. Large quantities of the grass have, therefore, been in store in London and elsewhere for years. Some enterprising manufacturer would occasionally purchase a few tons with which to make experiments, but the only result for a long time was, that he who experimented the most lost the most. Thousands and even tens of thousands of pounds were sunk by one and...
Halaman 17 - It seems certain that the manufacture of the grass fibre will be established in our country at no distant day; but in the mean time there is a market in England for all that we can conveniently grow. It is for our planters simply a question of experiment with the seed, having in view the market price of the raw product. Successful experiments have been made very recently in Java and in India, proving that the grass will grow in any climate warm enough for the culture of cotton and sugar, provided...
Halaman 89 - RULE 10. All vessels occupying government mooring, fixed or swinging, shall be liable to pay for the same according to the following scale, but no more : — From 1st June to .list Oet being 5 months.
Halaman 17 - I venture to suggest that further information, as well as quantities of the seed, dec., can doubtless be furnished by our consular officers in China, especially, perhaps, by the consul at Hankow, that place being the chief market for the grass, which is brought thither from the interior, and often from a great distance.
Halaman 169 - In 1768, the population was calculated to number 9,307,800 souls ; in 1789 it had risen to 10,061,480; and in 1797 it exceeded 12,000,000 souls. In 1820 it had fallen to 11,000,000, but in 1823 it had again risen to 12,000,000, and in 1828 to 13,698,029. Nevertheless, the official return of 1837 only registered 12,222,872 souls, and a new tendency to decrease commenced. In 1842 the population was found not to exceed 12,054,000 souls. It rose again, as shown in the preceding table, to 12,168,774 in...
Halaman 17 - America we have, on the other hand, vast tracts of country which, being in the same latitnde and with very much the same climate as those districts of China of which the grass is native, should be able to grow this production to great advantage. Why not, then, introduce its culture...
Halaman 16 - Chinese have for centuries made, by hand labor, various descriptions of " grass cloth " well known in America and Europe, and often of great strength and beauty, from the fibre of the Boehmeria cordata, or Urtica nivea, known in commerce as Chinese grass. Large quantities of the grass have at various times been brought over to England, and probably also to the United States, in the hope of finding a market among the dry goods manufacturers who are always on the lookout for new materials ; but it...

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