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At half-past one o'clock P. M. the Institute was called to order, and opened with music.

The Chair then called for a report from the Committee on Questions, and in response, the following was presented:

To the Chairman and Members of the Institute: Your Committee on Questions respectfully. submit the following report, containing the questions referred to the committee, and their decisions thereon:

1st Question-Should drawing and music be taught in our ungraded schools? AnswerEmphatically, yes.

2d Q.-Should corporal punishment be abolished from our schools? make the school discipline what it ought to be without, yes. If not, no.

A. If a teacher can

3d Q.-Ought the teacher in country schools to be required to do outside work for his school, such as looking after absent and truant pupils, urging Trustees to do needed work, working up the interest of indifferent parents? A.-No. His zeal in his profession should require him to do it without a requisition from any source.

4th Q-Ought teachers to introduce illustrations and topics outside of text books for the purpose of making recitations more interesting? A. Yes.

5th Q.-Can a course of study for country schools be wisely prescribed by the State authorities? A. Yes.

6th Q.-Should the facts in descriptive geography be committed to memory by pupils. A.Yes.

7th Q.-Are Normal Schools, as an instrumentality for the advancement of popular education, worthy of the consideration bestowed on them? A.-They are worthy of more consideration than they now receive, and when their merits are appreciated as they deserve, they will receive that consideration in the public mind.

8th Q.-Would it not be well to amend the School Law so as to fix a penalty for non-attendance of teachers at County Institutes? A.-Yes.

9th Q.-What plan can be adopted by which a free school can be supported in every district of the State for ten months in each year? A.-The committee beg leave to report this question, and refer the matter to the Institute for answer.

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On motion, the report of the committee was unanimously adopted. Motion was then made, that the question reported back to the Institute by the committee be taken up for discussion and decision, which motion was carried.

After considerable discussion, in which Mr. Nutting, of San Mateo County, Mr. Godfrey, of Siskiyou County, and John Swett, Principal of the Denman School, took part, the matter finally was referred to a committee of three, with instructions to report at the next meeting of the Institute.

Dr. Crossett, of San Francisco, then delivered a very interesting lecture on "Music," and the importance of its being universally taught in our schools. He was listened to with great attention.

The Committee on Resolutions tendered the following report:

Resolved, That the time of holding the State Teachers' Institute be fixed by law, and the teacher's salary shall not be decreased while in attendance.

Resolved, That in order to protect the children of California against the evil effects of bad training, the questions for the examination of teachers should be such as will develop a more thorough knowledge of the sciences which they propose to teach, and especially of methods of teaching, and that questions should be fewer in number.

Resolved, That inasmuch as the various County Boards of Examination are composed of persons of many different degrees of qualification, or no degree, in some instances, and therefore form no standard or data from which the State Board can judge of their work, the granting of State certificates on county examinations, or on no examinations, should be discontinued.

Resolved, That while we have been edified and instructed by the lectures and discussions of the Institute, we are strongly impressed with the belief that our Teachers' Conventions ought to be of a more practical nature; that there should be fewer lectures and more class exercises, and a greater amount of practical school-room work.

Resolved, That the thanks of this Institute are due, and are hereby tendered, to our worthy and efficient Superintendent, Hon. O. P. Fitzgerald, for the marked ability and uniform courtesy he has displayed while presiding over our deliberations; to the Secretaries, for the efficient manner in which they have performed their arduous duties; to the Mercantile Library Association, for the use of this hall, which they have so kindly placed at our disposal; to Professor Knowlton, for securing favors for members of the Institute at the California Theatre and Woodward's Gardens ; to John McCullough, Manager of the California Theatre, for his kindness in furnishing us complimentary tickets; to the owner of Woodward's Gardens, for an invitation to the gardens during the entire term of the Institute; to all the lines of travel that have extended to us the courtesy of free passes over their respective routes.

Respectfully submitted.

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Professor Knowlton stated that an invitation had been extended by the Pacific Mail Steamship Company for any members of the Institute, desirous of so doing, to visit the steamship America.

Professor Williams thought an omission of importance had been made in framing these resolutions-that of not mentioning the Press of San Francisco. He moved a further amendment, by the introduction of a vote of thanks to the Press of San Francisco, and also to the Marysville Standard, for courtesies shown.

With these amendments, the resolutions, as a whole, were unanimously adopted.

Dr. Lucky moved to take from the table his resolution of Thursday, in regard to section sixty-eight of the Revised School Law. This caused a very sharp, debate upon the merits of the resolution, which was participated in by many different members of the Institute. The resolution prevailed.

Before putting to vote the motion to adjourn, Superintendent Fitzgerald said:

"We are about to close a memorable session of the State Teachers' Institute a session remarkable for the numbers in attendance, the interest maintained from the beginning to the end, the ability displayed and the harmony of spirit manifested. I am glad and I am sorryglad, that my arduous duties as your presiding officer are about to terminate; sorry, that the pleasant associations of the occasion are to be broken up. We met as friends and co-laborers in the great work of education; we part better friends and better prepared for the work before us. I shall be greatly mistaken if the action of this body does not impart a fresh impetus to the cause of education in California. For myself, I have learned something, and I am encouraged by what I have seen and heard and felt while in convention with these six hundred living teachers. May the blessing of God rest upon you individually, and crown your toils with success."

At half past four P. M. the Institute adjourned sine die.

W. J. DAKIN, Secretary.


Assistant Secretaries.






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