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their fpiritual refearches, do in a great measure proceed from that general deviation from the primitive fimplicity of Gofpel Truth and Gofpel Language, which so sadly prevails among the various denominations of Chriftians; in confequence of which a multitude of ufelefs and unfcriptural diftinctions have been introduced into catechifms, fyftems of divinity, and even books of practical devotion, which serve only to perplex and confound the minds of anxious and well-difpofed inquirers

"To whom shall I go?" cries the poor penitent finner, whom CHRIST, by the Power of his Grace, hath brought to a fenfibility of his fallen life. Why, go to the priest, fays one; confefs, and get abfolution, and you will come away as innocent as a new-born babe. Go, and study the Augsburg confeffion, fays another, and you will foon have every doubt and difficulty removed. Go, fays a third,


and read Calvin's fyftem with great attention, and you will foon find your foul at reft. Some advise him to join himself to one fect of Christians, and some to another; each maintaining, in his turn, that the life and power of religion is only to be found among thofe of his own particular


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The poor misguided feeker eagerly catches at every thing that looks like spiritual advice; runs from one book to another, from one church and conventicle to another, 66 seeking reft, but finding none," or at most, a temporary peace, a partial truce from extreme diftrefs; whereas after all, a few plain words of Scripture, properly applied and attended to, will go further towards fetting him right in his researches, than all the popes and priests, and Luthers, and Calvins, and fects and denominations in the world.

What then hath a minifter of CHRIST, or indeed any private Chriftian, to say or


do, when a true penitent under such circumftances applies to him for advice, and afks him with the utmost anxiety, "To whom shall I go?" What can he do, what can he say, that will have a more immediate tendency to fix his attention, and compose his distracted mind, than to anfwer him in the words of the text? "To whom shouldft thou go, but to JESUS CHRIST? it is he alone who "hath the words of Eternal Life."

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I know no other end of preaching but this; and I am fure, that we are warranted by Scripture to declare to every fuch humbled, penitent, and afflicted finner, that if he thus feeks CHRIST, he shall not feek in vain. By faithfully directing his will and affections towards his REDEEMER, thus inwardly unfolding his graces and virtues in his heart, he will become more and more acquainted, and more and more comforted, with that "Life Eternal, which is the gift of God "in CHRIST JESUS."






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